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<br /> -- — 17.Traaafer af the Property or a BeneAcipl Intere�t In Bomower.If�II or any part of�he Property or ony fntere�t fn it
<br /> i�sold or tranafertcd(ar if a beneflciol intercat in 8orrower io sold or transferrod wid Horrower is nat A natutal person)without
<br /> l.ender'e prlor wtftten cansent, l.ender moy. ut itR option, roq uire immodiate payment in full of all xumc eecurod by thia
<br /> Security Instrument.However.�hic option clwll not be exercised by I.ender if ozercico ix pruhibitod by f�deral Ipw n�of the dWe
<br /> af this Securfty Instrument.
<br /> If Lencler excrcises this aption, I..endcr xhall give&►rrower oaticr,uf+�ccelcradun. Thc noticr shalE provlde a pedod of not
<br /> .. less�han 30 daye from the date tho notice ia delive�l or mailed withio which Banower must pny ull sums secured by thia
<br /> Security Ingtmrnent. If Bnrrower fafls to pay these�sums prior to the eapirutiun of ihis perfad.l.ender may lnvokc any remodies �
<br /> ';��, permitted by this Securfty Instrument withaut foither notice ar demand on eurrower.
<br /> �-- 18. Borrower's Itight to Relnstate. If Borrawer meets certain conditian4. eorrower shall have the right tu hAVe
<br /> �� enforcement of this Serurity Instrument discontinued at uny timc prior to the eurlier of: (a) S dsyx (or such ather periad os
<br /> applicable law rnay specify for refnstatement) be�fore sale of the Property pursuant ta any power of sale cantained in this
<br /> '+��;�,,;��;. Security Inswment;or(b)entry of u judgment enforcing thfs Sccurity Instrument.Those a►nditions erc that Borrower: (a)pays
<br /> "�=�`"'=-�•�-*� l.ender all sums wbich then would be due under this Securiry lnstrument and the Note as ff no acceleretion had occurred: (b)
<br /> -- -=�'�'r�" cureg any default�f any other covenants or agreements; (c)puys all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security.inatmment, _
<br /> �� �•. including,but nat limited to. reasonable attorne�s' fees; and(d)tekec such action us Lender mny ressonably requ�re to assure
<br /> _ ;;,;;, _____ that the lien of this Securiry instrument, l.ender s rfghtR in the Praperty and BoROwer's obligntion to pay the sums secured by
<br /> ix�.�,,-w�� this Security lnstrurnent shull continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrawcr. this Security Instrument and the
<br /> _ obligatians secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleratian had occurred. Hawever,this�lght to reinstale shall
<br /> � r � � not apply in thc case of accelerntion under parugrnph 17.
<br /> �'�'� � 19. Sale ot Note; ChanQe oP Loan Servker. Th� IVote ar a partiAl interest in the Note (together with this Securiry
<br /> o�����,. ,, A
<br /> ,�,�` — Instrumeny may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale muy result in a change in the entiry(knawn
<br /> - • �a,-,��,,;�;�.,. :, s4s the "Loan Scrviccr")that collects monthly payments due under�hc Note and thia Security Instrument.T here a lso mey b e ane
<br /> �,_��;��, ._6• or more changes of the Loan Scrvicer unrelated to n sale of the Note. If ihere is u change of the Loan Servicer,Borcower wili be
<br /> �,_�?.t•��•��• - �. given written notice of the chnnge in accordance with paragraph 14 Above and applicnble law. The notice will�tate the name and
<br />.. ?�''x�°..':' �2� uddress nf the new (.oan Servlcer and the uddresa to which puyments should be made. The notice will also contaln uny other _
<br />- ���..� •-�d ' information requfred by applicable law.
<br /> �'`'' ' 20. Hazardous Substances. Burrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storuge,or release of any
<br /> � . Haznrdous Substances on ar in the Property. Bonower shall not do, nor allow unyone else to do. anything affecting the
<br /> _ " Propeny that is in vic�ation of any Environmental I.uw. The preceding two sentences shall na s�pply a�the presence, use, or
<br /> � � ' � �� storage on the Pmperty of small quandties of Hazardous Substances thut ara generully recognized to be appropriute to nottinal
<br /> � . �,�* residential uses atid to maintenunce of thP Propeny.
<br /> ��. ,���.�,.:,. ::::'t••. ::� Borrawcr shall promptly give Lendcr written notire of uny investigatian, cluim, demand, Iawxuit or other action by any
<br /> �.:-_:.a _ �• governmental ar regulntory agency or private purty involving the Property and any Huxurdaus Substance or Envirunmental Lnw �
<br /> � ' ,,���,�1�. of which Horrower hac Actual knowledge. If Borrower learns,or is notified by uny governmental or regulutory autharity, that
<br /> �.,..
<br />-' ""` any rcmaval ar aiher rcmtdiation of�ny Hszsrdous Sabstance atTcctin��he Property is nece�sarv. Borrower shall promptl,v tyke
<br /> - --�� =-- - - -— -_
<br /> �` ull necessary rernediul actions in aaordance with 6nviranmentul Law.
<br /> � � ' ,;., ��n � As used in ihis paragraph 20. "Hazurdous Substances" uro thosc substu�ues defincd as toxic or hnzardous substances by _
<br /> � Environmentnl I.aw and �hc fallowing subscunces: gasuline, kcrosenc, uthcr tlnmmnble or toxic pe�troleum products, toxic
<br /> � ; p�" ... '.°� pesticides and hcrbicides,volatile solvents,muteriuls cont�ining usbestus or Pimnuldehyde,and rudioartivc materials. As used in
<br /> , �, '� ����� ° , this paragraph �0. "Environmentnl Law" meany fcderal luws and Iaws of the juri,diction whe�e the Propeny is lacated thet
<br /> ;}w. . relate to health, safety or environnxnlnl prutection.
<br /> . NON-UNI FORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr and Lcnder furthcr ruvcnunt und a�rce u+foll�iws:
<br /> � . . 21. Acceleratlon; Remedics.l.ender shall�fve notice to Borrnwer priur U►accelemtfon follnwin�Borrower's breach
<br /> _-- � oi' any covenant or a�reement in this Security Ingtrument (but not priur to sKCeleradon under paragraph 17 unless
<br /> � "��`� � " '�� applicable law provfdes otherwise). The nutice shall spE�clfy: la) the defuult; (b)Ihe action required to cure the default;
<br /> .f "' (c)a date, not Iess than 30 days Prom the date the notice iti Kiven to Bnrroaer,by which the dePault must be cured; and
<br /> �;L ' �k: :_' ��..:-. (d) lhat i'ailure to cure the dePault on or befbre the date sp��cified in the niHkc muy r�ult In acceleration of the sums
<br /> �, • �secured by thl�Secu�ity Instrument and wlc oi'the Property. Thc notire tihall furlhcr fniorm Borruwcr uf the rlght to
<br /> � � relnstate afler accelerati�n and Ihe rlRht t�i brinR a court acti�m to assert the non-existence of a default or eny nther
<br /> � � ' ' defense of Borrower to urceleratlon and sule. IP the dciuult is not cured on or Ixfore the date specifted in the notice.
<br /> � � Lender, at Its opilon, may requirc immediatc puyment in i'ull of ull xums s�ured by thi� Security Instrument wlthout —
<br /> � 1 •� �:�n. � further demand and may invoke the power of'sule and any othcr rcmcdics pern�ltted by applicuble Inw. Lender shall be _
<br /> � ' ° " `� enNtled to coll��ct all e�penses Incurred in pursuing the remcdi�w provided in tld� paraRrapb 21,including.but not Ilmited
<br /> �: to,reasonAble aattorneys'Pecc and costs oi'title evidencc.
<br /> � , �,;,�;,,,' If thepo�rer of sale is Invuked. Trutitec shull rcrord v notice oP dePuult hi euch county In w�htch any part of' the
<br /> Property Is lorated und shall mail cnpies of such n��tice in Ihe mum�cr prekrlbed by appNcable law tu Borro�ver and to
<br /> i� :;.� ��� the other persons prescrlbed by upplicuble lew.After thr tiuie myuired by uppltcablc lu��,Trustee shall give public notice
<br /> � •- � :;nl�'�°'�'"�'° of salc to the persons and in thc manncr pr�wcrlbcd by upplicublc la�v.7'rustM. «•ithout dcuwnd on Borrower,s6a11 scll
<br /> ," � ' ,.-�••• ' the Property at publk Auclion to thc hiuh�yt bidder at the tbne und plare und wider the tenns desiunuted in the nutice uf _
<br /> • -�-'_ � sale in nne or mnre ps�rcels and in uuy order Trutit�w detcr�nin�w. Trusl�r mu� postp�mc sulc uP ull or any�parcel nf the =
<br /> f,,..,,. Property by publir unn�wncement at the time und pluce of u�» pre��iou�ly xheduled sule. I.ender ur its d��ign�ti muy :_
<br /> ': 9 . �.r. . purch�sc the Property at uny sale.
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