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. ' .::�"'�i;: , <br /> �4.�) . <br /> .�aW�MIF � ,. �� ��_. <br /> •!�,ryy� ��.... '�9� „c.. <br /> '".Q�9bY����" , : ., � <br /> � .:,�ii�:�i}.�A4'' - � "'..'__" .. ....... _. . .... .._ . . . ._...""... _ . . <br /> � , ., . <br /> , ..����f-•' �.� . . _. . . . . _ ... ....�".._"_"__".� '. ... <br /> n '�...... .. ....._._�._�.�._......._ �� " �.� ti.t'.* _" <br /> ' � A�l�,,. ,�,����� , ' <br /> JV <br /> _. _ ._._ in fuU of all aums secured by thls Securiry Instrument. However,this�ption shaU not be exercised by I.ender if . •• <br /> exercise is proi�ibitui by federal law as of the date of this Securlty Instrument If lxnder exercises this opt�on, - -�`��;•: <br /> Lender shall give Borrawer notice of acceleration. Th� notice shall provide a period of m�t less tliln 30 days from <br /> < ;".: <br /> the �lHte the notice is delivered or malled within wh�ch Borrower must pay all�RUms secured by this Security y� <br /> Instrument. If Horrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of thls• p��riod, Lf:nder may invoke �tny <br /> r�medie.g permitted by this Securlty Instrument without furthee notice or demand�n Barrower. ,;�4 <br /> 18. Horrower's Rlght to Retnstxte. If Borrower mee�g certaln condhions, Borrower shull have the right <br /> �"`�'�'" to have enforcxment of this Security instrument discantinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days(or such <br /> ' odisr period as applicable taw may speclfy for reiastatement)before sale of the Property pursuant to any pawer of � <br /> sale contained in this Security Instrument; or (b) entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument. Those �,: <br /> conditions are that Borrower: (a)pays Lender all sums which then would be duc under this Security Instrument and , `,�'�"��' <br /> the Note as if na acceleration had occurred;(b)cures any default of any other covenants or agreements; (c)pays all "�i u'��'= <br /> expenses incurred In enforcing thts Security InsYrument, including,but not limited to,reasonable attorneys'fees; and F:;y;�- <br /> (d)takes such�ction as Lender may reasanably require to assure that the lien of thts Security Instrument, Lender's : � _ _ <br /> � rights In the Property and Borrower's obllgadon to pay the sutns secwed by this Security Inspument shall continue �:,'_{'�� <br /> '`, unchanged. Upon rcinstatement by Borrower. this Security Iaswrnent and the obligatlons securerl hereby shall � ,"'°�''=` <br /> ,� ,..C?y';`° <br /> �{� ,:..�`w. <br /> remain fully effective as If no acceleration had occurred. However,this right to rc;instate shall not apply in ehe c�se ..: <br /> � of acccleration undea paragraph 17. "='f'_� <br /> �` 19. S�le of IVote;Change oi Loan Servtcer.The N�te or a partial interest ln the Note(together with this `,�;:,-h:; <br /> Security Instrument)may be sold one or more tlmes without prior nodce to Borrower. The holder of the Note and ___ <br /> . •� this Securlty Insuvment shall be deemed to be the Lender hereunder. A aale may result in a change in the entity "' i:: <br /> (known as tha "Loan Servicer") that cnllects munthly payments due under the Nota and this Securlty Inat�vment. ��� � '� <br /> _. ,.;::� -_-�_—�. <br /> . Thexe also ma;be one or more ch�nges of t��Lc�an 9ervic;,r��rcl�ted�o� �ale of the Note, if chere is a change .�<<___�"n' <br /> � � of the Loan Servicer. Borrower will be given wrltten notice of the change in accordance with pazagraph 14 above ;.--- <br /> ' �:.__�, <br /> and applicable law. 1'he aotice will state the nazne and address of the aew Loan Servicer and the address to which _ <br /> '-'°�'�'��,:: aavments should be made. The notice will also contain any o�aer informa�on reauired by applicable law. <br />' �� ,.�•;i�;:�i.:�` � + 20, H�zardous Substanoes. Bonower shall not caus�or permit the presence, use. dlsposal, storag�or _ <br /> - ��`.����'�:"� release of any Hazardous 3ubstances on or in the Praperty. Borrowet shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, _ <br /> " anything affecting the Property that Is in violation of any Eavlronnicntal Law. The prece,ding two sentence.c shall -- <br />_`�+= � not apply to the presence, use or storage on the Property of small quantits�e of Hazardous 5ubstanc,es that are <br />��; � .' generally rECOgnized to be approprlate to normal resldendal uses aad to maintenance of the Property. Borrower shall _�- <br />�Zt, . ,;,; <br />�ra.,M�.�':��� promptly give Lender writien notice of any investigadon�claim,demand,lawsn�it or other actlan by any governmental �e. <br />- ' '� or regulatory agency ar prlvate party involving the Proparty and acay Hazardous Substance or Environmental Iaw <br /> -- .� ' of which Bonower ha� actual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is aodfied by any gavernmental or regulatory <br />-- authority, that any removal or other remcxl�ation of any Hazardous SS�bstance affectiag the Property is necessary. <br />�=�'��'�:�. Honower shall prompdy tak�all aecessary remedlal actlons in accordance wlth Environmental Law. Bonower shall <br />�'`�:,�_;,,.;;��: be solely responslble for, shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless I.ender, its directors, officers, employees. �— <br />=,:;.��,;�:'._, attomeys,ageats. and their respectice successors and asslgns,from and against any and all claims, demands,causes <br />-A;�r_;,:"�;_ of action, loss,damage.cost{including act�al aitort�eys'fees and cowtcosts and costs of any required or necessuy - <br />_�n- � <br /> -- . repair,�le�►nup or detoaification of the Property and the preparadon aad implementation of any closure� a atement. <br />--�:°�•• :;. containment.remedial or other required plan),expenses and llability directly or lndire�tly arising out of or attrlbutable �_ _ <br /> �' to (a) the use. generation, storage, reIease, threatened release, discharge, dispbsal, abatement or presence of •`°� <br /> =":L^1,. : =- <br /> .,��- . _.. <br /> - _'`,�•.�,;_, Hazardous Substance.9 an,under or about the Property. (b)the transport to or from t he ProperEy o f any Hazar dous ___ __ <br />_��� Substances, (c)the vialation of any Hazardous Substances daw. and (d)any Hazardous Substances claims. As used _„____ <br /> ..;�,,.� _ . , <br />�.:.�'�••}{�� � in this paragraptx 20. "Hazardous Substauces" are those substances defined as fo�� or hazardous substanc�by R���^^• <br />--�:�r�>�ti:`'.';�: .; ��_=��<: <br /> .��a;.:. , • Environmental Law anrl the following subatances: gasoiine,kerosene,otl3er flammabl�or toxic petrolewan products. ��— <br /> ; � toxlc pesticides and i�erbicides. volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyc�e. and radioactive <br /> - �� , materials. As used in this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means foderal laws and laws af the,j�risdiction where �;-_- <br /> .. �� the Pro�+erdy is located that relate to health,safety or envirm�uental prote�tion. - ��'�--. <br />' �;; 2Il.Acce[erxtton;Pt�medles. I.ender shall give notir�e to Bor�ower prior to acceleradon following Borrower's ��.;;�;�`_- <br /> • . :� breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument @ut nQi prior to acceleration under paragraphs 17 �.���:�:--� <br /> �.��_-:,�..,�-_- <br />- ; _ or 34 untess applic���7e law provides othenvis�e.) The notice sl�all specity: (a)die default; (b)the act�on required ., �: ;.;,:--- <br />_ ' ��� to cure tlee default; (c) a date. not less than 30 days from the date the nodce is given to Borrower, by wliich the ,.��;`.,o";�-;=_- <br /> ,.''I,'.•. .-w•V'(=�:_.• <br /> default aa»st be cured; and(d)t��t�ailure to cure the default on or before the date speclHed in the notice may re�ult J+f��:. <br /> � in acce7eration of the sums securecl by this Security Instrument and sale of the Prnperry. The noUce shall further • �-. 4`u;=.-' <br /> -:, , . > . . <br /> inform Bonower of the right to reinstate after acceleradon and the right to bring a court action to assert the non- '�� <br /> ___.,._��_ _ _ -- <br /> - - - _-_ °— <br /> � existence of a default or any defense of Bonower to acceleration und sale. If the default is not cured on or before ." -' <br />= the da2e s�cihed in the notice, Lender at its option may requlre immediate payment in full of all sums secured by <br /> ; thi5 Securiry lnstr�meni widiout f�uther demand and may invake the powet of sale anti any uther remedies permitted „ <br /> ; by applicable law. L.ender shall be entided to collect all expenses incurr�d in pursuing d�e remedies provided in this <br /> -� . j paragraph 21, including,but not limited to, reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of title evidence. If the power of . <br /> � sale In invoked. Trustee shall record a nodce of default un each cou�ry in wrhich ai�y part of the Propertl is located <br /> = i , � <br />- � �g�A Fage 5 of 8 NEQM0820 lRev. 10122/96) <br /> 5 Bonower Initials ��, �,d _ ,. <br /> I _ �—--—-, :- �. s, <br /> ._ ... ..__ ..._...' . . . ..._ �.... ._.f -`•--- ....'_. . . _ _ ' . .__ _. .. ..._._ � . . .._� . . . __. .. .._.__` _ _.. _ . <br />