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<br /> -- TdOETHBR WITH all the impmvements now or hereafter erected un the propeny, and all casementa,appune�wncea. orid
<br /> - fixture� now or hercafler a p+u�t uf Uic property. All replacements and additiona shall Ww be covercd by thia Secu�ity
<br /> Inrttument. All of the foregoing is rcferred to in thia Secutlty Instrument tw the"Property."
<br /> •�� -- BORROWER CnVENANTS thnt Borrower ig luwfully scised of the esWte hcreby conveyal�uxl hax thc right to grant and
<br /> +�.:.:i-'�'��• , convcy the Praperty and that the Property is unencumbereci, eacept for encumbrances �if�ecard. Borrawer werrants and wlll
<br /> defend genernlly the�itle to the Property uguinst all claims uod demanda, subject ta any encumbrances al record.
<br /> � •��;�.:', THI5 SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants f�r nulionul u�e und non-uniform cavenants with limited
<br /> � ' v�ria�ians by ju�isdiction to constiwte a uniform securlty instrument covering�eal praperty.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bacrawcr nnd l.ender covenant und agrce ag follows:
<br /> •��`•`"`''.,-':.,`';•; 1. Payment ot Principal And Interesl; PrepAyment And Late Clwrges. Bormwer shull promptly pay when due Uu
<br /> • �t:�,::�ti;;� .
<br /> _ -�-- ..F�°�.::r,;���a prfncipal of and Mterest on the debt evidenced by the Note and uny prepayment and late chsug�c due under the Nate.
<br /> - '�' '�� > •• k•.�;=• Z. Funds tor Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applicablc tuw or to a written waiver by [xnder, Borrower shall pay to
<br /> " � � ` � Lcnder on thc du monthl a ments nre due under thc Note,until the Note ig uid in full, u sum("Fund4")far:(u)yearl taxes
<br /> �:�_ Y YPY P Y
<br /> � � 'r''-�=�� and asscssments whlch ma attain r�orlt over this Secu�it Instrument u.g a lien an the Pro n (b)yearl leasehold a ments
<br /> ,,•,.,... ..�:'�., Y P� Y Y 1� Y� Y P Y
<br /> ar ground rents on the Propeny,if uny;(c)ycarly hazard or propeny insurance premiums; (d)yrarly tlood insurance premiums,
<br /> '�� „ if any; (e)yearly mortguge insurnrree premiums, if uny;and(�any sums puyable by Borrower to L.ender, in accordance wlth
<br /> -e���: •.��,w ���-° • the provisions af pumgraph 8, in lieu of the payment of mongage insurancc premiums,These items are called "Escrow Items."
<br /> '�'—3P�"'-#;�,��4'�:, "'`,�;, Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in nn amount not W exceed the maximum umourn n lender For a federally
<br /> �� k��,'�.` " ,.;'�.''•^' related mortgage loan rtu►y require for Borrower'g escrow account under the federal Real Estute Setdement Pracedures Act of
<br /> ' • �'-���.�- � 1974 a�emended fmm time to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2C�1 e�.ce�. ("RF.SPA"), unless an�ther law thut applies m thc�Fundg
<br /> . • ���'� ° sets a lesser amnunt. !f sa, Lender rnuy, at any time, collect und hold Funds in an amount nat to exceed the lesser amount.
<br /> � ' r •� l.ender n�ny estimate the umount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of futurc
<br /> a.� ' ' ' Escrow Itcros or otherwis�in accorduncc with upplicublc law.
<br /> ' � The Funds slwll bc hcld in an institution whose depa�its ure insured by a federal Agency, instrumentality, or entity
<br /> � , .. � (including I..ender,if Lender is such an institutian)or in any Federal Home Loan Bunk. Lendar shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> , „ r Escrow Items. l.ender may nat charge BoROwer for holding and applying the Funds,annuully analyzing thc escrow nccount. or
<br /> ' �' •� verifying the 64crow Ilem�,unless Lender puys&xrower interest on the Funds and applicAble Inw permits l.ender to muke such
<br /> •�. � a charge.However,Lender may require Borrower to pay u one-time charge for an independent real estAte tax reporting service
<br />` '�° i � �° � used by I.ender in connectian with this liian, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or _
<br /> .6�..u�.
<br /> „ . � ' ••� applicable law rcquires interest to be paid. I.ender shall nut be rcquirnl to puy 8orrower any interest ur enrnings on the Funds.
<br />-:��a. _ _ �.:�r. _ ___ _ _ Borrower and [.ender may aRree in writing, howevcr, thut interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall cive to Borrower.
<br /> „ ' ° without charge, an annu�l uccountin�of the Funds, showing credits und debits to the Funds and�he purpose for which each
<br /> o,+ „ • debit to the Funds wua mude.The Funds are pledged as additional security for all sums secured by this Security Instrument. _
<br /> �
<br /> • If the Funds held by [.ender exceed the amounts permitted to Be held by applicublc luw, Lcnder shull accaunt to Borrower
<br /> ' ,. ' for the excess Funds in uccarJance with the reyuirements of applicuble luw. If the umount of thc Funds helJ by L.endcr at uny
<br /> . �_ time is not suftiricnt to p•ry the Excrow Items when due, I.enJer may so notify Borrower in wriling,anJ. in xuch cuse BoROwer =
<br /> ' shull puy ta I.cnder the umaunt necetisury to make up the defiriency. &xrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than -
<br /> �1�letmba�!.�_,��.' twelve monthly puymen��,at l.ender's w�le discretion.
<br /> •'� ��' Upon payment in full of aU sums secured by this Security lnstrument, Lender shall prompUy refund to Borrower any -
<br /> •r " ,�'�' ' Funds hcld by 1.enJer. If, under purngraph?I. Lcndcr.r•hall acyuirc or scll thc Propr:ny, I.encler,prior to thc ucyuisition ar sale -
<br /> �v . �, of the Pmperty,.r•hull upply uny Fundx held by L.ender ut the time of aryuisition��r sale ati �creclit against the aums secured by
<br /> �� . , °d: , this Securit Instrument. ;-
<br /> Y
<br /> ��.. „ 3. Appllcstion of Peymen�4.Unletiti upplicablc luw proviJex atherwise,ull puyment,rereived by LcnJcr undcr paragraphs �
<br /> . ' I und 2 shull be Applicd: fint, t�i nny prepayment rhargex duc under thc Nntr; .econJ,to amnunts pAyablc undcr parngrnph 2;
<br /> *''"' " third,to intcrest due:fourth,to rmci ul Juc:unJ luxt,tu un latc rhar��ti duc undcr thc Notc.
<br /> � �l�!� ,. P � P Y b'•� f
<br /> , ' a .� 4. Char�es; L(ens. Borrower+hull pay ull tuxcs, usses�mcnts,churges, tinc. anJ im�sitinns uttrihutahle�o the Property
<br /> • . " which muy ultuin priority i►vcr this Security Instrument, anJ Ica�cholJ paymcnt+��r gruund renh, if any. Rorrower shull pay -
<br /> „ � ' ,. these obligs�tions in the munner providcJ in purugraph 2,or if not paid in that manncr,Borrower shall puy thcm on time directly =-
<br /> ., � to the penon owed paynunt.Borrowcr shull prumpUy furnish to L�ixlcr all ni�tires uf amuunts w lx paiJ under this parugrnph. _.
<br /> a It'Borrowcr makrs lhetic puyments JirecNy.Borrower tihull prumpUy I'urni�h tu l.cnJer rc��cipts cvidcncing thc paymcnts.
<br /> '•,�"`' -
<br /> • n . Borrower shull promptly Ji�rhargc uny licn whirh hu+priuriry uvcr this Srrurity In�trument unlc�s&�rrowcr. (u)a�rec+ in �
<br /> writing to the paymcnt uf thc ubligulion sccured by the lien in u manncr urrcpt�hlr tu LcnJcr: (b►cuntctit�in gcxxi tuith the licn _
<br /> �.;A�� ' . by. ur defenJx aguin,t enti�rcenxm uf thc lirn in. IcEul prucecJings whirh in �hc Lcnd�r', „piniim ��prr�te to prevent the --
<br /> • _ , enf��rcement of the lien:ur lcl�rrurr�frum thc huWer of thr licn an agrcin►�nt+ati�l:klory t�� Lcixlrr.uharJinating thr lien t�� �
<br /> ° " this Security Instrunxnt. If LrnJcr Jctcrminr�that any pan ul'�hr Pr��perty i. ,uhjcct i�, .� lirn��•hirh may attain rri�ttity��vcr `
<br /> . � , this Snurity In,trument. LcnJcr may givr B�irr�iwrr a n��tirr idcntil)•ing thc licn. Burru��•rr.hall .ati�l'q thc licn ur lakc o►k or �:
<br /> � � more of the ucti�ms ut fntth alwvr within 10 Jay�uf thc gi�•ing��I'nutirr. F
<br /> ' ,� • Form 3028 9/80 �
<br /> ... . P.po�e,8 �
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