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� ,,. , <br /> "�. � . .. _. _• � .. .. - - <br /> �ar n�,.�.., . _ . . .. ,� ,r ,,,,, _ <br /> . �„r.e»��i1�ii�Nrr�!„s.�.�, , ,_ ,. ... . ,. .,. . .,»r.._-- �-�--� , . ., ..�.. :. . ._...... ..�._ ._ . -,,i1 ��<<.k - <br /> � �.. -� <br /> . ' • • , a � .�a,'�- . <br /> ��:� ��11��Y�i� 1 <br /> . _ � . � � � <br /> � � 35. RelesiGur�ement. To the extent perrnitted by applicable law. Bonower shall reimburse Trusteo and � , ' � <br /> Lender for eny art d oll costs,feex and expenseg which either may incw,expend or eustaln in che executlon of tlie trust � <br /> . -� � nreated hercund�=ar in the perfc�rmanc� af any act required or permitted hereunder or by law ar in eyuity or � <br /> . . othtiiwice ai•isin� aut of�j� in conj�ecdoi�with this 3ecuriey InstruYncn2, thc Nnte, ajiy uther note srcured by this <br /> ? Security Instrumem�r any other instrument executed by Barrower in co�nnectian wlth the Note or this Securlty �. �-�;;� <br /> ..�' Instrument. To sl�extent permitted by applicable law, �orrower ahall pay to Trustee and Lender their fees in <br /> � �} connectjon with'i�rustee and Lender providing doauments or arising out of or in connectlon with this Security � � `- <br /> .....�� � '` <br /> .._..,: .�• •, Instrument, the hlae. any other note secu�red by this Security Instrument or any other lnstrument executed by � <br /> ' Borrower in conr�edic�n with the Note or this Securlty Insttument. : <br /> 36. CleP�dl F•rror. ln the event Lender at any dme dlscovers that the Nate, any other note secured by thia ,'':,% <br /> i Securiry Inatrumen�,this Securlty Instrumrnt.or any other document or instrument exe�uted in connection with td�is �;`'- <br /> .. .� . L�'�`�!':�i_-_ <br /> , ; Securiry Instrument,t�e Noto or any other note secured by thIs 5e�nrity Instrum��.t contains an error that was ca�es�d ;,., ` <br /> � bp�cizrical mistake,calculatlon c:rror,computer ma�c�r,�lon,printing enor ez sivaarlar error,Bonower a�aass,u�an e<<�- <br /> � r_c�¢i�from Lender,to re�x�ct�any das�:�ents tha��rre�ecessary ro cor��aur�y such enor(s). Borro�ee E�rtdazr `�`�-=#�'��� <br /> ¢' � - <br /> �' a.�r�°�s Q�-3 9���=wL r�►a�Fra���Fo��a��ver far any datrag�s q�r�rd�y E�ar�aaw�r tha,t are directly or indirec�ly �_'-K- <br /> ,t. , <br /> .. r,;, sa�sed�y aray s.v�hea-aas. �'�.��+ <br /> r 37. Lost,Stolan, ID�t�x+ sd or Mut►lated Secur[t Inste�n�eoera3 aae�l �ither pocuments. In the event of ��=�. <br /> .`���, eu�doss,theft or datnuction�ff c�e Note.any other note seeured by t�nis Sec�rity IInswment,this Security Instr�ment .�''"''�r'-` <br /> .� - <br /> ��`:�. or any other doctamenta or inswments executed in connection witln �ns Securlty Instrument,the Note or any other -�:__ <br /> . 4��� note secured by this Security Instrur¢�e�ct (collectively, the "Loaan l��uments"), upon Borrower's recetpt of an ___ <br /> �_-- - <br /> '�, indemnifccarion exau4ed ia favor of�ur���er by I.e�ader, or, in ¢�ha �vent c�f die mutilation of any of the Loaa ��� <br /> '.�", .�vCi^�.UIIIi.II2S� YTi O�ia�CaT�der's oilf[CII'1Cf i3 u^vaiOL'Ja:i iu�i wwE .uutilat�, i.oan Cr��cnt� BOIlOWCI 511311 F.XCCilZv'3?I� <br /> . P �--- <br /> � „ •. deliver to L,ender o Loan Document in farm and c��u2�;�t adenticad to, and to serve as a replacement of�the lost, = <br /> .��;„ � stolen,destroyed�or rnutllated I.oan Da�cm¢��nt and suctn nplace�r��sR�all have the sams force and effect as the lost, - <br /> �'.��._:, .,;. <br /> st�,l�,s3wtt�3�.,�� �u::Zai.;o! Loast r,�'^„„^°•�i;,, attd�:.� ���:�::..^.Z!g•.�gQ°..�:.,� �e�t:g�S:°.�CL'i?y �f�..:.•::..y <br /> -'',-; �� � Loan Document. • <br /> 38. As�i�nnrent of Rente. As additional security hereunder,Borrrn:�a�h�ereby asslgns to LendEa tlt�e re�ts <br /> �� ��� of the Property. �orrawer ahall have the rigbt to celD�ec'g and retain the rents�r��.he Property as they becom�due aa�d �:;i;:�_ <br />-=''�"'�' � payable pravlded Lender 6as nnt eaercised i2s r♦giiss to require i�mediate payr�.�e�t a��il�ms¢�hE sums secured by dn� — <br /> �``�`�,�`'��'� � Sscurity Instrument�nd Barrower has a�r.a�andoned the Property. ' _— <br /> „� <br /> -'" �°"•��°�� 39. I.e{�I�tton At[eeting Lender's Rlghte. If enactraent or eacpiratlon cif applicable lawa 6as the affect of <br /> _°���"`�'"'� renderia�g any provislon of the Note or thIs Securlty InsWment u,:e�forceable according to its terras. Lender,at dts <br />-"���� --�K�� optinn,may req�ice lmmecllate payment in full of all sums securc�1�y tlils Security Insuument aad may invo0�e a,�y <br /> -�..:�:::.s <br /> �""�-�`°'"� � remedies perrnitted by paragraph 21 of this Security Imswment. <br /> -c- a_ <br /> ___ i�°..:77#� <br /> ::-.c;�.'..l" <br />--�� XQ If this b�ais checked. the following paragraph 40 is agrced to by Bonower: <br />—';"r':•` <br /> ''\�. - <br /> -�__s=,n�a <br /> =_=�� 40. Awraa�Occuptney of Securlty Property. In order to induce Lender to make tLe loan se�aued by thls <br /> ;=�i'�'�� Security Inswment,Horrower has represented to Lender that the Property will be occupied by Bonower within sixty <br /> �`7�'� � (60)days follow�ng recordadon of thLc Securlty Iastivment and duaing the twelve(12)manth period immediately ==-�:�� <br /> _�::��,,�� fo�lo�ving recordation of this Security Inshume�it as Borrower's primary residence. Bonower acknowledges (a)that — <br /> '""��:�,� Lender evould n�t have agreed to malce the loan evidenced by the Note or notes seci�red by thls Security Instntment <br /> _-__�_'_�l if the Property w�ae not ta be oK�ner-occupisd, and (b)that the Interest rate set forth on the face of the Note and <br /> -� �. other ter�of thc loan wcre detcrmined as a result of Borrower's representaflon that the Froperty would be ownar- <br /> �-`���t—�� occu Ied. Borrdwar furt��r ��cknowled es that. amon other thin s i urchasers of loans mcludin a enaies, <br />- ._�:�.--.--T.-., P g � 8 (�)P C g g <br /> -W'��'-�x��� assaciations and caporations created by the federal and state governrnents for th�pu;chase of loans)typically require - <br /> - . � that properties s�uring(oans ar,quired by suc5 purchasers be owner-occupied.and will reject for purchase loans for - <br /> ;�; � ,.. , • 'i' which sexurity praperties are not owner-orr�npied, (u)IIxnder's ability to sell a loan or an interest in a loan (which :.:= <br /> `.,::'i,'A <br /> It often dces in t�e ordinary sc�urse of business) will t}��ereby be Impaired where a security propet�y is not own�er- 'f?:�::_. <br /> ��'-�='t• accupied. (iii)tt�erisks involved and the costs of holding and administering a loan are often higher in the case of ' �'� � <br /> �.,, <br /> �.�.. : `��, �;��:_::� <br /> ,.�: <br /> ;:,.�.,�:,. . � =-- <br /> .-,�;�� •� :�'f, a loan in whcsh �he se�urity properry is nat owner-oCCUpied, aad (iv) if aad when Lender makes a loan on the a�.----- <br /> - . ' �.'�<�� security of av�-:�f,ner occupied property,Txnder typically makes s�ch a loan on terms diffraent from those of loans � a=:i'�_ <br /> :;';; .. ��•� '�;:f:.-- <br /> �'•f� F secured by owner�cupied properties. Accordingly, in the event that (a) wishin sixty (60) days following :•.'-.:�:"g�. <br /> . �_ recordation uf thasSecuri Ins4rument the Pro �T�`'� <br /> �,::`;,�_�:_ ty perty is not occupied by Borrower as Borrower's primary residence, . �-,��7`'�`:: <br /> �� :��� �� or (b)Boi�rowcr does not continaously live in the Pro�erty for at least twelve (12)months immediately following _ �?`;,_- <br /> : recordation of ttiis Se�urity Instrument, Lertder may declare all sums secured by ehis Security I�strument to be �"" ' <br /> .,,,. <br /> � immediatcly due aod payable. The rights of Lertder hereunder shall be in addition to any rights of Lender under this <br /> Secwity Instrumen�or allowed by law. <br /> NEERASKI► Page 7 of 8 NEQM0820 (Rcv.t0/21/9b) <br /> -� Borrower Ini¢ials � �',(� �_ __ <br />