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', �; � v; ; -� ��.'��! � � r'� �,� � �r; <br /> � ` � i � �, <br /> ,. � i -, p- � <br /> � Q `. rv o '^ = <br /> \-� '� j '1 i o w � � h+cA'„ = <br /> d ` Y rn <br /> �' D � ' ("' � p � �. 1. �o b ao Q� � <br /> • � �i7 � rrnn �� 3 r � �c°-s <br /> � � � -�� v� � n0 a �� � <br /> �:�� �� . �► N N u,��^ ��� <br /> ,r�_...,w.• J P�O � � � <br /> . � — <br /> .� DEED 4FYRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES =. <br /> '�; - <br /> ,.. <br /> THIS DEEI�aF TRUST,is mada t�s o°C"re_].53}L.daY o� �pramhnr� ,18 Q� ,by end amon� �,,__ <br /> �_� <br />_ ' � �• theTrustor, DaniPl Fr��la�tA R (C'hrtafinw Fn�lanc-0 h..chs���„� W�fA �� ^ <br /> �� <br /> . '"• w hose ma i t ing a d d re s s i s 3 6 S N. �r�a d w e l l A ve.,Grartol 0 saan�. f�� 688(�rei�'Tn�sto�°.���a:~ar¢�sa cr more), ` c« <br /> � <br /> � ; theTrustee Five Points Ba�k iA, Nehras nr��-a+tion <br /> • vahose mafiing address is I� 0 Box 150Z,_. Grand I�land N 68802-1�07 QP►erein'Tnistee"),and <br /> . - ,;;+: <br /> - tha Beneflclary, � ��`l��--- <br />_ • ;;�r. <br />-` ,,:;.`f��<�i whosemailingaddressis_ Z015 N. �3ro�1dwe11 Ave.. Ga'attd Islan;j, N���� (heretn`Lende�'). _ <br /> i:r� ., n'���'•!, <br /> i..• ��{�'+, FOR VALUABLE CONSID�RATtON,including Lender's extension of credit identi�ad hereln to <br /> ` ' -.� r�..a <br /> � �� l�,* t�qe Feglalld —trsrs�:�"�ano:��s,":�t�ther cne�*m�re)?nd tha trust herein created.the reoe(pt <br /> �i�!� of which is horeby acknowtetJged,TNStov hereby irrevocably granis,transfere,conveys and assigna to Trustee, IN TftUST,WITH <br /> '����,`' �f t��'^�"� POWER OF SALE,tor the beneflt a��d socurtty of Lender,undor an�subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set todh,the real <br />�;":.' �,.<<�h�:;:"�� <br />�:; ;;1�':;�•;, proPertY described as tollows: <br />-:::.,,.:�. _ Lots Five (5), Sex (6), Seven (7) & Eight (8), Block Two (2), Kernohan & Decker's <br /> �'�'�r'�"��� Addition, Hall Ca�u�e��, Nebraska.(Parcal 1 l <br />�.,,,�_..._�, <br /> ����"`��"�'f���r l.ot Eight (81. Block Thirteen (13�, Kernohan & Decker's Addition, Hall County, <br />�.::�,:,:..�::::,« t ,,r1 h u �� <br />.•,_,��;;;��;;�� Ne�raska. x ��� cer�ain �r�act o�f �n�.�P r� � ��� ta � � enances <br /> �_,f�:,�� "Togett�er wi�+a�f�i�i{fdi"ng�,i�mprove ents, ures.s ree ,a ey ,pa �e �ys�e �ZS��f T�'p �9� <br />�,:y�� located thereon or In anywise pertalning thereto,and the rents,issues and proflts, reverslons and remainders thereof�and such Per- <br />�-.-�;�� sonal property that is etteched to the improvements so as to constitute a flxture.Including,but not iimtted to,heatlng and cooting equi�s- <br />��.i��� ment;and together with the homestoad or madtal Interosts,it any,which interests are hereby reteassd and waivcd;:1!ot s�hich,includ- <br />-�-"�i� �ng rRplacements and additions thereto,is hereby declared to be a paR of the real estate secured by the Ilen oi Ihls Deod ot Trust and <br /> ����,. ali of the foregoinp being reterred to hereln as the"Propertyr'. <br />��.,�;�;+;:� Th(s Deed of Trust shall secure(a)the payment ot the principal sum and interest evidenced by a promissory note or credit agree- <br />—_��;,— ment dated ,havfng a maturity date of Inm,arv ]., �nn� , <br /> — ~� in tho ork,�inal principal amount of� �Sn,�nn nn ,and any and all modificaUons,extensions and ronewats <br />=;,�;;:���pa� thereof or Sherelo and any and ail future edvances and readvances to Borrower(or any of them It more than one)horeunder pureuant <br />�-_�,� Y to one or more promissory note�or credit agreements(herein called"Note'); (b)the payment of other sums advanced by Lartder to <br /> : l.aV}� <br /> ;�,� protect the secudty ot the Note;(c)tfie parfortnance of all covenants and agreements ot Trustor set forth herein;end(d)all present and <br /> ------ xr„�„�� futuro Indebtedness and obligatlons of Borrower(or any ot them If more than one)to Lender whether dlrect,Indirect,absolute�r conUn- <br /> ° — gont end whether adsing by note,guaranty,overdraft or otherwise.The Note,tfiis Deod of Trust and any and all other documents that <br /> �� ;��� secure the Note or otherwise execute�i in conneCtion therewlth, including without Iimitation guarantoes,secudty agreoments and <br /> :.:.'�!7�'�e,..;, <br /> �- -p�•�:�; nsslgnments of leases and rents,shall ba reterred to horein as the"Loan Instniments". <br /> � -_�:;;;;�";�' Trustor covenants end agrees with Lender as follows: <br /> ��_,. u;,; � t. Pa ment of Indebtedness.All lndebtedness secured hereby shall be pald when due. <br /> = _'�''�� 2. Tit s.Trustor is the owner of the Propertyr,has the right and authority to convey the Property,end wanants that the lien creat- <br /> 'e'r-"°-�� =.'::: � <br />�;, , ,c,:,z, ed hereby Is a first and pdor Ilen on tho Property, except for Iiens and encumbrances set forth by Trustor in wdtlng and delivered to <br /> �� Lender before exc+cudon af this Deed of 7rust,ar+d the execution and delivery ot this Deed of Trust doos not vlolate any contract or <br /> T`: i`,,',"'� � other obligatibn to which Truator is sub�oct. <br /> _� ��;�;:j•''. , 3.Tazes,As�easment�.To pay before deiinquency all taxes,special assessments and all other charges agalnst U�e Prop@rty <br />" now or hereafter IeviecD. <br />;l` � 4.Insunnce.To koep the Property Insured against domage by fire,hazards indudod wlthin the tertn"exlonded covernge'.and <br /> � � �.�;� 1' such hazards as Lender may require,In amounts and with companies acceptabla to Lender,naming Lendo�as an additlonal namEtd <br />_'-� , Insured,wfm loss payabie to the Lender. In case of loss under such poliGes,the Lender is authorized to adjusl,oollect end compra <br /> ; • ;� mise,all claims thereunder and ehali have the option ot appiyfng ali or part of the insurance proceeds(i)to any Indobtedness securod _ <br />_ _��� s hereby and in such order as Lender may detertnine,(Iq to the Trustor to be used for the repair or restoratlon of Ihe Properly or(iii)for _ <br /> '- _- --_-- •• - ---�-•--•--- _-'--�-- •-.,.,__..._�s_...,.,...h..�e...a eti�o nm.� �,f'r���t tnr tha t�a11 nmount secursd hO�sbV <br /> . --- any otner purposa or��ece ewu��ac�v�y w��uo� murvua o�.w....y.................._._`__ -. ..---•- --�- -. . . <br /> � .. r. before such paymont ever took place.Any applicatfons ot proceeds to Indebtedness shall not extend or postpnne the due date ot any = <br />�° payments under the Nato,or cure any deteult thereunder or horeundor. <br /> ' 5.Escrow. Upon written demand by Lender,Tnistee shail pay to Londer,in such manner as Lender mey designate,sufficient <br />- ,. sums to enable Lender to pay as thBy become due one or more of the tollowing:(i)all taxes,assessments and other charges egainst <br /> � the Property,(II)�'�a�rs���iums on the propeRy insuranco requirod herounder,(ill)the premlums on any mortgago insurance requirec!by <br />-• � Lender. <br /> 6. MNnxenancs, Rep�irs and Compli�nco wlth Lew�.Trustor shatl kaop the Property in good conditlon and repafr;ohali <br />- promptty repa(r,or roplace any Improvement whtch may be damaged or destroyed;shall not commit or pormit any waste or detedora• � <br /> - tton ot the Pro�erty;shall not remove,domoifsh or substanNatly a�ter any of the improvemonts on tho Propurty;shall not commit,suNer <br /> - or permit any ect to be done In or upon tho Propefty In vlolatlon o1 any Iaw,ordinance,or�egulation;and shell pay and promptly d!s• <br /> - ' � charge at Trustor's cost end expenso all Ilena,oncumbrances and chargos levfed,Imposed or accessed agalnst the PropeAy or er+y <br />= pert Ihereof. <br /> 7. Emir�nt Oomdn.Lender Is hereby assigned atl cormponsation,owards, damages and other payments or reiief(hereinafter <br /> '�� - NOC NSf INm�y�n�r�Il��a1tW N9'1 . . <br /> C�cee wanW ora a cm+war�w ru:�n++w�•wa��n u�con tMer�w <br /> � -- <br />