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•�►-�: . <br /> ,� � . .. � . <br /> �_ . , „ :;;;,; - -�P <br /> ..�»..r..: .. --- , . " �.-�;;�,;,:�;,. . <br /> . <br /> . . --- - <br /> , . .. �r.,,._. .-- ..e�rR!���rr.r, i .r .. ��•.^_���ic.--s._—�c-_�.....�,� _.- <br /> ^' <br /> . .__.. . . <br /> . . ..._ ,...:�: ... ... .. '-----=- <br /> •. . .....« .. _ <br /> . . , .... .-•---------- <br /> _ _'.._ ., _._. L'J.r'.J. <br /> � {..' �� <br /> 7 <br /> • �� ���7JQD�✓ , <br /> � and Khall Rnall coples of auch notice in th�manner prescribed by applicable law to Bnrrc�wer and to the other perEons <br /> � prescribed by applicable law. Aft�r the tlm�requlrcd by applicable law,Trustee eh�ll gtve public notice�f Rale to <br /> � the pereons and in the manncr prescribed by a�plicabla law. Trusta� witha�ut demond on Borrowcr, eh�ll Fell th� <br /> � Property at public auction to the hlghest 6ldder at the time and place and under the terms designuted in the notice of <br /> .� � sale in ane or more parcels und In�ny order Tniatee dotermincs. Trustee may postpone Rale of all or�ny parcel of ,, <br /> . .� ± a the Property by publlc announcement at the tin�e and pl�ce of any previausly acheduled Asle. Lender ar its designe�: <br /> -�� � may purchase the Property at any sale. Upon receipt of payment of the pr(ce bid, Trustee shall deliver to the <br /> �'"""'t"�' purch�ser Trustee's deed conveyfng the Property. The recitads in the Trustee's deed ghail be prima facie evtdcnce <br /> �.�~��n�� of the wth of the statements made thercin. T►ustec shall apply the proceeds of the sate in the following order: (a) <br /> : � to all costs and expenses of exercising the power of sale� and tite sale. inctuding thz �►aytnent of the 7lruste.,'s fe;.,e ,, <br /> � � ach��lly incurred, nnt to exceed the amount which rnay be provlded for in this Security Instrument, and►�easonable ��'�.��ti <br /> attorneys' fee3 as permitted by law; (b) to all aums secwed by this Security Instrument;and(c) any excess to the R`'=- <br /> �-__.. <br /> '` persan or persans legally entitled to it. <br /> 22. Reconveyance. Upon payment of all sums sccured by this Security.instrument, Lender sliall request �''� <br /> �_ Trustea to reconv�y the Properry and shall sunen�der this Security Instrument,the Nate and all other aates stcured — <br /> by this Security lnstrument to 1 tustee. i'rustee shall reconvey the�roperty without warranty to tiie peeson oe pe:soiis � <br /> .. legally entidsd thereto. Such person or persons sball pay all forwarding fees Impesed by Lender,reconveyance fees — <br /> � imposed by Trustee,and all costs relatiug ta tl�e recordation of the reconveyancs of this 3ecurity Iaswraent. Ry,.O� <br /> � •. � 23. Su6stitute Tcustee. L,eader may,from tlme to time. by inswment In wridng,substltute a successor <br /> � ' or sucrcessors to any Tnrstee named 'ua the Security Instrument or actlag thereund$r. Such insuument shaU be = <br /> �.`°� executal and acknnwledged by Lender and recorded in the office of the recorder of the county or coundes where the <br />_ '' '` Pmperty is sir�uated and shall be conclusive proof of the proper subsdtudon of such successor Trustee or Tn�stces. <br /> Such sucegssor Trustee or'i'rustees shall,without conveyance from the predecessor Tnistee.aucceed to all its tide. - <br />�:�_�� '� estate,rights. powers and duries. The procedure her�ein provided for subsdtudon of Trustees shall aot be exclusive <br />�-:<< .. ,.,� <br /> 't�• .,,s;,� of other provisions for subsdtudon permitted by law. <br />-- -`'�"" ���"'�� 24. Request[or Notic�es. Borrower,for himself or herself and for Lender� hereby requests thae a copy of <br />-�T---• . <br /> - . . �.:,_. - <br />.s�:��;� ��• arty notice of de£ault aad notice of sale be sent to boih Bonower's address, wtuch is the Property Ad�ress. and W <br />. ��°�'�����=''' I�nder's address indicated above. <br />- ;�,:�:. ....•:�., • <br />-�::`�t�c�'�r�.� ., 25. Stutement o!Obiigatton Fee. Lender may collect a fee equal to ti�e maaimum amount as may from <br /> ---.-�����i`. , <br /> . _r�=.�c; •. time to time�allawed by law for furnishing any statement off obl�garion, beneficiary's atatement, beneficisuy's <br /> ='�_=__���'r__,�_ demand or auy other statement regarding the condldora of or b��mm.�awing under the Note or secured by this Security <br />--:-°``-�":Y;�`L� Instrument. <br /> '�d��.==� 26. AdJustable Inter�st Itate. The Note contains pruviaions w�ich provide for increases and decreases in <br /> °''-,-��' the interest rate and monthiy paymenta. These provisions are incorporated herein by tt�is reference. <br /> z,,:;;En`,��; — <br /> 27. Otfisets. No indebtodaess se�ured by this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been offset or <br /> -_��t� tfl be offs�S or campensated by all or part of any clalm, cause of actton, counttralaim or crosscla�im, whether <br /> -;�=-�� liquidated or unGquldated.whlch Bonower (or, sub,�ect to paragaph 17 of tfiis S�curity Instrument, any successor �;�., <br /> -- -�_--•�-°_— W Bonow�r)aow or hereaf�Nr may have or may clAim to have against I.ender. , �'�`"- <br /> Z8. Mlsrepresentatlon and Nondisclosua�e. Borr�wer has made certain wdtten represenRattons and <br /> - = disclosures ia order to induce Lend�r tco�nake the loan evidencxcd by the Note or notes wtdch this Security Instrumtnt <br /> �= socures. In the event that Borrower has made any material raisrepresentadon or failed to dslsclose aay material fact, _ <br /> -- ----- Lender. at its option and without prIor nodce or demand shall have the right to decla��e the indebtedness secured by <br /> �`��'"`-�''�� this Securlry Instrument, inespective of the maturity date specifit�in tLe Note or notes sccured Uy this Security <br /> ---�� 11"`"'� Instrument,immediately due and payable. 'Y'tustee, upon presentadon to it of an a�davit sigued by Lender seiting - <br /> ��j�� forth facts shotiving a default by Borrower under tbis paragraph,is authorized to accept as tr�ce and conclusive all faats <br /> � -;�,�:,:��� <br /> . ;�= '�� and statements therein, and to act thereon hereundes. <br /> '::`�''�'"�� 29. Time is o[tine Essencx. Time is of the essence in the performance of each provision of this SecurIty <br /> � <br /> _•� � -7�� <br /> :;.,,S_,,7'.��.i�.�,t,: IllSStCllIIlGIIt. <br /> —_=SSii 1Ja. �;;I_.,. —, <br /> ���;:• , ��..y:�,�� 30. Waiver of Statute of Llmitattans. The pleading of the statute of limitations as a defense to enforcemer�t <br /> .::s�:�= � '.�;�'�ft :; of this Security Inswment,or any and all obligadons referred to herein or secured ltereby, Is hereby waived to the �.: <br /> •� .��tJ` ?:� t�n�llest catent peruaitted by law. ��: <br /> "':�r:��:.`;,-:. �,�'__ <br /> `" ' • '''��� 31. Muditicxtton. This Security lnstnunent may be modifled or amended only by an agrcement in writing �- <br /> , ��:r.. <br /> ,•• .i•r;.J_n=;,: <br /> . : .c� s i g n e d b y B a n o w e r a n d L.e n d e r. ��: <br /> .- � .�� 32. Cxptions. 'fhe capdons and headings at the beginning of each paragraph of this Security lnswment are �:�_� <br /> _„�� for the convenience of reference only and will not be usod in the interpretauon of any provisian of this Security �' :�` <br /> -___'�"--- '-- Instnunent. ' � <br /> r. <br /> � � 33. Construdtnn of the Securfty Instrument. Borrower and Lender agree that this Security Insmimertt <br /> � , shall�e interpreted in a fair, equal.and neutral manner as to each of the pattl�.s. <br /> - 3�1. Misoellxneous. When used tn �his Security Instrument,the terms "include"or "including" shall mean <br /> . without limita.tion by reason of enumeration. in this Security Instrument, whenever the context so requires. the <br /> masculine gender includes the feminine and/or neuter,and the singular number includes the plural. <br /> • � • � NBdRAS'I�A Page 6 of 8 tv�MOezo c�ev. iona��� <br /> Borcower [nitials �� ��I� _ <br /> i <br />