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LEf�qGF1'8 i�IC��4T TQ G(?l�it�lENCE(�fl AEFEN()LEQAI.ACfl Qt�18.��r�n�ntor ahnnl'I�rm�edort a�s its�atltoeno��l�n I Wt�m commcnco,�into ona InU ard � <br /> I Ihroatcnod'cc)lan,euit,or othcr procacdirp altacting tho Property Y�� . - <br /> J detend nuch nctlona.euita,or othur logal p►¢v'vJ�nt�s�d to wrru�rondco or coitla cny c!Nm or conPtravcroy p'n�y�`���t�roeultanp hnlrol o�m INathing ` <br /> -- . :. � c3rontor for anyiicilo��,�rr,rt:at��.e,om!Rslon er In pertanln to 4n�hle{onr�s�bnds ouhlanarro�� � �9 ------ -----� - <br /> CqnlNnod heroln wlll provent Lonciur 6ni��t�ing thv 6��ar w',�l� �°► . <br /> 11. INDEA�INIFICA710N. Lender shnll noS aseume ar bo reaponalbta for the peAom�ance o1 any oi�tl►eh►iold Londo�r nnd ite ehare(iolde e�dirocto�teenoffiCerer� . <br /> eny dreurrotancea. Oranta eheli Irm�ediately provide Lender with wrltten notice o}and Indortnlfy <br /> employoea end agame hartNeie Irom ell Gelms,derfte0es.IlabililN�(indi��9 0��notf Ilmited o!tehose In�vo�ln9 Hnzerdow Mate lel�)�I Q emort upod ' <br /> mher legal proceudinge(ur►nu�etively'Clalms)portalninp to 1ho Property( d� <br /> � the request of Londer,ehsll hire tepal counael to da(and L.cnd:r tram�uch Clolm9,end pay the�itomoys' oxpenaoa and othor cos�e Inwr►od i <br /> oWigallon to Indermity Lendor uinder thla pnregraph shalbsurvlv�0 t�he te►ml�atlon��re�ase or Iforectosu�re ol�th�la Dead o1 Tru�sip ��Grentor's ca:l. Qr�ntor' <br /> .:.�,;ri`r, 16. TAX@8 AND ASSESSMENTS. (iremor she�ll Payr��tor nhsll deposit wr I hn�Londeri eachPmoneh ana•twelfth 1(%�12)o ihetelatimated ennuulrinsu�ranc� _ <br /> � of p2ymam of sert�e• Upon the requost ol Lon �C3 �long es there Is na default,tl�ese emounts shall be applled 1a the paYmeN o1 taxes, <br /> � �r;emium,taxes end assosamenta penelntng to ihe Proporty. • <br /> " es;�ssmonts and Inaurence as requlred on ihe Proparty.�i�n i�e e81 B°n�rb optlonnberepplied�inrevarse order�ot he dueldato ihef�soy�!he funde so hald to <br /> ' , pEy Any texes or ega(nel iha 06II{yatlona. Any funds epp� Y• .; _ . <br /> 16. Iti3PEC�lg9�1 GF PROPERTY,Bt�01t9,RECORDS AND REPORTB. (3rentor nhNl ellow Lender or Ite agenis to ex9mine and Inspect ihe Property ,;,N`..A,��.: <br /> an�oxemine.Inspect end moke co�g8 al of the 61gna ures and inlorrmet�kn contelned In Qre tu shobooks and r�eoord�h 1 be genu�rte,�t�n e,accurat end . : y' <br /> ' required by Lcander tor these purpo Additlonell �+�� <br /> l�-.'...._..�� <br /> , f complete In all respe�cts. Gra mor s ha l l n o t e t h e exlatoncs of Londers bonetidal Interest In its books end reoords paeaining to the Property. Y� "•�:x••-- <br /> I�ntomiatl n�shal�bo fw auch porlt�ods sheryli reflect(irert s�re<x►rds at sudi timer and ahall ba rend�ered w h such frequ ncy as lender rmay desl�gna o?Ali -�,--.- <br /> .a�s„�,._�_ <br /> , � Infonnatlon bmished by(3rontor to Lender shall be trua,accurate end compfete In all respecte,and slgned by Orentor If Lender requasta. ;,«➢Y:'i� <br /> ,�� _ : , .. _ _ <br /> �+ 17.EBTOPFEL CEFiTIFICATES. Within ton(t 0)days aftsr eny raquest by Lender,Qr2ntor shall deliver ta Londer,or eny Intended ironalerea of Lsndar's :�.�,;. <br /> righta wHh rosFect to the Oblipationa,a signed and edviowledged statement spadly�n9(a�the outstanding balance on iha Obllgatlone;and(b)whmher <br /> cpunterd�ms S aret►lcr w�ll bo condusWel�bound by any reprosentat on ih�inder rr�yl r�re"ko t�.tielintonded 18anatere wlth respect to�t�hese r�ttors In -- <br /> �` the evant that Grantor fails to�xovide tho requested ctatemeM In atimely manner. ��,'='���' <br /> h i<te.9G.1kL. <br /> � ,�:.,�'. 18.OEFAULL (3renior shall be In defaufl under ihls Deed of Trust and iho Tructee's powar sfiall bocome operet►vo In the evant that(3rantor,Borrower or ��`�-- <br /> . any guarantor of the Obligtttlons: <br /> (a) talls to pay aoy Obl�Sation to Lsnder whan due; <br /> . (b� }��g�o poKortn any pbll4yatlon or breaehos eny warranry or covenard to Londor contained In thls Deed ol Trust or eny othar preserA or tulure �y�Y- <br /> . s�eemant: --- <br /> ' (c) deslroys,loses or damagea the Proparty In any rr�ate�iat respect or subJects the Property to selzure,caniiscatlon,or candermatlon; <br /> � , �� (d) sooks to revoke,lemtinate or othernlse Iimit Ite IIablllty under any guere�tY to Lsnder, f:,.� <br /> =a3 ��o.}���!„�,�uy Incompetent,la dssoNed or tecrtinated,becomes InsoNent,makes en aaaignment for the beneflt ot aeditore,fails lo pay <br /> debts as thay becoma d�e,flles a petHlon under the tederal baniwp�cy iawa.nae ni�{����L�sr;�2lL�z!.^.�r!k^.��?ty nlnd In whleh arentor,BoROwer ,v _ <br /> ` or eny guerentor�s named,or has propetty taken under any wdt or process of couR; <br /> , . (� aIlOWB QOOd6 t0 bB I18@d,trenspoRed or arored on the Proporty,the poasession,trensponntion,or use of whlch,is I�egal: - <br /> � (g) ailowa any partY othet than Gremor or Bonowee to assurre or undertake nny Ob��9al�en w�lhoul the writlen eonsent of Londar,or <br /> ' � "r �� (h) cauaes Lender to deem ftself Insocure due to o significMl dedino In the value of the Property;or If Londer,In good(ahh,fa any reaaon,bellevea <br /> X • . ;`�,�� ' that the prospect of payment or perfortnance fu Impaired• ` <br />_„' ��:'15. •�•:_ <br />`'W 19. RIQHTS OF LENDER ON DEFAUL7. If there is a defauH under this Deod of Trust,Lender Ehall bo errtitied to exerdse one nr more of tha following �s <br /> li_;'-�r.,. .� <br /> •;�.,. 4 :: , remodies wfthout notice or demend(except as requlred by Inw): �"r <br />��,�,.,, , (a) to dedaro the Qbligaflons Immediately due and payeble In(uil: <br /> (b)to colled the outatending Obilgationa wfth or without resonin8 to Judicial procoss: or Chattais constitutinp the Properry et a place reasonably . <br />'�••• (c) to raqulre Cirentor to deilver and meke availeble to Lender eny peraonal ptoperly <br /> "� convenlem to(3rentor end Lander, <br />�i:::'_ <br /> �,-�•,,�,r.-p��r, (d) to enter upon end take posssaston of the Property wilhout epplying tar or obtalning the appolntmom of a rocalver and,at Lender'e optlon,to <br />�� °- - eppolnt a rece�ver wHhout bond,wfthout flrst lxinging sull on the Ubllpatlona and wfthout otherwlae maoting e��y statutory condiqone regatdinp �,� <br />�:-'�� receivere,ft being Irrtended lhat Lender ahall have thls corAractual dphl to appolnt a recelver; <br />_,�,�;��;-2`�� � (e) to employ a meneginp og9nt of the Property and le1 tho same,either In Trustee's own name,of eU n ssary charpeerend oxpenses onrgacc°unt o <br /> � a''� recehre the roMe,Incomsa,Issues and proflta of the Properry end apply the sama,after payrr�e <br />-�-m���.�,�;t <br /> =—:t •• ,:�•, iha Obl;gationa: - <br /> �..�.�i;"•:�;� Y t b Lender to otect tha securttY of thls Deed ot Trust or to cure eny detauB other than <br /> '�,11n (f) to pay any sums�n an fo►m ar mannor doemed�xpedien Y P� <br /> ?; payment of Intereet or prindpel on the Oblipatlone; <br /> _�,�M,�;,�,'�� (g) to toreclose�hla Deed of Trust judidally or nonJudiclaily and to�Irect the sale of tho propertY throuflh exerclse of thu power of aalo es reforanced In — <br /> V,.�n}�. psrageph 20 hareof In eoocordence wKh epplicable law; <br /> (h)to set-0it�rantor's CM�Ilgations egalnat eny arrwurrts owed�remor by Lander Induding,Ixrt net Ilmited to,monle�, Inavumame, end duPosli <br /> r`"�i}:��•�:� accoume melntaned wHh Lender a eny curtontly exisUng alucure afNliate of Lendor;end <br />-�+++�';;,;�,��' (f)to exerdse ell other�iphls avaltable to Lender under eny other wdrien agre�merrt or epplicable Iaw. <br />- � �^'• •• � Landor's dahta are cumuletive and may be exerdsed together,separetely,and In any order. In the event that Lendar Institutes en action aooldng the _ <br />'°�;�" ° reoovery oi any of the Properry bv weY of a prejudgrmrrt remedY In un ectton ega'�st t3raMor,(irantor welvea the f►osting of any bond which ml t <br /> '�� -�..,,, ;. ' c4arwise be raqulred. londor or Lenders desJgnoe maypu rchase 1ho Property at eny cele. Proceads ot enY Trustee�aa�e horeundar shell be eppl <br />;`^ • firat,to thu coats end exponaes of exerdsing thepower of splo and of the ealo.Indu�Yng the payrnent of the 7rustee e.aes eatualiy Incurred end not to <br /> nt of the Obligatlons cecurad here4y,third,to the payment of funbr <br /> exo0ed tho artaunt whlch may be Pro��ded 1or In t.his Deed of TNSt,aeoond,to payrrx► --------� <br /> � �'���'. � tNSt deods,moRgagea,or other IlenhoidorG,and the baiance.If eny,ta tho porson or persons legally entitled thcroto. The property or�weP horein granteyd � __ _. <br /> be soid In one pareel,or In sueh parcels,rtnnner or ordor as Lendeisl eold or the o�bli��tlons are�AP��tu�i o or more exerdsee of the �—�`=: <br /> � , �' shall not uxtingulsh or exhauel the power unlesa the ontiro propor� 9a �,� --_--'---`. <br />_' � 20.TRUBTEE'B EXERCISE OF POWER OF 8ALE ON DEFAULT: If londor elecis to soll Grantors Imorest In the Proporry by oxorolce of�ho powor ot �,'°"`����Tl,,: <br />� sale herein oontelned,Lendnr shall notlty Truntee in tho manner thon requlrod by lav1. ,.z;�;-,_ <br /> - , . ' � �r.�, r <br /> Upon racolpl of such notico o��ender end at the dlrectlon ot L¢nder,Trustee shall ca►iso to bo recorded.puM�shad snd delivored such notiaea of dofault <br /> and noticea of sala ae rr��a�an be requlred by law end by thia Deod of Trust.Truutee ehall,only at the dlrectlon of Lender and without demand on Crema, �' �; <br /> � i Qflf.Y 6UCh 11rt1B 8b rt1aY%�en be►oQulred by law end a(ler reoordatlon ot such notice ot deftault and aNsr notiee of sale having been glven as roquhod by law, :•'r�;�: <br /> � ' so,�;l tho Prope�el tf,e tirtte�nd plsee of eale 8xod by ft In suCh notteo of 8alo,eliher ns whote or ln ae te lots or paroels or items as Lendar sfiall deem y�t� �;., <br /> e L .,e�a�nihervvlse mav thenibe requltred by Iaw.PTru�stee shalitdeliver�go such pu►chaso orlpur��ihe eot I a good undtsu(�c�un�t deed orl�d�eeds �' <br />�' -" -_- ---'- � -'--- --��e� n.e.o„I�ele ���,�d,doad ot anv rr�tters or facts shsill be '• • ' <br /> - ___ � ---• -• - - �..�.____ ...--- <br /> canvoy(ng the{xoperty so sold,but wrihout sny covenam or warraniy,vx�o�a.����r�w. rchaso at such selo. Tn�stee rmy - -�- - <br />_ oond�us�ivre1 0�o���d by�awl postpono cale ofyall or any Iportlo of hiehPro�porty tlon,Qrantor,Trustoo or Lendnr,may pu 'I.;, <br /> ;;;%, <br /> :•s�'lr4�;,:.p,. . .. <br /> ?1. REQUE8T FOR N0110ES: Qrantor requeats that a copy of any notico ot default and a copy of eny notios ot salp horoundor bo mallod to oach porson �.��,.:�� � <br />- � • who Is a par►y horeto at the addroas of such person sot forth hereln at the samo timo and In the seme mannor roqulrod as though a coparato request <br /> , thoroof had boon flled by oech sueh person. <br /> �` . .. Paqa3 <br /> NEDOTC Rtv.398 . <br />