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/ - <br /> '^�_. <br /> `'�.�� . ^_ __ <br /> L1ui`� . � ' ���.. <br /> . �`�t�1n�.r.�. . . . . ' . ......�... . ....�..u.�.- rr..�_.�__� -__— ' � _�.,.._ ��r�', y �y - .. •�..r�°,����_ <br /> . . ':d1L��... J� . .. _... .. .. - .. . .. . r-. .. _.._-....ti.....__" <br /> 1_..... ., `��l},.".�.��. <br /> � • • • • 'd.''�'c�i,%c',` . <br /> g .''.�::..��`1C_ <br /> o�trgncCt�a A o�O,niEe fit�(np pNOER TM6ho PFORM B�e U�fo m Cort�mercllalC�e(ae ado�tadll�ihu�stat�u�wher�iho�ro'alcproporty�8nlocai�edl . '+';�� .. _ <br /> cav.orin0 flxturoe,chottela,nnd anlc!os of�oraonal proporty now n'�vned on c�rcnitcr atinchod to or to ba ucod In connoctlon�viih tho Property topether wllh <br /> any c�nd all replc►ctrtk�nte thcrcof and edu�ilono Iharcto(th�'Chattcla�,ond Qr�ntan c�rcby(lrrnto l,ondor a cccurity Intoro�t In cvch Chnitole. Tho d�;btor Is <br /> iha Qrenter doscrlbed above. fila Qeed o!Truet wlll be ollectivo ns a!(nandng statement ti;ed oe n fixturo Illing wlih roapoct to nl!lixturos Includ�d r+hhln = <br />- ---- �aldpramse�and ia�6 �ttective a�a finenGnA ctatemeM oov iing any other phrerrlsea s d�ir�y'be t�tlsngnny o hereap�pdru�l�te8�1 Ingia rrcxrd� _ <br /> QaYd ot Trubt ahall <br /> otflce. A carban,photographlc or other ropraductlon oi thls Daed ol Trust or of nny Ilnendng statAmant relating to�hls Doad of Trua1 ehnll be suffiGont e�a � _ <br /> tinandnp statement tar any o1 the purposoa�relerred to In lhla Paragrnph. fie sacured ryarry le the Lendnr detcrlbad a�uvo. Upon demand,Qrrintor ehall _ <br /> � make,exsculs end del`v����'��ea^„�n�►��t�rf������ry�nterast I�n ihe Chattelar�end upon Qrentcde Inlluro to dodsa,le nder I euthoyrixod o � • : � = <br /> nocosso�y ar propo 9► <br /> ef�-�eny euch ayrc�n�:nt ns th�ag�nl ol C?mntor. �rentor heroby eulhorizos Londer to tllo(inendng etatomonis(as cuch torm le deMed In n�id Unlloim <br /> '', Cortmsrclal Cod�)with rsap�ct to the Chattels,at an time,withoul ihe slpnaturo of Qramor. Qrentor will,ho�vovar,at any tim�upon rcG�aa�t of Lender, G,, <br /> slgn aach flnandng atab sald Un�Ilormt�Cc lirmie dal C�od t IIIhe Ileneof 1hle�Daeed of��Trustnbe aubject to�any secu►ity agroomem co�ve�ringethe Chat�els�en � <br /> tho opinlon ol Londer, y � <br /> •' _ • i In the event of Eu+y default undor Ihls 0�d u1;S of e��the n eh^�o�areafler maderhe eol by aranto�or he Ipredecosaors��orlsuxessore InBtiUe of . <br /> -r��"'"" ' Lender,topether with the banelit ot any po PaY� .� <br /> , �"'�`., arentor in the Property. <br /> 23, R�IMBUR9ElYlENT OF AMOUNT9 EXRENDED BV LENDER. Lender,at Londore optlon,may expond funds pncludng attomeys'feen and legal _ <br /> e�r�ensas)ta podorm any act requlrecJ to be taken by arantor or to exerdse any d6h1 or romody of Lettder under thls�oed of Trust. Upon demand arantor <br /> aR.3.V Irm�edatoty reimburso Lender tor�I such amouma ezpended by Wnder together with Intareat therean et ihe lower of the highest rete described in any . ` :-+�;��.v . <br /> 00iigat}on or the hlgheat rete ellawed by law from ths dtite ot payment until the date of rolmbureement. Thesa sums shatl be Included in the de0nttlen of ,1���,- <br /> Obli g ations horoln end shall be cecured by the berta��i��Interest�rented heroln. It the Oblipatlons erepaId after the beg�nning o1publicntion oi ne?Fw at <br /> safe,ao hersin provldod,or In t he even t l sn d e r c h N l,a t i P s s o l e o p t.a n,p e r m i t a r e n t o r t o p ey an y p a r t ot ihe Obllgatlona afler Ihe begl�n!n9 ot Puct`•c�twn ot . , __,, <br /> notice ot cala,aa hereln provided,then,Q►anlor shall pay on ck:mAnd all expenses Ina�Re d by ihe Trustee end�endor In connoct inn�vit h sa`.d�c u 4 1:c a i l o n, a- ��--- <br /> Including reasonaWe aflomeya'leea lo ihe attomeys far the Trus!�a and tor tho Londer,end a reaconable tee to the Trustee,and thls Qaad of Tnist sl�al ba ____ <br /> ` seeutlry forall such expenses end'sas. t`�::�� ';:"=`�-- <br /> g ._�,•;^�?"° <br /> 24. AFFLICA'YidY CF PE+Y�E��T9. Th�o o��I�N����s ec�ual�ylnwrted not to excaed the�emount whci�n�ay��n�ldadttor In�ths�Qeed e4�Tni�� ��:�,, - ---- - . <br /> � � eale end ot tho eale,Induding the paynie . <br /> b l�ar e'tlf e�ny to tho person or�pe�rsons�legallyentit d ihaio�t�o Ngt,ihlyd,to th9 payment of Junlor deeds at trust,rteong�ja,os or other Ilenholders,aTd thD <br /> 1' � <br /> �►- 2B, POWER OF ATTORNEY. Orentor herebyoppoInts Londer�s its atcomey-in-fact to endorse Cirantor'a nertn on ail Instrumems and other documem� �?y�• ."-"_"- <br /> , pertelning to the Obligatlons a Deed oi Trust. In oddilion.Lend�T�shall 6e antitled,twt not required,tapertorm eny acllon or ox�aunv eny document •,1;,:_��:r-�� <br /> . , •� requIred to bo telwn or executed by tirentor under thls Dead of Trusy. Lender's perfortnance ct such actlon or exrrc�tlon of such c;ocuments shNl no9 ' �'��,! <br /> M� rel�eve Orentor hom eny Obilga�lon or aro eny defauH�mder ihls Dood ot Trust. Alf powera of ariomey der.cribed In ihis Daed of Trust are coupled wllh un "�`.�':-�---- <br /> Interest end aze Irrevacable. '�._� <br /> ° ? ��a�g�ed�w�ith(nunds ed�ir��byRend�e��egar�es of whother theso Ilehns�s�ocurlty Intores sor other enwemlx'ancos have been reloased ote�t�ca _�;�� <br /> R��"==— <br /> . a�nd co�e of ettomeye�end�otherhagenis (Inecludin�gw(thou�Ilmitetlon P9�81BA81�5,8YCIa�{(6�8I1drC0�8UItBI1l8�Wh61hfi�OlgRf01 6UChg8t�tOr110Y�II�09�nt�la an . <br /> :�a <br /> ,_-_ . _ , o�;.����.�,yyh�rh wre Inclined bv Lendet ln collxtin8 enY amount due or oniorcfng any d�h1 ore e�medY undor ihia Deed of Trust,whether a not �-;_-, <br /> „ sul�s�xought.Induding,but not IlrNtedto.eli tees and cosis incurted on eWPnai�I�I 1XII�N�SS��IIN)�:rd.a.,.^_2,!_�r?����acUona. _ . <br /> .. <br /> ,; 28. PARTIAL RELEASE Londer may releass Ra Interest In epon lon of the Property by dxecuting end racording one or more Partial Deeda of �'- <br /> Reoorrieyance without aftecting its irne�ost In the rem�a(ningp hportlon of the Prope►ty. Nothlny hereln shall be deemod to oblignte Lnnder to rebase any ol Its v <br /> ' interest In the P�f aerty oo�s��a�nfauhq�r�id�e°,his Deed of 7rus1. The I(en Yend�secud ry�Interesi aeated by ihe D��d oT Trust en�,�n in�itmCt w h respectP to } •� <br />��'�/ ' ` ha po iroan�fihe proparty,as deflned In the Dend ot Trua6 that la not the subjact of thls cr eny Partlal Deed of Reconvayance � ;, <br />�I�� • ,: ` y y aop _ <br /> .�� �,��+� 2g, Mpp�FICA'f10N AND WAIVER. The modiil�atinn a w a iver o f nny of(3rantor's Obllgatlons a Lender'e ri g t ne under this Deec!o!'frust musi be ';T- <br /> . ,,-�.�; c� �y��k�p�emor o�r a�nyyone other t�an Grantor wi�tho�ut cauysing a welver o h osre 0411ga�tl�onegor nriahta�aA wafver on xone oxeslon he ano�nalituta - <br />,1,.::=a: , a walver on any olhar oxasi�n• Cirentor's Obl�gra1�ons under thla De@d of Ttust shali not be eNected iflender amends, omiso� axchenges,f�ls to ',. <br /> exardse,Impelra or relaaees any af the Obllgatlon�belonging to eny arontor,Borrower or thirdparty a any of tts riphts e nat eny(�rerrta 8orrower or <br /> •• �~ third pEUty w any of the Propeny Lender'a fefiura to insial upon stdct perfom�ance ut enY of the ObllBatlons ahall notb�i doemed e wahrer and Lender shall <br />. '",�,`,_;�„_. havsPtheilpht et any tlme thereafter ta Nalat upon atrict parfomience. �.. <br /> °'="""'�ce;' 30,SUBSIITUTE TRUSTEE;TRUSTEE UABILITY;COIAPEN9A770N. In caae of the death,inablury,reiusel to act ar ebsence of tha Trustee franihe =:=- <br /> '���''�.� stato where the real property Is loeated or In case the holder of the Obli�etlona ehafl deaire tor eny reacon to ramnve t t�T�e�l��ero6U��►►t In w�ln�gae � <br /> x:• _'�°;��`,'�}� iruslee hereunder end to eppoim a►new trustee In hls peoe and elsaa,the holder ot tha Obllgatlons Is hereby� P� � <br /> -+,, -�_�:- aubatftute Irustee tor eaid Tnistea,andihe wbatitule trustee shall,v�henappoInted,bxome sucoesaor to all dgMs of Trustee hereunrbr and the eartb�Fiall <br /> `'�`�-��=•• beeur►g vested in him tor the puqposos and objecte of thls Dee�d ol Trust wtth ell thepower,dutlea end obllgatlons hereln eonteRed on ths Trust�e. Tmstae <br /> "'°'"�� shaN not be Ilabte tor any erta ot nt or�ct d�ne by Truatoo,or be atherwlse responsible or accoumsbie under eny Grcumstnncas whataoever. <br />-=----:s 1``". Trustee shell not be pen►onaily 1 e n case of emry by it or anyone ecting by NAUO of the powore harNn grenaed t�P�+t to ret�onf nN Int�stri�r�iar�ii _ <br /> f�"--�'?�•�� �• oomracled or Ilabilfty or damegoa InwRed In!ha manaAemam or opercitlon of sald{xemisea. Trustee shall h g�h�� ��►th to be�er�ulne• <br /> �;'�';:s�`�"�; dopimem or stgnature authod�ing or supporting any aclbn taken or ppero�posed to be takan by it hereundo�or believed by I <br /> `` ','� TNStxe chali be enthiod to reimburaemenl for expenses Ncurred by tt In the pwtorrnanea o���,���e Tr�usteerhereunder end relrt�u��Trutstee la and — <br />�•o,���;'__ of fle seMaes Iwreund�r as ahall be rondared. Qrantor will,from tlme to Ume,pay cortpe <br /> __-j�N •• - save and hotd ft hamieas from and eflalnst eny and all loss,cost,ueb{Itry,damege end expenae whatsoever Incurred by It In the perTorrner►ce o}Ile dWes. <br /> — �,�::�a'4' <br /> :�:�:;:---:,„, Afl moneya recehrad by Tnistee shall,untfl used or applled ea harelnp�ovided,be heW In truat for thepurposes for whlch they were recelved,bui naed not <br /> - ��-e��!.�°,!, be segregated In en�manner hom any other monoys(axcept to the extem roqulred by law)end Trustee shatl bo under no Ilabillry tor Intarest on eny <br />-�,;���.,.c:i.�.� npneya recalved by tt hergunder. <br />.,,���=��'"F'�'#,�:�� <br />_ ��y.Ttw-• •� ,, <br /> s:... . ''Q� • 91. SUCCESSORB AND ASSI�N9. This Deod of ?NSt shatl ba Wnding upon and Inure lo the bonoflt of Grnntor end Lender and their rospect ve <br />;1!'•��.' suxesaas,assigns,trustees,rocolvaro,adrrdnlstrators,personal reprosentaUves.legateaa and dnvisees. — __ <br />�� , ------- - <br /> 32 NOTICHS. Except as otherwlse requ!r¢d by Iaw,any notice or other cortmunlcatlon to be provided under thls Dood ot Tr�at shall be in wrfting and cem ___ _ <br /> T- to the parties at iha addressoa desafhed In thls Deed at Tnist or sueh other address as tho parllos ma deslgnata in w�fling hom tlmo to timo. MY such �� � <br /> n o t l c e s o p i v e n a n d s o n t by fl r n t c l a a a m a J l,p o a t a g e p r e p a l d,s h e l l 6 e deemed g ivon tho oarllor of three r3)days after such notice Is serrt or when reoalved _ _ 4 _ <br /> . ' b -° <br />�:- � by the pereon to whom such notteo is 6eing given. <br />=.�: . �' ��:� <br /> ���!9��'�.'«�,;-. <br /> � 39. BEVERABWTY. Whenever poaslble,oach provialon of this nood ot'rust shall bo Intdrprotod so as to bo oBective end va�id under applicable stato _�;����TY <br /> '` � law. Ii any pro�islon o}this Deed of Trust Nolates the Iaw or Is unentorceable,the rest ot ihe Dead of Trust shall cominue to be val.d ond enforceabie. •_ <br /> ._`µ'� <br /> . . •�'S.;.::� � - � <br /> o-t., i...�„ � <br /> � 31. APPLICABL�LAW. Thls Dsed of Trust shell be govemed by the laws ot the stato where tho real proporty is located. Unloss appiicablo law provides r�'�'{�``.'':; <br /> �.�'���,��'� � otherwlse,Grentor consonte to tho judsdtet►on ttnd verwe of eny court solectod by Londer,In ite nole discration,loqtod in ihat statu. ,: i:��iti��;,`;:'' .yA:. . <br /> . `� ;'t�t1i. r.,.�..., <br /> . . . <br /> _•_..�,..��.�•...� <br /> ... .. : <br />-" ��� � �. 36, MISCELLANEOUS. Gr<�ntor end I.endor agroe that Iimo Is of tha essance. arantor walvos pr�sommont,domand for paymom,notico of dishonor and .::..:. ..:...:... <br /> _._..__.�.._.. .u.........._...,n.b��,,.�:,,nin n��t Tn,af shall Indudo all�orsons slgning balow. If thoro is more thsn ono arantor, __ ___ {L�____ " <br /> � - - -_ = �'r ' � <br />�, -- �---r esi exoepi es r nw h��... .,���o..,.......__.__._.._. ...__----- •----'�__�-___...w.,....,. ' � � <br />� • hefr Ohtlgahon�sh�bo►otm nnd aowral. This Doad oi Truat rep esente tho oomplote Integratod unoorstencnng neiweon ur�r�w���....a��..�.r-��---••e•- <br /> _-nr-:,..� �- , <br />-. :•�'�' � tho torrm and cond�tlons horeof. <br /> `t:1. <br />� 38. NO THIRD PARTY HI�iHT3. No person is or sh�l be a ihlyd parly benefldary of eny provi�lon of ihls Daod of Trust. All provlalons ot ihis Dzed of <br />�� � �nsct�t to he modilication of any proNslonYof thle Doed of Trus,InBLendors soler dlscrotlonall ba antit,od to assumu or oxpoct that Lcinder wiil not weive or . <br /> -- g}, ppEgEpyA71pN OF LIABIWTY AND P�iIORITY.YYithout aHecting tho Ilability of Barcower Qrantor,or any guarentor of ihe Obll�ntlans,or any othor <br /> p�xson(except a porcon qxprossly roloasod in wrNing)tor the payrrant�perfom�nce yt ihe bbligatlons,and without ettocting tho rlgl�ts of Lendar wiih <br /> rospoct to any Properry not oxpres•Iy relEasecl In wrlting,and wflhout I ring In eny wa the prlority of thls Deod of Trust over thu tntorost of any porson <br /> aCquh•od or firbt evidanced by recording subsvquam to tho recordng of this Daed of TrusL Lendor mny,olthor botoro or aftar iho matutlly ot ihe Obligatlons, <br /> and without notico or consant:rolease any parson Ilable forpa�rt�orrt or porfortn3nca of ali cr any pArt oi tho Obligatlons;mako nny agreement altedn the <br /> temis ol payment orportom�anco of all or eny pan of the Obligatbng;oxordss or rolrain irom oxorclsing or walve eny rl�ht or romody that Lender rt�y�aYO r <br /> undor the Doed ol Trust;eccept addnlonel cecurlry of eny Idnd fcr any of ihn OWlgatlons;or raleaso or othanvise de6hall lw�doomodrby aoqufrL�O s�ch � <br /> socuring the Ubllgationa. My person aoqulring or recarding ovidonco of any aetions by Lonyd381uro fn tho Proporty <br /> Intorost or rocording eny evldonco thoreof,to havo wnsonted to eli or any s tih <br /> Y.; . Papoa 6 1 .� " .. <br /> � • HEDOTD Rev.1�9t <br /> .---._. ... .. . .. ... _ _ ... ...-- - .------- ---_�_.—...__... . - - <br /> ,� �_..�-' <br /> ___ <br />