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Orentor hereby appolnte Londar as it�nitomoyIn•tnct to commenco,Intorvono In,and <br /> doicnd auch ecllons,sulta,or othcr Iopal proccrednQs nnd to compromico or caltlo any daim or controvnrsy{�rt�ining thoroto. Londcr chall not bo Ilnb'o to <br /> . C.�mntor lor nny actlon,crror,,nrNcclon or d�lay periNnln to iho r.ctlons da�crlb�d in thla plraQrt�h or uny damsgos rosultln{�thcrolrom. Nothing '�, <br /> cantntned horoln wlil provent Londor Irom taWng iho Qetlons desc�bod In thlo pafagreph In Ito own nnmo. i� <br /> ��� - <br /> ' 14. lNDEMNIFICATIQN. Londer ahail not aasume ar 6e responsi6le for the perfamtianrs of any of Orantor's okllgatlon3 wlit�respoct ta ina Nrapeny under � ^ <br /> any Grwmatencee. arenta ahell Irtmedlately�xovlde Lenckr with writfen notice af and Indermify end hold Lender nnd ite sht�reholdere,dirxtors,otflcere, , <br /> " ertployeea snd agunte hartNeas from�I!Gsl�ns,dam�gas,Ilabliltia9(IncludlnQ attomeys'fees and legal oxponsos), causes of actlan,actlono,sulte nnd <br /> t other I�gel proceedngs(cumulativay'Cialms")p�rtalning to the Property(InGuding,twt not Ilmlted to,those Involving Hazerdous Materlals). �rantor,upon� <br /> ihe roquest of Lender,aha�l hlrs legai counael to dafend Lender from such Gialrm,and pay the attomoys'feas,legal expensoa and other costc Incurred In Q <br /> conncctlon ihcre�dth. In tfio altemativo,Lcnder shall be entitled to ert4oloy hs own legal counsel to dolond such Clalms at�rantor's cost. Qrnntor'a� <br /> . ; adigatbn to Indertni(y Lender under ihla pueg►aph ehell survlve lhe terminatlon,release or foredosure ot thls Deed of i ruot. � <br /> •;- - 1e. TAXES AND ASBESSMENTB. Orantov shM pay all taxes end assassmenta rolating to Property when duo and Immediately provlde Lender evidence�� "' <br /> � �,;,;� � of paymant of semo. Upon Ihe requast of Lender, Grazrtor shall depos(t with L.ender each month one•iwelfth (t/�Z) ot tha ostimated annual InauranceQ'j <br /> • ���,;,,� premium,texns and assessrronts pertalnlng to the Pro�erty. So long as there Is no default,ihese amounts shall be epplled to the payrr�nt of texes, <br /> assessrmnta end Insuranco as rciqui�ed on ihe PropeRy..`_�tho evant of default,Londer shall hwvo the right,A1 ItS 6018 Op110i1,to apply iho funds so heid to <br /> � pay anyta�:os cr a�ainst tho Obligatlons. My funds a7;���_1 r� Lenders optlon,be appliad In reverso order of ihe duo dato thereaf. <br /> ..,`_ <br /> ` � le. INSPECTtON OF PRGPERTY,BOOKS. HECQAQS�AtiD REPORTS. Orantor chall atlow Lender or Ite agenta to oxarNne and Inspoct tha Properly .+. <br /> and oxarnlne,Inspect and mmE+kke coplee of Oremor's 600ka artd records pertalning to the Property hom tirra to tirre. Orentor shnll provide any asslatance !:_' <br /> requtrod by Lendar for ihose purpases. All of the signeturos and Informatlon contelnod In Rrantor's books and records shail be gonuine,true,axurate and �;; <br /> complote in all respecls. Qrentor 6hall note the existenca of Lenrbr's benoTicial Interast In ita books and reicords pertalning to tho Properly. Additlonally, <br /> Cirantor shall repotL In a torm satislactory to Lender,s��h!nfemnatlon as Lend3r may request rognrdind Orentor's(Inendal eonditlon or the Property. The ��-'3 <br /> �� InfomnaVon shafl be for sucl�portads,shell reflect's records at auah tlme,end shall bo rnndored with such trequoncy ps Lender may deslgnate. All _ _. <br /> , ^ �'`� Intomulb�(umlahed by Grantor to Lender shall be tnr3,aeuxate nnd eomplote In ail roapeete,end elgned by Cirantor I(Lentktr requestc. __'� <br /> � 17. E9TQ°PB�CERTlFlCATES. Ih�!thin ten(10)�ys aftor any reqi�ost by Londer,�rantor shtill deliver tn Lender.or sny intended iransteree of Lonaer's �'` <br /> ��' �Ights wiih resnect to the ONigation�,�slgned end adcnowledged statemont npedtying(s)ihe out�tandirig balance on iho Oblipatlona;and(b)whether ';.;,. <br /> �' Ciranta possessss any dalrre,detensos,set�tfs or couMerclalms wiih respect to ihe Obligailons and,If ao,ihe nature of such dalms,datonses,sot-o(ts or �� <br /> ,y; countordatms. Grentor wlli bo wndusiveiy bound by eny ropresentatlon ihat I.ender muy make to the Intended transferee wlth respecY to these maflers In <br /> tho ovont thal f3rantor falls to provide tho rsquested statemant In a 11m.oly manner. <br /> 18. OEFAULT. Orantor shell be In de}ault under this Doed ot Trust and the Trustee's powor shall becoma operative in ihe evant that Orantor,Borrower or e <br /> _ any c,�uaranla of the Obligatl4ns: �: <br /> � !�.�' <br /> �a)fffiIs to pay any Oblipation to Londer when due; � <br /> (b)faila to perfortn eny Obligetlon or breaches eny warranry or wvenant to Londer contalned In thls Deed of Trust or any other prasont or(uture ����- <br /> ; � apaernint, �: <br /> . . . (a)destroya,loses or dartiagas the Property In any materlal respect or subJects the Proporty to snlzure,conflscatlon,or wndermation; <br /> . . (�seeks to revoke,te►rrinate or othenvise Ilmit its Ilebillry under eny guaranry to Lender; <br /> ' (e) dles,baaimes legally Incompete�t,Is dssolved or terminated,becomes Insolvent,makes an esslgnment tor the bonefit ot crec!itore,falls to pay <br /> - debis as they become due,files e petltion under tha federel banlwplcy laws,has en Involurrte�y petitlon In banlwplcN filed in which�rentor,Barrower <br /> .. . �` oreny guarernor is narnea,w hae properiy iaicen unoar wiy wrii 4i�ii,w55 ui wui�; ° <br />' (� aitows Raods to bo used,iranspoAed or stared on the Property,iho possossion,transportatlon,or use of whlch.Is Illegtil uk;- <br /> �=� � (g)allawa any party olher then Ciranta or Borrowerto assume or undertake eny OblipaUon withou�the wfltten cortsent of Lender,or " <br />-��` ' :i'. ,. (h)causas lsndor to deem Itself Inseaire due to e signlflcant dedlne In the value of tfie Property;or it Lender,In good faith,(or eny rear,an,trellevos <br /> '�°y '.'.��: thatihe s o} mont or om�ancels lmp.9lred. <br /> na;�:�:.. Pro P� PaY PB►� <br /> .�r.a.;i",�:�n�' 1. <br />�^'���•� �'�rM��`�� ,. t0. RNiHTS OF LENOER ON DF.FAtlLL If there Is a dafauti undor this Deed of Trust,Lender shall lw entltled to exerdse ono or mora ot the following <br />��3• ;;,� " rert�doe wNhout notico or demend(.�xcopl as requfred 6y taw): <br /> � ..;�� (a)to dedaro the Obligatlons im�eciately due and payeble in lull; <br /> �81,,-,�',-i',i'"''". -- <br /> _ , r,�,•� `�� `�'' (b)to croNect the outstar�cfing Obligations vvith or without resortinA to Judidal process; <br />--- `� -�- '�� ` ; o to r Ire Grainor to delfuer and malce available to Lender eny personel property or Chrsttels constltuting tho Properry at a pisce reasonably <br /> ._.,.. _..;� e ( 1 � — <br /> eonve�lent to Grantor and Lender; <br />�-.y�_`�:';•�;.t�;' (d) to enter upon and take possescion of the Property without 2pplying tor or obtaining the appofntment of x recelver end,et LendeNe optlon,to <br />��.�r;a� t�ppoirri a recefirer wfthout bond,wilhout flrst bringing sult on the Obligatlons and without otherwisn meoUng any statulory eonditions rc►garr�ng <br /> �°'°'°''=� ra�aMers,It baing Intendod that Londor shall have tNs eoniractual rlght to eppolm a rscehrer, <br /> =^�'�''"�'�!�`-' (e)to a�ploy a menapinp agent of tho Property end lot the sazne,elther in Trustee's own nama,(n the name of Lender or in the nams►of arerrta,end <br />