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. , . ,. ,.�..: _ <br /> � ,a.r! ' • ' ,. -., _ ,.,4 _ <br /> ,.M�r► _ �. .. .. �..rc I �. <br /> ,.�J�1�Iw�V' _ . .. � • �� .. �. . �•H.ty,-_ • . <br /> . . . . . � � .._ . . . �i�*��rk �, - <br /> -------...'-"—'.'—-' -'-"-' ; .' • , <br /> ki�, <br /> ., . . . .� . . . . . , _. . _ . . , i, _.. .++aanar+�u .r_..s-. w _-.-. _ <br /> _�- <br /> W�M4M' 1 �1WY �6.�...��. �.. . . .. . . . . . . . L- .h.... - <br /> . . .__���... N .. . - . ' . ..' ... ... . . .. . . . .... ....:... .. .... . . . . . � �°- <br /> � PI�S,aS::!�°-==-�_`7�.- <br /> �,r ::�;�i,.{;.�:.;�_x�rae�w_ <br /> � 17. Tranefer o4 the Property or a Boneilalal Interest in �orrower. u ai� or nny pnii o�m� rropeny or , � . -. <br /> ❑ny intereal In II Is solcl or irnnafcrred(or II n benoliclnl interost In Barrower is sold or trnnalcrrod nnd Eiorrower Is nol u nnluml , <br /> peraon) wllhout Lcnder's pNor wriilr.n r.onr,enl. l.cndr.r mny,nl Ils opllon,roqulre Immr.dlolo pnyment In lull ol nll ,mm� aer.umd hy • - <br /> Ihlo 3ecurily InaUumr,nl. Nawo•�cr. Ihl� opllon r.htdl nol bc nxr.rcl�od by Lender II exr.rciso la prohlblied by 1[�deml Ir�w or. ol Ihn <br /> _ . � dale o!thls 9ecutlly kt�dwnenl. : <br /> II Londcr oxorGo�� Ihla opQun, landcr oh�ll plvo qorrowor nollco ul uceelorntlon. Tho nnllr.o ohnll providn n pr.iad ol nut <br /> leso Ihm� 90 dayu from Ihn dnto th�� noUco In dr, or mnllod withln whlch Borrowor muot pny nll �uma acr.wotl by Ihl� - <br /> Sucwfly InotrumoM If Qorrower Inll� lo pay Ihoao �umn pdor lo Iho oxplrcotlon of thla porlod. Lender mny fnvoka nay rc�modlan ' <br /> r.. <br /> pormlltod by Ihia Socurity InsUumont wllhouf IuHhcr notleo or demand on Boirowor. ^ _ <br /> :� , t 18. Barrow�r'e Rlght to R�Imtets. 11 Borrowor moeto cedain condltlons, Dorcower shall hnvo Ihe��,ryld lo hnve " _ <br /> . ontoroomont ol thlo Sacurity Inatrumcnt dlscontlnuod nt nny timo prlor ro tho eadlur ol: (n) 5 daya (or such mhor perlod nc� <br /> �;,;, nppllcablo luw m�y spQCify Por rolnstntemQnt)bQ}oro salo ot tho Proporty pursuant lo uny power ot snlo contalned h thls Security � " - <br /> "'"'� Insirument; or (b) entry ol a �udgmont enforcing lhls Security Instrument.Those condltlons aro that Bortower: (a)pnya Londer nll � <br /> .a,,. �wr <br /> sums which then would 6o duo under this Secudry Instrument and tho Nate as il no accQleretlon had occurrod: (!�)curas any , __ <br /> , defaufe ot eny other covenanl or agreemente: (cj peys all expenaes Incurred In entorcing thls Security InstrumeN.In�ludinq, but � ,. .1_.,,_,,,.,.;;r <br /> � not lin�iced to, reasonable attomeys' f�es; and (d)tekes such action as Londor may reasonabty roqulro to assuro Ihat Ihe Iicn ol ., �' ...?''. � <br /> . ,�.�,;�.,:__-•_ <br /> thls Securiry Instrument. Lender's r{ghts ir ihe Property and Bartaver's obugation to pey tha sums sewred by this Securtty �•�+a�.t;Y-'----- <br /> • �,'} �.a�d•�: <br /> . L Instrument shall cont(nue unchanged. Upon reinsta2ement by Borrower, this Securlty Instrumant and the o�ligatlons socured :;;�i;�,. <br /> ' ;. heroby shell remaln fulty elteclNe as I}no acceleratlon had occurred. However,thfs dght to relnstate ahall not apply In the case �`�'�=-� <br /> ;�$ of acceleratlon under ara ra h 17. ��"r• -- <br /> P 9 P „-.�"`�r�:�—�:- <br /> 1 19. Sele of Note; Change of Loan Servicer. The Note or a a partlal Interest in the Note (together with this ,�=•- <br /> S_� Security Instrument)may bo sold one or more t(mes without prior notice to Borrower.A sale mey result In a change in the entity �'"' <br /> Q�------ <br /> • • (Icnown a�tho 'Loan Servlcer')that collects monthly payments due under the Note ancf thls Security Instrument. There slso mey ��� <br /> . «� <br /> '' r be one or more changes oi the Loan Senicer unrelated to a sale oi the Note. If there is a change ot the Loan Servlcer, �'�,s�- <br /> � Borrower will be gNen written notice of the change In necordance with paraqreph 14 above and applicable Isw. The notice wlll ��.- _ <br /> +.�r.:-..:.. <br /> state ihe name and address ot the new Loan Servicer end the address to whkh peymenis should be made. The notice wi�elsn .• <br /> :;�: cortain any other Inlormatlon required by appllcable law. t'-""��. <br /> . ;���:'��. 20. Hazardous Substancea. Borrower shell not cause or perrnil ihe presenco, use, disposal, storage,or release of :�,�`z_ <br /> '�i'.,:�:��:��E any Hazardous Substances on or in the PropAAy. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything aflecting the <br /> • Properly that Is In vlolet!^R of arsy E�rvironmental La�v. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to lhe presence, use, or =_- <br /> ' stom�e on the Property oi smali quentlties of Hazardous Substancea thet are �eneretly rer,ognized to be appropdate to nnrmAl - ___ <br /> . realdentlal uses and to malntenance ot ihe Properry. ••�' <br /> �•; Bortower ahall promptly give Lender wdtten notice of any Investlgation, clalm, demand, Iawsuit or other action by eny �.� <br /> govemmentel or regulatory agency or private party InvoNlnc�ihe Property and eny Hazardc+us Substence or Environmental law of - <br /> ..�lch � ;;s,. :atea' �r,,,••:�dgs !'. �o:rax�r :cama, . !s ra„"ad ���ny gave:r.a:arts: o:.�ga�^:a:; ..:::h.^.r'.^,:!!ie!°.ny - <br /> , ,.�:,: , .. .. _ <br /> ;:'•� � removal or other remedlatlon of any Hazardous Substance VaHecting Properry is necessary, Borrower shall prompUy take all : <br /> �:�r�' necessary remedial acUons in accordancv wiih Envlronmentol Law. <br /> ;';'•��"� � As used In this paragraph 20, "Hazardoua Substances" are those substences deflnod as toxic o►hazardovssubstances by <br /> .,•i�•.,. � <br /> _ . ,,;:,• ; EnvlrvrmQntal Law and the follawing substances: gasoline, kerosene, other tlammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic - <br /> ' • pesticides and herblcides,valatlle soNents,mate�ials containing esbestos o� formaldehyde,and radloactNe mate►ials. As used In <br /> '' '••,'�� paragreph 20, "Envlronmental Law" means (ederel laws and laws of the�urlsdictlon where the Property Is loca4ed thet relate to - <br />�'�={'-�� _;�L:.� health, setery or environmental protectlon. <br /> ��``�"' �-"� NON-UNIFORM COVENANT3. Bortower end Lender further covenant and sgree as toliows: <br /> `� �w'"` 21. Acceleratton; Remedlas. Lender shall give nQtice to Borrower prlor to ecceleratlon <br /> .w: <br /> .��,�'.,,�; followireg Borrower'e breach af any covenant or agreement In this Security Instrumont (but not <br /> _��___:_;;,;�� prlor to acceleratlon under paragr�ph 17 unless applicablo law providea otherwiss). Th� notic� �= <br />_.r�_`_�� shail specHy: (a) the default; (b) the ectlon requlred to cure the default; (c) a date, not lees th�n <br /> ,,,,�.,-�'���;�� 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower, by which the default must be ca�red; and <br /> �°;r ,. (d) that failure to cure the default on or hefore the date epecified in the nottce mty resx�it In _ <br />_,r,�,�r� acceleration of the eums eecured by this Security Instru�nent and sale of the Property.The notice <br /> �����;�,-� ahall furthsr inform Borrowor of th� ri�ht to reinatate after accelera4lon and tho right to bring a <br /> _-:--�•.rr�!� court actlon to assert the non-ax�stence ot a defauit or any other dsfensa of Borrowor to a--_ - __ <br /> -`�`�''�`,�� accelaratlo�� and sale. If the de4au14 is not cured o� or before the date epeclfled in the notice, <br /> !�°;�=;•°,��i't}�, l.endar at Its option may r�qulre Immediat� payrnent In full of aU suaas seaured by this Security <br /> ��-�� le�strument w(thout further demand and may ir+voke the power of saie and any oiher remediea _ <br /> =-'=�=� permltted by eppllcable law. L�nder ahall be entitled to coflect atl expenses Incurred In pursuing - <br /> u,����• — <br /> __�"'��i the remedies provided in thla paragraph 21, i�ncluding, but not Iimited to, reasonable attorneya' - <br /> •:_;���,� R foes and costs of title evidence. - <br />_-?•`•:��^�-••= � if the power of salo la Invoked. Trustee sha11 record a notice o? defeult In each county in "'°��'"� <br /> :;�il ii�:, : ---- <br /> ,,,.�,.�,, whir,h any part of the Pruperty Is located and shalt mail coples of auch notice in tho m�nner = _�..��._ <br /> . prescribed by appllcable law to Borrower and to the oth�r persons prescribed by appllcable law. = <br /> � , � : Atter the tlme requfred by applicablo law, Trustee shall give public notice of sale to tha parsons �=_� = <br /> ,, , and Iw the menn�r prescrlmed by applicabte law. Trustee, without demanci on Borrower, shall sell ���-�� -_-- <br />