,. r . �r••�...�� ' .d:.yr�,?Y�.
<br /> .::.s. .� � ' .
<br /> �.� � .. - . - a1,-.���, .
<br /> ,r.�,,} . �..�r�• �
<br /> ' _ ,. ..:_.._...�....: '.r.'�"�`.�._.. ��_:.., -
<br /> . ..:�.,�,.=.��+�'IMlag+yqyi+i+��.s�5±.�.. .---�--�-�- . . .� . . . . . .. . . . . � -•'1�: _-- ---
<br /> ...._. .._. - ' - - :\`';., �::?u-4�•+�.
<br /> � 1 . . . . :�._,��+:
<br /> (c) NI app!iceblv iawa and regulntlona, Including,withoul Iimfletl�n,Iha Nrbrlcans wlih Olsablihloa Act,4?.U.B.C. Soctlan 12701 ot ccq. (and ntl
<br /> ou9hority v IPh Ju icd c'tl n�1ov��tho P o�rty Zp olsonllydo olltind 6h!I bo obs�crvod nd sompllodhv I hr�n a�lymatcdal�ospcctcc nndlall rtph�s,�nnolosl :
<br /> � 'pnrmitd,nnd wRlflcato� ol oc�upzncy(Including bui nol Ilrniiod lo zoning rarl�no�s,spoGal oxcc:p�tlanPsr�lor�on o�nnun a o and ah II bol obtalnod, � • '
<br /> _ � :9hkh �9 relrriHi 16(�'�c�usu yr�d�tm�.�.r�ty 0}1 .. R" Y R� Y �
<br /> approvalny,whuiii�r tor:4,�rary cr �;:.;rr�n�nt, � -- ._ _ . - —. -- �
<br /> preearvud and,whora nocassciry,ronowod; �
<br /> (d) �rnntor has the right end Is duty authorizod to oxowto and pertom�its Obitga�ona undor ihis Uoed ot Truat and thoso ecllons do n�t nnd ehall not � A
<br /> conlilcl wNh tha provlslone ol uny ctetuto,regulallon,ordinnnw,rulo ol law.contrad or olhor egroomont whlch may bo Wndinp on qrnntor at any Ilmo;
<br /> " (e) No action or proceeding Is or ahall be panding or threatened which migh�mate�al ly eHed Ihe Property;nnd
<br /> I ihowrgovoming HatatdouS Ma erfala)whlCheml�tymatodally allaell�e P�oper4y a Lcnd:r�rlghts ortlntoro t�in9ho Pronjx+rtY Pureuant�t Ihis�Daodtof � -
<br /> Truat. � °
<br /> 9. PRIOR DEEDB OF TRU9T. �3rentor ropresents and warrenis ihat iherv ero no pior deeds ol lruat attocting nny paA ot tho PropuAy oxcept as eet forh� ,
<br /> � on Sehoduie B anaehed to YYc Oeed of T►usL which Cirentor agress to pay end perform In a Ilmely manner. If thoro nro any prlor deads of trust thon�
<br /> Cirantor egroes to pay ell amounts owad,end peAortn all oMlgations roqulred,under auch deeds of trust end tho indabtc�dnesa securod ihereby end fuAher
<br /> agraas ihat a def�ult unde��Bny prior deed of irust shall be a dotauit under thle Deod of TNSt aid shall nnlitle Londer to all rlghis and romudles contalned �
<br /> horein a In the Obligatlon�towhich Lendor woutd bo ontitled In tho event ot eny ot�er dofauit.
<br /> � 4. TRANSFERS OF THF_P86PHR'fY OR BENEFICIAL INTERESTB iN UR�STO�R�9 IO�R B�G�R�R,e A�or eny Int re t ihere(In or�o1 all o rany 6enatidal � ..�. • v•:
<br /> corrtract tor deed or transferlo any perROn of all or any part of the real properry� ty �y � • �•••' _
<br /> Intorost In Borrowar or Ciranla(if Borrower or C3rentor Is not a naturalperson or rsons dri Is a wrporation,Ilmlted Ilablll co nsrehip,irusL or ' •:;:,ti,` k��'
<br /> , � othor iogal emiry),Lender rtmy,at Be opllon doclare the outstanding p�IndFal balanco of ihe Odigatlons plua acaued Interost thereon irm�ediatefy du9 and , .,,,;,,,1a;�y_-
<br /> payable. At Lander's reques4 arantor or Borrower,as the case mzy t�e,shali lumich e carpleto statemont setting fonh all of Its stocJJiolders,rrembots,or ,,,_ — -
<br /> ' paAners,as appropriato,andlha axtent of thelr rospective ownarship interests. , � •r,�=_—_
<br /> ;�ww-
<br /> � 6. A93tGNMENT OF REMS. In conolderetion of the Obllgatlons,whieh aro sea�red by ihls Deed of Trust,Qrantor ebsalutely assigns to l.ender all .�f,�'�;P� �,� ��
<br /> (3rantor's eslate,eigM,tltle,Interest, dnlm and demand now owned or horeafter ea�ilred In all exlsting and future leases of the Proporty pr�cluding -
<br /> oxtenslons,renowals end suNeases�,all agrearronta for use and occupancy of tho Propsrty(ell such leases and egreements whather written or oral,ara
<br /> ,.` herea(ter refetted to as tha'Leasos),and all guarantles ot lossees'pedortrence under Ihe Leases,together with the Irtrnedlato end continuing dght lo ;-,�
<br /> • � collect and racelvo all of tha ronts.Ineome,teceipis,revenuos,Issues,proflts end other incame ot ciny nature now or hereafler due(Induding any Incame ot . .� -_-- —
<br /> eny nnture coming due during any redemptlon perlod)undor the l.oasos or hom w aridng oN af the Froperty Includi�g minimum ronts,additlonal ronte, 4��
<br /> percemage rents, parldng a cortmon aroa rt m in ten e n c e c o n i r i h u t l o n s,t a x a n d I n su�anoa contributlons,dofldency renis, Ilquldated dama s tollowing �
<br /> stnictton or .��--�
<br /> �'���•'�'' "'� cbie.ult In eny Leaso, ell procaeds payable under eny policy ot Insurance covaring loss o! rants resulting(rom untenantebilily caused by� _�y�,�;, -
<br /> � .. damage to tho Properry, a�pr000ed�Payablo as a rosult of a lassee's oxorolso of an optlon to purchase iha Property,atl proceeds derfved from the �` —
<br /> termination or rejectlon of any Lears ln a bankruptcy or othor IncoNencyprooaeding'of he I ve are hor ettei�Ileaived�refe d o as he Ront Cj.This .+��•
<br /> may have a�aInst eny lessoe under ihe Leases or eny occupants of the Proparry(al a1�o N 'i•;���j�
<br />- . ,� asslgnn�eniTs subJect to tho dght,power and�uthority given to the Lender to colleG and epply the Rents. Thls assignrnont Is recordod In eccordanoe with � �1�
<br /> e�pplicable stata Iaw;ihe llon creatod by this asslgnment Is Intended to be sped�io,perlected,ond choate upon tho recording of this Oeed of Trust,ell as
<br /> provided by eppllcable�tate law es amonded hom tirtx�to tlme. As lang as thore Is no dafautt under ihe Qdlgatlons ot thla Deed of Trust,l.vndw grants
<br /> *' Crantor a rovocable IlCense Io codect eli Rents from ihd Leases when due ond td uca such proceeds In Qrentor's business operatlons. Hotivover,LAnclsr
<br /> may at any time raquire Crentor ta deposit ell Rems Into en a000unt malntelned by(iramor or Lander nt Lender's Instftulion. Upon deizuil In ihe payrtx��t +
<br /> � of,or In�the pnrf��fo�r a neriod�of tlrmigth�at Lender deems prt lop?�Lender mar Pr'��d ta�collaet and recelve ell Rents froma t�1propeny.e d LAridur
<br /> � P:c�., =:.t_..._ _. .+.. .n .. . �nnrlar mav aml all Rents In
<br /> shall have fuil power to make atteretlona,renovations,ropalr�or reptacemams io iia�i���'ao Le���.r r.r��••.�-�•• Y
<br /> Lender's sole disereilon to payrnont ot the Obligations or to the paymant d tha cost ot sue�i eiteratlons,renovatlons, repairs and replacerrents and any �
<br /> oxpenses Inddent to teldngend retalning posseselon of the Property pe�lodlcallY ardthemanapemem a��d oporetion of the Praporty. Lender rtx�y keop the �
<br /> ;ti;.;°,� Propony proparly insured end may dischergo�ny taxos,charges,delms�assessments and a�her Ilens which rtay exrue. The expense end oost ot ihose
<br /> ' other costsyshall Yecorr�parl ofehe Obligatl ns sedaued by ihis Oeed oi N�j.�e�d to the prindpal of tho ObIlpaUone. These emoume,together wlih ^
<br /> e. LEASES AND OTHER AOREEMENT3. drentor eF�all not take or fail to telw any acUon whlch may cause or permit the teminatfon a the withholding of ��
<br />"` '' any payrt�ent In connaction wilh any Lease or other agreemerrt('Ag►eemurnl Partalning lo the PropeRy. in addition,Grantor,wlthoul Lender's prlor written
<br /> consent,shall not:(a}collecl eny monles payabie under eny Agreemem more than one momh In advance:(b)modity any Agreement;(c)a�sign or e11ow a _
<br />-, . pen, secudty Interes+or ocier encumbrence to be placed upon Grenror's righta,tRle and interest in and to any Ageement or the smounts payable _
<br /> ' thereunder;or(d�terminateor c•anrsl eny Agreement exoopt fortha rronpayment ai any sum a othor meterlal breach by Ihe oiher perty thereto. If arantor
<br /> � recelves at eny t me eny wrinen cormunication asserting e defautt by C3rantor under m Agreement or purponing to terminate a cancel eny Agreemeni.
<br /> �� '� ' the�ter�wun s�due tRO Ciien alhe eu�ndo rere hereb�e sign�ed to�Lsndsr es edd�onal eaauity for�tthe Obligatlonshereto)to Lertder. All such Agreements and
<br /> f 6 �r
<br />°"'�'� �pU �__
<br />--_-r..�-a.;:,c.
<br /> ' 7. COLLECTION�JF INDEBTEDNES�FROM THIRD PAR7Y.Lender sh�l be entitied to notity or requiro Cirantor to ratitv eny third party(Induding,hut
<br /> �r.y�.-�•♦••r�� , not Iimltad to,kaaoes,Ileenseea,povemmarrtal aulhoritlus end Insuranco oomPanbs)to pay Lender eny Indebtednese or o611gation owing to Cirantor with _�
<br /> ' '� ' raspect lo the Properly (wrnu�athret�r Indebt�dness')whether or not a defRUh exiate under thle Deod of Tmat. (3ranta shafl cillgantiy col{ect the
<br /> Indebtedness owing to G►emor trom theso th(rcf parties until tho glving ot such na�catbn. In the event that Orantor pnste�sos or recalves possession ot
<br /> i�;,, ; ,µ'� any Instrumenis or other temlttsr�ces with respect to the Indebtadness following IhB gMng ot such notification or it tho Instruments or other remittenoes
<br /> � ��' oonstilute the prepayment d any Indebtedness or tho payment of any hsurence a condermatlon procc►eds.Grantor shall ho!d sucli Inr,trumerrt�and other
<br /> eemlttances in trust tor Lc�nder apatt 6om Its other{xopeny,endase the Inswrtx�nis and othor remittences to Lender,and irtm�dlately provide lsnder with
<br /> L
<br /> s^:�„ '' , �tij possesslon ot the Instrumems and othar remiriences. Lender chall be ont8led,6iA nat requlrod,to colleet(by Iegal prooeedinOs o►otherwise),extend the __
<br />__•••� : t�me�a paymant,eompro�se.exchanpe or rolease a�y�bligor or eo�atoral,or olherwlse seflle eny of the Indebtedness whethor or not en evem of default
<br />� ' �' exista under this Agreemem. Lendor shall not be Ilable to�ranta for any adion,artor,Matake,omisslon or delay pertalNng to tho ectlons desafbed In lhis
<br /> ;,�,�;i,.�.'�,,:_:�a; perageph or eny dameges resuhing therefrom. Notwfthstendng tho taagoing, nothing hereln shall causo Lender to be deemod e
<br /> _- y nprtgagee.lmpossesslon. _
<br />�""�x''•`''` � 9. USE ANO MAINTENANCE 0�PROPERIY. C3rentor shell take�1 actbns end rroke eny repaIrs needed to maintaln tho Properry In good condition. __ --
<br /> •r.• Grantor ehall not cortrr�it or pemiit eny waste to 6e committad with respact to Ihe Properry. C�rantor shall uso the Property solely In compllance wlth _.._� __
<br /> - .1 �"' appllcaWe taw end inturanca polides. Qrenlor shall not make eny�teralbns, edditlons or Improvements to the Property whhout Lenders prior writlen ---
<br /> consent. Withoul IlrNting ihe bregoing,ali alteretions,eddrtlona end ImprovemQme made to the Property shall bo subject to ths bc�neficlal Intorest belonging e��___�
<br />-� to lendor,shall not be remwed wlthout Lendor's prior wdtlen consom,end shall be mado at Qrantor's soie expemse. �;N;L____� _
<br /> � �"=Nv ,��,.,
<br />- . � 9. LOSS OR DAMA(iE.Orantor shall bear tho entire dsk of any loas,thefl,desimction or dartmgo(currulatively Loss or Damagu)to iho Proporty or eny ��'����----�—�--T-
<br /> portlon theraof trom any couse whatsoever. In the oven l o f a ny L o s a o r D a m a g e,G r a n t o r s h a l l,a t t h o o p t l o n o f L e nder,re p a lr the attocted Pro p erty to Its �;,�����
<br /> . '�' p r o v i o u s c ondition or p a y a caus�to bo pald lo Londar tho c3ecrense In ihe lalr rnaricat valuo ol tho eftactod Propony. ;'y�t�'�!��
<br /> �'��l,.I+.,.�a v:l�.rei..:
<br />_ ;,� 10. INSURANCE. Tha Propetty wtll6e kopt insured tor Ra fuil InsuraMe value (radacemem cost)agalnst pll hazerds Induding loss or darrego cause d b },i�- �,.
<br /> ...i;,,���^'�:.- ..•-
<br /> g tlood,eanh q uake,tomado end(ue,thu8 or oihor casualry to tho oxlont roquired by Londor. Grnmor may obtaln Insuranco on the Proporry fram su %`'�r'��'�'%• '�--�-
<br /> [ compznlea ns are acceptadc�to Lendor In its so le d isam lon. Th o i n s u r a n c e p o l t d e s s h a l l r e q u l r o t h e I n s u r a n o o c o rt p a n y t o p ro v t d o Lender with at least <<?z • fr �� .��
<br />- �. 4 3 0 daysewrltten natice ba(ore such pallCles are attered or canee�oci N any munner. Tho Insurnnoe polldes shall nama Londer as a loss '" `•��'��-
<br /> ` ! pyee a—a��e'that�anct or om{sslon ot drantor or any othorpo raon shell atlect tho d ht of lender to be paid the InsurAnoo pr�uceeds pehalning to the . ,. �,: ,,y, '�
<br /> ; loss or dart�ago of the Property.In tho event Orer�lor falls to acqulro or malntain Insuranco Lendor(aftor providing notiw a�s may bt�requirod by Iaw)rtay ,,��.,
<br />� : t' In Its discrotion procuroepproprIate Insurence ocverago upon the Property and�hv insuranco cost shall be an edvance peyabie and bearing interost as ::� ' �
<br /> ` � - . desctibed In Paragreph 23end securod hereby.Grantar shall fumish Lendor with evidence of Incurance Indieating ihv requtred caverege. Lender may aa ' , _
<br /> : - --L_ __r._.......,...re..,r.,.r_.�w��rrnkine nnd anttllna dolrtts unde�Nsu►e�Ce poGdos,cancellin�any.polir.�r or ondorsing Cirentor's nartis on any draft or
<br /> _ ---�,— no a,,....�,....,.._. ,._.._. . -- � . ._..---�•-�
<br /> --�----�.��r.,...,,,. --' -
<br /> = -- -
<br /> nepotleble Instrument drawn bv enY Insurec AII euch Insurenco Iides shan bo mrnoaat�ery easigneo,qea9ea a��a w��w w��..�,na�����.��-�^ ---.---_----- -
<br /> � � for the Obligatlons. In the event ot loss,Grantor ehall Immo atmly givo Lc+nder wrinen notlee and Londor Is authodzod to make proof�t loss. Ea �
<br /> � insurtu�a�cortpanY�s directed b rt�ako payments directly to Londor Instoad of to Landor wd C3rantor. Londar shatl hav,��he ripht,at fts solo optlon,to ..
<br /> rtu
<br /> apply such monles toward tho Obilgatlons or toward the cost oi r�+bu�ding and rostoring the Proporty. Any emounts may at Lendoro option be applied In
<br /> - ihe Inversu order of tho due datos thereoL
<br /> 11. ZONIN�AND PRI�'ATE COVENAN7S. Qremor shall not Initiaio or oonseN to any change In tho toning prwistons or privato cavonants aHocting the ••
<br /> uso ot tho Property wfthaut tonder's prlor wrttlon consent. If c3rantor's uso of Iho Propony becomes e nonconforming uso undor any zoningprovislon,
<br /> • Grantor shall not causo a pc3rntit such use lo bo discominuod or ab�ndonod wilhout iho prior wrttlen consent of Lond�r. Grantor wlll Immodiatoly provldo
<br /> - Lender wfth wrltton noticoof any proposed changos to tho zoning provislone or privato covenants eMocting tho Proporty.
<br />- 12 CONDEMNA710N.Gr�ntor shall Inrrwd�ately provide Lender with writton no�ce al any actual or ihroatened candertnatlon or eMnent domain ''
<br /> ocoeding pert�lning ta tho Proaerty. All monlos payable to Cirantor irom such oondamnation or teking ero haroby asslgnod to Londar end shall bo appliod
<br /> ����n��o�ed ngs and�nT et ha optlan of Londor to hospaymom ofehoOblig�t ane or iho�rees oratlon�or rapair of�1he Property. n��at�on or om(neM -
<br /> - —�1 n ,
<br /> =�j � �V\ .
<br /> ' NEDO7B aw.n9a Pnpe2d6 ____�___ ,
<br />