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'i.i'��� . ., .. -�k,Ctl.{,'�I:.ii,',;i,�i;fV'�� �.:«. <br /> .. „ <br /> , <br /> , . <br /> ,� .. . . , li.. <br /> _ _._ ..: .... <br /> . ....�«.�. - --.. . . _. • .� -- <br /> __._... . ._. ..__._ ,.�....._r.... • • . _.._. <br /> . . �_. _- — .-°--` - i.� <br /> � .- .. � . . �.. <br /> p R-: <br /> 70f�ETHFH WITH all tho Improvementa now or hPreAiter erocted on the property, and all eascments, nppurtenences, and <br /> '' fixtur�s �ow or herosftor n part of the property.All replacementa and odditlons shall ulso bo covered by ihls Security Instrument. <br /> All ol tho lorepoln�Is retorrod to In thls Eocurity Insirumont as iho "Property' <br /> BORROWER COVENANTS ihnt Borrnwer Is luwlully selzed o1 tho ostnla F�oreby convnyod nnd has tho right te grant and <br /> convoy tlio Property nnd Ihnt tl�o Property is unencumborad, excopl for mnaimbrnncos ol r�cord. Borrower warrnnts and rdl <br /> dafend qeneralty the title to tha Propeity n{�nlnat nll clalm3 and demands, sub�ect to any oncumbrunces of record. <br /> ------- — IMIS StCUNITY INSTRUMENT combinas uN(orm covenants lor natknsl use end non•unitorm covenants wlth Ilmlted <br /> - varlatlono by Jurisdlctlon to conatltuto a unllorm security Instrumant covering rcal property. � <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower nnd Lendor covenAnt nnd ugrea as bllows: <br /> ;1 1. I�ayment of Principal end Intsreat; PrepaymeM and late Chargee. Borrower shall promptly pay when <br /> due tho princlpal o}and Interast on tho debl evidencad by tha Nota and anyprepaymenl end lato chargos due undor Iho Note. <br /> � 2. Fwicle ror�axos �I�ei Ineuranca. Subjact to epplicabla law a to a wnttnn walver by Lender, 8ortower shall pay � <br /> ,,�,u�a t� Londer on the dey monthty payments ere due under the Note, until the Note Is pald In lull, a sum ('Funds') for: (a)yea�y Q <br /> . __ --� taxos end assessments which may attufn prlorlty over thls Security Instrument ns e Ilen on ihn Property; (b) yearly leasehald <br /> ,�� payments ar ground rents on iho Property, II any; (c) yeatiy hazard or property insurance premiums; (d) yearly Oood Insurante <br /> � premlums, If any; (e)yeady mortgage Insurance premiums, ff any; nnd(�any sums payable by Borrower to Lender In accardance <br /> : with the provlslons of paragraph B, In Ileu o1 the payment of mortga3e insurence premlums. These items ero called "Escrovr <br /> �� items.' Lender mey, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the maximum amount n lender tor a <br /> ; federally related mortgage I�an may rnqulro for Borrower's escrow account wder ihe }ederal Real Estate Settiement Proced�res <br /> Act oi 1974 as amondad from time to tlme, 12 U.S.C.� 2601 et seq. ("RESPA'), unless another law that applles to the Funds <br /> � sets a lesser amaunt. If so, Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds In an amount not to exceed the lesser emounl. �"�"' <br /> �-°' <br /> ;•, Lender may estimate tha amount o1 Funds due on tho basis ot current date and reasonnble estimates of expenditures of future �; <br /> Escrow items or otherwlse In accordenco wlth applicable Iow. _.-- <br /> �-�`I',�:,�, The Funds shall be held in nn Institution whose deposks ara Insured by a federal egency,Instrumentaliry, or entiry(incl�cmg — <br /> '•�� Lendar, If Lender Is such an fnstitution) or in any Foderel Home Loan Bank Lender shall aaply the Funds to pay the Esarow — <br /> , Items. Londer may not charge BoROwer for holding and epplying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow account, or vedfying <br /> the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrowor Intorost on the Funds and applicable law perrnits Lender to mske eucFi e °- <br /> ' charc�e. However, Lender may requlra Borrower to pey a one•tlme charge la 2n Independent real estate tax reporting servlce <br /> used hy Lender in connection with this loan, unless applfcable Iaw prov)des alherwise. Untess an egreement Is mede a <br /> ' ;, . applicahlo lew requlres interest to be pald, Lender ahall not be requlred ta pay 8orrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. <br /> Borrower and Lender may agrea In wrfting, however, that Interest shall be pald on the Funds. Lender shall give to Bortower, <br /> • ` wfthout charge, an annual ecCOUnting of the Funds, showing credits and deMts to the Funds and the purpose for which each <br /> � debft to the Funds was mado. Tho Funds are pl9dged es addilional security lor ap sums secured by the Security Instrumant. <br /> •, ` If the Funda held by Lender exceed the smounts perm(tiad to be hE�ld by epplicable Iaw, Lender shall account to Boirower <br />_ for the excesc Funds In accordanco wlth the requlrements oi applicable law.I( the amount ot the Funds held by Lender ot any <br /> . �'' time Is not sufficlent to pay the�scrow Ilems when due, Lender may So ►�oli� 8ouower in writtng, and, in such c:ase Boirower ° <br /> _ ^�� '„ shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deilctency. Bortowet shall make up the deficlency In no mora than <br /> �.,r� •.�,,,. tweNo monthly payments,at Lcnder's sole discretlon. <br /> ,;;,�'� Upon payment In full of all sums seaued by thls Security Inatrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower eny Funds <br /> _�`;>~`:° held by Lender. If,under parapraph 21. Lender shall acaulre or seil the Prooerty.Lender, odor to fhe ar.tnilatpnn nr�aia nt r�a <br />_„:;;�:�%;�`�1 Property, shell apply eny Funds held by Lender at the time of aaqulsRlon orsalo es a credli Agalnst thA sums securod by this <br /> :fu��;,�.� — <br />-. tir+�t.�,..�� Socudty Instrument. — <br />- -�' " � 3. Application o} PeytYlBtlte. Unless applioable law provides olhenvlse, all payments recelved by Lender urtder <br />`�F''�" ' " pp y prepayment charges due under ihe Note; second, to amaunls payable under <br />- • , t,{;s•� � paragrephs 7 and 2 ahall De a Iled: flrat, to an <br />�"'�`'�sr:-�' paregraph 2; third, to Interesi due; fourth,to ptlnclpal due; end last,to any late charges due under the Note. <br />���'�f�.��; 4. ChArgos; Uens. BoROwer shall pay a� taxes, assessments, ctarges, fines and Imposltlona ettrlbutable to the <br /> _�"` Ptoperty whiah may attsln priotiry over this Security Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground rents, If any. Borrower she� <br /> °�"��•� pay these o611gations In the manner provlded in paragraph 2, or It not paid ln thet manner, Bortower shall pay them on tirne <br /> ==__=�'v directly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptiy tumish to lendar ell notices of amounts to be pald under this <br />--��ti��a��l paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments diructly, Borcower sha:l prom�tty fumish to Lender receipts evfdencing tl�e <br /> _�,�::_.�.'�n paynnents. <br /> r���;�'� Borrower ahall promptly discharge eny Iien which has prlodty over this Secudry Instrument unless Bonower. (a) egrees in <br /> ---�°'°"'� wrtting to the payment of the obligation secured by tho Iien fn a manner eccepteble to Lender; (b) contests In good taith the <br /> Iten by, or detends egalnst enforcemant of the !len In, legaf proaeedings wNch In the Lender's opinlon operate to prevonc c:�e <br /> � _ eniorcement oi tho Ilen; or(c) aecurea trom the holder of the Ilen an egreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the Iten to <br /> ------ tMs Securiry Instrument. If Lender determines that any part of the prope►iy is subJect to a Ilen whfch may attafn pnority over thls <br /> __�,_,� Security Instrument. Lender may give Bortower a notico identitying the Ilen. Barower shall satisfy the Ilen or take one or moro ol <br /> the actions set forth above w:thln 10 days of the fliving of notice. <br /> ___ b. Hazard or Propertyr IneurAnee. 6ortower shell keep the Improvements now existing or hereafter erected on tt�e <br /> _---- Property Insured egelnst loss by fire, hazards Included within tha fertn "extended cover�ge' and any other hazards, Including <br /> --- iloods or Oooding, tor whlch Lvnder requlres insurence. This Insurance shal be molntalned In tho amounts and for the pedods <br /> - ihat Lender requUes. The Insurenco caMer providing the insurance shall be chosen by Bortower subJect to Lender's approvel <br /> -"'°"'��� which shall not be unreasonabty wfthheld. If Bonower fails to malnteln corerege described above. Lender may, at Lender's <br /> option, obteln coverage to protect Lender's Hghts In the Properry in accordance wiih paragraph 7. <br /> �.�„�.�,� All Insuranca policles and renowals shall be acceptoDlo to Lander end shall Include e standard mortgage ciause. lender �_ <br /> =-�'-�� shail have tho dght 4o hold the pollcies end renewels. If Lendar requlres, Bartower shau promptly g(ve to Lender all rec�ipis ol <br /> ,_�- <br />