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. ,. <br /> wa+�,� .:.: <br /> ,. . ,r� , ., " . . ri�;(; , <br /> � • -- - <br /> . .. <br /> . .. �s� <br /> � , , p�- n�r.: -�.. ., _ �.�� . J. .v� - � '�.1�."��,��.5.�� <br /> ... ._' . . ,.. _... ....._.._ .L__..�._._�....-►.._.....r.. ..__ � _ _ - ........ .. __. _ <br /> _ �...��... .,�� <br /> .,.. <br /> ..., .a.ti <br /> . . :W <br /> ..•.-.KArrr4n,. <br /> . . -.ti�.y2P � . u._..'_"_..' ...,. .. ._ ... _..._......_...._._ .. ...._"_". .... __ <br /> ��.d..i:..�--=-'�ml?......... .. ....... . .. � <br /> � � <br /> � • ps,�r <br /> t3..LENQ�R'8 RIANT TO C(MMJIENCE OR DEFEND LEOAL ACTION�. Qrantor ehall Irmied{atoly provldo Lendar wilh wrtlon notico of any ectunl or <br /> iY�raatoned actlon,r.ult,ar other proceodinp a(fECtlnp the�roperty. Qrallor hereby nppolnte Lender as(ts anomey-!n•Inct to cormwnco,Inlorvano In,and <br /> dotcnd cuch nctlonn,uuito,or othor lopal proceodln{�and to oortYxorNss or setllo any clnlm or canirovoroy portalnlnp thcroto. Lortd�r chall not bo Il�b'o to <br /> t�r¢nto�lor uny actlon,onar,rNstelco omlaclon or tk:loy pc:ilcring to tho actlana c��tarlbcd In thlo parcpr�oh ar cny dam:g�a rosullin�thcrolrom. Noihlnp <br /> _ cantcn�!hereln 4vn1 pra�am Lencbr rrom t?king thn nalons described In thla perepraph In ite own name. � <br /> ,7 �;. <br /> 14.INOEMNIFiCAT10N. Londer shell not a�iurrw or b�r�spon�lblo foe th�aae(on�nce e1 rny o4 Qrontor'�obllgatlom wlth reepect Io Ihe ProperSy undor � <br /> any clraimstnncee. Ci��nntor ehnll IrmrdlRtdy provlde Lenckrwith wrltt�n rtoilco 01 and Indermlfy and hold Lender nnd Iie aharehotdors,dlrectors,alllten, <br /> errployeoa end egents harmloee Irom ell Gelrrn,demapes,p�bliltlos(Inciudnp attorney�'lees ond IeguI axpenaes),causoo ol mctlon, actlone,nuite nnd <br /> mh�r Isgal prorw�dinga(cumulatNely'ClalrrM')Pe►Rlnlrw to iM PropMy(Includinq,Gut not Ilmliod to,thow InvoMnp Haznrdou�Matorlat�►.4rAnto�,u�un <br /> tho requoet of Lender,shall hlre logal ctsun�ol to dstendl.end�r f►om auch Clelrs�,and pay th�ettomoy�'INS,I�gal expence�end other cost�Inaurnd In� <br /> connecibn ther«with. In th��Il��natlro, Lcnd�r ch:;l;6� cn�'ilc�to crt�!oy ite o�rm I�sl cdunael to delend euch Clalms ol Grornore cost. Qrantor'a Q <br /> ,� pbllprdon to Indermlfy Lender und�r thl�parepraph ahall wrvN�Iho I�mYnatlon.r�kaas a fonclosure of thle Deed o1 Truet. � <br /> ��� ,�l 1lf.TA1fE8 AND A88E8S{NENTO. arentor ehall p.►y all tax��and ate�ssmenta rslallrtg to Propehy whcn due nnd ImmeWelefy proulde Lendf►evldenc�� <br /> ^i°"'°"r`-� of paymem ot eamo. Upon the rsqueot of L�ncMr,Oranta�ha11 d�pocft wi�h Lender sach month one•twelhh(1/12)01 the e�tlrtmted ennual inaurnnco� <br /> r�+`r""� �8m(um,texes and asaesamente psnaining to ihs Propehy. So lonp a�thers le no deteull,these artbunte ehall be appllad to Iho peymant of taxea,� <br /> � aaseasmante end Insuranco as requlroci on She Propety. In thn swnt a1 drteult,Lender ehell have the right,at Ito coto optlon,to epply tha lund�so held to <br /> � pay any texea or egalnst the Oblipatlone. My tunds epplled may,et Lender'e optlon,be epplled In reverse order ot thn d��o date Ihereof. <br /> }. t8.INSPfi�TION 0�PROPERTY,BO(!i(8,RECORDS AND REPOQTS. �rantor shall nflaw Lender cr Iteagents to exurdne and insp r.ct iho Property <br /> � �nd examino,inspoct end make coples of drcurtor'e booka and reoords pertalning to the Properry hom time to time. Cirantor shall provlde any asslstance <br /> roqulred by Lendsr lor these purpasea. AIi of the sl aturos end inforcriatlon oontelned In�rantor'R lwoks and records eheli bo gonuine,true,accurate and <br /> e,ortplete In ell rospects. �rantor shall note the e stenrs ol LendePs benefldal Intereat In its books and records pertelning ro ihe Properry. Additionsily, <br /> �' f3rentar shall report,In a form satfstactory to lendor,euch Inlortnatlon as Lender may roquest regarding f3rentor's flnandai eandiilon or the Property. Tho <br /> :•i infomietlon ahall bo tor such perlods,shall reflect Granto►'s reoords at auch time,end ahall ba rendered with such troquancy as Lender may designate. All <br />_. , . � Inlormation tumished by Cirentor lo Lender shall be true,aewrate end comptete In all respects,end slgned by Qrenlor If Lender requestc. '�- <br /> R�� <br /> • 77.ESTGFi�EL CERTiriCAYE9. Wiihin tcn(10)days aftereny rec�eest by Len�4+r,�immor eha11 deliver to Lendor,or eny Intendedtransterno of Lender's -- <br />; , � �ights with respecl to the Obilgetlons,a slgned and acknowbdged statement spedtying(a)the outstanding bal�nco on the Obligatlons;end(b) whether �� _ <br /> Ci►entor poscesses any dalms,defenaea,eet-otts or courrterdalms with reapect to the Obligations and,M so,tho nature of such dairre,defenses,set�otls or <br /> countordalms. Cirarrtor will be conclusively bound by eny re�+asontatton that Lendor may meke to ihe Intondud transioroe wflh respect to thase m3tters in �• <br />- the event that�rantor falls to provlde ihe requasted stelemem In a timely mennor. <br /> * � ___�� <br /> '' 10� DEFAULT. Grantor shall bo in detault under this Oeed oi T►ust end the Trustee'e power sh:�ll become operetive In the ovent th�t Grentor.Bortower or <br />- ,, �g •� any guarar�tw of the OGIlpations: �- <br /> �_-: <br />- (a) feils to pay any Ol�llipatinn to Lender wF�n Sue; �;;" <br />_�; ,: (b) Iafis to pertortn enY Obligatbn w ixeochos any wartanty w covenant to Lendar coMelned In ihls Deed a4 Trust or any other presom or tuturo __ <br /> � �c reerc�em: �;°- <br /> f�'� (c) desiroys,loses or darregea ihe Pro�,rty In any rtta!eriel respect a RubJe�s the Properry to selzure,conBscation,or condertnatlon; <br />=%;-• (d) seeks to revoke,terminato or othonvlse Ilmh fla IIabIYry under c�ny guarenty to Lsnder: _ <br />�'• (e) dies,becomes legally Incompetent,is dissoNed or txrninated,becorr�e Insolvent,mekea en asslgnment for the benefit of crodtors,fails to pay <br />= dable ae they become due,files a pemlon undor the federe!benlvuptcy lawa,haa en Involuntery petltlon In banfvuptcy flled In whlch Qrentor,Bortowor <br />"• :t-�;'��}��: o►eIly guatef110►Is nartteG,0►h87 pfDperty ieicen unvar aiy wrii Oi E+iiri+ooS�i:�.iri; <br /> ;�,•.��';;�:�-�;�; , (� sllows goods to ba used,trancported or C�ored an lhe Property,the posseaslon,trensportatlon,or uae of whi�h,Is Iilegal; <br />�w.!:�?��;i.,r (g) ellows any party other than Granta w Bortower to eseumo a undertake eny Obligqtlon w(ihout the wdrion�con�ont of londer;or <br />'nY�,..�}';,',�;%;' �, (h) causes Lenderto deem ftselt Inseaire due to a slgroflcant dedine In the vab�e o}the Property;or If l.ender,In pood lailh,ior eny roseon,6elleves <br />- that the prospect of payrt�ent or pertortrenco is impaired <br />�`���'i"�i:%`.•�� f� 90. RlGHT9 OF LHKDBR ON DEFAUL'f. It there Is a delault undor this Dead of T►ust,lender shall be entftled to exorcisa one or more of the tollowing <br />�..:�;r�"��i��?�..•��}' remadies�thout notice a demend(exoepl as required by lew►: <br /> _r:i�:����� (A)to dr�arn the Obligntlons Irmletiletely due end[�aynde In lull: � <br />�+;-�;,z,1•��• , (b)to cdbcl the artstundir�g Qbligatlona with a wNhout resoning to judiclul prc�cess; <br />_���♦:y�,.o�. (c� to r�qulre Cirantw to del�ver end mako ava�abi4 to Lender any personel property or Chatteie consthuting tho Property et a qaa+reaeonebiy <br /> __�.=�ya�, convsnient to Ciranta end Londer; <br /> ---_-��� ; (d) to enter upon end taka posseas!on of the Properry wlthout e�iying for or obt�lning ihe appolntmerrt ot a receiver end,at Londers opibn to _ <br /> -__-�••�-,r appolnt a recelver withoul bond,withAUl firat bringing ouit on the Obllgatlona and wflhoul otherwlse rt�exting eny atututory concitions regerding <br />--�-�^����:�;1 �e�hrers,it�eing Irrtended ihat Leneler shAll have thts canrnctual rlght to appolnt n recetvar; <br /> -_-==�i�.+� � (e) to employ a menaging egent ol tho Propehy and lel�a sarro,efihw In Truetee's own name,In the namo of Lender a In the name ot(irantor,and <br />—^•-���I' reoeNe the rents,inoomes,Issues and proflts o}ihe Praporty nnd appty tho same,aftmr peymem of eU neceasery chazgr�a end oxpenses,on aecount o} <br />�.� -- thn Obllgatlone: <br /> -� (� to pay eny wms In eny form a manner deamed e�diem by Lender to protect tha esecu►ity of thls Daod o}7mst or to curo any defaull other than : <br />�;�.�' peyrnsnt ot IMsrest or prindpal on ihe Oi�l!gatfons; <br /> _ R :.,� (g)to torsdow this Deed of Trust judlclall�or nonjudidafly end to direct the aale of tho ptoperty ihrough exerdso of the power of sale as referena►d In <br /> - -=-- p3rtipraph 20 hareof In acoocrdefioe w8h applk�ade IQw; - <br />_ -- (h)to nst-0H Cirrintor'a Odigailons ageinst any emoi�le owed arantnr�Lender InGudanO,but not Iimltod to,monbe, instruments,er►d deposlt <br /> ---=-�---- aceounts melMeined wHh Londer or eny curtently exlatirp or tulure affiilate o Lender;end <br /> �?�� (i)to ax�rclte all other rlghts avallable to Lender uncler orry othor writien egeement or applloflblo IaYV. <br /> -_�;��--=� I.endePsrIghta ere cunufathe and may be exerdsed toge9�er,o�paretely,end!n any order. In 1ha evEmt that Lender InaUtute�en aclion seeWng the <br /> ,„z--- reoovery of any of the Propenyby wey of n pro�udpmem remody In an actlon agelnst QrFUita,(3re�ntar wahroa tho Postlng ol eny bond which mipht <br />_j'��.. .V� o�herwise be required. Lander or Lendor's doslgnee rnaypurchase the Propeny at eny sale. Proceeds of any Tvuslee s eale horeunder Rha1!be appiied <br /> �= ':'A � flrK,to ihe cosis and expenses of oxerdsing thopower ai t�lo and of the eale,Induding the payrria►it of iho Trustee's fees uc1ually Incurted�nd not to <br />�i.;r,��ir�5�'�� exceod iha emouM wh�h may bo provided(or In thle Deedof T►uet,sacond,to payrr�ent of ihe ObligaUona securod hereby,thlyd,ro lha payment ol iunlor = <br /> "-�'°+ri,� lniat deoda,mortgagoa,or ot�er tlenholders,and the belance,If eny,to the poroon orpersons Iegally entitied therato. Thaproperty a eny pen theraoi mey - - <br />�!`'``�'-�'` � ba sold in ona perool.or In such parcels,menner or adar a�Lendar In its aaie disaetlon rrgy elecL end one a more exerGr.os of the power heroln prented --� <br /> �=;,.-�-;��^�� ehall not exUnguish or exhaust Iho pov�er untess the errtire prope„y Is wld a the oWipations aro pold in tuil. _ <br />�t<.,.. ;';;�. _ <br />-i"'"' 20.TRUBTBE'S EXERCISE OF PC1NE8 OF 8AL@ OK OEFAULT: It lsnder e!ecis to cetl arantor's Interast In the Properry by exerdse of the powor�t ---_ <br /> i��� � � sela horeln contetned,�nder shall notify Trusteo In the rrnnner then requlrud by law. = <br />�;"`� �� Wpon recelpt ot such notico of Londcr ond ut iho diroctlon d Londer,Trustee ahall cause to ba recordod,puMished And delNored such notices of detaufl L° <br />�_- . � ond nolices ot salo e.s may thon be roqulred by law end by 1Ns Daed of Trust. Truatee shall,only at tho directlon ot Lender endw�thout dorrend on(irentor, �' <br />��. . eAx such time ae may then be raqulred by law and after reoadat l o n o f su c h no f i c s of detauft�nd efter nolloe of eate haNn g been g l ven as r e q uired b y law, a_` <br /> aell tha Pr�at the time and place of aate lixed by(t in auch nmice of sab,Nther ae whoie a Inaeparate lote a percels a items es Lender sheil dsem :_ <br /> - exppdienL end n cuch ader as it may dotemilne,at public euction to the highest Wddar for cash tn lawful money ot the United States pnya6Fa et the time ut - <br />- - � � uel�,a es othwwlt� may ihen be requlred by law. Truat�e shall delhror to wich purchasur or purchaaera lhoreof Its and cutflcfent deed or deod� �_ <br />_� ?�F,�"� conysyinp lhe proporty so eold,but without eny oovenent a warrenry,exprens a Irrpllsd. T hs r e c t t e l e I n s u c h ot nny ma tte re or fa c t s a hal l b e <br /> mndusiv�rraot af ihe iruthfulnese thereof. Any puran.InuUd!np,without iimitatlon,dn�ntor,Truttes or Lender,rt10y�%IfCh858 e1611Ch 6910. TN51@B rt19y � <br /> ;'- - -. -,-� In iha rtunrier Frovldod by law postpone salo 01 ell or any paoon at tne Properry. <br /> Z1, RHQUEBT FOR N0710E8: Orantor requosts that a oopy ot ony notl�ot default end a copy of eny notico of salo herounder be rtnCed to each person <br />� � who la e party herotq at the eddross of auch person set lalh hereln et the esrtia time and In tho samo mannar roquired os though n separtato roquost <br /> " ihereul hed be�+n(iled by each such porson. <br /> '' NEDOTC Ra.3f98 Pt,p�3d8 __ <br /> � � <br />