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' r�;� .. <br /> � � , � . •.:;��_:�- <br /> `:�.... <br /> '�. . .. . " _ . • . _ - . ,:,r.r.;;t.J:�,�:-.- <br /> _. , -- - - - <br /> •-..:.:� <br /> . ,_. . . . . , ��.�:._.-... �_.....�_.,_._._._.._.� �.._.....�.--------- - --- --- <br /> . . ...--._.._._. <br />. . - .� .., -° <br /> " ' . �' 1v0�:�4 s - <br /> 'prinalpAl umount o1 tho IndaUtodnoss eecured by ihis Dr�od of TNSt,not including eums advancod to protoct the socunry.ol thfa DeaA of —_ <br /> . Yru�t,oeccocd th�oridln�l princlpal amount ctatCd horcln,or�.�2ZIl��A IIn _,whiChevor I�proAtor. <br /> --- -� 18.Mlsc�pmwuw P�ov1slon�. �-- <br /> (a)6nrrnw���+vz����M:v�.E�t�fl�!�s of tl:s Ilme(or p�;rteQnl o�mA�IHcatlon o}amartiz�tlon of fhe�ums 6eCUrod by thls � <br /> � � Deed o1 Trust granted hy Lander to any euc:cessor In interest o}Borrcrv�er shalt not operate to relaase,in erey ma��i�G�, �fia iiu�;!!- __ <br /> ty of the origlnal Barower and Borrowee'�eucceasore in Intere0t. Lender ehatl not be requlred to comrnencu proceedinpe �� <br /> agatnat such succasso!or retuse to extend tlme for payment or otherwise modity emoRizallon oi tho aum�Eacured by thls �_. <br /> "' Deed nf Trust by reason o1 sny demanda made by the orlginal Bono�ver and B�rrowera successors in Intereel, —. <br />' .�� � (b)l.enc3er's Powsn.Without aiitictin tho llabltf ot en other ereon Ilabte for ihe payment of any obllqatlon hereln men- _ <br /> �:" <br /> tloned,and without attecting the�len or charpe of thtyre Deod ol Tms9 upon any partton of tho Proparty noL Ihon or theretotare � <br /> ..�;,.;��', reteased as secudty tor the tutl amount ot eu unpeld obligatlons,lander may,Irom time to time and withoN not�e (I)reiease _ <br /> eny person so Iiabte,(11) extend the maturity or aher any of the terma ot any euch obllp�atlona,(III)prant other In�ul�ncee,(Iv) <br /> �M�� release or convey, or cause to be released o�reconveyed at eny time at Lender's optlon any pnrcol, partlon or all ot lhe �•-. <br /> property,(v)take or retease eny other or additional securiry or recanvoyed at eny tima at Lender'e optlon sny parcel, portion or <br /> ''�*'"`�` all ot the Property,(vi)take or rolease any other or addltionei secudty for any obifgation herein mentioned,or�vti)make compo- _ <br />� � sittons ot other arrangemente with debtors in relaUon thereto. _, <br /> �„� (c)Forbaannce by Lander Not w Watv�r.Any forboarunco by Lender tn exercisi�c�any right or remedyhe�eunder,or oth- � <br /> '7' ment of tnsurancoyorth paymlen�of taxes o othewQensror charges by Len�fer ahall oi be a wa vepor iender�s ei�ni i acc�ler- <br /> . �.!:'��� ate the mnturiry ot the Indebtedness secured by Ihls[)eed of Trust <br /> . � � (d)Succ�sor�and Asalyns Bound; Jolnt�nrl S�vual Ll�blltty;C�ptlona.The covenan�s and agreemants hereln con- <br />':';,'_` .�;_� �• tained shall b(nd, and the righta hereunder ahall Inure to, the respecUve successors and asslgns of Lender and Trustor.All <br /> covenants and agreements of Truator ehatl be jolnt and several.fie captlons and headings of the paragr�phs of thla Daed of <br /> �i;;�;�•;%'„�:�� Trust are tor�convenience only and are not to be used to Interpret or define the provlsions hereof. <br />__;;;;f,;,:.;, � (e)liequ�sst tor Notfcsa.'f'he par'�les h�reby requast that a c�py ot any notice of detault hereunder and ecopy of any noflce <br /> � :�wiitiGr;�1 . of sale hereunrJer be malled to each paety w thls Deed of Trust at the address set torth above In the mannar prascdbed by <br />`���,:A:��'-�=' eppl�able law.cxcept for eny other nottce requlred under applicabte law to be gfven In another manner,anynot�e provided for <br /> �,::�:'i�;;� � ln thfs Deed of Trust sha!bo glven by mafling such notice by certlfied mail addressed to the other partla�,at the addresa set <br />'.'*�••=�'�/r�* forih above.Any notke pro�:'.�2d tor In this Deed ot Trust shall be eNective upon malling In the manner deslanated heroln. If <br />`''f`'Y�'`�% T�arstor Is more than one re��n,natice sentto the address set toith above shall be notice to all such persons. <br />'r_���l�t:' � <br />_,^yT� (�Inspection.Lender mny make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and Inspectlons of tt�e Property,prov <br /> that Londer st�all gtve Trustor notice pdor to any such Inspectlon specl(ying roaeonable causA iherefor related to Lendera Inter- <br /> .--1':�;�� est In the Propa�tyr. <br /> ��,qr�,� (g)iieconvsyancs.Upon payment of all sums secured by thls Deed of i rust,Lender shaU raqusst Tre.::�ee to reconeey the . <br /> °"' �ropBrty end shall surrender thls Deed ot Trust and all notee evldenctng Indebtedness secured by thls Deed ot T�ust to <br /> '"="c:,��. , Tru�tee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property,w�thout warranry anci wlthaut charge to the person legalty enti9ed thereto.T�ustor <br />-���,.� shall pay all costs or recordation,If any. <br /> t�j o�..��y�s o.�� c���i�,n���amAn►. As add[tlonal secudty for the payment of the Note,Trustor hereby g�ants <br /> --+-°�'��� Lender undor tha Nebreska Unitortn Commorciel Code a secuNty Intarest tn atl fixturea,equipmeni,and omar peiai�wi pr.�yart'�i <br /> °'"'""E'`�'� used In connecUon with the real estcde or Improvements loca4ed Ihereon,and nat othervrlse declared or d�emad to be a part of <br /> �`' the real estate secured he�eby.Thls fnst`ument ehall be const�ued ea a Securlty Agreement under sald Code.end the Lender <br /> =-��n=� shall have atl the rights artc��emedles of a secured party under sald Code In addltton to the dphts and rernedles under Ihis <br /> --- paragrapte shalt be cumulative wlth,and in no waY e Ilm(tatbn on,Ler�der's rlghts and rem0dles under any olher soaadty egree- <br /> —= ment slgned by BoROwer or 7rustor. <br /> (�)Lhn��nd Bncumbrances.TNStor hereby waRants and represents that there Is no default under the provlsions o1 any <br /> moRgage,deed ot truat,lease or purchase contract descdbing ell or eny pa�t of the Property,or other caVract,lnstrument or <br /> agresment constltuting a Ilen or encumbrance aga��st all or any pad of the Propnrty(col{ectively,"Llens'�,�xlsUn9 as o1 the <br /> - date of thls Deed ot Trust,and that any and aU exlsting Uens remain unmodifled except as disclosed to Lerder In Tru�tor's w�it• <br /> ten dlsclosure of Ilens a�d encumbrances provlded for hereln. Tnistor shalt tlmely perform t►II ot Truator's obllgatlons, <br /> - --- oovenants,reprssantstlon�artd�rerrentloa unde►ar►Y end ell e�dsting and tuture Uens,shall promptty torwerd to Lender copEas <br /> ot ell noUcas ot detault sent In connectlon wltti any and all exis�ng ar future Uens,and shall not without LendetB prbr written <br /> consent In any manner mod(ty the provlston�of or atbw a�y future advances under any exlsting ar future liens. <br /> Q)Applk�tbns o4 Pay�nts.Unless otherv�ise requlred by law,sums pald to Lender hareunder,induding without Imita- <br /> L�rxisr�y the�mounts�pd�o�nd towl g from T stor aned borcowee nns ch order ae Lentler tn I so e disaetlonl oen�ia desir <br /> �ble. <br /> (k)S�wsr�Ib111ry,lf any provlslon of this Deed of Trust confl�ts wkh nppllceble Iaw or Is declared Imalkor otherwlae unen- <br /> ��yvithout the confl��ng parovls�tona�nd ot Ws end the p vpsbns of thls thDeedDof Trus4 and the Note at�e dadared t be�sovn <br /> mrable. <br /> - 1!)Torms.The terms"Trusto�'end"Borrower sl�111ncluda 6oth singular and plural,and when the Truslor and Borrower are <br /> the same person(s),those terms as usod fn thls Deed oi Trust shall be interchangeable. <br /> - (m)ao+�eminp La�v.Th(s Deed of Trust ehell be govemed by the I�►ws of the Sta!e of Nebreske. <br /> -----� <br /> _.--�� <br /> - --__� <br />- • -�=-�� <br /> _ - �_� <br /> '��rr-�.e� <br />. ,�=:.a�'� — <br /> -��s=�. <br /> "��F�'F'`' Trustor has execu;ad t�ts Deed of st s d tho date written ebove. <br /> - ,.t; •� :;�; � <br /> �v�� — <br /> ,����:� .r•� I y t.t �.f� -. <br /> � � �� ' , _ <br /> t:hrict{nw �o la»d Tnrstor <br /> _--- ?:1 •� Vlarnei rogiar� ��.,�,.� _...._-•--- - = <br /> ::r=� � <br /> - .-� x, — <br />. •F�.Y.`.. <br /> _ � �. <br /> . � .S Trustor Trustor = <br /> � i 1 <br /> • V <br /> ' T � <br /> 1/ <br /> t� <br /> , r,; <br /> - �i - <br /> ... •: <br /> -�---- - -...---- ..._ . . . ._ ....__ _..._.. .... . _ _.._-�---------- •. ..._ ----, _ .. - <br /> _.r �,_ ,,. <br /> . . � <br />