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� .. <br /> ��a <br /> ,. .� • �»,.« ., <br /> . ...,,:.,�.._. ..� _ :<<�srf�i�!`�. <br /> .:- -� — -- , .. .... . . . . , <br /> . . , ... . _._._ <br /> ,�.... . . .. .. . <br /> t ... ... .,.._ . <br /> -- ........ <br /> .�....,..�. �_. <br /> . S�.. .i ••'� wM1~�. <br /> �M�M .. . _ ��-..."�i_�_. <br /> ..�.. ...... ' " . ' '� .. <br /> 22. 8ECUflITY INT�RE9T UNOER THE UNI�ORM COMMERCIAL C(3D�. Thls Daed ol Trust shall bo consld�rod end ba ottcctivo ae a(Inandnp <br /> ctatc�ixnt and�a Iixtura lilinp puraunnt to ih60pr�vlsl�one o n1�hw o�nned or hor�ar�nlluchcd to�ort�o pbo uccdhn conncct onrviflh�ho Propony„tepolhorrwlth <br /> covcrlri Ilxturo�,chaiV;lo,ond cniGlos o1 pc pr ��1Y <br /> any nn�ail reptucerimme thcrcal nnd udd:tlons Iheroto(Iho'Chattois'),cnd Oranton c�rcby,rcnts Lcnd�r n cccudty intoro:,t In such Chatto!s. Tho dotitar le <br /> m <br /> -- � �hy(�rantar ciestdt',.-,d r,tov�. Thls Qs^d al Tn+st wl�l dn etfoctivo as a flnandnp stotomont iled ns n Ilxcuro flling with rosPocl to nll fixturos indutbd wllhln <br /> A <br /> � eald premlaoa and Is ta b�Illecl tor r�cord m ihe roel estalo rnwrus oi�acii uuniy L:tt;tC:m;�it oi c+?IA(xamisoa lindud�ng s81d ilxturss)I��Ituatcd. Th!s� �_ _ <br /> Deed o1 Trust ahall elao be sttective ee n Manclnp atatement covering ony othor promises ond mtiy bo lifad In any olhor aporoprlato Il�lnp or rawrd�np� <br /> o(tice. A ca�bon,photographlc or other reproductlon oT ihls Dacd of Truet oThe secured CI rt le iho�Lonrdnr��dt�scribod nbave�tUpon�doama d GQ►an or alioll <br /> IlnenGnp eteterrwnt tor eny of Iha purpowe reterrad to In Ihle Pert�graph• Pe Y <br /> make,executs and dtliv�r such awwrity egre�rnonts(nf suCh term I�deMed In iald Unl(ortn Comrorclal Code)as Lender at any tlmo may deem <br /> nocessary or propar or requlrod to grant to Lendor a paACCted axudty intereat In ihe Chnttel�,end upon Qrantars fallure ta do so,Lendor Is euthorized t <br /> '" a!gn any such egreamont ar li�e r�gent oi Orantar. (3r�ntor h:reby authorizoe 1-ender tn file finencln�staterronis(as such lorm la dofinnd In eald Unitor� <br /> Commerdel Code)with reapsct tu the Chatlols,at eny tlme,wiihout the algneture ol arentor. Cirentor will,however,at�ny time upon requeal ol Ler�der ' <br /> � slgn auch Onar�cing statements. Orantor wN pay sll Ii;inA lees lor the fillng oi such ilnancing statemenis end lor the refiiing thereof a11he timea requlrod,I� <br /> iha opinlon o1 Lender,by ssld Uniform Comna►clal Code. If the Iion of thla Deed of Trust be subJect to any security Agrsement coverin ihe Chattels,tho <br /> e <br /> ���"'r''�'� In tho evant of eny dafnuit under thls Deed ol TrusL all the rlght,iitlo and Interest ol Grantor In dnd to any and all oi tho Chanols Is eroby asslgnod t '� <br /> �•�° Lender,togelher with ihe benefit of any depos(is or paymonis now or horeaRor rtada lliereof by arantor or Iho prudecessore or suceassare In title� <br /> � ~ �ranta In the Property. <br /> 23. R[IRIIDUR3HMENT OF AM�WNTS EXPENOED BY I.ENDER. Lender,at Lendet's option,muy exp�snd lunds(Induding ettomeys'leos end logal <br /> expenses)to perlorm eny act requlred to be teken by C3rantor or to exerelse eny rlght or remady ol Lender under thls Daod of Trust. Upon demsnd,Qrantor <br /> shell Immadlatety relm6urse Lender ta all such artbunta oxponded by Lender togeth9r with Imerest thereon at ihe lower of the highest rate described IR eny _, <br /> Obligatlon or the hlghest rate allowed by Iaw 1�om the date of paymont untll the date af relmbursement. fiase sums ehell bo indudod In the doMitlon ol r <br /> Obilgatlons hereln end eh�ll be seeured by tha beneflcial lnterest granted hernln. It tho Obllgatlona aro peld afler the beginnin8 of publtcatlon o1 notice of ';, : <br /> sala,na herein provided,ur In the ovent Lender shall,at Its sole optlon,permlt arantor to pay eny pan of the Obllgetiana afler ihe baginning of pubtkation of ;;; <br /> notito of sale,ae herein provtdad.then,Cirentor chsll pay on dem�nd all oxpenses Incurred by the Trustae and Londer in connoctlon wlth sald publicatlon, ��,- <br /> �• induding reasonable etlomoys'leos to the ullomeys for the Trustee and lor ihe Lender,r�nd e reasonabte fee to thn Trustoe,snd this peed ot T►ust shall be . <br /> ;� aecutity for all such expenaea end tees. _ <br /> �t 24. APPLICATION t)F PAYiliEt�i'f9.Tiie Tiustee shatl�tho procreds of the trusteo's sale,flrst,te tho eosis and axponses of exerdsing the power of = <br /> sele and of tha selQ,Inducing thepa yment ol tho Trustee's ees actually IncuROd not to exceed the amount whlch rrt�y be provlded tor In ihe Oead of Trusl. <br /> � �nd�t11�ymel�e 1�1�00��f�on$,�Y e��,I Iedet ere,oTrusL th�rd,to the payment ot Junlor deods ot trust,mortgages or o�hsr Iienholders,and tho ,�_ <br /> 2a. POWER OF ATTORNEY.a�ic►hereby�ms Londar as its attomeyImfact to endorso C3rantors name on eli instrumonta and other documents 1 <br /> ' I'addtian Lendar shall be entriled,bul not required,to dortn any ectlon or exeane anr documem ��?,'-w <br /> pertaining to tho Ottllgatlons or Deed a4 Trust. n <br /> requIred to be teken or executed by Granlor u�der thle Deed of Trust. Lendor's�adorrranco of such act on or execution of such documents shall not [�•. <br /> �''--; , : rel(eve Cranior from eny Obitgallon or cure any dufaufl undar this Deed of Trust. All'owere of attomoy doserlbed in this Deed of Trust are coupled with en �,- <br /> .�;�;: ` Interost canci are Irrevocabla. �:- <br /> � 2E. SIlBROCiAflAN OF LENDEH. Lander ahall bo subrogated to the riehts ot tho holder of any prevlous Ilen, secur(ry Imerest or erywmbrence c <br /> discharc,�ad with funds advanced by Lander regarde:s of whether these Ilens,securfty Interesis or ather encumlxenees have boen released of record. <br /> 27. CCd1.LECTION COSTS. To the axtentpemdtted by law,(3rarnor agrees to pay Lcenders reasonoble lees end costs,Induding,but not Ilmited to,tees <br /> � and cQSts of attomeysFand other e�t�l�nctudinp without Iimitatlon paralegals,derics and cansultanis), whother or not suCh uttomey oregent Is en <br /> - orrpio ui Lar:o�,.:���:='-.�'"'Z___�-"'!"r n colloctino nny ertwum due or entordng eny rlght or romecy under thls Deed ot Tn�st,whether or not <br /> suit Is�ougM,inclucing,but not Itmited to,ail faes and coste Iriwrred on eppeat,In ban�vuptcy,end for POSI•�1108111tl111 W������;NtO. <br /> � � 28, PAA7IAL RELEASE. lender may release its Intorest In epo nion of the Property by executing arM recording one or moro Partial Deeds ot <br /> Raconveyanco whhout affeLling Ra Nterest In the remelning portlon ot the Property. Nathing herein shall be deemed to obllgate Lender to release eny ot fts <br /> interosl In the Property(excupl as requtred under Parayraph 38 or as may be otherwise required by law),no►shall Lender be obllgated ta release any peR <br /> `� " 7�r : o}1he p�rry It Granta is In detsurt under ihis Deed of Tru�t. The Iien end secudry interest created by the Oeed ot Truat rerreln In oNect with respect to <br />-�,t;.;,.,�,.,L ;� that portion of the property,es deNned in the Deed of Trust,lhat Is not the subJect of thls or eny PaAlal Deed of Reconveyance <br />��,���;�,��:'' �l 2�. MODIFICATION MlD WAIVEH. The modAcation or weiver af eny of Ci►an;or's Obligatlonn or Lender's ri�hts undor thla Daed ot Tn.�st must be <br />;_:.�-.r� , orm any ot eorrowers or Cirentor's Ot��gations,defa or fall to exerclse any of Ite dpMa a accept <br /> corrtalned In a writing cigned bY Lendor. Lendet maY pert <br /> -'�"�'.'r�� payment�from(3ranta or enyaw other than Grento►without causing a walver ot those Obllpations or riahts. walver on one occaslon shall nat oonatitute <br /> -�w�,,:^� 8 waMsr on any ether nocaslon. arantole UhilgaUons under this Deed of Trust shall not 6e aftected i}l.ender amends,compromises,sxchengee,tafla to <br />'::li�: •�- exerdsa,Irtpalre or relearss any ot the Obll�atfons belonging to eny Grentor,Borrower or third parN or eny of its riphts againat eny drentor,9arower or <br /> . ,_;�, ihlyd party or eny of the Property. Lender'e lailure to Inalsl upon strict perfomrince of any of the Obllgationa shell notbe deemod a waiver end Lender shell <br /> _;,,,:t,,ry.• havelhedpMatenytlmethereaftertoinalstuponntrtetpertom�ance. <br /> a,_.n�; ., <br /> 90. SUB9tiTUTE TRUSTEE;TRUSTEE LIABIUTY;CONIPEN9ATION. In case of the death,Inabfilry rotusal to act or ebssrae of lhe Trustee from the <br />=- '�-(�"��•---�- qate whsra ih�real property is located cx In case the holrbr of the QbligatAns shail daslre(u eny reason to►emove the Trustee or any aubit�bna trustae aa <br /> _ _�;�,�,, . <br /> .�.--.. ,r�13 irustee hereunder end to eppolnY e nsw wstee In hla plaoe end stead,the holder ot the Obllgallonr is hereby prentad full power tn oppolM In w►itlng a <br /> " �.".,:•.��Y�"�+� cubstRute truatee tor sald T►uatae.end the cubstNute tru�ds shall�when ePpointed,b8COR1B 611CC9550f 10 eII�I�R6 OI TRI5199(18�lUIIf�M f1flfl 1I19 B8R18 6ha11 <br /> II:�- becorns vested Irt hlm for ihe purposes end obJacts ot ihis Oeed of Trust wnh ell thepower,duties end odlgatlons heraln canferted on itw Truatee. Trustoo <br /> = shell not te Ilablo tor any�tror ot ju�t or act done by Trustee,or be athenvlso rosp oen s�W�B eer�alnmg rsnted(�e nythe Qe�ed of Tn�at f��bts _ --- <br /> ''�",:, Trustee ohell noi be pa►sa�ally Ilaao n caso of errtry by it or anyone acting by vlrtue ot ih Po <br />-_.:="::-1�.:;' coniracted or Ilabillry or��Incurted in the management or operelion of aald ptemise�. Tn�stee ahall have ihe dpht to roly on eny instrument. <br /> '°'` document or algnaturo authoriz ng a suaoorting eny e fon taken or proposed to be tekon by(t hereunder or beilevod bylt In aood felth to bo genulna. <br /> _b.'"�L, Trustee shelt be entitled to rolmbursemen(for expenses Inartod by It ln the performance of Ite dutles hereunder and to roasonn6Te�n�Oensation tor cuch <br /> _, -.=,,:::�. ot(ts aervices hereunder as ehall be rendered. Orantor wlll.hom time to tlme,pa3ya���what oever incurred by It�lhedperfortnen�of Ite dutle�d <br /> • --_;,,y,• save end hold It hert►iesa from and egainat any end all loss,coaL Ilabtltty,damaga <br /> ,�. <br /> -�;�,�.�:r� p,p r�neys recahred by Trustee shell,unta used or applled as harelnprovided,be held In trust for ihapurposes lor whid�they were racelved,but not <br /> � ��-:=-� be seg�egat�d In any menner from any a�her moneys(except to the exlent requlred by law)snd Trustoo shall be under nc►Ilablllty br Interest on eny <br /> ,�-�ea�y" . ' monoya cacoNed by It hereundgr. <br />--_ �i�:tjr..=.� g _ <br /> , • , suxessorCsEns�s trAu�toosss�o�,8dff11N5�t0 8 F8t8IX►81 re�e�nnatives legatodes and tdevlsee3 neftt of Cirerttor artcf Lender end the�r respective � <br /> n� 92 Nf�l'iCE3. Except as otherwise required by law,any nmlco or other coriminlcatian to be providod unr3or this Dood o(Trust shall be In writinp and sertt �: <br /> � � to tha pertles et the eddreasos ciosaibad In thls Deed of Trust or sueh other address as ihe parties rrny d�eslgnate h�w�ting(rom timo to time. My such �__ <br /> - notico so glven and sent�n�aasg�,ponago propald,shafl 6e deemod given the earlier ot three(3) days aflor such notice is sent or when recelved E <br /> b y I h e p o r s a n t o w h om suo notice Is br3ing grvo�. _ <br />_ �'_`: ' <br /> - • 33. SHVEFiABSUTY. Whenever posside,each proviston ol thia Deed of Tnist shall bo Imar�rated so as to be e(tective and valld unrler applla�hie stato � _` <br />.._ -�� � law. ff tany provl�lon of this Deed of T►ust vlotates tho law or Is unenforcea6le,tha reat ot iho Dsad of Trust shall continue to be valld nnd onforceable. ��.; <br /> Is Ioeated. Unless applicable law ovklea ��-�: <br /> � � � 3 4. A�P U C d L�L E L A W. Th l s D e e d o f 7 m s t s h a l l b o g o vomed b Y tho�nws ot the state Nhero the real propany P� ,� <br /> � otherwlse,Grerrta consents to tho juris�Ecllon and venue of eny court seloctod by I.e n d er,ln ks so lo d i s a e t i o r�,l o c a t e d f n i h a t a t a t e. <br /> :'�'`' ' <br /> - _ ,,__ 36. IfMSCELUlNEOUS. Grentor end Lender egree that time IB 0}�ho esseT���arnnto�w��s�P�er�sne�.a�s.ImNa b�o ol wt�lt t�fiore Istmore�then one Gren or <br /> . _. ...___. � protost excaptas requ�rd oyiaw.ivi reierenwwo iv.��du����,���o••,,••••=• ••__._!...-.--- - - - '- .. <br /> ihoir Obligatfons sheA be�oInt and aovorol.Thls Deed of Trust roprosanta tho complete Integrated undnrstan6ng botwoon Grantor end londer porta�ning io . <br /> tho tertns and cond�tions hereof. <br /> 3d. NO THIRD PARTY RI(iHTB, No person Is or shall be a third parry banafidary of enyprovlslon ol thls Deed of Trust. AII provfsions of thls Oeed o( <br /> • oronseM to tho rra�d�cation of nny provision oi thls Dt�ed of Tnist,In�Londo�s oho discro Ion�I�enlHled to assume or expoct that Londor wili nat walvo or <br /> � 37. PRESERVATION 01=LIABIUTY AND PRlORITY. Without at(ecting thu liabiliry of Barrowar (irentor,or eny gutirantar of tho Obilgatlons,or any othor <br /> ' porson(except a person expressly retuased in writing)Tor the payment andpe rtom�noo of the bbllgnllans,end withoul aftectlnp the rlghts of Lnndor with <br />_ rosped to eny Proporty not oxpressly robased In writfnp and without Impalrin8�n en�y way ihe priority ot thle Deed of Trust ovar thu Intorost ol eny parson <br /> acquirod or iirst ovldenced by record�ng 5ubsaquorrt ta tF�o reeording of thls Deod ol TrusL Londor rrey,oithor bofore or alter iha rtuturtty ot tho Oblipations, <br /> and wtthout notice or consent:releaso eny�aorson Ilable torpaymont or portormanco ot all or any part ot tho OWlgatlons;rrmke any aproerrbnt eltoring tho <br /> � tarms of paS mient orperform�nce of all or eny part ot ihn Obllgailons;exsrciso or refreln(rom oxordsfng or waive any rlpht or remody that Lendor may havo <br /> under the Doed of Trust:axept additlonal secudty of any.Wnd tor eny ot the Oblipatlons;or roloxso or otherwise doa�with eny roal orpersonal prope»y <br /> In��st or recordi�ng�enY ovidon�o h reo�t°'ha o cons�antcd to al�l or�eny sunch actions by Lender ture In tho Property shali bo acqutring such <br /> i -`IS �� <br /> - Popo4of8_�.-- <br /> � I NEOOTD Rw.1198 - - -- - .. - <br /> ! _ <br /> 1 <br />