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<br /> prym�nts by 8arowr. �t th� opUon ol Bartnww'. If it�s toLl ol the paymrnis rn�d��y orrowK for 1�m p). (b1, a (a) Is
<br /> ":.,a . inwfAdmt w pry th�R�n wh�► du�, �hm Baroww�h�N pay to Land�r�ny�mount n�asswy!o m�k� up th�dMlaMnay on a
<br /> •_ b�lor�Ih�d�t�111�ItMn b�oomM du�.
<br /> _- _-,-..,,��,_ �ur.rd � lhYs ^cetsdlyl ls��tsirstit, '3xt�.Ka�y' meste lhe��tary nl Hrn�sMg �nd Urban Dwdopm�nt ar hli a hK __
<br /> d�tlpnM. In�ny yMr h whbh th�L�ndM mwt p�y�m�9�ps Insuruics premium to th�3�N�ry,wah a�onthly p�ynNnt sMiN
<br /> n �Iw Includ��ilhK: (q�n In�Wm�nt of th��nnual nwrtWp�Ineuru�a pr«r�lum to be p�ld by Lander to Ih�9Kx�quy,or (Y)�
<br /> .b' '•. • maithy oh�rp� b�trd of �matp�p� Inwmnc� pr�nfum H thb 8rcuHty In�humsnt la hdd by the S�crN�ry. E�eh monthly
<br /> . �..-_� , in�t of th�mottp�p�tnwnnw ptMn(um shW b�in�n�mount suflld�nt to�acumul�b th�fuq �nnw!mort�p�Inwrano�
<br /> - "'� ` prrnium wHh Landar ono monlh prlor lo lha dnte the fud annuel morlgege inaurance prernlum la due to the 8xreqry, a H this � _
<br /> �.�.�����' sauray insaum.n�a h.w ey�n.s.arauy...ah monihly olwpe sh�ll b�In �n�mount�qual to an�dwrlkh of on♦hdf pKC�nt �
<br /> , .�. �::a;��±�:, ai th�aitshndinp pdndpd b�Yna du�on th�Not�.
<br /> � N Bortoww Undr� to Und�r th�NN p�ym�t o1�p wms aaund by thls S�cuAly InehumeM,Barrower's�ccouM�h�N bs
<br /> .. i�,.:;v. ., :.'�� ,,'�• arnMt�d wflh th�b�W�e� rMwhinp for�M In�toMm�nts for ftem�(�). (b)�nd(a)�nd�ny mortyaps Inwranoe Pnmlum In�hWmnt --
<br /> _=�— ^ �; ..-..� thtl Und�has not bscom�obY�tsd to pay to lhe BaorM�ry,�nd Lender shd prompty rofund any �xcaa iunda to Borrower.
<br /> — .,•.,;;,;.. .,�.�� Imm�dNtdy pdor to�taedowro w{s of ths Propaiy a qe �qulefdon by L�nd�r,Bor►oww'��000w�t slul b�a�dNd with�ny �•`�'
<br /> " '�. � � bN�nd nm�in(np for�tmtdm�nb fa R�ms(�)� (b)�nd(a1•
<br />_ _ : , :,,.. N� �-.
<br /> . `-- 3.Applic�tlon o�Pqmmb.AN p�ym�nb under pua9raphs 1 �nd 2 ahdl bs�ppAsd by Lend�r �s bllowa:
<br /> •� �••� Flrst to the modp�y�Inwranc�prMnlum to b�pdd by Und�r W th�3�u�tary or to th�monthly charye by th� S�aaWy _
<br /> �°�:' . ,,o In�d oi ths monthy mo►tQ�p� b�urana pranlum;
<br /> . " . 9�cond.to �ny t�xa, sp�oW u�p�m�nts� luuhold p�ymente or yround r�nt�, and A►�, flood nd oth� h�ard
<br /> _._ inw►ano�p►�n�lum�.u requind:
<br />_.__=_ � ,,��:i:� 'fhlyd to Int�at du�und�r th�Nots;
<br /> = Fourt�l� to�matizatbn of th�prindpd of th�Notr,
<br />-��' �- -�. --- Fffth� to ht�ahuQa dw und�►the Not•. -
<br /> .:.-.w_. ...
<br /> — �_ ._ 4. Fry��. Flppd �ed OtINr Hwrd In�u�anc�. Borrower sh�ll Inaua �II Improvanants o�tF� PropMy. whelher
<br />�. r - - �aw In�xistene� a �ubspwntly KeatM, �y�ki�t �ny i�rde,crawwiqae, ond contlngendes, InducNnp Qre. lor whlch Lander �
<br /> � ' • nquine Inwranas. TNs Ineuruio�sh41 bs mdntdned In the�mounU and tor the p e r lode thd Under nquke�. BortowK shtll
<br /> � - • �I�o in�un aN NnprovNn�ts on th� Prop�rty,whNb�r now In exlstNws a aubaequently areot�d��p�lnst lots by 1loods to ths
<br /> �� " • axlent nquked by th�S�ar�Wy. AN Inauranae�h�N be mrtiad wfth aompudes�pprov�d by L�nder. Th�Inwmce polldes �nd �
<br /> "''' �rry r�nwvats�MN b�hdd by L�ndK�nd�h�l Induds bu payable daus�s In hvor of,�nd In w form accephbl� to,Lenda►.
<br />--.°'� � ` � In th� �v�nt o1 bss, BarowK ah�N qhr� L�nder imms�te�otlae by mafl. Lend�r rtury mdce proof of bas R not nKde
<br /> .,'i :'�' promptly by BoROwa. Eaioh Msunna�comp�ny ooneem�d le hKeby �utho�ized �nd dkected to rtuike papmnt lor such bss
<br /> ;_�,� . -n'''~"'�'' dinctly to Lmd�r, In�t�ad ol to Bor►ow�r�nd to landr�oindy.All or�ny part of�h� Insuranca proce�da m�y M�ppqed by -
<br /> �y;� ind�r,�t Ms opdon,eHha (�) to th�nduodon of th� hd�bt�dnesa undx ths Note�nd thls Saurity Inakument, M�t to riy
<br /> .�,�, d�lnqwnt�mounts�ppllad in the ord«In Puaynph 3,�nd then to prep�yment of prindp�l,or(b)to the reetandon or np�k of
<br /> _- —. . -=_i_ th• clrrwg�d PropMty. My �pppcaUan of th� procNds to th�ptlncipal shd not exlend or poetpon� th�due d�t� of ths
<br /> .a�{� monthly paym�nU whlch �n re1«nd to in P�rayraph 2, or ch�ny� the amount of �uch p�ymanU. My acaa insuranae =__
<br /> qoae�ds owr�n�mount nquked to p�y all out�tandinp ind�bt�dn�w undK th�Nota u�d this S�auiry Instrum�nt shall b�pdd
<br /> • to th��nUly Ipdy�ntitl�d thw�to.
<br /> �� -• In th� went ot foraoloauro of lhie 3�wrUy In�trument or othe► b�nafer ol tlUs to the Property tlwt sntlnqulahss the
<br />:�. ;p Ind�bUdn�ss,�II�Ipht,UU��nd Intr�st ot 8orroww In and to Insurana poNcl�s in torc�shMl pass to tha paxch�s�r.
<br /> - 8. Occupancy. Pr�s�rvation� Malnt�mnc� �nd Prot�ctlon of !h� Prop�rty; Bonowar's Loan
<br /> App1lCYtion; I.��ioh0ldi. Borrowar shdl oaaupy, eaUbNah,and uae the Property as BoROwer'a pdncip�resldance wqhin
<br /> � slMy d�ys �Rer ihe ucecudon o1 thin 3�cudty Inatrument �nd ehaU conthue to occupy the Property �s Barowe�'a pdnclpN ��.•
<br /> re�ldancs for at le�st one yev aAx tha date o1 occupanoy, unleas the 3ecreluy dd�rminea thle requl�anant will awae undue
<br /> T� . ,� Iwdahlp tor Bonowx. or uNeaa extenwdng ckcumfunees exlN whlah oe beyond Barower's contrd. Baimwer sh�ll no1Hy
<br /> ' Lendero o} �ny uctanuaUnp dreumntancea. 8orrowe► shall not cornmit w�ste or deaUoy, dam�pe or aubstentlaly ahmpe the
<br /> � �• Prope�ty or�Ilow the Property to deterlont�,reaeona6le wesr end teo excepted. Lender m�y inapect the Propeily H tho Property ""
<br /> �%?" •-• • la vaau�t or �bandoned or th� lan le in dd�uR. L�nder nwy Wa re�aonsbN aatlon to prot�cM �nd proa�nr� auch vocant or � °-
<br /> �' •• � �ndoned PropeKy. Borrower ahUl also be In ddauR M 8ortower, dixk�p Ihe loen appllcatlon proaess. p�ve meterWly Nla�or � `
<br /> intccixats inform�tbn or ehtements to Lender (or 1�B�d to pravide lendu wNh any m�terW In}om�Uon)h connectlon with ihe
<br />�� �, �
<br />_ loui �vldencad by the Noh,inaluding,but not Gmlted to,roprosant�tbns eonceminp Borrower'a occupan�yr of the Prop«ty���
<br /> ` pnc�lpd residenc�. If thle Seeuiily Instrument Is on � basahoW. Borrower �hall compy wHh the prorlslon� of the leaae. It `_=�_
<br /> - � �s� BarowK�cqukee(a titlo to tho Property,th�Iws�hoW�nd t�a tttla shdl not bo merqed unlass L�nd�r q�to tha mrryer in -
<br />�,t' , wdUn¢ _
<br /> . ''� 8. Char�as to Borrowar and Prot�ction of I.ond�r's Riphts in tho Proporly.Barower shai pay au �� •�
<br /> � yovemment�l or munleipal chargee, �naa and ImpoaRlona th�t a►e not Includod in Parapraph 2. Barower sh�p pay theae ,
<br /> -.. � obNpatbns on time dlreet�y to the enUly whlah le owed the p�yment.N lslbro to p�y would�dveroely w1Nct Lmd�r's Intxrst in ^_�
<br /> th� Property,upon Under's roque�t Bor►ower shNl pro�npty lumleh to Lond�r raeeipta evidencinp ihese p�ymeMS. " -
<br /> �_� N Borrower hlla to m�k�ihe�e paym�nts or the paymenb nqutred by Par�praph 2, or hlls to pedam my other covenanta �-;�
<br /> - �. ,.a,"
<br />- , and �preemente eonWned in thls Security InaWm�nt,or ihere Is� lapsl proceedinp ih�t may slpniflcandy�Hect Lender'a rlghta In [ �
<br />_ ' �� the Prope�ty(auch ae a proceeding in b�nlwptay,fa condemn�tbn or to entorce Iewa or regulsUona),then Lender may do and !.
<br />�',- ,:� p�y wh�tever la necesaery to proteot the value oi the Property u+d L�ndw's dphts In the Properry, inetudinp paiym�nt ol Uuta, F
<br /> � haaM Insunnce�nd other qems mentloned In Pu�praph 2. �
<br /> � My �maunta dlaburoed by Lender under thla Paraqnph sh�ll become �n �ddHlon�l debt of Bortower ond be sacured by
<br /> tMs 3ecurity Inahument. Theae amounis ehall boar Mt�nst from thQ d�te ol dl�bunamant, at the Note rak. and ot ihe optlon of �
<br /> � L�nder,shall be Immediately due md payabte.
<br /> 7. Condamn�tion. The proceeds of any award or Galm far damapea, dMuct or conaequantial,h connedlon wflh any '
<br /> .� candomnaUon ar other takinq oi�ny pert oi the Property, or lor conveyance in place o1 condemnetion, ere hereby assiyned end ; .
<br /> ehNl be pald to Lender to the exlent ot the iull smount ol the Indebtedneaa thet remeins unpsid under the Note and thla
<br /> i � 3ecw11y Inetrument Lender nhall�pply auch proceeds to the reduclion d the IndebtednQaa under the Note end ihis 3ecurNy
<br /> ' Inetrument, flrot to any dellnquent�mounts epplled In the order provlded In P�rayraph 8, and then to prepayment of prM�clpal.
<br /> Y My �ppNcatlon ot the proceeds to ths principnl ahall nnt extend or poatpone the due date of the montNy payments, whlch are
<br /> �, relerred to In Paregraph 2, ar chenge the emount of such peyme�te. My exceas proceeds over an �maunt requlred to pay aN
<br /> ___ _..�_�._.u__1_JJ.��l���..�Jr�w� w�..�..�..a�tii. Q�n���i II��I/�IMMI�I���Il�f1�IfI If1�A�r�fHv I�oaOV[�ntitl�d Ihefa�0. :
<br /> - - ..-i�'--� �— --� www�wny nw....o.n�voo..uvv. w�.. ................... .."'..y ...___..._..._..---- �--- �- � - - • . •
<br /> ; 8. PaaO. Lender mey collect lees and chargea authorl�ed by the 3eeretary.
<br /> - I 8. Carounds for Accolo�ation of Oobt. '
<br /> (�) DYfYUIt. Lender m�y, except ae Nmiled by rogulalbnn laaued by the 3ecretwy M ihe caso of payment defaults,
<br /> � requke knmediete peyment M tup ol all aums eecured by Ihfs Becurity Matrument II:
<br /> • i (I) Borrower deiwka by lalling to pay In lull�ny monthly paym�nt raqulred by thls 3ecurNy Instn�ment prlor to or on
<br /> ths due dete oi the next monthy p�yment, or
<br /> '. i (II) Bortowe►del�uka by I�Niny, lor �period ol tnkty daye,lo perlam�ny olher obllqaUona conUlned In thls 3ecurity
<br /> Inewment,
<br /> . (b) SAI� Without Cr�dit Approval. Lender ah�ll,II permltled by�ppllabte 4w end wllh Ihe pdor approvel oi ihe
<br /> Sac►etaty,requlre Mnmedl�te peyment in lull ot sll the aum� eecurnd by Ihls 3acu�ity�natrument If:
<br /> " • . F5013.LM1�(10191) 1•npn 7�,1�
<br /> � �
<br /> [ 1 � '
<br /> �•� ' 9217t.LM �
<br />