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� ;•..�. , _ <br /> � •�., ' <br /> �.�.,. <br /> .....,,...� , <br /> _� -. <br /> ���r21P.fl;. . � /i . 1 _ ' '- <br /> . <br /> {T• , •-� <br /> .....r.�,..�.r.. .._.._..__. .. .. .. _ _ ___' ____.—_'"'_' _ . . <br /> . ..... . . . - . . . . . <br /> ..ri. ... _"'__.. ' . . <br /> �.... . . .. . . ..,... .... <br /> . ._...... ... ... . . . _.. <br /> ..�......�...j�L._.......J:.�: .. ' <br /> ' t�'i+.u:tc�l'�111,,_ <br /> • , �-. •.,e�l��x,....._ . <br /> g6� �L(��9�� . ., <br /> �iiail �,ay the pr�miums re��uired to obta+n coverage s��h�tantially equivalent to the mortga�e insurance previously in <br /> a cost substantially equivalent to the cost to Dorrower of the mortgage insurance previously in ettect, from <br /> an alternate mangage insurer approved by Lender. If substantially equiWalent mortsage insurance coverage is not <br /> available, Barrower shall pay to Lender each mond� a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yeatly mortgage insurant;e - <br /> " preniium bcing paid by Bonov�cr when the insurance c�vera�e lap�ed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept, <br /> use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of morigage insurance. Loss teserve payments may no longer <br /> :�r,,�,- be reyui►•ed,at the opcion of Lender, If mortgage insurance coverage(in the amount and for the perlod that Lender ` <br /> ,. .« requires)provided by au insurer approved by Lender agaln becomes available and is obtained. Borrower shall pay �,,, <br /> . d�e premiums required to maintain mortgage insurance in effect, or to provide a loss reserve. until the requirement ,_- <br /> ' ' for mortgage insurance ends in accordance wid�any written agreement between Borrowes and Lender or appliCabte <br /> law. ' �`-'- <br /> 9. Inepectton. I.Qnder or its agent may make reasonable enuies upon�and inspecuons of the Property. :''�t:��:�:--._ <br /> L.ender shall give Bonower notice at the dme of or prior to an inspecdon specifying reasonable cause for the '��;-�� <br /> f�i�;.:�-- <br /> inspecdon. • ':;;;i <br /> � 10. CondPm�atlon. The proceeds of any awazd ot claim for daraages,direct or consequential, in connecdon s..=------ <br /> ';���. . <br /> � with any condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property, or for conveyan.e in Ueu of condemnadon, are ..„��: <br /> � hereby asaigned and shall be paid to Lender. Lender may apply,use or release the condemnatlon proceeds �n the ". 'r:� <br /> �'� same manner as provided in paragraph 5 hereof with respect to insurance proceeds. If the Property is abandoned by •,�8•�v-- <br /> ,:z;�;- <br /> Horrower, or if, after aotice by Lender to Bonower that the condemnor offers to anake au award or settle a claim _�_._ <br /> � for daniages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender wit�in 30 days after tlne date the notice is given, Lender is ---- <br /> `.;:; -•� � authorized to collect and apply t�ne proceeds. at its option, either to restoratian or repair of the Property or to the f���.�. <br /> � " �swns secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree "<�1•.1��:�:- <br /> :..�- � �,•��^(-:•A::,� . <br /> in wriring.any appllr,�don of proceeds to principa!shall not extend or postpone the due date of th�rnoatbly paymcnts ��� 1��°` <br /> ,. ,yt� t�R- � <br /> , ;: refened to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. �`=��""'�".". <br /> - �°�r 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbea�rance By Lender Not a Walver. Eatension of the dme for payment " <br /> � � "" or r.:w+ifi=�on Qf 2mnni�ati�n of the sum.4 gecured bV this Securiry Inatrument granted by Lender to any successor , — <br /> �_ �� <br /> In intereat of Borrower shall not operate to release the liabllity of the origlnal Fionower or Borro�ver's successara in �y`�_, <br /> � interest. Lender ahall not be required to comznence proceedings against any successor In interest or refuse to extead = •• <br /> - time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of tt�e sums secured by this Securiry Instnunent by reason of any <br /> s� � demand made by the origInal Borrower or Borrower's succe5sors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in <br />�•': .;,>, • � exerclsing any right or temedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. - °•- <br />==�r���.:! �. � 12. Succeosore and Assigns Bound; Jotnt ond Several Linbility; Co-signers. The covenants and -- <br /> - � . ,"' agreements of this Security Inswment shall bind and benefit the successors and asslgns of Lender and Hortower. <br />� �� �• subject to the provlsions of paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreement�shall be joint and several. Any <br /> -};���..• � •��� Borrower who co-sigas tl�is Security Instrument but dces not exeaute the Note: (a) is co-slgning tbis Security <br /> �"--'° � Insrivment only to mortgage� gcant and convey that Botcower's interest ia tPie Property under the terms of this <br />_�-...,.,m- _ � <br /> -- , ,. Securlry Iastrument; (b) is not personally obligated to pay the sums secured by this Security instrument; and(c) <br />�==��.-'-R; agrees that Lender and any other Bonower may agree to ex�end,modify,forbear or make any accommodations with <br /> �-��°������:''a regazd to the terms of this S�curity Instrument or the Note wlthout that Bonower's conseat. <br /> �.=_�;,;;c,..: . <br /> —s,u�:l?' ` �• 13. Loan CI�Arges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subJect to a law whfich sots maximum _ <br />_�_..,�.�..:. . _ - <br /> _-__ loan charges, Rnci that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected _ <br />-� . in connectian wa�h the loan eaceed the perrnitted limits, then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount <br /> �`'_�.;:::�:.: nece5sary 4o reduce the charge to the permitted limit; and @) any sums already coAected from Borrower which — <br /> -�=`:�:`�" ; eacs�ed permitted limits wDl be refunded to Bonower, Lender may choose to make th[s refund by reducing the _ <br /> -�_;.rvu-�..,-..:: :� !: <br /> y,,�,��;�,,-- } principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the - <br /> _ _ .�.�'��-� �• reducdon will be treated as a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Note. "_ <br /> „ ' � 14. Not�oes. An y�nottce to Bonower provided for in this Security Instcument shall be given by delivering <br /> It or by mailing it by first class msil unless applicable law reyuires use of anodier method. The notice shall be •"�---= <br /> . ',: �' � directed to the Properry Address or any other address Borrower ciesignates by notice to Lender. Any�sotice to Lender :;:�:�= <br /> ,.,;,;-, <br /> � �; �� shaHl be given by first class ma�� to Lender's address stated hereln or any other address Lender designates by nodc� .j;;,... <br /> �' to Borrower. A�ny nodce provided for i�a this Securi Iastrumenc s�hall be deemed to have a�en ven to Bonower ` "-"�'�_ <br /> tY gt �,:�:.�°:-. <br /> j ° or Lender wher�gaven as provided in this paragraph 14. t ���"'--`-- <br /> .,�.:_<_- <br /> - f : 15. Governin;Severablli This Secwi Instrument shall be ovemed b federal law and the law - ���;'�''X/"'' <br /> g ty ry g Y ;�r,�:.�- <br />_ ti��,..:. s-. <br /> ' � j of the jurisdicrion in which the Property is located. In the event that any �rovision or clause of this 5ecurity �•,'�``:.� <br /> � ��" � Instrument or the Note conflicts with appli�able law, such co�nflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security , �u ��5.�;' <br /> ;.:. <br /> '•� __ ,-_I t„�n,,,„P„r�,��hP tvnre which can he rive�n effect without the conflicGng provision. To this er.d ttze provisions of this <br /> = -- - � ---------- -- -- -- <br /> � Security Instcument and the Note are declared to be severable. � , . <br /> � l6. Borrow�er's Copy. Bonower shall be give�one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security • <br /> — � Iastivment. <br /> �� 17. Transicr o[the Piroperty or a Ben�ftctal Interest in Borrower. if all or any pan of the Property or �' <br /> � � any interest in it is sold or uansferred(or if a beneficial inYerest in Borrow�r is sold or transferred and Horrower is ; <br /> ' not a natural person)without Lender's prior written�onsent,L.ender may, at its option. require immediate payment • <br /> '� �g�A Page 4 of B NCQM0820 (Rev.10/22l96) <br /> I <br /> -� " � Boi7ower Yniti�s �_ �J'R __ _, __ <br /> i <br /> � <br />