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� • , . <br /> � . .. � ' ."_ ' _ '.. .. .. . _ . . � ����,�.:p.. <br /> �«f'l�l.�1��—.. <br /> . 're�j..^' � . ' ..: ' ' ' _'"_ . 's. <br /> . t . _ <br /> � - rMr.•r . ,''.. ...��.�v- r�..,..,,t`...1..:��.......tv1f3:'�t_ ._._ ... .....- ' ' '-_.....--'_L......e�.t,�. 1�n111i. . <br /> ' • • ' "'._.._..._.....i_�....... _.. <br /> - ., w.. ��...�..�...� -i �� . . _-�� <br /> : �.,.�, ��I ��- <br /> •Procoads'�In connectlon with condc�mn�tion or other takinp of tha Properiy or part theraof,or fo'r conveyanco n�l u �lamn�tlon. �: <br /> Londor ehNl ba ontiticd nt Ito optlan to commortc�,nppsar In nnd prosocuto In Ite owrn name any actlon or procosdlnfls,onc�shall alsa <br /> be entittwcl to mt+ke any compromise or setUement In cannectlon wlYli such taking or damnge. In the event eny ponian of tha F'roparry Is � <br /> - - -- so t�kon or ctamaged, Len�er enati nnve tue ��ttan En 1�:;c;a and w�o!ute�+la:r�a!ion,to anply nll such procaeds, nftflr daducting <br /> therefrom nll costs and oxpensea(nCUrred by It In connectlon with euch Proceeds,upon eny tndabtednosa secured hereby and I�such � <br /> ordar ae Lender mAy detamilna,or to upply all euch Proceeds,sftor such deductlons,to U�e reatoratlon of the Property upon such con- <br /> dlUons as Lender may datarmine.Any appl�etlon of Proceods to IndebtAdnass ehatl not extend or postpone tho due dato ot nny pay- � <br /> ments under the Note,or cure eny deteuit thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplled(ue�da shail be pald to Trustor. - <br /> 8. PQ�ini��wn�e by Le�tti:Y. Upon tho occurrenca ot an Evont of DofRUlt her�tunder, or If any Act Is taken or logal proceeding � <br /> • commonced wh�h matedelty oHocta Lendere fnterest In the Property,Lender may In its own dlscretlon,but wlthout obUpetlon to do so, � <br /> and wlth�ut nottce to or demand upon Trustor and without releasing Yrustor from any obllgatlon,do any act whlch Trustor has�greed �, <br /> • - but falled to do and m$y also do any other act it doems necessary to protect the socurity horeof. Truator shall,immedlately upon � <br /> ;arrr�� dem�nd therefor by Lendor,pay to Lender sIi cosls nnd expenses IncuRed and suma expended by Lender in connectlon with the exer- _• <br /> �..•��� cise by Lender ot the foregoing dghte,toflethar wfth tnterest thereon at the detault rate provided in the Note,whtch shali be added to - <br /> the indebtednesa secured heroby.Lender shall noi incur any Iiabillty because ot enything It may do or omit to do hereunder. � <br /> 9. Hazardow M�t�rlala.T►ustor shall keep the Property in compllence witt� all appllcabla IavJa, ordinan�s end reBulations � <br /> ' relating to industdal hygiene or environmental protecUon (coltectivoly referred to herein ae 'Environment�l Laws").Trustor shetl keep _: <br /> the Property free from s►I substancoa deemod to be hazardous or toxia under any Envlronmental Lsws(collectivety rofeRed to herein �; <br /> � ae"Heserdous Materfals").Truator hereby war�nte and�epresents to Lender that there are no Hazardtious Materials on or ur�der 2iv� <br /> t�raperty.Trustor hereby agroea to i�demni4y�nd I�old ha�mless Lertder,its directors,otflcers,emp{oyee�r�d agents.and any suro�- �. <br /> � ; ;���• c�ta Lender's intereat,from arr�against any and all claims,damages,losses and liabllltles arising in�anectiarn or��the pra�an�, �:: <br /> , �; r�;�,�iuposal or transport a2�n�t�9azardouc Matorials on,under,from or about the P�o,Qerty.THE FORECiOING�6A�.�F1SdTIES AND - <br /> •• , �tG�'FiESENTATIQNS. A�Q TR4.aSTOR'S OBLIQATIONS PURSUANY TO THE FOREGOINCi INDEMNITY, S9�BALL SUFtVIVE _ <br /> � ;�� Fi��ONVEYANCE mF THIS DEED OF TRUST. _ <br /> �� . '�: 10.Assipnmsnts oi Ronts.Trustor hereby assigns to Lender,and granta Lender a secudty Interest in,all presEmt, futur�e�nd <br /> �.;�,�, afiar arising rente,issues and protlts of the Property;provided that Trustor ahall,until the occurrence of an Event oi Deiault.hereur�lar, __ <br />' ���" have the right to collect and retain such renta,issues end proflto as they become due and payeble.Upon tho occurrence of an Event of -� <br /> �� DefauH, Lender may,eithe�In per�on or by agant,with or wfthout bdnging any action ar proceeding,or by e recetver appointed by a __ <br /> • :,.,� couR and without regard to the adequacy of Its security,enter upon and take(�ossesston of the Property,or any part thereof,in its own �. <br /> � name or in the name of the TNStee,and do eny�ccs which it deems necessary or desirable to preserve the value, marketability or <br /> �.� rentabilily ot the Proporty,or any part thereof ar interest therefn,or to Increase the income therefrom or protec�t lhe secudry hereof and, <br /> w(th or wlthout taking possession of tho Property,sue(or ar otherwis9 colloct the rents,issues and profits thereof,in�.9uding tiiose past — <br /> � due and unpaJd,by rwUtying tenants to make paymente to Lender.Lender may eppiy rents. tssues and proilts,less costs and expens- <br /> �� es af operatian and coilectton including attome�s fees,to any Indebtedness secured hereby,all in such order as Lender may deter- -.. <br /> ° � mine.The entednfl upon and taktny passession ot the Property,the collectlon of such rents,issues and profits, end the appiicatlon <br />� �• thereof as aforegetid shall not cure or walve any defauft or noUCe ot deteuit heraunder or irnaiidaie any ni.-i uu��o i���a�:w�� <br /> defautt or pursuant to such notice of detault and, nqrivithatanding the continuance in pos.sossion of the propnny or the collection, <br /> receipt and applk;allon of rents,issues or proflts,Trustee and L.ender shait be entiUed to exorcise every dght provided for in any ot the <br /> l.oan Instruments or by law upon oocurcence of any Event of Defauit,inctuding wfthout Iimftation the right ta exercise ths power of sale. - <br />_:.�:;;,�., FuRher,Lenders rlphts and remedies under this paregraph shall be cumulaUve with,and In no way a Iimitation on,Londe�s dghte and <br />�*�!r.:,+°��, remodiea under any assignment of laases and rents recorded agalnst the Property.Lender,Trustee and the recelver sha0 be liabb to <br />-�:'� 'f�' account only toP those renta ectuatly recelved. <br />_„.g,�:Y•!� 1 t.Event�of DMsult The tolbwfng shall constitute an Event of Detault under thia Deed of Trust <br /> = '��'"� (a)Failure to pay any tnsteilment oi pdncipal or Interest of any other sum secured hereby when duo; <br /> �y;:�: � (b)A breach ot or detauR under any provision conteined In the Note,Hds Dned oT Trust,any of the Loan any <br /> _ = .F,; other tien or encumbrance upon the Properry; <br /> -`�����=s (c)A w�it of execuUon or attachment or eny simllar process shatl be enterecJ ayainsf Trusior which sha(i beoane e f(en on <br /> _�.-�z!�.. <br /> •� the Property or any portton thereo}br interest theretn; <br /> _�=m��K.`�� (d)There shall be filed by or against Trustor or Borrower an action under any present or future federal,state ar other stetute, <br />_�.-.� law or rogulaUon relaUng to bankruptcy,insolvency or other relief for debtors;or there shall be eppolnted any hustee,receiver or <br /> •::.-������-. 1 Ilquidator of Trustor or Bomower or of ail or eny part of the PropeRy,or the rents,issuas or proflts thereot,or T�stnr or Borrower <br /> �_�� shail make any geneml asslgnment br!fie benefit ot creditora; <br /> ;_,:Y�, (e)The sale,tranater, lease, asslgnment,corneyance or turther encumbrance of etl or eny part ot or any Interest In the <br /> �=��_�:=���� Prope A y,e i t her vo lu n t a d l y o r I n v o l u n t a r i t y,w i t h o u t t h e o x p re s s w r i tt e n o o n s e n t o f L e n d e r,p ro v i d o d t h a t T r u st or shetl be p ennft- <br /> __ .: .�,.� - <br /> ��-:�,:�y� ted to execute a lease of the Proporty that does not contain an opUon to purGhase and the ter+m of which does not ez ca►e <br /> ---��..�„�.� year, <br /> - -�j4-:�- (�Abandonment o1 tho Property�or <br />:>�5:idmri:�.lJ. <br /> �=�"�:-��; (g)It Truator is not an tndividual,the issuance,sale,transfer,assignment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than(It a <br /> � "�""� corporat}on)n total of percent of its issued and outstanding stock,or (if a partnershfp)a toffiI of per <br /> -"-P3l�s:�?�!;:. <br /> -..u�x_���,• oent ot p�►Rnership interests,or(i(a iim(ted Ilebllity company)a totel of percent of the limited Ilabitiry co�pa- <br /> - ":a--• � �y interesta or voting dghta dudng the period this Deed oi Trust remalns a Iien on the property. - <br />-- -=�'�`��,-��, ' 12.R�insdles;Accs4erait�on URon Datault In the event of any Event ot Detauft Lender may,without noUce eaccept as maqutred _ <br /> � by 11�v,dectare eli Ir�debtednoss secured hereby to be due and payabte end the same shafl thereupon become due and payable wfth- - <br /> ' - � � out any presentment,dsmand,protest or notice of any kind.Thersafter Lender may: ° <br /> ' ; (a)Dema�d U�at 7rustee exercise the POWEFi OF SALE granted hereln,and Trustee shalt therenfter ceuse Tnistors inter- <br /> '. • �,� est in th9 Property to 6e sold ctnd the proceeds to be distributed,all in the manner provkied in the Nebraske Tnist Deeda Act; <br /> (B)Exerclse any and all dghts provktod ipr in any ot the Loan Instruments or by Iaw upon occurrence ot any Event ot <br /> _ �+ Detault;and - <br /> - � (c)Commence an aotion to torocloso this Deed of Tnist as a mortgage,a�point a recelver,or specifca(y e�ti°orr.e sny of the <br /> covonants hereof. <br /> ' �• No remedy hetein confeRed upon or roserved to Trustee or Lender Is intended to be excluslve of any other remedy herein,in tfie Loan - <br /> ' Instruments ot by lew provided or pormitteti.but each shalt be cumulative,shall be i�addition to every other remody give�hereurxter, - <br /> in the Losn Instruments or now or hereaRer existing at law or in equity or by statute,and may be exercised concunenUy,IndependanUy <br />� _�3i!".•�_I nrmuv�nclvdv <br /> � ' � 13.Tntsts�.7he Trustee may reslg�at eny Ume wlthout cause,and Londer may at any time and wlttwut cause appoint a st� <br /> • cessor or substituto Trustee.Tnistee shall not be liable to any paRy, including without Ilmitation Lender,Borrower,�rustor or any pur- _ <br />- . chaser of the Property,for any loss or damage unless due to reck{ess or wflitul misconduct,and shall not be required to take any actfan <br /> in connoction with the enfofcement of this Deed ot Trust unless Indemnitied,in writing,for all costs,compensatian or expenses wh�h <br /> may be assoclated therewith.In addition,Tnistee mt�y become a purchaser at any sate ni the Propurty Qudicial or u�der the powor of -. <br /> sale grented horefn);postpono the sale of all or any portion oi the Property,as provkk�d by�aw;or seli the Property as a whoto,or in <br /> " , separete parools or lots at Trustee's discretlon. <br /> 14.F�H and Expsn=es.In the event Trustee seils the Property by exerciss of power of salo,Trustee shall be entitled to eppty <br /> any sale proceeds Hrst to payment of all costs and expensos oi exercising power of sals,lncluding elt Trustee's fees,and LendePs ar�d <br /> Trustoa's attomey's tees, actualty fncurred to�eMent pertnittod by applica�le law. In the event Borrowor or Trustor exercises any dgh! <br /> � provided by law to cure en EvenE of Uetault,Lender shail be entitled to recover 1rom Trustor all costs and expen�es actually Incurred as <br /> � a�esult ot Trustor's detault,includfng without IlmitaUan atl Trustee'a and attomey's 4eea,to thv extont pamnitted by eppllcabte law• <br /> 16. Futuro Adv�nc�e.Upon requeat of Borrower,Lender may,at its op8on,make eddition�l and tuture advances and read• -. <br /> vanr,es to Borrower.Such advances and readvancc�s,with interest thereon,shalt be securod b�►this Deod of Trust.At no time shali the <br />� <br /> . - - -- - -..._ _._. ..---�-� <br /> . . .. . . . -�--... _- <br />