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" � <br /> , � � �� . <br /> � � �1 ur CO C� C/� <br /> ^ x p� � �l �� �/� � °c � rn <br /> .c �` , <br /> ``'�, � cr� N � � �v O � <br /> � �i� i (1 'Y: v� •ci � r*1 -i �t � <br /> f �—'\` � " .'� � O '�� � _. .... <br /> �� �('�' � v � � tl � � w�. <br /> \p� �' ' 1 1�� T` 11 � N <br /> \�L � . fll <br /> `r v� \ r f l , � f_ � <br /> - \� �C, I '�1 � � r v � L'�1 .. . <br /> � "l ., I i � `' ,� N �-'n � 7� <br /> . � �� N v� v�.. .... <br /> , �, �h i ! � I �. � �, <br /> . � �.,, � <br /> �• � � ��;�::: <br /> pEH�OF YRUST .�' . <br /> ;:m:,: <br /> THIS DEE OF TRUST is made as of the �day of December,1996, by and emong Neal M. Trentmsn and �;Y_-- <br /> Mary B.Trentman, husband and wife,whose mailing address is 502 west 3rd St. P Q Box 791, Chappell, NE 69120, � __ <br /> ("7rustor'), Deuel County Stete Bank, ("Trustee"), whose mailing address is P.O. Box 648, Chappell, Nebraska, <br /> � 89129,&nd Deuel County State Bank("Beneficiary"),whose mailing address la P.O. Box 548,Chappeli, NE 89129. <br /> �����_ <br /> � FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Trustor irrevocably transfers, conveys and assigns to Trustee, IN TRUST, \ _ <br /> � W I T H P O W E R O F S A L E, for the benefit and security of Beneficlary, under and subject to the terms and conditlons <br /> of thi� Dead of Trust, the real property located in t he Coun t y o f H a l l, 5 t a t e o f N e b r a s k e, a n d l e g a l l y d e s c r i b e d a s L <br /> } foilows(the"Property"): <br /> i Lot 14, in Block 3, in Le Heighis Second Subd(vision, Hall County, Nebraska, � <br /> � � TOGETHER WITH, all rents, easements, appurtenances, hereditaments, interests fn adjoining roads, streets and <br /> beeome anr ntegral part of su(ch�b Idings a dn mproveme tsr a�l c op araised thereon,and alhwat r�right��hereafter �— - <br /> �' — <br /> � The Property and the entire estate and interest cenveyed to the Trustee are referred to collectively as the "Trust <br /> �� - Eatate". <br /> _ — � FOP.TNE PLlQPnc� C�F SFrURING: <br /> •� �' a. Payment oi Indebtedness in the total principal amount of$25,000.00, wl4h fnterest thereon, as evidenced by <br /> Z that certein Promissory Note of even date (the "Note") with a maturity date of December 13, 1997, executed by <br /> � Trustor,whlch has been delfvered and Is payable to the order of Beneflciary, and whlch by this reference Is hareby <br /> mede a pert hereoi, and any and all mod(flcations,extensions and renewals thereof,end <br /> b. Payment oi all sums edvanced by Beneficiery to protect the Trust Estate, with interest thereon at the rate of <br /> elght end one-half pe�cent(8.6°/a)per annum. <br /> ' , pertoh�m�nce of enyr obl!gatlon sec ed hereby are referr deto co lectfvely s the"Loan�lnstruments'�the payment and <br /> - TO PROTECT THE SECURITY OF THIS DEED OF TRUST: G <br /> � �, Indebtadnesa eviden�ced bqE e Noto charg s,fees and IallPother sums s provided in the Loandlnstrumentat on, the <br /> :., � <br /> � 2. 7AX�S. Trustor shatl pay each Installment of 211 taxPS and special assessments of every kind, now or <br />= hereafter Ievied agelnst the Trust Estete or any part thereof, beforo delinquency,without notice or dennand,and shall <br /> -- provide Beneflclery with evidence of the payment of same, Trustor shalt pay all taxes and assessments whtch may <br />-'_ an 1eawthet�ma ebeien�acted lmpo3ing payment of thehwholeeor anyrpart the eof upon the Beneflcfary jthout regard to <br /> y <br /> � 3. INSURANCE AND REPAIRS. Trustor shall maintain flre and extended covorage insurance insu�ing the <br /> • � - .m improvemants and butldinge constituting part of the Trust Estato for an amount no less than the amaunt of the __ <br /> � �� unpatd principal balance oi the Note (co-insurance not exceeding 80% permitted). Such insurance poli�y ehalt <br />- �i ' contaln e standerd mortgaga clause In fevor of Beneflclary and shall not be canceliable, terminable or modiflable _.....__ <br /> � = wi thout ten(10)da ye prlor written notice to Beneficfary. Trustor shali promptty repalr,matntafn and reptace the Trust _ <br /> . ' Estate or any part thereof so that, except for ordinary wear an d tear, t he Trus t E s t a t e s h a i l n o t d e t e r i o r a t e. I n n o <br />� � . �� event shall the Truatar commit waste on or to the Trust Estate. ___ <br /> 4. ACTIONS AFFECTING TRUST ESTATE. Trustor shall appear in and contast any act(on or proceeding <br /> purporting to eNect the securlty hereof�r the rights or powers of Beneficiary or Trustee, and shatl pay all costs and <br />- � expenses, Including cost oi evidence of titlo and attorney's fees, in any such action or proceeding in which <br /> � , � Beneficlary or Trustee may appear. Should Trustor fail to make any payment or to do any act as and in tho manner <br /> � � � prQVided In eny of the Loan Instruments,Beneficlary andlor Trustee,each In Its own discretion,without obligation so <br /> to do and without notice to or demand upon Trustor and without releasing Trustor from any obligation, rnay make or �� <br />- ., <br />- do the same In such manner end to such extent as either may deem necessary to pratect tho security heren. <br /> - __ ._,_ Trustar shdll, Immedla4ely upon�emand therefor by Beneficiary, pay all costs and expenses incurred by Beneficfary <br /> ._ _ ..___. _..�-`-----x__s.�a_ �....�..Af.......i�Mw�J 1{.hifflfinn rnefc nf AUI[�HI1CA A� <br /> _ in Gonnoction with the exercise ny oenenc�ary or�ne,w�oy����y�iyn�a�o��,�....���y..�..............«..._..----- -• -- -- __- <br />_ ' litle,court costs,epprolsals, surveys end attorney's fees. Any such costs and expenses not paid within (10) days of <br /> ' written demand shall drow Interest et the detault rate provided in the Note. <br />- 6. EMINENT ODMAIN. Should the Trust Estate,or any part thereoi,or interest therein,be taken or damaged by ' <br /> - � reason of eny publle Im�r�vemont or condemnation proc�eding, or in any other manner includfng deed in lieu of <br /> -' � CondArr�natton ("Condemnatlon"), or should Trustor receive any notice or other information regarding such <br /> -_. procoeding, Trustor sht�ll qlve prompt written notice thereof to Beneflciary. Beneficlary shall be entitled to all <br /> - compensntlon, awc�rds ond othor poymants or relief therefor,and shail be entftled at its option to commence, appear <br /> . <br /> . , _ . .�...__.._.... . <br /> . , ............ . - _ _ _ <br /> . .. _ . . . .....,. .-,.-.- ..... .. <br />