.. ,. . ....�. .: -- • � ,.
<br /> ..., , . • ` _ �.
<br /> .•. �; '�:� . � �i � _^_:��1�-
<br /> - . ., .�.,,II;,,y;,L,►y,,. ��' ..���r I ... .,. . .: -•w.�+,-r'-7-
<br /> '�;...� .��� ). 'Y., � .�- -.,;i�,,.,,�.,.�._-- -�.,
<br /> ,:',t� -- -�•._,� ,.-•- _^-�_�__-- --------------- -
<br /> ...
<br /> � � ' , � �•r_!���q:rt�-K .� -..— —.-
<br /> L '.• �. .� .1.--f_
<br /> 7
<br /> �^x _•_,�r • paymmt� by 8ortowr. n th�optlon o} Bor►owr. H th� toW ol th� h m�M b Borraw�r!a k�m (�), (b). o► (o) Is
<br /> }�,1 .,... P�Ym� Y
<br /> � •y'°�;?`:y�•;�: ' ►n�utlloNnt to pry th�Rwn wA�n dw,thm 8onnwr�h�N p�y to Und�r�ny�namt n�s�y to mdui up th�dMoNnay on a
<br /> b�lw�th�d�t�th�fbm b�oonwr dw.
<br /> k,»�K� � M uwd in thl�S�arfly In�tnimrnt, '8�c►MN►� mwn� ih�8�awry ol Howlnp �nd Urbm OwNopmwit w hb a hR
<br /> o �#p;��=' dMlqnw. In�ny y�u In whicb d� Undrr mutl p�y�mortp�0�Inwnnw pr«nlum to th�S�M�ry,nah monthlY WY�t�h�M
<br /> :�' '' . �o Indud��i1h�r: (y�n fmuin�t of th��nnwl mort�0�InwMa� pr�ntum to b�paid by L�nd�r to th�B�aMuy,w(Iq a(�
<br /> _,�r � , monthly oh�rp� InnMd of � mortq�p� imurana� pnmlum If thl�8�a�rfty Instrum�nt b h�ld by th� S�enWy. E�ch monlhy N
<br /> �� ''.. . :.;.,.� Instabn�nt of th�moAp�p� In�iw�na prwnkun�h�l b�N �n�maint�ufAoNnt to�courtwUt�th�tuN annwl morly�p�Inau�nw �
<br /> �.-.�+--....`-.. .�'` pnmium wNh Und�r on�monih pdor to th�doU th�NW �nnud m�rlp�pe inauranc�prwnlum is du�to the S�orot�ry,or H ihls r- -
<br /> � �..., _- °,°.,� .� 8�audly In�dummt b hNd by Ih� S��y,aah monthly eFwy��h�l be In�n�mount puu to onatw�Hth oi onthvl p�mant �
<br /> . "� ,t�'a o1 th�ouUt�ndln0 PthclpU b�Yna�du�on th�Not�.
<br /> • �s"• H 8or►ow�hndra ro L� th�ful!p�yment of�A sum��ecured by thb 8ewifty Instrument, 9arowe►'s aaeount sh�A b�
<br /> , .� . andu�d wllh th�bwna�nnWlnh�lor d b�Wlmmts lor Nwns(�)� N)�nd(o)�nd my moRpap�N�wranc�prwnium In�Wlm�nt
<br /> -- � • �f ' that Und�r h�s not bacom�oblpaUd to pay to th�S�uetuy,�nd L�nd�r sh�M P►ompty raNnd�ny pcc�ss lunds to Bortowar.
<br /> ��',_� , � . Immsdi�t�ly prlor to a fonGown ad� ot th�Proprry or Its aoqul�idon by Lender, 8ortow�r'��000unt�h�N b�a�dlt�d wNh�ny Q
<br /> .�.,� ' � ., bal�nc��wnelninp ror w InsqRmmtw 1or a�nn (.)� ro)� (a)• - -
<br /> �;�..�,-,..�.��":,� 3. Appllcat10t1 of P�yln�nb.M paymmta unde►para9raphe t and 2 shd b�applted by Lender�a tollowa:
<br /> � �, , Flrat to th�matp�ps hau�a�a pnmium to b�pakl by L�nd�r lo th�S�xrtuy or to th�monthly chuye by lhs S��r y _
<br /> — ���,�' N�tMd ot th�monthy morty�p�haranc�pr�nlum; R"=-
<br /> �°���'y,�--�A�.��..�•��� 8�aond,to .ny wc�� �p.cW u�a�m�na, lea�hotd p�yrnets a prow�d ronte, and fl% flood �nd aha hatwd
<br /> � ";,- ' ..° ; .• � bsYnI1C0 prNtiMlms��s IrquWd',
<br /> ---- �:k;.�,;,,:.,,;.�,�=�+. Thtrd. to Inbrat du.undrr th� Notr, . -- - y
<br /> � .:-- -- �" � FOURh� to�morttr�tlon o1lh�pKndpd of th�Notr,
<br /> ,
<br /> -_—
<br /> °� ° - ° --= -- n�`:�`-., FHth� to lete ahsryes due undw th�Noh.
<br /> -. , �� 4. Flr�, Flood �nd OtF��r Hwrd In�uranc�. Barowr shW Inaun�q Impronemenls on the PropeRy,whe�her
<br /> . . ' now In �xl�t�nc� or subf�qu�nlly �nobd, �pdmt�ny h�rds, asudtNa. +uid eondnpmdes, Inciudlnp fin.fa whieh L�ndsr
<br /> �, � roqukss Insurancs. Thla Neurance ehall bs m�Y�Wnsd In the amounte�nd for ths perloda thd Lu�der requtre�. Borrawer�hul
<br /> - _ tlto Insun ap Impror�ts on the Prope�ty,whethar now In�dstona or suba�quently erscted, �yalnst losa by Iloods to the �• �
<br /> -- ` � �ocl�nt nquk�d by th� S�craWy.AN Insuruiaa ahaN b� cani�d wlth aompanlss�pprovad by L�ndK.Tha insuranc�poYoles�nd
<br /> -.�, • ' �ny�wuds�hW b�htld by Undu�nd sh�ll Induda bss p�y�hN d�u�ea In iwor of.and In�lartn accepUbl�to.Lenda. _- --.-
<br /> ;,, j, • . M the went of los�, 8ortava shaM yive Landx hnmedl�te noUae by mW. lender m�y m�ke proof o1 loas If not m�de
<br /> _"x, ' � � �,; prompty by Bortowr. f�ah Inwranaa company conam�d is h�nby�ulhoritad and dkeated to m�ke p�ymant lor wch losa
<br /> - �� , "` dUecUy to L�nda, kate�d o1 to 6arowrr�nd to Lendt:Jo(ndy.All a�ny p�t of th� Insuranae procsMs nt�y b� app�lsd by
<br /> - . lendar, at Its opUon, ellhx(�)to the nduction of th�Ind�btsdness under ths Note �nd thls 9�curily Inatrumont flM to�ny
<br /> ddinquent�mounts�ppA�d In th� order b Parapraph 3,�nd then to pnpayment ol prN�cipd,or(b)to the reataratlon a repdr of
<br />_�-�' ..�,:��, ths dunaped Propaly. My appllr�don of the proceeds to th�prindpd shaA not wcbnd or poxtpon� the due date ol the ---_
<br /> - .—_ monthb WY�t� whioh m ni.rt�d io in F.r��q�i� 2, or atwny� iha amcnnt ot suah paymcnls. My racas� Insurenee �'� -'.• �
<br /> proce�da ovar an�mount requlrod to psy aY outsWdlny ind�bt�dn�s�undv th�NoU�nd ihis 8ocurily InsWm�nt�h�Y b�pald �_6v.� ' °=
<br />= • to th��nUly Ip�Ny�ntid�d th�nlo.
<br /> In ths avent o1 forodonun ol thle Secuiity Mabument or other hansfx of tiGe to the Property th�t exdnpulebes the
<br /> � .. �- Ind�bbdmss,ap dyht, titl� and btenst o1 Borrawor In and to Inaunnu poAcles In torco ah�ll p�ss to the purch�sw.
<br /> - .:,�,� 5. Occup�ncy, P���rvation, Mainton�nc� �nd Prot�ctbn ot tha Prop��ty; Borrowa�'s Loan �:�r:,,
<br /> . Appllc�tion; I.�lf�hOlds.Bartower eh�U occupy,eslablish,and use ths P►operty�s Bortower'e ptlnGpd rseWeeoe wRhln
<br /> . • � eixty days �ftx ths�xacutlon of Ihla SecurUy Inedum�nt �nd ahdl eonGnue to occupy th� Property �a Borrower's p�indpal
<br /> - � . residanc�tar�t levat ons yev�Tler the d�te of occup�ncy, unleas ihs 3ecrduy debrtNnea thla raqulrement wiA cauae undue 6�'-�"-"��°'
<br /> ',�• �" • h�rd�hfp ta 8orrowv. or unNu atenu�W�g ciroumst�nces axiat whlah are beyond Borrowar'a wnirol. Bortowsr ahali notHy t�_L�'�''�'
<br /> r^i�r�-ti
<br /> �r � L�ndws of �ny �xtenu�tlng ckw�naUnaea. BoROwer nhall not wmmlt wasb a d�etroy, danwpe or subetantl�Yy ah�np�the �.,_ --
<br /> . . Prop�rty o►�Ilow th�Propeity to dMwionta,reasomble wau and tear axceptad. Lander m�y Inep�ct th�Propsrly fl th�Propsly E -=`""°'
<br /> ��'' �� is vacant or �bandaned a�th�lom ia in dei�uH. Lende►m�y Uk� re�aonebb setbn to prot�ct �nd proaarvs such v�cant or �=���--
<br /> ��. �b�ndoned Properly. Bortower�Fsd al�o be In deaufl H Bor►owa, durinq the loan�ppllcaUon proceae, yave m�terlalty fela� or _
<br /> r * • In�counte Inbrmatlon or st�ten�nU to Lender(a IaNed to p►ovlde lmdw wfth any matedal Inform�don) In connectlon with the ,•
<br /> � lo�n widenad by ths Noto,Indudlnp, but not Iimlled to, repreaentatlona conceminp Borrower's occup�ncy of the Property�a e
<br />(• ,�� �; prindpal reeldenca. If this Saarity Inatrument la on a leasehold, Borrower ahap comply wUh the provtalona ol the lease. If j�- _
<br /> v Borraww�cqulrea(e�tlW to th� Properry,tha Is�s�hatd and iw We�hdl not ba m�ryed uN�ss Land�r ayreas to tho m�qer In !-��
<br /> , ° - wridny, -�--
<br /> 'l��;S
<br /> ' . r•��.�.:::_.
<br /> . • • • 8. Chargos to Borrow�r and Protectian of Lender s Rights In tho Proporty. 8orrowe►ahtll pay all :
<br /> ' yovammental or munlGpsl chrgea, flnas md fmpositlone that ore not Included In Parayraph 2. Bortower eh�p pry ihese �n "`�� '
<br />� ' obliptlbna on Hme dlrectiy to tha enUty whlch la owed the payment.If feUura to pay would advwaely�ttect LendK'a ht�rat In -=-_-
<br /> , � • th�Properly,upon Under's roquest Barower ihall prompUy fixn�ah to Lender reeelpte evidencinp theae p�ymants.
<br /> " II Bortower faNa to make Ihese paymants o�the paymenta required by Parograph 2, or ldla to perform any other eovenmts � � r �,_
<br />• � end�qreements eont�in�d in tMs 3eeurHy Inatnwnent,or there la�legd proeeedinq that rtwy slgniflcanUy aHect Lender'a Nghls in r' ''Y�l`,� ,
<br /> <"} .,
<br /> T. . the Property(suoh aa a procaeding in banlwptay,lor condemnaUon ar to enforoe I�wa ar regulaUona),then Lender rruy do and
<br /> ' ' pay whatever la necesa�ry to protect the value o1 the Property and Lender's�lyhte In the PropeAy, Includiny peyment ot tuces. - .
<br /> hazvd insurance ond olher Rem� mentioned M Pangreph 2.
<br /> � � ' My umunta diaburoed by Lendcx under thla Pareyreph sh�N become en additlonel debt o1 Bortower and be aecured by �
<br /> thla Security Inatrument.Theae unounts shap bcwr Intarost from thQ dote of dlnbureement,at the Note rato.and at the optlon of F;
<br /> � ' � Lender, ahaU be Imrnedutety due and peyable.
<br /> `� ' 7. COndalnn�tlofl.The proceeds of eny awerd ar claim for demeyes. d(rect or conaequentlal. In connectlon with eny
<br /> condemn�tlon or other tekinp ol any pert of tha Property, or la conveyence In place of condemneUon, are hereby aasqned and
<br /> - ' eheii be prid lo L�n�en tu iha irxiwd ul tl�a (ull umount ot lhe indebtedness thal remeina unpafd under lhe Yole��iJ Ilda � .
<br /> Sec;urity Insirument. Lende►slwY apply sueh proceeds to the reductbn of ihe Indebtednesa under the Note end thls 8ecurity
<br /> � InsWment, flret to eny delinquent omounts applied In the order provlded M Paragraph 3, end then lo prepaymenl ol prir�cipal.
<br /> •• , My epplluqon of the proceeds io the principal ahall not exfend or postpone the due date ol Ihe monihly paymenta,whlch�re
<br /> referred to In Peragmph 2, or change the smount of such payments.Any excess proceeds over an amount requked to p�y all
<br /> $.,____. outaWndin9 Indalltedneaa under t ho Note and lhis Secudty Instrument shall be peW to tho entity leqely entided thereto.
<br /> � � 8. FooY. Lender may cdlect fees and charges eulhorized by the 3eaetary.
<br /> ,
<br /> • I 8. Oround�for Accolvr�tion of Debt.
<br /> . ' (p) DYfAUIt. Lender may, except as Ilm4ed by regulatlons Issued by the Secrstery In the cese of peyment defauRa,
<br /> requke Immediate p�yme�t In tuM of aN sums secured by thls 3ecudy Instrument If:
<br /> � .� (�Barower delauqs by Ia1Nng lo pay In lull any monthly p�yment requlred by lhls 3ecurtly InsUument priar to or on
<br /> the due date ot the next monthly peyment,or
<br /> (A) Borrower dQfaults by iwAlnq,lor o peNod of ihirty daye,to perform any other obliqetlons cont�ined in thls Secudty
<br /> • Inatrument.
<br /> (b) Sal� Without Crodit Approval. Lender ahell,II permined by appllcable lew and wRh the pdor epproval of the
<br /> � Secralary,nqWre Immediate payment In full of ell the sume sacured by thls Security Inswment II:
<br /> . . FSBI9.LMO(tONt) Paqe 7 uf 9
<br /> ;
<br /> � ' 1
<br /> , ! •J1tS6lM
<br /> 4f� !
<br />