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<br /> R tla pcw�r o� �sl� b Imrotc�d, Tn�� �hall naord • odla� o�f"dNwR In •�ch aauntf► in
<br /> . • 'whkh �+ny part of th� Prop�ety b loa�t�d and �hNl ins11.aopl�s d wch naHa� In Hrr minnK � .
<br /> - --- -- �td'ir. ��r`. . �aqatk".d�Ii �!!�!a !�. 4r�se�e � p�'����N�.�°ns __ _
<br /> �nd In !h� manrNr prMC�ib�d b�►�pplloabt� law.TruatM�vYNl�out d�m�nd ar Ilonow�r� �haN NII
<br /> tl� Prap��ty �t publlo watlon to tlw hl�hipt WddK�t th�tinN s�d pl� �nd un��r th� twm�
<br /> d�slpnabd In fh� eotlo� o� s�l� In on� or �non p�aN� �nd In auh/ ordK Tru� d`brrNM�. •
<br /> ,. �_�---_-_ _-_- _� Tru� n�yi po�tpono sala at all or any puc�l of th� Prop�rt]l bS► PuWla umounc�n+�M �t ths
<br /> -- tlm� and pl� of snY P��+�1► �oh�dul�d NI�. L�r or It� dMlp�� mN P��� � `
<br /> -- prop�rly�t a�ry wl��
<br /> Uqon r�c�ipt d pry�n�nt of ttM prlc� bid� TruttM shdl ddtwr to th� purchswr TruNH'�
<br /> dNd conwylnp�Prop�rt�r.TIN r�aiWa M th�TruttN'� d��d aie�ll b� p►Inw hcf� wid�na� d
<br /> ° th� tndh d tlN sbt�m�nb m� th�nln. Tru� �hall aPPh► th� Proc�ds o�th� � fe th�
<br />-- --__= -g-°= toltowinp ord�r. (�) to �II ��s d tiN sal�. Inctudinp, but nct IlmRsd to� Trusta's foa �s
<br /> p�rmitt�d MI �PPIIw�W� In�r and n�son�bl� a�tonuya' fNS: (b) to all wm� wcund Iry ihl�
<br /> S�ourity Instr�m�n�and lal +u�Y�cwss to th�p�rson or p�rwm I�paly�nHtl�cl to ff.
<br /> 19. R�aonv�yane�. upon paym�t ot aIl wms s�eund by thb S�arity Insbummt� L�nd�sIW nqu�st TtuttM w
<br /> -- naonvy tM Proprty and �h�M sumnd� thb S�awlry Instrunw►t �nd d nobd �vWw�ofrW d�bt ��ar�d by thb 8�owMY
<br /> InRb�nNnt to T�ustM.Tw�rhaN noonvy 1M P►opwty wNhout w�rtanty�nd wflhout oh�rp�to tM p�non a pwtons M�My
<br /> — nWMd to q.Suoh puson or parwna th�p pry mY� oosts.
<br /> �-- - -- 1�. 8ub�titnt� TrustN. l�nd�r.�t qs optian.m�Y fram tim�W tNn�►�nwv�T��nd y�polnt a wccaar 6wt«
<br /> �-��---- ^ ° - tp r�ny TrustN �ppolnt�d h�rwndw by an InqrumMn ncord�d in th� oourdy tn which lhb S.axity tn�4unw�1 I�r�rcordod. _
<br /> __ " < � WkNout aarvy�no�of th� Prop�rty� tM wooMSOr W�aFW suaoMd to v th� tlIN� P�►�r�nd dulMs oonf�►�d upon
<br /> _;�_'� � Tnis1M hrMn�nd by�pplo�l�i�w.
<br /> �� ��� 20. R�u�tt far Notlo�s.earowK nquats that ao�i.� ot th� notioa ot d�u�t�nd �at� b� ant to earroww'o
<br /> �ddnn whbh i�th�Prop�M1y Adr��u. 'BortowK iwthw nquats th�t ooPNs of tM notloa of ddwk�nd wN M wnt to th�
<br /> -���.� ' pwson s�t foAh h�r�ln."
<br /> `=Z Z1. Rid�rs to this S�urity Inat►um�tn.n on�or moro ddKS�n�x�out�d bY 9«rowK�nd noord�d topah�r
<br /> -' ---- —=- — wN�thls 9�outity IntWm�nt,th�ooven�nts o1 Moh suoh dd�r th�N bs Inoo�pomt�d Into�nd th�M�m�nd and wppN�rnnt th�
<br /> .--,• , �,�� aovaunti�nd�pr�b of thb B�owNf►In�Wmmt u q th�rWw(y w�n tn�prt of tlMS e�owhy inatnan�nw
<br /> �;�,+,p ' [Ch�dc appYabN box(a)j.
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<br /> p1 w+!�rf r'•. . •�� �x�out�d by Bortoww�nd noord�d wph N.
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<br /> a 1 The lonpainp In�hum�nt wea�eknowledyed betore me this 14th d�y ot�ivauet ,1992 ,
<br />`° by Paul J Col�n�ed Kriati A.Col�n Husband and Wif� _
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