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<br /> _M�.�� IBp�a Abovr 7AM LNM lor FMeordYq OaL1 _
<br /> --__----- FFIA Cu�No.
<br /> ___--�__ stae. o�N•�asa DEED OF TRUST ��-�sses�r�oa �
<br /> - _� �—� _.__._.__ THIS OEED�OF iAUS!(•8�oixN�y In�trum�nt')is m�d�on Auaust 12th .75� p�
<br /> __�� � �
<br /> ��_�:� 1ti•wstor b�r n E Joms�nai �Aalodv e _�••�•e .Hu�bfnd and Wlb
<br /> ,b� ('BOROWM�). TIN 1NdN I�
<br /> _��,.���:d�ia�.a+ i C/�� 1 1 C�d�.�l C1��4 � C�d���l Rwlnn��flfit_ ��TN/�M��.
<br /> --�^- j�.�FCI�. i�JY�����Y M �i
<br /> :*�9 :�:N•..r;<': ' � i �1��1�1y b A.�JMJ V�1�.u�� C�w�
<br /> _ ��r }, whloh Is ory�niud md�xbtinp und�ih�Miws oi r••��••x..a Rw.■_�f M1�fioa
<br /> --_� `x .` ct Nd WhOi�lddfM�I/o�u W�.� 7..i C�rr4_ Aynd hlind_II�E a8$��
<br /> -=��r' `� • �• •�, c�w�,�•�••••'�••�••�nd On� Hundnd and OOHQQ _
<br /> � L�nd�r 6ortow�r ow�s L�nd�r th�prk�dp�l wm of
<br /> '`! +-ky�ti';., DoINn �ll.S.i 87.100.00 1. This d�bt Is wldmo�d by
<br /> —�r �:�:i�r;�, BortowK's not� d�t�d tM s�m�d�b �a thla S�awity InsWm�t ('NoU'), whbh prorid�s for moMhly p�ym�nU,with th� bN
<br /> � ty :,
<br /> _' ---- d�bt,B not p�W MrY�r, du•and p�y�bM on�ot�mb�r 1. 2022 .Thb 3�ourity Instrumwrt s�cwrs to
<br /> i -- '- — Und�r: (�)tho np�ym�nt of th�d�bt widmc�d by th�Nob,wMh Nternt,�nd aN nn�wala,oct�n�lan�nd moolnc�dons of th�
<br /> �-� .f���"%.• .. ..
<br /> = p-- �. . Notr, (b) ths p�ymmt of dl oth�r auma. wNh Int�at. aduanced und�r pusyrwph 7 to proted th� sscurlty ot this 3�owUy
<br /> -r-'"'�.�'.-A�'. ^. .. . InsGumwd; �nd(a) th� pafomwno�of Borrowrr's eown�Mt and apr�n�nts und�r thb 3�airity Inatrumad and th� Not�. Fw
<br /> "`L:'� .��..•.,'��'�:` �•' � thi� o��� Baroww doa h mortq�pe, qrant�nd aonv to TnutM wNh av�of �ab� tM k0owln daa�d p►op�Ay
<br /> RL '.ru,.: _� P��P ��Y �N P Y
<br />—_- IocatM In FI�II ��tY
<br /> — �.;� Lot Forty (40) In t�l�nd Acr�� Numb�r S�v�n (7). In th�cUy of Grand bl�nd. Hdl County�
<br /> : ,' ,,�� N�brask�.
<br /> � ��..
<br /> �� 4.
<br /> .�'y� nN�v:•�tr�a.-�• .
<br /> _. t , � ;{.
<br /> _:,�;.: ''r";�� .: .. "i:
<br /> �` t-`�' .:s�'•
<br /> i.� � .
<br /> `j :,�:
<br /> . ,`�°,•�"� whleh has ih��dclntt of��14 W��bid� 8h. Qnnd I�land.
<br /> � °�;�� , (saeK) [�hYl.
<br />• .'"�. ' NR 68803 (•Property Addnss'1:
<br /> F� �"
<br /> [Sf�t�] I�P CodeJ
<br /> : . ri�'';,_ � TOCiETHER WITH all the knprovwnantt now or herMRer�rected on th�PropeAy. �nd�p eaemmb, dpht�,oppurt�nanaes.
<br /> ront�, royNWs, minKal, oll �nd y�n rights �nd profits, w�hr Nphts�nd atock�nd d flxturos now or hwwll� a prt al the
<br /> ' ��r'.�," ,: property Aq nplacem�nta end additbna th�k �No b�covw�d by thls S�aNity Imtrum�nt.All 01 tho for�yolnp is referted to In
<br /> . ..,•
<br />- .����'r'.,r�:` lhla Sacurity In�wm�nt a th�'PfOpE11y'.
<br /> ,,•. .a
<br /> ' � � . " BORHOWIER COVENANTS th�t Borrowar la IawfuAy nelzed of the �stde heroby conveyed and haa the rlpht to mortyaqe.
<br /> � : �' . � • prant and eonvey th� Property and th�t the PropeHy la un�ncumbered, except for eneumbru►ees of reeo►d. Borrower war�nts
<br /> � • , ` ued wiY dafend qemrally the 11t1e to tha Proparty�yainat ali dakn�ond dwrwnds,aubjeet to any encumbnnc�s of recwd.
<br /> :iz;, ° � �
<br /> u, . 1. Paymont of P�inclpAl. IntorYSt and Lato ChilrgY. Borrowe►aful pey when due tha principel of,and Intarest
<br /> � � , � � on,tha dsbt wldencad by tha Nota�nd lata charpea dua under tlw Note.
<br /> , ..,
<br />. • `. „� . . . . 2. Monthly Paymonts of Taxaa� Inouranco and Othor Chargos.Bortowe► ahaY Include In eoch mon��dy
<br /> , payment, topether with ihe pdnclpal and Inte►eat es aet iarlh in the Note �nd any late chorqas,an InsUllment of any (a)taxes
<br /> ��,_�,,,_: �nd ap�clal �asesamenta levled or to be levled egalnat tha Property. (b) leaeehold paymenb or yround rents on tha Propery,
<br /> --�—�----- - - �nd(a) promlums for Inaurance roqulred by Paiayraph 4.
<br /> a .
<br /> - •- Each monthly Inatellment lor kema (a),(b) and(c)ahaA equ�l one-tNel(th ol the a�nual emounts,sa reaaombty eatimaled by
<br /> ,. ° • '- Lenda, plus an amount suifldent to rtwlntaM an eddiqonal belanee of not more than onaalxth of the eatlmated�mounts, The lull
<br /> , � �nnual �mount for e�ch Uem ahaA be�ccumuleled by Lender wqhln a peAod ending one manth before an Item would become
<br /> � do8nquent.L�ndsr sh�ll hold ihe�mounla collected in iruat to pay ft«ns(e),(b)and(o)betoro they becoma deWnquent.
<br /> � '
<br /> • , If et�ny Ume tNe tottl of the p�ymenta hald by Lender lor qems(a). (b), and (c), toyether wqh the tuture monthly paymente
<br /> ' � ., tor euch ftems payabl�to lendar prbr to th� due ddas o1 auch Reme, exceeds by more thm one�afxlh the esiknated amount ot
<br /> ' ` psyments ►equked to pay euch It�rne whan du�, �nd H p�yments on the Note an curtent ihen Lender ahaU either refund Ihe
<br /> ,,�. �• .� . txct�s over onasbcth of the esUmsted psymente or credlt the exceae over one-slxth o1 the eaUrnated paymenta to subsequent
<br /> ,� ' , ,�_,.��. FlE13.1M0(10/91) a�a��oe e
<br /> r `
<br /> . �� • I 92156.LM
<br /> �
<br />