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�1 . . . .. . "�.:1::. <br /> �. �::.. <br /> � .� <br /> . . . , - . ��y� <br /> . .. :)� . .. . . <br /> � <br /> , .._ �i . • . . . .:�ti�i.. <br /> --_-�..___ ' r, <br /> ; ��;• _ "i,rxini�ki .e <br /> � • .���� <br /> � �}�� ����� <br /> � V�.�r_a <br /> Illoirawer dosic�nn(os by nouca to Lender. Any notico to Landor shall bo 47YCn by tirst ctnsa mnil to Lender'� oddrosa stated heroln or any : <br /> uu��ri address Lender dosignn�os by notice to Borruwer. My notico provlded for In thls Socurlty Inslrumenl ahall ba dcemod to hava boen <br /> ; grvrn lu Bwwwei ui l'undCr:rhen p�ven �e p{ov��i�d in ihis paruaranh. -, -_- LL <br /> ; 15. OOVOmI�tg Lew; SeVe�ablllty. Thls Security Instrument shall bo povernad by ledeml Inw nnd tho law o1 tho Jurlsdlctlon in <br /> � wh�ch ihe Propeity Is locatod. In iha uvonl thal eny provislon or clauae of this 9er,udry Instrummt or the Nola confllets wlih appllceble �• <br /> i Inw. such contlir.t shnA nat aflact other provislona of thle Security Inatniment qr ihe Note whlch can bo plvan nfioct without iho contllcting A . T <br /> ' provision. To this end the provislono 01 ihls Sacurlty Inetrument end the Note ere declnred to bo sovereblo. , ' <br /> i 16. eorrowe�'e Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy ol 4ho Nolo nnd ot Ihla Sacuriry Instrument. � ; _ <br /> 1 17, TranetdP of the Prope�ty or a Baneficlal In4ere�t In Borrow�!'. If��or eny p8A o1 tho Property or any Interest , �:;� <br /> �n�t Is sold or trensferred (or II a benoticlnl Intorest In Bortowor la sold or trenafared end 9orrower 19 not e natural person)withoul Lend• � <br /> � er's p�or written consent, Lender mny,at Its optlon,requlre Immedlate peymirnt In tull ot ell eume secured by this Security instrument. • <br /> 1 Howover, this option shnll not ba exarclsed by Londer I}exerel�e Is prohlb�tad by tederal law ao oi ihe delo ol thla Security Instrument. , . <br /> li lender exercfsos this optlon, Lender shall fllve Borcower notica of accelereUon. The notice ahell provlde a porlod ot not less then 30 <br /> � day�, 6om Ihe dain the nonca�s deiivered or mnilQd wfthin wldcH BoROwer must pny all sumo accurcd by thla Security InsWment. I} � � .•- �` <br /> ;;•,:. <br /> 1 Ho�rower lads �o pay Ihese sums pnor to the expiraUon o1 thls pedod,Lendcr mey Invoke any rem�dloo permitted by thls Security Inatru- •�::,�,��,"'lM <br /> ,.�Du�,°. <br /> menl rnthaut further natice or demand on Bortower. . :+w"�'�'-= <br /> ,,..,�_-.. <br /> • 18. Borrowar's Wlght to Reinstate. II Borrower meeta cortaln conditione, Borrower shull hnvo ihe right to have enlorcoment _ <br /> .� ol th�s Security Instrument dlscontinued sl eny tlme pdor to thn eartler of: (a)5 days(ur auch other perlod as npplicabie law may specify "�•_ti:�+�_: <br /> _,�a.�-....__ <br /> . ior remstatemenq betoro sule oi the Properly pursuant to any power ot eala contalned fn thla Secudty Inatrument: or(b)entry of e Judgment .�.; -�=- <br /> enforcng Ihis Secu�ity Instrument. Those conditlone are that Bortower.(a)payn Lender all sums whlch then would be due under thfs -_- <br /> Securiry Insirument and the Note as if no acceleretlon had accurted; (b) cures any delault o1 any other covenents or agreemenls: (c)pays all - --- <br /> expenses incurred (n enforcing this Security Instrument, Including,but not iimited to, reasonnble ettomeya'1ees;end(d) takes such actlon �_--�- <br /> as Lender may reasonably require to assure that the Ile,�of thls Securfty Instrument, Lender's �ights In the Property and Bortower'a obllga• :r�� <br /> tiun to pay Ihe sums secured by ihis 3ecurity Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon relnetatement by BoROwer, thls Security �i�, <br /> Instrument end the obligations secured hereby shall remain tully eNective as if no occeleratlon had occurted. However, thio dght to reinsteta .���,T. <br /> shall not apply in the cflse ot acceleretion under paregraph 17. y,.� <br /> � 19. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servlcer. Tho Nota or a partisl InteYesl In the Note (together with this Secu�Ity .,�� <br /> �, ,.,. <br /> Instrumant)may be sald one or mor2 tlmes withaut prior nodco to Barroi:,rcr. A scto may rcrutt Irt a chango !n thc cntity(knotm ea the '- — <br /> 'Loan Servicer')that collects monthly paymenta due under the Note and thls 8ecurity Instrummt. There elso may be one or more chenges o1 q.,,;.•� <br /> Ihe Loan Servfcer unrelatod to a sele ot the Note. If there is a change ot the Loan Servicer, �orrower wlll be given written notice of the chan@e ,yp:.:� ,., , <br /> � in accordence with paragraph 14 ebove end applicable law. 1'he nntice will ateto the name and address ot the new Loan Servicer and Lhe .�,,"�:s : <br /> address to which payments should be made. The notice wlll aiso contain nny other nformaiion requireo oy appiii;auin iavr. <br /> 20. Hazardous Substanees. Bor►ower shall not cauae or permtt the presence,use,dlsposal,eto►age, or reiease of any Hazerdous <br /> substenees�n or in the Property. Borrower shall not do,nor ailow anyone else to do, anytl�ing atlecting the Propcyty that Is In vlofaUon of ' <br /> any Environmentei Law. The precedtng two sentences shali not epply to tha presence, use, or ato►ege on the PropeRy of amall quantitie�ot i; <br /> Hazardous substanaes thet ere generaily recognized to be approprlate to normal residenUal uses and to maintenance oi the Praperty. „ , � <br /> - Borrower shell promptly givo Lender written notica of any I�vestigatlon,clalm,demdnd,lawsuit or other ncUon by any govemmental or �• . <br /> , regulaiory agency or private party InvoNing the Property end any Hezerdous fiubstance or Envtronmental Law of which Bortower has ectual � <br /> � know�edge. If Bonower ieams, or Is notlfied by any govemmentel or regulatory euthotlry,that any removai or other remediatlon of any Hersrdous , <br /> �- Subsiance affecting the Property is necessery, Bortower shall promptly take all necessary remedial aclions In accordance with Environmenta! Law. �� <br /> �`� As used in this paragreph 20,'Hazardous Substances'are those aubsinnces defined as toxic or hazardous substances by Environmental <br /> i• <br /> lsw and the tollowing substances: gasoline,kerosene, other tiammable or toxic petroleum praducts,toxic pesticides and herbicldas, volatile -;�� <br /> solveMs, materlals conteining esbestos or formaldehyde,end radbactNe meterials. As used In this pare4reph 20. "Environmental Law' _ -"'" ` <br /> r means tederal lews and taws of lhe JurlsdlcUon where the Proporty Is Iocated thet��ate to heaflh. eafety or environmental protoctlon. �,�� <br /> ° � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. BorrovNer and Lender further covenant and agree as follow3: �-'-- <br /> 21. Acceleration; Remedles. Lender ehall give notice to Borrowar prtor to acceleration following _ __..___ <br /> Borrower's breach of any covenant or agreement in thte Sscterity Instrumen4 (but not prlor to acceler�tlon =_- <br /> �.� undar paragraph 17 unless apptic�bte law provldea otherwise). The notice sh�ll spectfy: (a) the c�efaul� (b) -- _ <br />" " the action requlred to cure the default; (c) a date, no! less then 30 days irom the date tho notic�e is given to �M+� �„� <br /> ,E�-� Borrowec. by which the default mus! be oured; and (d)that fallure to cure the default on or before the dno -_ � <br /> speciffed fn the nntice may �esult in acceleratlo� of the sums secured by this Securlty Instrument and sale <br /> �'� of the Property. The notice shall turther Inform Borrower of the right tm reinstate after acceter&dion and ��,��.�.�_�, <br />- �::�� � � the raght to bring a court ac43on to assert the noro-existence of a default mr eny other defense o#Borrower �R • • <br /> tc�ecceleraticon and eale. If the default Is not cured on or bo�ore the date specified In the notice, Lender •;.�:,�:�;�.,,1.�f�tr�� <br />- ;�, j at Its option rmay require immediate payment in fuil of all sueme seeured by thle Securtty Inatrument wfthout '°•`�••`��` �''�� ' <br /> �.�- ._,��i::�o;::;�... <br /> .=i further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any olher remedies permfited by epplicable � � :��:Y •_ ��. <br /> law. Lender shail be entitled to collect all experesas incurred in pursuing the remediea provided in thla .=' <br /> � paragraph 21. including, but not Iimited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and cpat� of tttle evtde�ce. '..'� '��:": <br /> � If the pouver of sale Is Invoked, Trustee ahall recard a notice of default in each county in which any part <br />- of the Property is located and shall mail copies of suCh notice in the manner proscribed by epplicabte law � �,:; <br /> � to Borrower and to the other po�sons {aresc�ibed by applicable law. After the tfine requlred by applfcable • . -;�:. <br /> law, Trustoe shall give pubHc notice of sale to ttae persons and in the manner presc�ib�td by appllcnble law. ' <br /> - .. Trustee, wtthout demend on Borrovver, shall sell 40oA Property at public auctfon to the highest BOdder at tho . <br />- time and place and under tho terms deslgnated in the nottce of eale in one or more parcols and in any order '� <br /> � T'rustee determines.Trustee may postpone eale of all or any parcel of ttte Proper4y by public announcometet • <br />"� • __�_ t .a___�la� .���t..��� {.�as Ohn Drwne�lu � <br /> '_-_� " . . . • • _�.. __�_J..�_J <br /> -�::._._.�.-__� ' ' <br /> - at the t�me ana p�aae vr any previoutiry ercnnuu�au oa.o. ._oi�a.o� v, .ao vva�y..00 ::a� j+::�..00.. .••- • •-r--•r - <br /> ` at any sale. <br />_ i Upon roceipt of paymertt of the price bld, Trustee shall deliver to tF�e purchaser Trusteo's deed <br />—' conveying the Property. Tha recitals in the TrusZee's deed shall be prima facie evidence af the truth <br /> ; of tho s2atetnents made therein. Trustee shall apply the proceede of the sele (n the iollowing ordor: I <br /> (a)to all costs and exponses of exorcising th� power oi sele. and the sale, Including the �vayment of iho <br /> Trustee'�fees acYuc�lly incurred, not to exceed 3.000�3'0 of the principal amount of the note at the time <br />— � of the decla�atlon of default, and reasonable attorneys'faea as permitted by law; (b) to all aums secured <br /> by this Se�urity Instrument; and (c) any excoss to tlie pareon or persons legalty entitled to It. <br /> : �?,....... .•,�.� vapc a ot 5 Form 3026 8/80 <br /> � . <br /> ! <br />_ i <br /> . . .. .. . . . . . . _. <br /> - ., �.. _ .�. ._ . __.... . _ _. ___ . .. <br />