.- . .�,r ... .' _ __�_ - _ _ __ _— _ _ __ -: ._ __.
<br /> . . .. . _._ w _. —
<br /> � . .��r
<br /> . ..� � .r. .. . .. _.�
<br /> '} ,..:��
<br /> .�' - 'r-" '_ "_" -r _,-_. .__
<br /> • �. , .. ' wn • _._..
<br /> _ � . .�w. �r••x-n 'Y� �, �'�c r r �.r
<br /> � e `7GY�i �M�Oi��A-� } �.:•"-_
<br /> ��T�.
<br /> ��`�T•�. .�t�1���
<br />� n V�—� ,�0��
<br /> _""; , � (q All a p�A d tivi Propwty. a �b�nMlai�l Int�ntt In � ku�t ownNp �N a p�rt ol th� Propwty� 1� wW or
<br /> alhwwls�V�nsNn�d(olh�r th�n by drW��a d�a�n1)by Ih�Bortow�r.�nd
<br /> _ - - �Tn.�u�.�iy k rn;i:�rpi:d�y tria p;s:�.a cr�rttre a! �!e er h!�r;.+r!n!�!��nr», n.th.�,urolu�sr a �__
<br /> , ',�i,;�r! prnlM dl� w ooa�py Ih�u PropMly. bul hM w h�r ondU hw not b�wi �pprowd In �a wNh lh�
<br /> a.
<br /> nyulr.n+.na a ui.�.or.wy.
<br /> ::�::�:.-:--_,' io► No W�Iwr. u aroum.u�na. 000ur tn.� wouw p«ma �.naa so r.q�,�n wnm.a�h p�yn�ne In tull� wn�..�du
<br /> iluw�wt��quko wch p+iym�nt�. londw do�not w�No Itt�iphW wllh rapeot W subsaquaM ewnte. � -
<br /> - •. '�'A'"`,..j_ '�'',� �d) II�u1l�llo11i1 d NUD $�anUry. In nwiy a�raumwno.. npu�.uon• a.u.a by Ih• s.or.�w wC� wdt
<br /> � lw�dw'� dpht�, N th� aw of paym�nl d�hull�, to nquir� krrn�dwb p�ynf�nt In fuN and lonolon q not pMd. Thls
<br /> - — :l��i�':��^;"��t ,._ MaM'MY In�dunMnl doN not wlhorlt��atlon a londown q not p�nnNt�d by npu�tbn� of th�S�or�hry.
<br /> �_�l,:`_..y,.; , . ��1 Mai�pe Nota Inwrad. 8ortowM�R+n thd�hould thl� S�ourity In�trum�nl�nd th�NoU uound thenby
<br /> _ � ,_.{ .'": nol h� �1pbM lor fn�w�na undK th�NdlanN Houslnp Aat wllhln 90 d11w hom th� d�t� h�nof�
<br /> -- :�". l�nd�r nwy. �1 It� optlon �nd notwNh�t�ndlnp mylhln� In p�r�ynph o, raquin Imm�d�t�p�yment in fW of �A �ums
<br /> --- r� --
<br /> .b' a�a�nd by thls WowN�M�kuirMnt. A wdtt�n sUtMn�nt ol�ny�ulhwiz�d �pant of tha 3�atuy d+it�d suMequw�t �•
<br /> �" � R� lo�Q,�, kan Ih� d�U h�r�ol, dwNnlnp to Inwr� thls 8�ourNy iMirum�nt �nd th� Not� ��aund
<br /> _.,:_-.:;,>..' ` Ih�r�bp. �h�M b� d«m�d aondu�lv� prool ol suoh InNlpblllty. No1wNhN�ndinp th� taqoinp. thb optlon m�y not b� --
<br /> �j`�►�a�" wMMONb� L�IIdM W�1M1 QI�YIMY�Y O�(II�Wi�Q��{ S0�/dll��0 LNI�w�IN��O�Mp���II1W�a� kN111�110�
<br /> u�1�r.=�+•+'*`� �"••. (!►�IIIIIMIf IO 1N��Of�f�l.
<br /> , T� , ,aeitit...�
<br />- - - .��.�.� 10. A�IfIMM�IMM.8anown hN � dpM to b� rNmUbd N Und�►hu nquk�d Imm�dl�t�p�ymmt In IuN beaua�of _
<br /> Barrow�'s Wua to pry �n �mount du� tmdv Ih� Not� or thb 8acutfly InsWment. Thb rlpht applNs wen �Ra►fonolowr�
<br /> .-_— `. • ' �J proaMGr.y: �n N�IiWled, To ninslat�th�B�aNMy In�trummt, BortowK shaN hnd�r In • lump wm �Y unounts �sqdnd to
<br /> - :,:��'_..'.' ;_. _ bdnp 9ortowr'� �000unt aunnl InoludM�p, to Ih� aNn! thy �n obNpdion� of Borrow� uneNr thls S�ourity Imbummt. _ -
<br />-=�'�.` la�do�un ood� �nd rM�on�bis �nd owta�wy �tlom�yi tws �nd ��nus prop�ly nsod�t�d with ths fonetoeun -.-
<br /> — prooMdY�p.lJpon nin�l�t�rtNnt by BortowK.thl�8�auity Imtrummt md th�obNp�tlons th�t N��ax�s�h�9►andn I�Nf�ot u =
<br /> — -� x�.nd.r h.d na r.quk.d Mrn.dW p.ym.nt h n�. How�vv, L�nd�r b not nquir�d to pMnYt rNn�twn�nt M: (q L�ndw hu -
<br /> . � ' �„ �oo�pt�d rNn�{�Iwnwd tllK Ih� oann�nown�nl ot Ia�Wown proaNdinpe wfthin two y�us Mnm�dl�tNy pr�cedinp ths _-_�
<br /> caaMn�nowmnl ol� ourt�nf la�do�w�proo�dlnp, pl)rNn�ulMn�nt wIN pnolud�fonGoan on dHf�nnt pround� In th�fuWn.
<br /> " `� a(W)rNn�tal«n�nt wi1 rdv�nNy�M�o11M pilaMy of th�Nw�cn�t�d by ihl�8�ourNy In�irum�nt•
<br />�"" , 11. oarow�r Not p�t�u�d; Forb��ana� By L.�nd�r Not •Walv�r.�acunaion ot�h.�rn.ot paym.nt or _
<br /> TT� " � • tnodAo�tlon ol�rtiortitdion M IM wm� ��ound by thlt S�cudly In�kumwrt ymt�d by L�ndw to �ny waassor In Intwest of
<br /> — ��: Bor►ow�r�hM not o{�nl�lo rMMS�th�II�bAfty d th�alpin�l 8a►oww a BortowK'�wocasa{n Nt�at.L�nda sh�not bs
<br /> .� - _-= hqullid to eannmo�pro0�'Nlp� �prn�t my waaw�or in intw�sl a nfus�to wtiWld ikils for pa'�S+i of otltCntlae saod(y =-,,
<br /> �morlitdlon of th� wnN aound by thl� S�cwNy In�dvmmt by m�on of �ny d�nd m�d� by tM aipind Bortow�► or
<br /> BarowM'� woc«�or� I n I n t�rN t, My l o r b w�n a b y L w i d�r I n �o n r d d n p �n y r l p h t o r n m�d y e h�N n o t b� a waNK o1 or
<br /> - :. pr�dud�th��ol��ol�ny ripht a nn►�c1y,
<br /> - ,�. 1Z. tlueo�sson �nd Asslpm 8ound; Jo1M �nd S�v�rN U�bIIHy; Co-Sipn�n. Ths oovsn.nte .nd -
<br />--=' :i;. . �prMmMtt�ol ihl�B�aiAty In�trum�nl�h�1 bind md MnMlt ih��uccw�on�nd uslpn� ot Lender md Bonower,wbjeet to ihe
<br /> -- , ptovltlons oi Panpr�ph o.b Bortoww'� oown�nU�nd�yr�n�nls �h�1 b� �olnt�nd several. Any Bortoww who co-slpns thla
<br />_��'. � S�awlty In�trum�nt but dop�ol a�oul�Ih�Nolr. (a)fs co•tlpninp ihls Sscwity Instrum�nt ony to mortp�p�, yrant and aonvy =
<br /> .s �� obll hd to p�y ih�
<br /> , . Ihat Barow�r'� InUrNt In th� Pro�owhj und�r Ihr t�rm� of thls Securly Inatrum�nt; (b1 1�not P�non�iy �
<br /> ���. sum� ��ouad by Ihb S�curMy In�irum�nl; �nd (0) �paas th�t L�ndo ond �ny oth�r Bortowa m�y aqree to sxtend, modHy,
<br /> • '� IorbMr or mak� my �cwmmoddlons wqh rpud lo th� t�rms of thl� S�ourUy Instrum�nt a dN Not�wflhout th�t 8orrowa's _
<br /> . o OOIINflt. —-
<br /> -; ° 13. Ndla�. My notlu to 8onowa provld�d la In thl� 8�cudty InnWm�nt shNl b�qiwn by deYvaiinp k or by malUnp it ��-„
<br /> _'" �"`�' � by fint clns nwN unih��ppNc�M�Nw r�quk��w� a1�nolhw method.Th�notia shdl be dlnoted to ths Propsrty Add►eaa or �
<br /> ._• �ny oth�r�ddrM�Bortow�r dMlpnatN by notla lo L�nde. My noUc�to LendK �h�N b�yiwn by Iksf cl�ss rt�Y to Lender'a
<br /> � �ddras �t�Nd h�►Nn a �ny �ddnu l�nd�r d�alpnHas by notk� to Barow�►. My notMa provlded fa In this S�atlly -_-
<br /> iJ. � In�Wmmt shW b�dNnwd lo h�w b�w+piv�n In Bortow�r a L�ndw whm pN�n�s provid�d In thla p�n�aPh• _
<br /> 14. Gov�rnin� Law; S�Y�f�blllly. Thl� S�curky In�trum�nt eh�a b� yovsmed by Fedual I�w md th� I�w of ths `_
<br /> ' WdttActlon In whkb Ih� Prap«ty 1� lor,al�d. In Ih� �v�nl thN �ny provblon w ol�u�e of Ihia Saarity Inatrumant or ths Note
<br /> " p conAiab wNh�ppWcabb law,such canNcl shdl nol �M�cl olh�► provldons ol Ihic 3�cudty InsUUm�nt or Ihe NoU whloh un be �.
<br /> �h►�n�If�ct wqhaut th�conllaWip proddon. to thls �nd th�proritlons ot IM�S�cudly InsWm�nt �nd th�Not�u�d�nd to _--
<br /> . ' � � . . b�avw�bl�. _-
<br /> � ° .•.i 16. Bor►ow�r's Copy.Borrow�r�h�Y M Slvm on�eonlo►m�d aopy of Ihis S�eurNy ImWm�nt, ;�`
<br /> .: . 18. b�lpmn�nt af R�nts. Bortow�r uncondllkxuYy���Ipns�nd tran�lers to L�nd�r�p th�nnta�nd revanus� of the
<br /> � �,:
<br /> , Prop�rty. Oortow�r�uthauh L�nd�x a L�nd�'��p�nt� to coN�cl th�r�ntt�nd rawnu�s�nd h�r�by direata e�ch t�nont o1 ihe
<br /> ' Propwty to pay ih� ��nt� to L�nd�► a L�ndM'��Q�nl� Now�v�, prlor to L�nder's nolic�to Borrower ol Ba►owa'a bre�ch of �
<br /> " .ny cov.nant a aa.«n.m�n �h. s.curxy matnxn�nl. Da�own �hall coNtcl �nd raalv� �p nnis �nd rwcnu�s o1 the Propsrty ;
<br /> �t �s iru�tN lor th� 6�n�b1 ot L+ndo a�d tlonowr TAI� n�lpnm�nl ol nnts constltut�� �n �bsolut� nNpnm�nt �nd nm �n �
<br /> �stlpnmenl Im�ddltlo�N�ecuriry o�ly. :
<br /> 11 L�ndu piv�a nolko ol IHw�:h u� H.��oww (�� wu ranls ucelv�d by Dortowx sh�ll b�hald by Bortower�� truetea lor � .
<br /> • b�mlit ol LendK only, lo b��ppY�d lu Ihw���m�se�uiNf by Ihr Securitr Inelrumenl: (b► Under aMll be anptlad to coNect md �
<br /> " ncNve �II ol Ih�r�nl� ot Ih� Piopnty, u�d (c)Nch lamnl of th� PropKty sh�N p�y aU nnt� dw md unp�ld to Undw or
<br /> � L�ndK'��p�nt on L�ndr'�wntlrn d�wnd lu Ih�I��nt
<br /> a Bortowr h��nol �r�culK1�ny {xl�x �■.�Wun.nl u� Ih�r�nl� �n0 haa not �nd wIM not pedortn�ny�ct ih�t would provant
<br /> . Lw1da hom �M�rclalnp�b rlpht�uncla Ihi• Na.aM►n �e
<br /> �Y� �� L.r�1.1w
<br />. ._ ^ ..-,---� 1R10R sll�ll no�W r�quwwl to�ntw up�n.in��r.�nir�M oi a rtwini�in ii�w��vywir`viiiri3 u� 3i�Q yn:y.-.......:... ....�.».... �
<br /> Borroww. How�vw. Lmd�r a � pi�Mc'.wYy s�ipnnlM �+c�vw nwy dn eu rt �ny INne there 1� r brwch. My�ppllcaqon of rents
<br /> ' � rh�N nol cun or wav��ny dd�uM nr eiv��1�1��ny olh�r nqhl nr �wn�dy ol L�ndw Thl� ��dpnmMt ol rw►Is of th�Property
<br />, � � �haN IKmk��N wh�n th�dNtt �M.wM1 Uy Ih� ti�mdy Indiumwd Is pald 1n full
<br /> � 17. Fonob�un Prnc�dun. If L�nd�� ��qul��� Imm�dl�t� paymont In full undor Parapraph 9.
<br /> l.�nd�v m�y Invok� Ih� pow�r of rdo �nd any oth�r r�m�dl�s p�rmlft�d by appllcabl� law.
<br /> ` L�nd�r �hdl b� �ntlll�d to cotl�ct dl �xp�m�� Inourrsd In punulnp th� ra�n�dloa provldod In
<br /> � , thl� p�npr�ph 17, InaludlnQ, bul nol Ilmff�d to, r��aon�bl� aHorn�ys' f��s �nd costs of tltlo
<br /> : ' wld�na�.
<br /> , • � fss�i�Mn�iur��� ��.,. , .,
<br /> , i
<br /> � i
<br /> .� •,���,,,,�
<br />