- ' �}', .� �,!+�y�` . ... "FJL;�;'•T � .. �. :' . '. '—_ . .-
<br /> � '.� ��.±r.+��rw�' - ,� ..... , _--__._..1,_�._ ..._a+•:a.s� —
<br /> 3t .r y .r. _�-.,,�-:- -_=�.__-c�._-�---=-__.�..
<br /> .4 - .�.�..-----.. _. .
<br /> rt � " ' .^.ti.;i, ' �`r�;_�r{�.� - � " , A .���-.
<br /> � ' . ��a :�� . . .1��_ ..
<br /> .. . . e�)� ..
<br /> � �
<br /> - ' m /1N« wrt ot th� Prop�ty, «. a.n�AoW M.r.a M . w•� owMnp op o. p�rt a ui. Prap�rty, Is .otd a.
<br /> ofMtwis�O�n�lrnd(WINr thm by tlwnr�a d�nq bY th�Barow�r��nd
<br /> (� TM Prop�ty a nol oaoupNd by th�puralwuw or panlM��hls a hw prfnoipd nddwia��a th�pwah�Nr a �
<br /> r = , p�ntw doM �o ooaupy tfN P►op�Ay, bul Mt or h�r ardM hu rwt bwn opprov�d h a000ld�nal wNh Itl�
<br /> _ .. ���?"�"` � nquk�nmt�of tM B�aM�ry. �
<br /> �O� No W�Iwr. II oMoum�t�noM ooau Ih�t wauW pKmit l�nd�►to �quk� InnNdMN paym�nt N M�,bul LrWr N
<br /> t�;,�, •_• . .''.,j doN nut nquln wob p�ym�nU. 4�ndrr doM not wdv�q�dphu with rap�al to wbspu�nt rwnU.
<br /> (d) R�ulaUon� o�f HUD SMOr�tary. In nw�y ctra�tanoM npul�tion� I�rwd by Ih� S�ont�y wYl wnit � � ,., _
<br /> ' ,"'. L�nd�'s rqhU� in th. au� ol p�ym�nl dMwR.�to nquin k�m�Mt.p�ym�nl In iW�nd ronotos�N nat pdd. This
<br /> . ,�1. .;- .
<br /> � .�' r�, 8�awky Irotnimmt doa not wlho��ocNrtllan or Ic+rolown q not prnniU�d by npuMtlon�of th�S��W7/.
<br /> �;,•X�:.�.,-f `� .
<br /> . l�) �ONN Not� Inw►ad.Banaww�pnM Ihat shodd thb S�ourHy In�qum�nt�nd th� Not���anvd thKrby
<br /> �-! �iry„�•�<.V : . not ba dplbN fa bsurano� undw th�N�donv Hou�lnp Aal wilhln 80 d� trom th� d�t� Mrwf� O
<br /> —q�::.,,;:F �. UndK nry. d Ms opdon �nd nonvith�f�ndlnp �nY►�0 h P�OnPh 6� nqu4� Nmi�dl�t�p�ym�nt In tup ot d wms
<br /> - • ' ��ourod by tha 8�o�uiyr InsbumrM. A wrNt�n�W�nf d any �uthorit�d �p�nt of th�S�orMary d�t�d�ub�wtit
<br /> ��s .`�°�.'.'�. .� to 90 davs irom th� d�t� h�nof. d�elininp to In�un this 8�adly Imbummt �nd th� Not� s�owrd
<br /> -��� • " - th�r�by, �h�N b� dMm�d oondutN� proot of woh indlpibiity. NotwhhsUndinp th� forpolnp, thls opUon nNy no! b�
<br /> �=�:.�-•�w .�, ' �x�rds�d by Landw whm th�wavW�blNty o1 Inwnu�c�Is tot�ly du�to lwid�r'�I�Ilun to nmM •mat�p� Nwranca
<br /> � ' ' ,i �.•:, •`� prarJum to iM 8�a�ry.
<br /> �`Q+A�..1.1��'uu..Y•y••J�
<br /> ___ !��!?*• . .:..�::. " 10. RN11sht�m�ttt. Borrow�r hu� ilpht to b�rNnttat�d M l�ndw h+�s r�qukod Mnm�di�b paymmt In fuN b�aw�of
<br /> T T- '•-° �•';�:. 8artowrr'� hllun to p�y �n amount dus undr tl►� Not� a this B�arHy Inswment. Thls rlpht �ppqa a�n�Rrr londown ___.
<br /> - - � �h ` �-�-�-`'��-i`° pmc�linps ius In�tidihd. To ninst+iN th�8�cudty Inrirumw�t. BoRawer sh�N hnd�r in • lump wm �p enounU taquired to �
<br /> �Y' �rd<�.r��.._ _ .. . btlnp Bortawar's �aaa�nt curr�nt includinp, to th� ud�nt Ih�y �n obYpatlon� of Bortoww undK thls 9�airity InsWmmt,
<br /> " fonaloaun aosts �nd fM�onabN und astan�ry �ttom�ye' iKa and sq��n��s propwly as�ooi�t�d wNh th� tondown
<br /> `" • "' proe�np.Upon rNnshtam�nt by 8orrow�r, thl� 3�cudly In�bumsnt and the obAp�Gons th�t it��car�s ah�ll r�In dl�ot�s
<br /> - :.,. � '�,ri•,." " R Und�r had not nquind Ynm�Wt�paymmt b tW. HowevK� Undsr u not wquked W pwrt�it rek��twnant IF m L�ndw has _
<br /> � n . Y.� �cc�piw! rMntLtNn�nt atbr th� canm�naament of lorodosuro p�acNdinps wRhln two yavs Immsdl�tNy pnc�dinp tha �_=
<br /> , .';�•,;s��y,�.,v.KS•x�• aomrnmawnmt o1• aunent fondosun procs�dlnp, (i� nimhtansr�t vvll pr�lud�fondosuro on dM�nM prounds b th�tudK��
<br /> � a(NI)ninwtwnwd wiN�dv�rsNy atf�et th�prloiity of th�Il�n aMt�d by thls 8�ouiity M�hum�nt.
<br /> ° � fi 11. Bonow��No! RN�u�d; Fo�arana� By L�ndK No! a WNv�r.Extansbn of th�tims o1 paymmt or
<br />- • . modilic�don of amordndon of ths sums uwnd by thb Sewrily Instruma�t ynnt�d by L�ndn to �ny euceaeo►N �ntw�st of
<br /> , BonowK�h�N not op�rata to rcle�s�ths N�bility of th�orlp4iY Borroww a Bortowa'a suaoesaor In Intereat.Und�►�h�N not be
<br /> __,_t. , ,„:�,:�:., ._ �:�..,_ requk�d to oomnxnc�procsedkipe �qdnat�ny suussta In htwe�t a nluu to �xtmd tima fa p�yment or oth«wis�modly =-.
<br /> • ; . �morUz�tbn of ih� sums ascund by thl� 9awdty In�trummt by raaon o} �ny dMn�nd mad� by th� oripinal Bonower or
<br /> . � Borrowx's succa�on In int�est My forbwranc� by Lendr In ecrdsinp �ny �lyht or rwnody eh�p not b� a wahr�r of or �
<br /> .' .. pnoMid�the Acards�01�ny dphl a nm�dy.
<br /> 12. 8ucc�sson �nd Assipns Bouod; JoIM and �ov�ral Llabllliy; Co-8l�nws. Tha covenants .nd
<br /> .. �y►Nmmt�of thfa 3ewrity Instrumant sh�M bind�nd bensflt the aucaenoro and asslyns oi Lende►and Bortowr, wbject to tha _.
<br /> " � • � provlslons of Panp►aph 9.b. Barower's coremnta and�yn�ments shW bs Jolnt �nd aevxW. My Bortower who oo-al�s this
<br /> . ,,. � � 3scurily�nstrum�nl but dosa not exaeut� the Note: (�) Po co•signlnp thla Sscudty Inatrum�nt ony to mort�aye,qnnt�nd convey [''�
<br /> ` • th�t Borrower'� intae�t fn ihe Properly under the tarme of Ihla Secudty Instrum�nt; (b) le not paeonoNy obllp�teA to p�y ihe ty:��
<br /> ' ^�,,. '� , eums s�cund by thb Seauity Inatrumsnk and (a) ayrees ihst Lendar �nd �rty othar 8ortower m�y �yre� to extand, modNy,
<br /> lorbeu or m�k+ any�caommadafMns wRh rpud to th�twms of thtt S�cwiry InsWm�nt a th� Not�without that Bortow�'s
<br /> ; . oon��nt. —r '-
<br /> t�4 •-� 13. NOtIC�� My notiae to 8ortower provlded for b thla 3ecurtty InsWmant sh�N be qivan by dsllveHnp It or by m�Wnp it f��_
<br /> ' ^+ ,' '��_• •� by Ikat cl�as map unleaa appllcab�e law raqukea use of�nother method.Th�noUce ahdl bs dkected to ihe Roperty Addreas or _
<br /> ;' �� any oth�r�ddrese Bortoww dsNpnetee by noUca to Lender.My notia to Lender ah�p b�given by flrst cl�sa rtwY to Lender'a
<br />� „ ,?�. •, f,� �� �ddreas sbted herain or �ny �ddresa Lender designstea by notic� to Bor►owe►. My noUas provided for In lMs S�curily m
<br /> I ' . ' � Innrum�nt shNl b�d�ned to hwe baen qlven to Borrower a lend�r whai yhr�n as provid�d In thls pNyraph. K�--
<br /> ' ' 14. Gov�Ininp L#w; Sw�rablNty. This 3ecurily Inabument ahsll b� povemed by Fedaral law end th�taw of the ���
<br /> •� � � Juriadlatlon In whlch 1M Propaiy Ia loc�t�d. In the event Ih�t �ny proviabn or dauee of thia 8ecurily IneWmenl or the Note
<br /> � � ' conlUets wNh�pptcable law, auch conAlot ahell not�Hect other provlalone of thla 3ecurily Instrument or th�NMe whloh cu�be �
<br /> 4 .. •. yban dfect withoul th�con111oWp proWsion.To thh ond th�proNslon�of this Sacuriry Inswm�nt and tho NoN an d�nd to �
<br /> , .� b�sw�able. -
<br /> �+� • 18. BOrrowYr'f COpy.8orrower�h�ll ba yiven orn eonlormed copy oi thia 3�curiry Instrumont. __--
<br /> . �;ti_
<br /> , 's'"''" ' ' 16. Assignmant of Ronts.Bortower uncondidon�lly oasigna�nd irnnafera to Lender all the renta and►evenues of ihe
<br /> „ Property. Barower authorizea Lender w Lender's �gents to collect the ranta�nd revanues and hereby directa e�ah tenant of the
<br /> Propeity to p�y the ronts to lendar or Lender'a agents.However, pria tu Lender's notice to Borrower of Bortower'a bre�ch of �.
<br /> . any eowmnt or apreement in the 3ecurity InaWment, Bortower ahdl eollect end reeeive dl renta and revonues oi Ihe Property •
<br /> Y. oa truates for the beneNt of Lender and 8orrowa. Thls asalpnment of rente constputes an absoluta asslynment�nd not �n �,,,.
<br /> ' � aaeipnment for eddlllond aecurity ony.
<br /> �
<br /> If Lender givea notice of breach to Borrower. (a) �N rents recefved by BoROwer shall be hetd by Bortower ae Watee tor
<br /> . _ _ � beneflt of Lender ony,to be appllad to the aums secured by the 3eoudty Inatrument; (b) lender aholl be entitled to callect and
<br /> recelve�II oi the renta of ihe Prope�ty: md (c) each tenant o1 the Property ah�N pay eM ronts due and unpeid to Undar or
<br /> � Lander'a a9ent on Lender'e wrftten dan�nd to ihe tenant. �
<br /> 8orrowar has not executed any prlor asalgnment of the rentn and hos not�nd vvNl not pe�lorm any ect Ih�t would prevent ,
<br /> � Lender from exerdalnq Ita rights under this Pareyraph 18.
<br /> '� � Lendar ahaN not be requlred to enter upon,take control of or maintaln the Propeity befare or efter gHtng not�e ol breach to
<br /> - . --7 Borrower. Howev�r. Lender or e Judiclally eppohted receiver mey do so at eny time there la o breach.Any applicaQon ol rents
<br /> �� � � ehell not are ar wahe any defeuft or InveYdete eny other �Ight or remedy of Lender. This asalpnment of renta of the Property �
<br /> � ! sh�A te�mkiate when ihe debt secured by the Security Inalrument Is paM In lull.
<br /> :' � 17. Foraclosura Procadure. If Lander requiras Immadiate paymont in full undor Paragraph 9,
<br /> . � Londor may invoke the power of sale and any othor romadlea pormtttod by applicable law.
<br /> � Londor shall bo entklad to colloct all axpensos Incurred in pursuing tho remedies providod in
<br /> � this paragraph 1T, Including, but not limlted to, re�sonable attorneys' fees a�d costa of title
<br /> „ ; ovldonco.
<br /> �
<br /> ., j
<br /> , . • . . •{ FS817.LMQ(t0191) Paqo 3 ot S
<br /> ;
<br /> ! � 92156.LM �
<br /> / .
<br /> ., �
<br />