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TruBt9@ 9fi(1 Bsnsilclary, ,:ttd aach c:th�:n, sMafl ba sntltlad ta enforc� -� <br /> payment and performence of any Indobtedness or obiigatlons secured herehy and to exercise all rights and powera � <br /> • under this Deed of Trust or under any Loan Instrument or other agreement or any laws nuw or hereafter In force, <br /> notw(thstanding some or all ot such Indebtedness and obligatlons secured hereby may now or hereafter ba otherwrise <br /> � . P secured,whether by mortgage, deed of tn►st, pledge, Ilen assignment or otharwlse. Neither the acceptance of this - <br /> � Deed of Trust nor its enfarcement whether by court actfAn or pursuan4 to tho power of sale or other powers herein <br /> conteined,shall preJudice or in eny manner aifect Trustee's or Beneflciary's rlght ta reallze upon or enforce any other <br /> . ,��"� securfty now or hereafter hetd by Trustee or Beneflelary, It baing egread that Tcustee and Beneflclary, and each of <br /> - r them,shall be dntitled to enforce this Deed ot Trust and any other sacurity now or hereaiter held by Beneflciary or � <br /> Trustee In such arder and manner as they or either of them may in thair a6solute tllscretfon detsrm(ne. No remedy • :�- <br />_�•. hereln cvnFerred upon ar reserved to Truatee or Beneflciary is Intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein or ' � <br /> by law provided or permEtted, but each shell be cumulative and shell be in addiGon to every other remedy given = <br /> . hereundor or now or hereafter existing at law or In equity or by statute, Every power or remedy�(ven by any of the - -- <br /> � � Loan Instrumente to Trustee or Beneflclary or to which efther of them may be othennrtse entltfed, may be exercised, :�°'• <br />- ,.�. .�. concuRently or independently,from time to time end es often as may be deerned ezpedlant by Trustee or Beneflciary ���_ <br /> " `�",��� and either of 4ham may pursue fnconststent remedfes. Nothing herein shall be canstrued as proh(biting Beneflciary �?��_� <br /> . •• fr�rm seeking a de�iciency Judgment against the Trustor to the extent such action is perm(tted by law. • ��� <br />'_'��'.��� �,�� ,. 13. REQUEST FOR NOTICE. Trustor hereby requests a copy of any notice of default and that any notice of sale <br /> " "` ,,,�;,, hereunder be malled to ft at the address set forth in the flrst paragraph of thls Deed of Trust. —�='. <br /> "'�'"`" 14. GOV�RNING LAW. This Deed of Tn�st shall be governed by the lews of the State of Nebreska. In the event <br /> • .'-,if?. <br /> . that any provfsion cr clause oi any of the Loan Instruments canflicts wlth appliceble laws, such conflicts shalt not 4,: <br />_ affect other provislons of such Loan Instruments which can be given effact wiYhoul the confl[ct(ng provision,and to ��''- <br />_- ,-;.;�.;��. this end the provisions of the Loan Instrumenta are declared to be severable. Thls inetrumont cannot be wafved, - <br /> • . •i,, changed, discharged or terminated orelly, but only by an Instrument (n writing slgned by the partyr egalnst whom <br />-.:,�.;s,,>_3 enforcement oi any waiver,change or termfnation is sought. <br />'�`�t�+:r-� 15. RECONVEYANCE BY TRUSTEE. Upon written request ot eeneflciary stating that all st�ms secured hereby =- <br /> �; �.;;:,: have been paid,and upon su�rander of this Deed of T�ust and the Note to Trustee for canceltatfon end retantion and <br /> -����:�" � upon payment by T�ustor of Trustee's feet, Trustee shall reconvey to Trustor. or the persan ar persons Iegaiiy � <br /> _:-;�•>?�;; entitled 4hereto, without warranty, any portian of the vrust Estate then held hereunder. The recitals in such <br /> #�`.;'r�;�;,' , recanveyance of any matters or facts e h ail be conclus(ve praof of the truthfulness ther�of. The grantee in any <br /> ��=•.%�;� reconveyance may be described as"the person or persons legatty entitled thereto", <br /> --if`�'Y!•.T�d� . - <br /> �� 18. NOTICES. Whenever Beneflciary, Trustcr or T�ustee shall desire to gi�e or serve any no4lce, demand, <br /> =°,T':��ti <br /> _-;�,3.� request or other communication w(th respect to this Deed of Trust, each suc�notico, demand, requesY or other <br /> __._ cornmunication shall be in writing and shail be etfect(ve only(i the sama is delivered by personal servtce or ma(led by <br /> -=:���:,;� certifed mait, postage prep�id, retum recaipt requested, addre�sed to the acidr�ss set forth at the beginning of this <br /> � ��-�_� Deed of Trust. Any party may et this time change fts address for sush notices by dellvering or maping to the other <br /> -°— parfir,a hereto,as eforesaid,a notice ot such change. <br /> -�-=���°° 17. AGCEPTANCE BY TRUSTEE. Trustee accepts thls Trust when thls Deed of T�ust, duly exacuted and <br /> _:°.L� ack�owledged,Is made e publfa recard as provFded by law. � _ <br /> -- -.�� <br /> -..=::.n.� <br /> ---_— <br />