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,---�. <br /> '� • • :�._ ... <br /> ._.�_ , . . � .. - . - ,; . _�...�,;.,. ...r;'....;.: <br /> , � �„�..,..,_. . .. . ....... ....... <br /> . . .... ... ._--- . .............. : .. ,> . ,. . �� � .. : • . _ . ,�,„; <br /> . . ;,:f�,Rye . <br /> I , . � .,:y.'1i:�"vK' " .Y'. <br /> � , . . r. . , .�;.f`:�.r'�lti�., <br /> � . .J;::��.� <br /> (c) All appllcdhie laws end rogulatlons,Induding,without I:mlt�tlon, tho'Amadc�zndwith DIsnWlltlos Act, 42 U.S.G Soctlon �2tOt m eoq. (nnd nll • � <br /> rcguiotion�{uomulg�ted Ihcrcundar)und all zonlnp nnd bultd;nplevo nnd reQulotlono rolatlnp to iho Aroperty by vinua ol any loderul,stuto or munlclpai . <br /> auihoriry�aHh�url�d:cilon over tho Propsrry,proccnlly nro and eh�l bo obccrvad nnd wmpli¢d�vlih in nll nutedal rospocto,flnd nll rlflhta,Ilconcoa, , <br /> q�errtdts,nnd ratiifi�sato�ol occupancy(Induding but not Iimiied to zoning v�rinncos,epaelN axeaptlons fer nonconlorming uao�,and Iinal I��pectlon • <br /> - ----� wn�rovIDS). wholhor tampornry or permanom,whiCh Cro fn�tonel to 1ho uao and occuptrnCy ol Iho Propany, proac��tly aia and ehnll t�a�t�lrt�;i, � _ . <br /> prowrved and,whero nocessury,ronowod; . <br /> (�Grentor has tha right and is duly aulhorlted to execulo and perlorm It�0611p�tiona under ihis Daod of Trust and thoso actlone do not cand chull not - <br /> '• eonlllet wlih Ihe provlalon3 of eny e�atute,regulatlon,ordinance,rule of law,coniract or olhor egraomont whleh m3y bo binding on Orantor at nny tlmo; � <br /> (e)Na ecllon a pr000eding lo or ehall bo pending or threatened whtch miQht mmeHally effuct iho Proporty;end " <br /> (p�rantor has notvlototod end eh�ll not violato any staluio,roAuia!lon.ordnanoo,rulo of Invf,eomract or othar agroomom(Including,lwt not Ilmltad to� <br /> thoso govoming Hauardous Matodal:.)whlch mlght rrsatedally affoct the Proporry or Londor's righis or huorosi In Iho Property pursuant to ihls Docd o 0 . : <br /> TNat. , . <br /> 9� PRIOA DEEDS AF'fRU9L (3rantor reprasents and werrant�thai thoro ero no prior doods of Irust aftacting nny p3rt of tha Pro�rty oxcopt as sot torti}� , <br /> �, on S�le B attachod to this Doed ot TrusL which(3rantor agrc�es to pa and pe�form In a timely manner. II thero aro nny prlor deeds of truct iher� �.�� <br /> e <br /> Ciranta agrees to pay NI amounts owed,and portorm NI odigatbns requira ,undor such deeds o4 irust and the indebtednesa searod ihoreby and furtho��j <br /> • agrees that a�tauil under any prlor doc�d of trusi shsll be a delau7l urxier Ihls Deed of T►ust end shall ontilie Lendor to ell rlghta end romedies oontalnec� <br /> herein a in tho Oblfg�tions to whlch Lendor would bo entitled In tho ovont o1 any othar defau:t. � , <br /> 1. TRMISFEiiB OF THE PROPERTY OR BENEFICIAl.INTERESTS IN(iRA1JTOA8 OR BOHROYVERS. In tho ovent ot a sale,conveyanoo,lease��t •. � <br /> oontraa[a deed or trensfer to any person of al or any parl ot the real proporly da�lbed In 3cheduA A,or any interest thereln,or of ell or any twnofldafY � „ :� . <br /> Interest In Borrower a Orentor(if Barrower or Qrarrtor la nol a netural rson or perEOns but is a cor{wration,limlted IlaWiity company.partnershlp,1rusL�r •• <br /> . other legal entiry),Londer may,et Its optlon declare the outstandng prPedpat balanae o!�he U4�3�L'ons ptus aoaued Imerast thereon imrnodiatoly due and ":� <br /> payable. At Lender's rec{uast,f3rontor or Bortower,es the caso may be,shall fumish a cort�t�t�statement sotting tonh cili af its stockholders,membc�rc,or ' l +•',� :. <br /> m �� <br /> partners,css approprlate,and t7W exlent oi iholr rospactive axnerahlp Intoresis. '—�}�-""�'-�� <br /> ' 6, AliSi(iN1/ENT OF REHTS. In conskieralbn of ihc�OhligaGons,which�o secured by ihla Dee�i of Trust,Grnntor ebsdutely assigns to Lender all �� " �� `'►�'��t�-- <br /> S <br /> (irantors estate,right,tltle,Imerest,ctaim and demand now awned or t�ereafler aoqulred In all existing and future leases of the Property pnduding , �•,�-.�°� <br /> axtensions,ronowals end subieases,a1iag�oemenis for use and oaupancy ol the Rroparty(ell such laasos and�gresrrarrts elhether�vritten or orel,ete - <br /> herenfler relerted to es the'Leases�,and allguare�itlos nt lessoes'per(orrtanco under the Leases,togothar with tho Irmie�tate end cominulnfl right to • - <br /> wtlea end reeohre all of the rertts,Income,recelpts,rovenues, iswes,proftte and mher ineome of any naturo now or hereafler due(Induding any income of "- _ <br /> eny nature coming due during eny redemptlon perlod)under the Loases or from or erlsing out of ihe Property Induting minlmum rents,edditlonal reMS. <br /> percentaga rerns, parking w corrmon erea malntenanoe contributlons,tax and Insuranca wntriioutlons,defldoncy rants,Ilquldatod damages following ���y;.;�:- <br /> default in any Lease,all proceeds payable under eny pollcy ot Insurence covering losa of rerrts resulting trom untenantablilty caused by destructlon or , .,!:_- <br /> � damege to ihe Pro�rty,all proceeds payable as a resull nf a lessoe's exerdse ot en option to purchasu the Property,all prooseds derived fram the '°•�,.�,,_ <br />- torminat�on or reJect on of any L.oase In a banlwptcy or other InsoNencypraceeding,and ellproceeds Irom eny dght�end dalms of anf� klnd which Gramor <br /> '•,�' may hava aaeinst any Iessae under ihe Leasas or eny oc,cupanta of ihe Property(all ot ihe above are hereafler cdleciNely roferred to as iho'Aems'). Thls `,y���+:"�'�_ <br /> as:��nmmis aubJecl to the right,powor and au�hortty given to the Lendo►to callecl and epply the Rents. fi�s asslgnment Is recordod In accordanoe with .'��.�; <br /> ep�lkebto stete law;the Ilen cteated 6y thls asslgnment ls Intended to be speclflc,perleeted,end choate upon the rocording nf ih!s Deed of TrusL ell as <br /> . pro�lded by appUcable state law as amended hom tirre to Iime.As long as there Is no default under the C1bligatlons or th!s Dnod of Trust,Londer grarrts � �, <br /> �ranta a revocable ucense to collea all Ronts hom tho Leases when due and to use such proce�ds In Orentors business operatfons. However,Lender �=`}�'- _ <br /> � ,� muy ot any timn requlro Gramor to deposit�II Rente Into an aaourn matntelned by Grantor or Lender at Lendor's InatAUtion. Upon defauft In ihe paymem <br /> ,., � <br /> �. • of,or In 4ha parform�nce of,any of the ObliDatlons,Lender may at ita option teke possesslon of the Prcpe�ty and have,hotd,manage,tease and operate the <br /> _ � Proporly on terms and for a porfod of Umo thal Lender deoms proper. Lender may prooeed to coliect and recoNe all Henis irom ihe property,and Lender :�,�-0 � <br /> .. shall have full power to make afterations,ronavations,repalrs or replacemente to the Property fls l.entler may deem propor. i..encier rray nppiy aii Rni�ib ii . <br /> Lende�s sos dscrertion to payment of thd�bllpations or ta the payrnent of the cost of euch elteratlons,renavnNons,repeirs and replacemeMs end eny i6 , <br /> „ � e�ses inddent to inking and retaininp poscesslon of the Property perlocYcally end tho menegement endopere�lon oi ihe Propvrry. Landnr may keep ihe ���! ,� <br /> praporty propody Insured end rtny dscharge any taxes,charpe�,dalms,assessmcnts end other Ilens whkh may aoaue. The expense and cost oF these (.•' ., <br /> ectluns may bepa1d(rom the Rents received,and any unpNd emounte shall be edded to the prindpal of tixj Oblipetlona. These atrwunts,together wlih t�.< <' ` <br />-� � olher cosls,shall recome part of tho OWlAciilonn secured bythi�Deod of Trust. ':�i �� <br /> `i.� 4, <br /> r� 1. LEA3ES AND OTHER A(iREEMENTB. Qranta ehall not take or lail to teke eny aqion�hlch may cause or perrtit tho termination or the wflhhWding ot � ��' <br /> �'--' • eny pey►nent(n connectlon with eny Lease or otherag�cment('Agreemarny pertelning to the Property. In adcilbn,arenta,wUhout Lender'a prlor writtan � :�w`., <br /> ,• coneent,chall not:(a)coilect any monies payable undor any Agreement more ihan one rtanth In advanca;(b)rtqdty eny AgreemerA;(c)essign or eliow a r�i���� <br />_ ;ti., . �on,securiry tmere�t or olher encum�xanoe to be plaeed upon C3rento►'a rir�hts,titte and Interest In and to any Agreemem or the ertwunts payaMe _s;,,:,_ <br /> , thereunder,or( tarminate or cancel any Agroarrxam exoepl fa�rthe nonpayment of any aum or othar matedal breach by tho other perty ihereto. It Qrantor ; ��;. <br /> _ � reoehros at eny�rtw any w�ftten comra�ni�tion asserting a detault by Oranta under en Agreomem or purpo�ling to teminate or cancel any Agreement, ,- <br />- (irama shaliprxnplty taward aoopy of cuch camnunlcatlon (end any sulxequem eommunfcatlons relating thoreto)to Londer. All such Agreemonts and _ ,�;, � <br /> -'� � ; the arrouma due to(3remor thereunder ere hereby assigned to Lender as ad�tlonal secudty tor�he Obligatlons. - -- � <br />=s • - <br /> - , � 7. COLLECTION OF INQEBTEDN88S�RONI7HIRD PARTY.Lender shall ba entklad to notlty or requlre Qrantor to noti1y eny thfrd party(InUuding,but ���'�--' <br />___. . ... � , � �t Iimfted to,lesaees,licensees,govemmental authodttes end Nsurance�rt�panles)to pay Lender eny Indebtedness or oblfgation owing to C3rontor with <br />_ '� � ' reaped ta the Property (cumutatively "Inde6ledness� whether or not a detaull exists undnr thia Deed of Trust. OreMOr shail dillpentiy collect ihe - <br />_��°h�,!�;1�, � .:` In�iebledneas awing to Cirenta hcm thase thtrd perties unUl the ghring of such notiNcation. In the event that C3rentor possasaes or recehies poaaoaabn of -- <br /> ",�;;,y,,;•• ' eny Inatrumertts or othsr romittenws wfth rospoct to the indalxedness folkwinfl the g1Nng of sueh notiflcation or If the instrumants or mher reMtlanoes _ _ <br />��°: � oonslHuta the�repaym�ent ot eny Indebtednese or the payment of any Insurence or condsrtnation proceede,Grentor shall hoid�uch InetrumoMa end other � <br /> remNtences in trust fa Lendx epart hom Ite other property,endorse the Inatrumems and other remtttancea to Lender,end Imrr�ediately provldo lender whh <br /> � ' •�; possession of ihe insirumonts end other rertittanees. Lender shall be eM(tled,bul nat requlred,to collect(by tegal praceec�ngs or othonvisti),oxtend tho - - <br />_ , time la paymieM,compromise,exchan�or retease any obtigoror coVaterd,or otherwise settle eny of the Indebledness whether or not en ovent of deteuR - <br /> - existe underthle Agreet►�errt. Lender shall not be IIaWe to tirenta for eny action,ertor,rtistaka,omlasbn or delayportaining to the actlana desafbed in thls =. - <br /> - � para{�nph or eny denages reauYtng thorefrom fVotwNhstandng ihe toregolnp, nothing herdn shell cause Lender to be deemed a --- <br /> mortgaQee�in-poaaoaslon. m - <br />`r^�1`t;��"� �� -- <br /> • ,, +, b U9E/WD NWNTHNANCE OF P(�CPERTY. Ciranta shall teko ell aalons end rrrke eny ropalrs needod ta rt�intatn the Property In good condition. �:�. .------ <br /> �.�='�� '��y G►ant�x ehall not conrNt or pemifl eny waste to be comrritted with respect to the Proporry. Cirantor ahail uso the Propo 6dely In oompllenoe with E:.�_---=_-_ <br /> �ro-.. y <br /> �� �se�nt�. Withan I�imitl g tho t�regidol g.ell alte�retlo sl,addiU�ons end Improvtlemem rr�t�de to the YfOpBAY 6A3II I�0 611bJe t�to tho bon fldaln nterest boi nging - - ----_- <br /> _.f.. .._ ������, <br />-` �� � to Lender,Niell not be rerravod wfthout Lendors prior written consem,end shali be made at Cirentor's sofo expense. f��-�� -� <br />��i::�-�. <br />-'• -�'a� �� A. L05J OR DAMADE. Cirontor shell bear tho entlre Hsk of arry loss,thett,dostmction ar dartnge(amu!aqvaty Loss or Damago)to tho PropeAy or any ''.� _..,,�i" <br /> - .''t� portion thoreof fmm any cause whatsoever. In iho evont oi arry Loss or Damage,(irantor shall,at the option o1 Lendar,rupalr ttro•affacted PropeAy to Its �;;�f;-` f-_ <br /> _ proNous condilbn or pay or cause to be pald to Lender the daerease In tha talr matket valuo of tho e(tected PropoRy. '�;•� �;,,. <br /> • 10. INSURIWCE. The Pro�erty wlll be kopt Insured for ite(uil InsuraWe valuo(radacamunt oosq against ell hazards Induding loss or d3mage caused by -- t.�{�-�"'%''� <br /> flaod,oanhquako, tomado and flre,theft or othcr casuairy to tha axtent requlred by Londor. Qrantor rtny obtntn Insurnnce on the Property hom such '. •r'��,�.,; .�';"'':k•'"'`� <br /> oompanfe as ere a able to Lender in Its solo disaetion. The Ineurattce Ildas shali r ulre the Insurenoo oompany to provide Lendor wflb at least �•?;,»:.�;� �I ��"'�' <br /> -. i,... COBPi pG @Q . . r1.� !", ;.�+. . <br /> , 3� days'wdtlen notlw betoro such poilcles ara attered ar canceuod in any manner. The Insuranoe polidos shall namo Londer as a loss -.• ;,m,� ;s: <br />_;{..._ ;: . pyee�avG�that no ect or omissinn of arantor or any otherpo raon shali aHuct the dght of l.ender to be pald the Insurance procoeds portaining ta th� .i :°�,;>�r t ' . �°- <br /> s s o r d a m e e f t h e P r o i:',•.;:�i:;,,s,�t�, ��" <br /> b g e p e r S y r. I n t h e e v o n t O r a r►t o r f a f l s t o a I r e o r m s l n t a t n I n a u r e n c e,L e n d e r(a f t e r p r o v i an g n oti c o as mey bo r e q ulred lr�law)ma y ,,�;,..,,,,,;A.�•..-+�,��� <br />- In it3 dscretlon procureap�xoprlate Insuronce coverege upon�N e P�uperty and the tnsurenee eost shall be an advanee pay a b le and bearing IrYereat as , . �.�i?�,:..:`�,`,• <br /> , . . desalbed In Paregraph 23 end cecured hereby. Grantor shnll tumish l.onder with evtdence ot Insurance indicating tho requlred coverage. Lender may act �• � �� �,�;...; <br /> -_�__, es attanev-In-fact for Grarrtor In rreldna end settiina clalms urKler Insurence nol!des.cancelnnp enfr policy or endor6ing Qrantor's name on any drefl or _ _________ ____ ._,,,�„, <br /> - - negmlable Instrumem drawn by any Insurur. NI such Insutenco Itdos shall tio Irrcrx3dlatnly asslgned,pledged en�J donvsretl to Lonefor es tunner secunty �T- <br /> �• lor iho Obllgatlons. In tho ovortt of loss,Grantor shall Irtrno atoly giva Loncior wr(tten notice end Lander Is authorfzed to make proof of loss. Each <br /> _ ' `�• Insurencu company Is diractod to make payments directiy to Lender Instead ot to Lcjnder and(3rentor. Lendor shall have tho right,at Its soie option,to <br /> - epply ouch monles toward the OWigations or toward the cost ol rebuflding end restorfng tha Property. Any amounts may at Lundar s optfon be eppllod In • „ <br /> �ho irnorsa ordar of the duo dates thoroof. <br /> 11. ZOPtiNG ANt�PRIVATE COVENANTS. Cirantor shall not Inittate or consent to any changa(n tho zoning provis!ons or privato covonants eHecting tha , „ <br /> use ot the Property wRhout Lcandar's phor wrtflon cansem. If Qrantor's use of the Property becomos a nonconfortdng use undor any zoningprovislon, <br /> :. , � Grantor shall nm cause or pormlt 5uch uso to bo discontinuod or abandonod wNhout ihe prior writtan oonsont of Londor. �rnntor wpl Imrqdlatoly provido „ <br /> Wndor with wrilten notico of eny praposod charigos to tho ianing provisfons or privato covanants aHocting iho Prope�ty. <br /> - 12 CONQEMNAl10N. Grantor shall ImrtxacNately provlde I.ender with wdtten notloo ot eny actuai or throatonad condermatlon or ominont domaln <br /> -. �oxeding pertalntng to tho Proporty. All monlas payabie w Grantor hom such condertnation or taking aro heroby assigned to Lender and shall be applled „ � <br /> rst to the paymortt of Lendor's ettornoyc;foos,legal e:cpenses end othor wsts(including appralsal toos)In connecllon with tho condertnatlon or om(nont <br /> dornatn procea�ings end thon,et the option of Lendor,to tho payment of the Obllpations or the rostoretlon or ropalr of the Proporry. <br />__�i NEDO7B Rav.11A� pWQa�,111,-�_11�1dL . . . . <br /> ��� ��-vv <br /> .. i . <br /> : . . . . . ... . . ... _ . .. .. . . .._ ..., . - - <br /> ... ..... . . . : <br /> - '. . .ar�.. .._� _:�� --- -.. . -��___-_:.-.-. <br />