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.:��.�_ ' � . `��,,,�:,�,��_�;�..,� <br /> ,S �m..w= -- °�. ._ <br /> Yw,.'�« .. - <br /> -, y �+:r.ti :�Aij�N� 1�ee� .-^rr.VrS:. �-�_ .. _,,.�M'r..� -. <br /> � � �f. i� . ' -• „ .^- - ----uY�._'T. <br /> 'I q .'�-z„�.�. <br /> r <br /> ;.` � � 92_1o�oss <br /> ,�� <br /> � payments may no langer be thc aption of Lender,if martgage insuru�uc cavcragc(in the am��unt und for the perlcxl <br /> 1lwt L,ender requfres)pro��idad by an insurer upproved by i.ender again becomes availublc anci is obtained.Barrawer shnll pay <br /> thc pre�iums required ta maintain mortgagc insurance in effect.or ta provide a loax reserve,until thc requirement for mortgoge f <br /> - - inrurance enda fn accardance with any wrltten agreement betwecn Borruwcr and L.ender or applicable law. � <br /> - 9. Utspection. Lendcr or ite agent muy makc reasonable entrfes upon and inspection�of thc Praperty. l.ender shull �ive <br /> ` Borrower notice at the time of or p�ior to an inapection cpecifying rea�anuble cause fUr the inspeetion. <br /> - 10. Condemnation�The procerds of any awud or claim far damuge.r, direct or consequential, in connection with any <br /> ._ ��__ , _ ---- - - - <br /> condemnatian or ather taking ot'any part of the Propeny, ar far comeyance in lieu cN candemnation,are I►ereby easigned Ynd ` <br /> �."�� ah�ll be paid to I,ender. <br /> ln the event of a total taking of�he Property, the pracceds shall be upplied tn the sums secured by this Securily Instrument, <br /> - whether or not then due,with any excess paid to Borrower.!n�he event of u partinl taking af the Property in which the fai� <br /> �_..--,�,ry;,:• market value af the Praperty immediately before the takfng is equal to o�greuter�han the amount oi the suins se�cured by�his <br /> _�.�„''�� Socvrity Instrument immediately before the taking, unless Burrower und Lender athenvlse wgree in wrlting,the sums setured by <br /> - - --- ------- this Secu�ity lostrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fruc�ion: (a) the total <br /> _ -.-....-�-� amaunt of the sums isecured immediatcly beforc the taking.divided by (b) the fair murket value of thc Property immediately <br /> — before the taking. Any belance shall be paid to Barrower. In the svent of a par�ial taking of the Property in which the fair <br />�����:� market velue of the Property immediately before the taking is less than thc amount af the sums secured immediately before the <br /> =��,r:;�y� taking, unless Borrawer and [.ender otherwfse ogrec in writing or unless applicahle law otherwise provides. the proceeds ahall <br /> �—��'�"""'��''� ` be applied to the sums secured by thia Security Instrument whether or nat the sums are then due. <br /> -T.�` ;_,�,�..+zr°�`� • If tt�e Property is abandoned by Borrowcr,ar If. after notice by Lender to Borcower that the rnndemnor offers to mekc an _ <br /> -. .,,.�,_. _.- <br /> , �"'`.,•._•�� award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fsiils to respand to Lender within 30 duys ufter the date the notice ia given, <br /> �,t ^-F: I.ender ia authorized to callect and apply the praceeds, at its option. either to restaration or repair of the Property or to the sums <br /> : • , _-��- ��•''���1 secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not thrn Auc. <br /> ",.° .� :,�N,.:,::.+..;" Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writin�, any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or ` <br /> • .�'. postpone the due dute of thc mornhly payments referrcd Io in purngraphs 1 and 2 or chonge the nmount of such paymenta. _ <br /> �.' A"-.'°, ��. 11.Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Leader Not a Waiver.Extcnsion of the time for payment or modification <br /> � � � �, ' � � of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Ins�rument grnnted by L.ender to uny cuccessor in interest of Borrower shall - <br /> , � � nat operata to release the liability of the uriginal Barower or BoROwer's successors in interest. I.ender shull not be required to _ <br /> �� � : , . commenca proceedings against any successor in interesl ar refuse to eatend time for payment or othervvise madify emortization _ <br /> < <• . <br /> ' of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reuson of uny demund mude by thc original Borrower or Borrower's <br />- _ - ;::"•�: .,. �� successors in interest. Any forbearanca by Lender in eaercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver uf or preclude the =� <br /> _-� =�••- _ -- - exercise of uny right or remcdy. <br /> ' � ;.... 12. Successors and Assi�ns Bound;Jolnt wnd Sevetal Liabflity; Co-signers. The cavenants And agreemen�s of this <br /> ° ' ^ Securiry Instrument shall bind and bcnefit .he succ�_ssors and ussigns of Lcndcr und Borrower, subject to the provisions of - <br /> � ��.,, pnragrnph 17. Borrower's covenunts und agreements shull be joint nnd several. Any Borrower whn ca-signs this Security _ <br /> „ , � , . Instrument but does not execute Ihe Note: (u) is ca-tiigning Ihis Security [mtrument only to mortgage, grunt and convey �hat <br /> . �• - Borrower's interest in the Propeny under the tcrms of�his 5ecurity Instrument; Ib) is not personally obligated to pay the sums <br /> " �; .�� secured by this Security Instrument;und(r)Agrecs�hat Lendcr und any cnhcr Borrower rnay ugrcc�o extcnd, modify, forbeur or "' <br /> . ' make uny accommodations with regurd to ttie terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without thut Borr�wer's consent. _- <br /> ;� � l3. Loan Chary�es.lf the lonn secured by this Sccurity lnstrument is suBject to a law which sets maximum loan charge5. <br /> , ,. ,, �. , <br /> 1 ,. . �• and that Inw is finully interpreted so thut the intcrest or uther loan churges collected nr to be collecled in connection with the <br /> � ' loun exceed the permiued limitx.�hrn: (•r)any tiuch I�ian char�!e+hall tk rcduced by�he amoun[ necessury to reduce the charge _ <br /> j. 5+��,••. ' to the perniitted limir anJ (b1 uny swm alrevdy callc�icJ frum Borrowrr which cxceedcJ }xrmiucd limits will be refunJeJ to = <br /> Borrower. Lender muy chcx�se to muke thiti rcfund by reducing the prinripal uw�d under the Nute or hy making u direct E- <br /> �i: :� r-:�., : a payment to Borrowcr. If a refund reduces princips�l, thc reJurtian will hc trc�ted a+ u purtial prepaymem without any _ <br /> -"'`��'•� • re a ment char e under the N�tc. - <br /> �.' � . �ii' p P Y S �,: <br /> ' . • �'r 14.Notices. Any noticc to B��rrowcr provided for in this Scruriry Instrumcnt shull lx tiivrn by Jclivcring it or by mailing � <br /> : , �. it by firat class mail unlesti upplicuble luw reyuircx u�c of unother nxlh�xl. Thc notice yhvll be directed to the Property Address <br /> or any other suidress Borcowcr designutes by m�tice io Lendcr. Any ninice tu L,cixlcr shall br given by 6rst class mail to - <br /> ;�'` � �`•� - �� Lender's uddresti swtcd hcrein or any othcr •rddrrss LcnJcr Jc�ignates hy nutirc to &�rrower. Any notice provided for in this - <br /> �: ^ ` � Security lnstrument shull be dccmcd ta have hcen givcnto Rorrowrr or Lcndcr when givcn a,provid��l in this puragruph. - <br /> � 15.Governing Law; SeverubiNty. This Sccurity Instrumcnt tihall Ix �t�w�rncd hy 1'cJcrul luw und the taw of the �, <br /> � � ,��,, „ • jurisdiction in which thc Property iti Icxated. In thc�vcnt thut uny pr�rvi,ian��r rluuu uf this Security lnstrumem or thc Nute - <br /> • contlict�with applicable luw.�u�h rontlict.hall n�n at7�tt �,thcr pru��i.i�m.ul'thi.Scrurity In.trument ur�he Ni�te which can be � <br /> ° ��-•� • givcn ct'f'��ct without thc r�mFlictin� provision. T�i �hi.cnd the provitiions�il'this Srrurity Instrument and the Note ure declnred - <br /> to be.everablc. � <br /> 16.Borrower's�►rrowcr.hull lx�iven uik�onti�rmrJ cupy uf thc Notc and;�f this Sccurity Instrumm�t. <br /> �,� , . ' r Farm 3028 9/90 I <br /> .. � .. <br /> ., r���.��o�n - <br /> .. .. R <br /> • ^ - , <br /> "_—"' ' "_ '" ' <br /> , ' __' .. .. _' . . ' . . . —::�1., .� . - ... .-.1.. -.�•Y.e�: • .- . .',=�. <br /> __... �__ .. ._ _.._____ .._ ___ '_ —__ _. . . . . .. .__".__ " _ _ . ... ._ ._. .'_..—__...__, <br /> 't ._ , <br /> �., . <br /> �� <br /> d ' ' <br />. 1 ; .� ;a4�.,YY�}" �k,� _ . ' � . <br /> y C `1 � <br /> i� , <br /> :,' •� . � <br /> . ._.____—._ <br />