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. : ��s�(�= <br /> � ,,�,� �,�;,: <br /> ... . -.-.,. , . . . .. ::i . ,' . . s�i«'Y`. ,;r:d': <br /> ,i �>r. '���: <br /> . ....__ ..... _.. �. . . _ . .. � . � .. . . ...'���.( 'r1'1'•�.'��p'.. <br /> . -- - � � . n�r. . .�,i;:. -_ - -_- <br /> .. .� . - "- —___ � <br /> , . ,. . `..-_•.��. ., - -•' . , ��� , � <br /> r, ,. , .. .. .d�i ` .� , _ _ <br /> .. .. . <br /> '�'�' <br /> ... �� � ... � . � . -_. " <br /> . . ... .... ... . . .. .. ......... . �x._ . ,:r:�.i <br /> , � '_.l�l�- •�- <br /> ' -� -����'Tq-. <br /> ., ' ��._, �d.���� � � > <br /> _ !n or �►QBer,utA In its own name any actlon or procoedings. Beneficiary shall also`�ie entitled to make any : ',_ <br /> compromiso or sAttlomant in connectlon with such taking or demage. f�li such compensation, awards, tJBntage5, - -- --- ;, <br /> rights of actlon and procoada awarded to Trustor(the "Proceeds") are horoby assigned to Beneficiery and Trustor . • - <br /> agraos to executa such further osslgnments oi the Procoeda as Beneficiary or Trustee may requlre. '`� <br /> 8. APPOINTM�NT OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE. Beneflclery may, from time ta time, by a writton instrument � � ''�'' <br /> ' executed and acknowledgsd by �eneflclary, ma(led to Trustor and Fiocord�d in the County in whlch tha Tru�t Estata ° � <br /> 1 I� located and by otherwise complying with the provislons of the appllcable law of the State oi Nebraska substitute a � '`"'�O�`- <br /> � successor ar successors to the Trustee named here�in or acting hereunder. = i��', <br /> , I .. ��. L <br /> 7. SUCCESSORS AND AS5IGNS. Thfs Deed of Trust applfes to, Inures to the beneflt of and binds all parties �_ <br /> hereto, thelr helre, legatees, devlsees, personal representatives, successors and assigns. The term "Beneficiary" �;��= <br /> ehell mean the owner and holder of the Noto,whether or not named as Beneficiary hQrein. <<r;�,,o- <br /> �iC'�'4� <br /> A. INSPECTIONS. Beneflclnry, or fts agents, representatives or workmen, 2re authorized to enter at any �:,�.,; - <br /> reasonabte Ume upon or In any part of the Trust Estate for the purpose of Inspectin�t�:�same and for the purpose of . �._ <br /> performing any of the acte it Is euthorized to per(orm under th�terms of any of the Loan lnstruments. ��`��� <br /> ,.: <br /> 8. EVENTS OF pEFAULT. Any of the fotlawing events shall be deemed an event of default hereunder. __ ¢_ <br /> y (a) Tn�stor shell have failed ta make payment of any instaliment of interest, principal, or principal and interest or <br /> eny other sum securad hereby when due, or `� ___ <br /> � ! (b) There has occurred e breach of or defeult under any term, covenant, agreement, condltion, provision, '�' <br /> - , � representatlon or warranty contained In any of the Loan Instruments. �'--" <br /> �"... <br /> . �.7 <br /> 10. ACC�LERATION UPON DEFAULT,ADDITIONAL R�MEDIFS. Should an event of default occur eeneficiary �__`;.'-. <br /> � may dcclaro all fndebtadness secured hereby to be due and payeble and the same shall thereupon becorne due and �,,•. <br /> � payeble wfthout any presentment,demand,protest or notice ot any klnd. Thereafter Beneficiary may: <br /> (I) Elther In person or by agent,with or without bringing any action o�pracaeding,or by a recelver appolnted by a �,r;;�. <br /> .,�� court end wlthout regard to the adequacy of its securlty, enter upon end take possession of the Trust Estate,or any y�;���� <br /> �.r part theraof, in its own neme or in the name of Trustoe, and do any ects whfch it de�ms necESSary oe desirable to -- ,��- <br /> preeerve the v�lue, merkotabitity or rentability of the Truat Estete, or art thereof or interest therein, increase the <br /> Income theretrom or protect the security hereot and,with or without tak�ng possession of the Trust Estate,sue for or .�.� <br /> "� otherwise collect the rents, Issuea end proflts thereoi,includ(ng those past due and unpald, and apply the same, less _ <br /> ------ - ��s srd :.x�n�o ai a�.ra!!an ar.d co!!�tlar�!ralu�ing �,",arr�y�'!ms, u�n an lr.�sbtsdr,sss��ur�!hsseb„ s!! <br /> � T In such o�dor ae Beneflclary may detarmine. The entering upon and taking possession of the Trust Estate, the f, -_ <br /> �° collectlon of euch rents, iasues end profits and the application theraof as eforesaid, shail not cure or waive any <br /> ' defouit or notice ot default hareunder or Invalidat� any act done in response to such default or pursuant to such <br /> : notice of defeult and, notwlthstandfnp the conth�uance fn possesslon of the Trust Estate or collection, receipt and ��. '�� � <br /> � epplic�tlon of rents, Issues or profits,TrUStee or Beneficiary shail be entitled to exeraiae every right provided for in � <br /> eny of the Loan Instruments or by lew upon ocGUrrence of any event ot default, includfng the tlght to exercise the -�' �' <br /> �� i; power of sele. "` , ;"' <br /> � (II)Commence an actlon to toreclose thls Deed of Trust as a mortgage, appoint a receiver, or speciftcally enforce <br /> eny of the coven¢nte heraof; <br /> �, (III) Dotiver to Truetee a written declaratlon oi dofauit ar� demand for sale, and a written notice of default and <br /> ,�. r�eicord�ln the epproprlate OHic al�Rereo ds of the Co�unty in wh cfh�the T ust Estate I&t ocat d�causa to bo duly filed for •{s<__��_ <br /> ��r- <br />_ ' . 11. FORECLOSURE BY POWER OF SALE. Should beneficfary elect to foreclose by exerclse of the Powor of --- <br /> . . Sm1e her�in contelned, Beneflciary shail notlfy Trustea and shall deposit with Trustee this Deed of Trust and the Note - <br /> ond�uch recelpta and evidenca of expenditurea medo and secured hereby as T:ustee�nay requlre. _ <br /> • (�1 Upon racelpt oi such notice irom Beneflclary, Trustee shall ceuse to be recorded, published and delivered to �s <br /> � Truetor wch Notice of Default end Notice oi Sale as then requfred by law and by this Deed of Trust. Truatee ahali, <br /> _ w{lhout demand on Truebr, after euch time as may then be required by law and after recordatton of such Notice of =__ _ <br />` Def�ult�nd piter Notice of Sele having been given as requlred by law, setl the Trust Estate at the time and place of - - <br /> �Mte tlxed by It In euch NotiGe of Sele,efther as e whole,or In separate lots or parcels or itema as Trustoe shail deem <br />- exp�lent, and In such order as it may determ(ne, at pubiic auction to the highest bidder for cash in tewful money of - --- <br />- lhe United Sta�te�payabie et the tlme of sele. Trustee sha;l deliver to such purchaser or purchasers thereof its good <br />_ � •nd suft�lent deed of deeda conveyIrg the prope so sofd, but wixhout any covenant or warranty, express or � —,� <br /> # Implled. The recltal�In duch deed of eny ma4ters or�acts shall be conclusive proof of the truthfuiness thereef. �ny "� � <br /> � p�reon,lncludinp,without Iimitetton, Trustor,Trustee end Beneficiary,may purchase at such sale and Trusfor hereby - - r- <br /> •� covm�nts to w�rrent�nd defend the title oi such purchaser ar purchesers. �!� '�=�• � <br /> Y'1., <br /> (b)A� ma ba ?���:: <br /> � ; y permitted by law, eiter deducting Trustee Fees in the amount of 1/2 of 1%,Trustee shall apply the ' .'•r;;:=::'-r•.:�, <br /> 74 3 1-..........' <br /> ;� procsed� oi the oele In the following order: (a)to sll regsonable casts and expenses of the sale, including, but not �iS,i,�� ,.:..,r,,��<<::�;: <br /> � limiird to, tru�toe f�e� of not more fhen 1l2 of 1/o of the gross sales prlce,reasonable attorney s fees and costs of "����; • <br /> lltl�evldence; (b)to ell dume Becured by thla Ooad vf Trust; (c)to tha R�yment of junior Trust beeds, mortgages or ' " -' - • � <br /> ath�r Ilen holrlan;and(d)the batence,Ii any, to the person or persons tegaliy entitled thereto. _ � ���� <br /> ; (c)1'ruatoe may In the manner provlded by law, postpona sale of all or any portion of the 7rust Estate. . �� <br /> , , ,� <br /> . :, . . <br /> , <br /> - :,-- „ - <br /> . � <br /> , ,. <br /> � ; <br /> i . <br />. i <br /> : { <br /> -' I �, <br /> _ � -Z <br /> � <br /> i <br />