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<br /> �t S. H�rd or Pnupnty Ineuraoce. BaROwer shnll kxp the lmprovement� now existing�on c�reafter crected on the
<br /> Property iasurad a�oinst lasa by fire,hazards includcd wi�hin thc term "extcnded covcrogc" und uny�ther hazA�da, including
<br /> • 1laxis ar Ooadfng�for which Ixmier requires inxurAncc.Thic inxur�nce shull hc nwintoined in U�c umnum�und fiK the poricxis
<br /> Ihat I.ender requires. Tl�e insurAnce cunier prrniding Ux inrurume r,hull ixr rhotirn by N��rruwcr �,ubjcct�u L.cnikr',appr�►vul
<br /> ,,� which �hull nat lse unren.snnubly withheld. If&►rruwcr fuilti tu nwintuin ruvcrugc dcticrilxd utH►ve, I.ciuler muy, ut L.endcr's
<br /> option,obtui►i cuveroge to protect Lender's rights In Ihe Praperty in accurdunce with parugraph 7.
<br /> All insurnnce policies nnd renewalg vhnll he ucceptahle to I.enJer anJ shull inrlude u .tiiixlurd morlgage claur:e. [.ender ,
<br /> ahall huve the right tu hald the policies w�d renewals.If L,endcr requires. fiorrawcr xhull promptly give ta I,..nder all rcceipta of
<br /> � �: .,�, paid premiuma und renewnl notices. In the event uf losc,Bonower shall give prompt ncxice tu the inauraoce carrier and I.ender.
<br /> - '�� I.ender muy muke proof af loss if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> _ �:�'�� Unless I.ender and eorrower otherwise agree in writing,insurance prcxeeils shall t�e upplied to reqt4ration ar repair of the
<br /> —,�;� �
<br /> Property damaged,if the restoration�r repair is econamicnlly Feasible and Lender's security ia not lessened.If�he restoration or
<br /> �� }����• repair is nat economically fensible or l.ender's security would bc lessened, the insurance pmcecds sh�ll be applied to the sums
<br /> � �r accured by this Security lnstrument, whether or not chen due, wich any excess paid to Bonower. IF Barrower abandons the
<br /> .v.• �::- Propeny, or daes not ancwer within 30 days u notice from Lender thut the insurance cumer has affered to selUe a cluim,then
<br /> ---- .����•=1aw-f•�� " Lender may callect the inaurance pracecds. Lender may use the proceeds ta repuir or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> �'�t.':;. `�"'�"� � secured by this Securlty Instrument, whether or not then due.The 30-duy perfad will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> .�,:,�, „�, Unless Lender and Borrower othernisc agrec in writing. any applicution of proceeda to principal shall not extend or
<br /> �a+�. �. :,_ �
<br /> ` �'� " ''"� postponc thc duc date of the ma»hly payments refcrred to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the umount of the payments. If
<br /> �����-`� -- uixicr aru ra h 21 U�e Pro rt ia uc uirecl U l.ender,Burruwer's ri lu w uu inaurunce ►licfes und roceeds resullin from
<br /> �.s:�;<�;. .,:d�� P 8 P Pe Y 9 Y � Y (k P � --
<br /> _ ---=---'�� �`: -. �..�� damage to the Property priar to the acquisition shall puss to I.ender to the eatent of the sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> � , .. .
<br /> - Gr;,,::.�;..� .o� .�}�:1. immediately prior to the acquisi�fon.
<br /> -�?� � , �,a � 6.(kcupancy,Pr�ervacion�Mpintenance and 1'rntection of the Prope�ty;Borrower's Loan Applicalion;[.eASeholds. ==
<br /> -� •••,; �'��.�` Borrowcr shall occupy,es�ablish,end use the Pmperty ac Borrowcr's principul residence wilhin sixty days after thc executian of
<br /> -'-`'� . " thia Securiry Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at Iewt one year after __.
<br /> __<�•.:��'' Y�''";:''�'- Ihe date af occupancy,unless I.ender otherwise agrees in writing,which cansent shall not be unreusonably withheld,or unless
<br /> a:: •' .c. � .
<br /> ,„_. . • -;� �-�,• extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's contml. Borrower shall not destroy, damAge or impair the
<br /> -_ . ,� � Property, ullow the Property to detcrior�tc, ur commit wnste on the Propeny. Borrowcr shall be in defnul� if any forfeiture
<br /> ""=` � acti�n or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in l.ender'�goad fnith judgment could result in forfeiture nf the
<br /> �� �"�-!� � Propeny or othervvise materially impair the lien creuted by this Security lnstrument or I.ender's security interes�. Borrower muy
<br /> '"'"'`��`-'�'''=:''° cure such a dcfauli and reinstatc,as pravidcd in paragraph f S,by causing thc actian or pracccding ta bc dicmisscd with a ruling
<br /> that, in I.cnder's guod faith detcrminutian, precludes forYeiwre af' the Borrowcr'c intcrest in thc Propcny or cxhcr rtwterial
<br />- - � impnirmcnt of thc licn crcutcd by this Sccurity Instrumcnt ur Lcndcr's �ccurity intcrest. Borrowc� �hall ulso bc in dcfault if -
<br /> ���- • Borrower,during the loan application process,gave muteriully fulse or inuccurute inforniution or stntements to Lender(or failed
<br /> ;��- ��, � to provide Leixier with any materiul information)in connection wilh� the loan evidenceJ by the Note, including,but rn►t limited -
<br /> wtr �;•• .
<br /> __= , to, representutions concerning Borrower's occupuncy of�he Propeny as u principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a `
<br /> -- ' ° leusehold, BoROwer shull comply wUh ull thc provisianti of the leuse. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, �he
<br /> ° o ' IeLr,ehold and the i'ee tifle shul I na mergr unless L.endcr agrces ti��he mergcr in writing.
<br /> - . 7.Protection of I.ender's Rights in the Property.lf Borrower fails to perform tlie covenunts a�xi agrecment5 contained in
<br /> _ • �i ,..
<br />- � ,, ihis Security Instrumenl, or thcre is A Iegul prexceJing thut may sibnificantly uf'fcct L.ender's rightti in the Property (such us u
<br /> -•� •• � � pra:ceciing in bankruptcy,probate, fiir cunJemnatic►n��r forfeilure or tu enfiirce luws or regulations), then l.enJer muy do and
<br /> - � �� . pay for whatever is nccessury to protect thc valuc of Qx Pr��ny :�nJ Lendcr's rights in the Propeny. Lender's ac�ions may -
<br /> ��yy� ' �" : � .. �''� include puying uny sums secured by u lien which hus prinrity uver this Se�curiry hntrument, uppearing in rnun, paying =
<br /> �,. , reusonable uttorncys' fc�es und entering on the Pmpeny to mukc repairs. Although I.ende.r may take action under this paragraph =
<br /> '� "�"`� �" 1,L.ender does not hnve to do so.
<br />�''��, ' Any amounts disbursed by Lender under �his paragraph 7 shall hecome adJitionul debt of &irrower secured by this �
<br /> s:i � `° Sec:urity Instrument. Unlcss Borrowcr anJ l.cndcr agrec to�ithcr�crms af payment, thcse Unwuntti .hull bcar intcrcst from the
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate nnd shull be puyuble, with interest, up�m nrnice from I.cnder to Borrower requesting
<br /> � paymcnt.
<br />�"':�:.. ' �R�^' . ' 8. MortRa�e Insuranee. If Lender reyuir��l mm�gage insurance as a conditiun of m�king thc lo�n secured by this Security
<br /> Instrument, Bnrrnwcr shall puy thc prcmiums reyuircd to maint�in thr monguge insuranrc in effrc�. 11', for any reason, the �
<br /> mortguge insurrnre r�weragc requireJ By lxndcr lapsc,or rcasrs to lx in eftcct, Burruwcr tihull pay thc prcmiu�m rcquircd to -
<br /> ,' • obtain covernge sub.r•tantially equivulcnt t��the mongagc insurance prcviuu.ly in rl'f��t, at a rost sub+tuntiully cyuivulent to the -
<br /> ' .. • �rost to Bormwcr of the rnortgAge insurancc prcviou,ly in cff'cct. I'rimi an nitcrnatc mimgv�e inwrer approved hy Lender. If °
<br /> ° ��°' subst�ntiully cyuivalent mon�atic insurancc covcrugc is n��t avuilublr. B�irr�►wcr shull pay Ic�l.cnJer rarh nxmth a.urn cyunl tu
<br /> i one-twelfth of Ihc ycarly mortg•rgc imur•rncc prcmimn hcing pai.l hy Hurr��wrr when thr in,uranrc r�weruFe luptircl ar�cuscd t��
<br />