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, . _._._� _ <br /> .,.., ` � <br /> ,.., , ' . . ., ,.i.T.. <br /> .:�a , .. . <br /> _ , <br /> ;:�.. � .. � _ •..:�_. .:,'',`it�,t� <br /> . <br /> . .; _ �. ...__.._ _�_.r _ .._.. <br /> ..._ .. +vMNlOws . .,;.u_,�,w.• . <br /> ... ......'.v�,r��.�.,.. . . . __ .... ' � .... <br /> . . ._. . . ._._._._.. . _ ..�,._. -._.. .-_"_n_`. <br /> � . :!'.'li4. _- -�---, <br /> . ' . " ,_. b{S1:118�'fiL. <br /> • . , _ . _ t. �. <br /> �p �0�� ` F <br /> UNIFORM COVENhNT9. Bortower and Lender ravenant and ndrea ao lollo+vo: _ <br /> - � t, waymenit of�rinulMu) a���i Ir:V�VV�1��='p-���="�� ��d ��!e �NavQe�. k3oncwcr ahnll pramptly Pay whcn duo tho . ... --_ --— .1_• -_ <br /> � pnnc�pnl ol nnd Interasl on�ho debS evldencad by tho Noto end nny prepayment end lete cherpee due under the Noto. _ <br /> I 2, Funde 40�Taxen and Inou►anee. uubJeet to npplicublo lew or lo o wrltten walver by Lender, Borrower ohull pay to Londer on ' <br /> ' + the d�y monthty poyments aro due unde►tha Nolo, unlu the Nnla I� ptld In full,e sum('Funda')for: (e) yeA�ty taxea end aisaesementd which :i;�i <br /> � may altain prirn�iy over this Sea�rity Inatrumont aa n Gen on Iha Property; (b) ycariy feneohold paymonta or pround ronts on the Proporty, <br /> �I any:(c)yenriy hazarJ or proparty Insuranco premtume; (d)yearly 800d Inaurance�remlums, II eny; (o) yeariy mortpapu Insurenea pramluma, _ <br /> � � i1 c�ny:nnd(0 nny sums payable by 6ortowar ta Lander, In accord�nco with the provlelone o1 pareg►eph 0,In Ileu oi the payment oi mortgago ; <br /> � '`'� Insuronco premlums. ThQSe item�ara called 'Eacrow Ilema'. Lender may,nt any timo,co�eot and hold Funds In en emounl not to exceed � '. <br /> �" the mnximum amount e londer for e tedernlly reteted mortgape loan m�y requke tor Borrower's escrow acoaunt under tha tederel Real <br /> � Estatu Senlement Procedures Act of 1074 es amended irom tlrne to time, 12 U.9.C. �2801 et neq. ('RESPA'), unless another law that appliea to <br /> � the Fund9 sets n lesaer amount. 11 ao, Lender may,et any time,collact end hold Funds In an emount not to exceed the lesser amount. Londer A• .: _`; <br /> mc�y estimate thn amount ol Funds dua on the besla ol current d�t��nd renaon�ble estNr►�tea ot expmditures of future Eserow Itemu or othcmdsa , .,,�J.�.. <br /> .:d. .-. ' -.,-.�rr�tic.r..,�. <br /> •A:•• � ...-.'�+�IiJ46T15MG' <br /> in ateovdanca wilh t�ppllCehle IdW. �'��_=--- <br /> The Funds shail bo held in an tnstitution whose deposfts are Insured by n teder8l eflency� lnstrumentulity, or entity pncluding Lender II Lender ,..;,s;_------ <br /> , is such an institutton)or In any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shali appty the Fundn to pay the Esctow items. Lender mey not aharpe ;tt���z�_ <br /> Borrower lor holding end applying the funds.annualy anelyting the escrow nccount or vetltying the F.scrow Itema, unless Lender pAys Borrower ;,•�+,,�r,(.___ <br /> interest on the Fu�ds end applicable law pertnite Lender to meke auch a charge. However, Lende► mny requlre Barrower to pey n onatlmo cherge :"�'���vY-__ <br /> ° for an i.�dependent raai estztE tax reporUng servlca used by Lender In connectlon with thla loan,unlase appllcable law provides otherwise. Unleso ��.V <br /> :.. - - <br /> �� an egreement Is mada or epplicable law requlres Interesl to be paid, Lender shau nol be reyuired to pay Borrower any Int�rest or etsminge on tho —_;_!.i _ <br /> � .. <br /> � Funds. Borrawer and Lender may ac�ree In wridng, hov�e�rer,thet lnterest shatl bo pald on the Funds. Lender 8ha11 glve to Borrowa, wilhout <br /> •� ;. ,�•.. charge, an annual uccounting ot the Funds showing aedite and debtts to the Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Funde �csY"; <br /> �,,.;.,, ���;s�d''=_ <br /> :' ' '� � was made. The Funds are ptedged as addftlonal security 1or all aums secured byI�bio�w„Lende► he I account to Dorrower for tha excese ---- <br /> il the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounte p8rn�tled to be held by epp <br /> Funds in accordance wlth tha raquirements of eppficable iaw. 11 the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any time Is not suffident to pay the <br /> " ;`� Escrow Ilems when due. Lender may so notity Borrower In wriUng,and,!n such case Bortnwer shall pay to Lender tho amount necesaery to make _ v _ <br /> " ., `�� up Ihe de�ciency. Borrower ahall make up the detiUeney in no more than tw6Ne nonthty psymcnt�,at LCnder'e sole discrullon. ----- — <br /> �� Upon payment in tull ot all sums secured by thfe Seeudry Inatrument, Lender atiaY promptly►retund to Borrower any Funds hel�b Fu ds held <br /> _—� under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Properly. Lender,prior to the eicqulsNlon or sale o}the Property,shail epply y , . <br />— �y«��d�,�t ;;;� t:Tg�1 gr���leltlnn nr cnis as n credit aaaNst the eums aecured bythls Secudly Instrument. <br /> � # 3. AppUcatiom of Psyments. Unless appUCable iaw provides otherwlse, eA payments recelved by Lender untler peragnpi�s i and 2 <br /> :�,:(,:,,;; she!be epplied: first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note; eecond,to emounte payable unda paragreph 2;third,to Ntiterest due; . <br /> •� ��'}' founh, to principal due; and last,to eny luto charge�due under the Note. <br />' �� 4. Cha�ges; L1e118. BoROwer ahall pay aA taxas,aasessmenta,charges, fines end imposftlons ettdbutable to the Prope►ty whlch rtu�y ,��_ <br /> . attein prbrity over thls Securtty Instrument,and leasehold peyments or ground rCntas.H any. Borrower shtll pay thesa obiFgallona in the manner .�';:�; <br />- ;,;�,,;: ,, provided In paragreph 2, or if not paid In thet mane�er,Bortower ehell pay them on tYne ctrectly to the person owod payment BOROWEf 6FIaN =�;,_; <br /> " ' "'''� • promptty lumish to Lender a11 notices oi amaunts ta be pekl under thla paragreph. It Bo�rower makes theae paymenta dfreciy, 8orrower <br /> � .''t�;•:����� she�pramptiy(umish to Lender receipt�ovidencing tho payments. <br /> h � � Borrower ahell promptty discharge any Uen which has prlority over this Secwity Inatrument unlese Borrower. (e)agtees In writlnp to the pay- <br /> � � menl of ihe obligation secured by the lisn In a manner acceptebte to Lender, @)conl8ste in good telth the Ilen by,or defeada ageinst entorcement <br />�,;.r;,�... .-,� ot ihe lien In,legal proceedings which in the Lenders opinlon operate to prevent the enlorcetnent ot the Ilen; or(n) secures hom the holder ot the ��„- <br />-- '-"�;`�' lien en agreement setistactory to Lender aubordinating the Den to this Socudty Instrument. I}Lender detertninea that eny part oT the Property la <br />—`�"' �4��}"•'' subject lo a Ilen which may attaln prioriey over this Sacudry Inatmment, Lender may gNe Borrower a notice IdenUfying the lien. Borrower ahaN <br />=�`���j},��'�° setisy the Iien or take one ar more ot the actions set torth nbove withln 10 d�ye e�1 the gfving ot notlae. <br />=,«�;.� -.;° <br />�,_ , . ,-. 5. Hazard or P�operty Inaurat�Ge. Barowa ahatl keep the Improvernmte now exlsttng or hereafter eroctcd on the Prope�ty nsure <br /> 4� '���;"" against loss by Ore,hezards Included withln the term'extonded coveraye'and nny othcr hezards, Including floocAs or 11oodUip, tor whlch Lendor <br /> __:�.;rj.;�i;•�,• <br /> •> �•�� requlres Insurence. This Insurenco sheil be malnteMed in the emounta and tor the periods that Lender requires. The Insurence certier provlding <br />='LL•::���{°� `�t• tho Insurence shatl he chosen by Boirowor subJeot to Lendet's a.pproval which shatl not be unreasonuby wkhhe!d. if Borrower faila to mafntaln _ — <br /> _ . .,xi:., �.,� <br /> �'->��%Y�=��•� corerago descdbed ebove, Lender may,et Lender'n option,abt�in eoverege to protect Lender's dghtn In tha Property!n accordence wflh <br />—_ �,_,. - <br /> i!"'�;'.:h4"�.. ' pa�graph 7. - ----- <br />_;;;.s'!�� .. All insuranca polide�s and renewals shall be acceptable to the Lender nnd shall includa a atandard mortgage ciause. Lender ahnll hnve the _ —_ — <br /> -�' ��rn��.• righl to hald the policles end renewals. If L¢�der requtras,Bortower shall promptfy glve to Lender all receipts ot paid premlums and renewal _ — <br /> ,.:'is?.:;�.. : �. -- <br /> ;�r ,��f���:,�.j�;. . nolice::. in the event oi loss. Borcower shell gNo prompt notico to the insurance cartier nnd Lender. Lender may make proof of losa It nol msde --Y �_—�-_- <br />_ . . � pramptly by Borrower. <br /> - Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree tn writing,tnsurance proceeds shall bo applied to restoratlon or repalr ot the Propertyr damaged�If �'�'�"�� <br />�- � the restaration or repal�Is economlcally 9easible and Lender's secudry Is not lessened. If the restoratlon or repalr lo not econoMcalry feasible � 'T�. <br />- -`��• ' or Lender's security would bo lessened,the Insurance proceeds ahah bs applled to the sums secured by this Securtry instrument,whether or not , r if���` <br />_ .:Y,,•„�-;;1,.. ;, Y ,��,�.�,- .%'{ � <br /> �'%,>�J:��.•; , then due,with eny excess pald to Bortower. If Bortower abandon9 the!'roperty. or does not answer wilhin 30 dn s a noflce irom Lender thet the :• <br />- �•<�ti^.c•.:: . �,.�;�� <br /> ;;�+''.' insurance cflrder has oftered to settla a claim,then Lender may colleot the inaurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repalr or restora •.�!r;''�.±3k.',��.;'.• <br /> �� `•���"� t he Prape r ty or to p ay su m s s e c u r e d b y t h i s S e c u r i ry I n s t n�m e n t,w h e t h e r o r n o t t h e n d u o. T h e 30-da y perfod will be gin when the notice is gNen. � ���:,* <br /> � -�'-��.._`. <br /> . '�}:'� •. . <br /> " Unless Lender and Bonower othenvise agree In writing.eny appllcaUon of proaeeds to principel sha11 not extend or postpone tho dua dato �,.:�,�.,::•.,� <br /> :,;t;�t;_ � ol lhe monthiy payments referred to in paregraph 1 and 2 or chenfle the amount ot tho payments. If under paragreph 21 the Property Is ,;,: `��;� � <br />-_;e;�:•:;.:;. � acquired by Lender,Borro�ver's rignt co ony(nsurance poucles and proc¢eda resuttH�g 1rorr�dertwgo to ihe Property pdor to the icqutsfUon u�:p).�;., . <br /> ;;,:�.- _ �nan �,ass to�ender to the extent o!the suma secured by this Securiry Instrumes�t Immedktety psta to the acqulsition. ���I " <br /> _, _ -- - . - -°--•�--- <br />= s. Occupancy. Preservation, Maintenanae �nd Protectlo�i ot the Rroperiy; eorrower's i.oan wppncm��..., - -_- --_- <br /> - Leasellalds. Bonower shall occupy. esteblish,nnd uao tho Property os Borrower's prinCiptil residence wi2hs� sixly days nfter the execuUon ot <br /> - � th�s Security Instrument nnd shell continue to occupy Qhe Property a8 Bortower's pdndpal residence for at least one year etter lho dnte of <br />— occupanr,y, unless Lender othenvise agreos ln writing, whlch consent shall not bc3 unreasonabiy withheld,or unless extenuating circumstances exist <br />— wh�ch+ ore beyond Bonower's control. Botrower sheV not destroy, dnmage or Impalr the Pruperty.nllow thu Property to deteriorete, or commit <br /> . waste on the Property. Borrower shali be in dofaup If any forfeiture actfon or proceoding, whether cNil or criminel, I�begun that In Lenders good <br /> ' in1e�r.����e��� Pnpc 2 0l S Fomt 3028 9(90 <br /> s � <br /> � <br />