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. .�'"�'`' „ . - <br /> .-- � ----°-- �`��� ��` , _ ��__..,.i:. : .'; ' , . . . . :. �• L rf _ <br /> , L'- <br /> " �'Ira.. _y... . T <br /> - �r�_��„_'�;�+ ,��'�'��:..::.. . _ . .... - �Rf..-i.. <br /> !''.i._�_'.�_. <br /> •y' :;,:�-,._�, <br /> • � Boirower may curo such a deluult end refnslate, as provlded In paragraph 1B, by cuusing the actlon or proceedlnfl to bo <br /> dlsmissod with e ruling tho'�tho Ilen erooted by lhlsdBSo urllyl�nstPument or Lender's security Into ostg Ibo�rower�shallPetso�'be in <br /> other mated�l Impnirmont o <br /> � doiault if Borrowcr,durfng lho loan ❑ppllcnilon proc�ss, gavo mnlarially lulse or inaccurnto inlormalion or etatemr.nts to Lendcr (or <br /> __ _ :__ � fnllad to provlde Lender with any maledel Iniormnllon) In connectlon with tho lonn evldenced by Ihe Noto. including. bui no <br /> Ilmiled to. representetfons w�iceming Bo�rower'a ocaponcy °ro Ihlo sroofetho�leaso.�rH Bc�rruwa'dacqulrcallce�ltitle louth � - • <br /> Instrument Is on a Icasohold. Borrower ahali comply wlth uil tho P ` <br /> ' Proporty,tho lea�ehold and tha tee titlo shnll not mer{�u unlass Lendar ngroes to the merflor in writlnfl. <br /> ' 7. Proteatlon of Lender's R{ghts �ro the Property �1 Borrower Inl1s to perlorm tho covenunis nnd ngroemente� , <br /> ' contalnod In thls Security Instrument. or thero Is a lo�7al procoedln� thal may sl4niticantly atlect Lendor's ripht� In lhn Property <br /> � (such as e procoeding in bankwptcy, probnte,for candemnatlon or IoAeitura or to entorco Inws or rogulntlons�, then Londer moy <br /> � '+�"� do and pey tor whatever Is necessary to protect the�IchBhAytheio►q P o�erHthlsLSecurltyn nstrumeni, appearing In n ourt, pnying� <br /> "'� t may Inc lu do pay ing a n y s u m s s o c u r e d b y a I l e n w h P <br /> ��'r'pO� i roasonable attomeys' teea and entering on the Property to make ropnirs. Aithough Lan dar may ta k e a c t i o n u n d e r l h l s p a r a g r a p h� <br /> "'�^•'"'�" 7, Lender does not heve to do so. <br /> � Any emounts disbursed by Lender under paragreph '7 shell become additlonal debt ol Borrower secured by this Socuriry <br /> ; Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender egroe to other terms ot payment, these emounts shall bear interest from the dato ol .` <br /> ; * dlsbursement at the Note rate and shall be payablo,with Interost, upon notice irom Lender to Bortower requesting peyment. . <br /> 8. M01'tgsge Insuranee. M Lender requlred mortgage Insurance as e conditlon of making the loon secured by this _V J�i,_. <br /> Security Instrument, Borro•,ver shall pay tho premiums requlred to malntain the mortgage Insurance In ettect. 11,tor any renson,the - <br /> •�,,� mortgage insurance covera9e e uivelent to theQmortgage Insurence prevlausly ffnceftectR at e cost sub tantlallymequlvalent It dthe F <br /> obtaln coverege substant a y q ��� <br /> ���_ <br /> � �, cost to Bortower of the mortgt►ge insurance previously in eflect, lrom en altemeto mortgago Insurer epproved by Lender. I -- _ <br /> �� substantlnliy equNalent mortgage Insurance coverage Is not nveilable, Bortowor shAll pey to Lender each month a sum equal to —"""�° <br /> � one-tweltth ot the yearly mo►tgage Insurance premlum being pald by Borrower when the insuranco coverege lapsed ar ceased to <br /> `;;,�.::,. � ;!�.>.fT_ <br /> � be In etlect. Lender wfll accept, use and retaln thase payments es s lass re:erve in Ileu of mortgago Insurance. Loss reserve �T�� <br /> �� paymenis may no longer be requlred, at tho optlon of Lender,A mortqage insurance coverage (In the amount and ior the pedod �iti�s�. <br /> that Lender requfres) providad by an insurer approved by Lender agaln becomes Available end Is obtalned. Borrower shell pay �ryR <br /> ..��; �," �' the premlums required to malntsin mortgage Insurance In eHec4, or to provlde a loss reserve, untll the requlrement for mortgege <br /> �:_'�-_ <br /> ��:�,�,;,• s, Insurance ends In accordance with any wdtten agreement botween Borrower and Lender or sppllcnbio law. - <br /> '� 9.Inspectlon. l.ender or its egent may make reasonable entdes upon and Insper.tions of the Property. Lender shall give �1�,;.. <br /> / ortower notice at the time o1 or pdor to an Inspectlon specltying reasonable cause for the Inspectlon. <br /> ,i:.�.'.'• 6 — <br /> " ' 10. Condemnatlon.The proceeds ot any award or for conve anceen lelueoi condemnatlonlsarenhereby as Igned and <br /> - � ��-�r condc:rnatlon or othAr taking of any pnd of tho Property, Y ` <br /> ° shaU be pald to Lender. <br /> In the event of n total taking of the Property. the proceeds shall be epplied to the sums secured by this Svcuriry <br />_ Instrumeni, whether^or oo�t thPO QUe� mIm dlat Iv befo eethe t king Iseequal toeor yreaterethen 1theaamo nt tot the sums la cured <br /> . � � , . lhe iair maiii&i .o�do �. ••••• .._�-!!Y <br /> ` by this Security Instrument immediately betore the taking, unless Borrower ana Lenden utt�er.c�oa ati:�� !^ `r�'•iso. tne aums <br /> �- �' 7' �" secured dy this Secudry Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds mutilplled by the following (ractlon: (a)tho <br /> • � �'} +"�' �,. <br /> total amount of the sums secured Immedlatety bofore the taking, dNided by(b)the falr market vaiue of the Property Immediately <br />_-,��,�..J�rQ.}�: � beforo the tnking.Any balancee h tiefore the tuklog Iswles� than the amounPot�theesums�securedlm ediat Iyibefohe the tekingt �� <br /> -���. -• • value ol tho Property Immedlat y <br /> -'�"'"'''' unless Borrower and Lender otheiwise agree In writing or unless appltcsble law otherwlse provides, the proceeds sheli be <br /> -_•, ��; <br /> -'� �'i= ' eppiled to the sums secured by thls Secu�iry InstNment whether or not the sums are then due. <br /> -'""'°1,;;:��. N the Property is abandoned by BoROwer, or it, efter notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor otters to make an <br />�T�"�`•� award or settle a clalm tor damages. BoROwer fafls to respond to Lender within 30 days after tho date the notice is glven. <br /> --'-{=^' ` - Lender Is authorized to collect and epply the procoeds, at fts option, either to restorutlon or repair ot the Property or to the <br /> .�:�'j`.STItl�.. <br /> _;:;_„��� sums secured by thls Secudty Instrument, whether or not then due. <br /> „��.___;..�,.�_, Unless Lender end l3orrower othervvlse agree In writing, any npplicatlon of proceeds to pdnclpal shell not extend or <br /> ° ---��. postpone the due date of the monthty payments reterred to In paragraphs 1 and 2 or changs the amount o1 such paymenls. <br /> _..,...,�.�.,,�.,..� <br /> Forbearence By Lendar Not a Wa�ver.Extension of the time fo►payment or <br /> -°�••----• 11. Bortower Not Release ; <br />"iL°"�"""��`�` modificetlon of amortizetfon of the sums sacured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successar In interest o1 <br /> 1N6 Borrower shall not operate to relense the Iiabflity o1 the origlnai �arrower or Borrowers successors In interest. Lender shall not <br /> ','� ' be requirad to commence proceedings aflainst eny successor In interost or retuse to extend timo tor payment or otherwise <br /> �;f:� - � <br /> _::ra, '4 modHy amortization of tho sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrument by reason of any demand mado by the original orrower or <br /> -- -�`�S`�l,4`� <br /> --_=����? Borrower's successors in Interest. Any torbearenco by Lender In exercising any rlght or remedy shall noq he a WAIY�f 0 or <br /> ::,;.'�:::.��— • <br /> -;ry�,_�= preclude the ezarclse ot any dght or remedy. Co�sl nera. The covenants end <br /> �^� �*�� 12. Successors and Assigns Bound; .lolnt and Several Llability; g <br /> ���..F�:�� <br /> _____._= agreements of this Security Instrumont shell bi�d�nd benetit the successors end assigns oi Lender and Bortower,subJect to t e <br /> �� provisions ot paragraph 17, Bortower's covenants and agreements shall be Joint and several. My Borrower who co•signs thts <br /> .�--�� Securiry Instrument but does not ex�cute tho Note: (a)Is co•slgning this Security Instrument only to mortgage,grant and convey <br /> - ` '"�;� that Bor►ower s Interest In the Proparry under the terms ot thla Socuriry Instrurnent: (b) Is not personaly obilgated to pay the <br /> - ��• �c <br /> ��`''r'�`•'�� suma secured by this Secur(ty Ins'trument; end (o)a9rees that Lender and eny othor Borcowor may agree to extend, modity. <br /> � forbear or mctke any accommodatione wlth regard to ihe tertns ot this Socudty Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's <br /> ,`f.'�'S',���v <br /> �,,.c•:.,...;� , cansent. <br /> �'��' �~� � �` 13. I.O8t1 ChA►g�9. It the loan secured by this Secudty Instmment is subJect to e lew whlch cets maximum oan <br /> "_' '`.���. <br /> �-�;;" "•.�..•��`;_ �,' charges, and thnt law Is rnally Interpreted s� that the interest or other loan chargos cotlected or to be cotlecled in connoction <br /> : �s:,�;;., :� <br /> :;��`•:. ••:;,,; �:. wAn the loan exceed the permftted Iimits, then: (a) any such loAn chnrge shall be reduced by the amount nacessery to re uce <br /> ";;'�.• ._. the cherge to the permitted IImH: and (b) ony sums already coliected trom Borruwer which ex�eeded permitted Ilmits wfll bo <br /> °�`� refunded to Borrower. Lender mey choose to make ihis retund by redudng the pdncipel owed under the Note or by making e _- <br /> .,"• •�� - direct payment to 8onower. if a retund reducos principal, the reductlon wi11 bo Ireated as a partlal prepayment without �ny �_- <br /> - " ''�'� � prepayment chnrge under the Note. �"- <br /> 14. NOt1C98.Any notice to Borrower provided for I�i thls Secudty Instn�ment shall be given by delivedng it ot by malling it �;,__ <br /> �' ' by tirat class mell unless applicable law requlres use of another method. The notice shell be directed to tlte Property Address <br /> , � ---- <br /> _. .. -- <br /> �'`,�_ <br /> �... <br /> _,.,x,a� � � or nny other addross Borrower desfgnates by noticn to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall bo given by first clacs maf� to __ <br /> --_- _ ... �r,_ .... e.,,. ..,�,o. n�i�rnca Lander desipnutes by notice to Borrower. My notice provided tor In thls _ <br /> °--° -_ - tenaer's address 5�0«„ �����. •.• W., __._. _ � r <br /> �-}� Secudry Instrument shell ba doamed to have been given to Borcower or Lender when givEn es provuted m tnis paragrapn. _- <br /> 1b. GOVe�ililtg I.�W; Severanflity. This Secudty Instniment sholl be govemed by federnl Inw and the law ot the <br /> jurisdiction in which tho Properry Is locatod. In the event that any provision or dause of thls Security Instrument or tho Note <br /> contilcts with applicable law, such conilict ahall not atiect otherovlslons�oi thlshSecurity�l stru e�eand lhe Note a ohd cla edto <br /> ' given eifect without tho canfllcting provislon. To this end tho p <br /> be severeble. <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy Borrower shall be given onn contormed copy of the Note end ot this Security Instrument. <br /> •� -� � P,a,�3 ar 5 �+n K <br /> Fi:+�e.��tr,�a�vs� <br /> ` yL�G9 <br /> � • -'- -- -- -�' • ,---- <br /> . ---�.._- -- .�' �"r.' <br /> --�-•-'-'--- -.. . c;.. _..___ <br /> .. Y7:T� <br />