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Thle Oced ol Truat ahNl tro conaldare9 and bn otiactive ne a llnenelnc� " ' � <br /> atatomnnt nnd n Ilxturo lillnti pureuent Io the proN�lom of 1he Uniform Go�rdai Code(as P�ptod!n tho�tato whero tho roal properly le locniaci) <br /> covoHnp Ilxluros,chaltel�,nnd atld�e ol poreona�propony now o•Nned an c�roalt�t aticched la or lo bo ucQd In connacibn wYh Iha Property topolho�with <br /> � ary c�nd all ro�lnwm,.mn thorcol cnd c0��11ons Iltcroio(iho'Chsticto'►,r.nd QrcnSar hercby�4rnnta Lcn�l�r o c:�cudiy Intcrost I�i r,uch Chnitale Tlio debtar la � <br /> Iha C3rantor doaulh�d nbovo. Thls peed o1 Truet wlll bo eilective n�e Ilnnncing etmemont Illed ne a Ilxture Illing wlth ra:pcct Io nil Ilxluroo Includod wilhln I <br /> -;;��:rr.'e.e erd ie to��+led ler r.a:.ord in�h�f�al o.4ute rusrd�of cacfi ccunty r:h_ro essy�sri oi e��d�xon�laoa Qrtelu6ng eald Ilxturoe)le sltuttted. This� i <br /> Doad ot Trust ahNl nteo be efl�ctivw e�A Ilnanelnq�tat�m�m covirinp any othar�uidw�r end rrey h�+fii��In�ny cthcr ay�n�i;,to tiltrg ar r.^rrt'rt� <br /> ol�ca. A G�ubon,photo�rophlc or other reproduetlon o1 thle Ua�d o1 Truel a of sny ifnandng�uternont rolatinp to thls O�ed ot Truel ahnll be aufficlent es n� <br /> Ilnancing atetomont for nny ot�ho purp�eaa rolertedto In ihls Ptvograph. The tewred pnrly I�lhe Lendor doaalbad nbovo. Upon demand,qrantor ehall <br /> ., neeoainry or�proper olrequi od o{;t I��loALaende►e�perlected aCUrfty Interceten the Chatt I�I�d upo Q emoCe fn lur�toedo so.Lenndor le aut o�ized o� <br /> �I�n:ny such cptc_m�m os+ha canm o}arantor (irantor henhy aulhodteo Lendor lo Illo Mnndna smtomenis(oa auch torm Is dafinod In aald Unllorm� <br /> q Corrrnrclal Code)wlth respsct to the Chs11H�,at eny tirtw,without Ih�alpneture o1 Orantoc Ciremor will,howover,ei sny tirra upon roqu�st ot Lcnd�r,� <br /> elpn auch firencing etetemenif.Oranta wlu pay all filinp he�fa ih�Nllng of tuci�BnenelnA etetemenis nnd for Ihs ref�ng thereof nt tho tlmea requlred,Ir� <br /> ihe op�nlon o1 I.endc+r,by sald Unlform Cortmerclal Code. If►he Ilen of thle Doad oi Trusl be tubJect to eny secudty ageement covoring the Ctiattole,ther� <br /> »,,,,��"*"� In ihe event o1 any delnult under Ihle Daed ol 7ruet,all the rlght,title end Intereat of�ranta In end to uny and oll ol lho Chatlola Is heroby assignod to <br /> ,� Lender,together with tho benefit ot eny doposite a paymente now or hareafter mado ihareol by Orantor or the predoceesors or successora In title o� <br /> ' • Qrantor in the Propeny. <br /> 23. REIMBURSEtJIENT OF A6lOUNTB EXPENOED BY LENOER. Lender,at Lender's op1lon,rray expond(unds M�uding attomeya'faos and legal <br /> expensos)ta partorm eny act requlrad to be tak�n by CiraNOr ot to exercice any rlght or rcrr�dy o}Londer under thfs laeed of Trust. Upon domand.Cirantor <br /> � ehall Irtmadately relmburse Lender ta ell such emounte expanded by Londer together wllh INerest Ihereon st�ho lonrer of ihe htghest rate dosedbed In eny ,�,. <br /> Obligetlon or the hlphest rato ellowed by law Irom iha date ot peymem untll the dato ot retrdwrssmem. Thaso cums chatl he Ineluded In ihe definitlon of ,.�.;�;ii�i <br /> •".� Obllgations hereln end ehail be aoeured by the benetidal Intereetgranted herefn. It tha Obllgationa aro p,�..'d afler the boglnning of publ?catlon of notice of ;N�,;G„ <br /> sale,as hereln provl9xd,or in�he ovent Lender sha9,at Ite solo optlon,permit QraMor to pay eny part o1 the Oh�igaL'Q�a eflor ihA beg'nn!ng ot puWlcatlon of '•;�;.w�+�• <br /> �' notleo of sale,as tcrr�i�previdod,then,Grantor sh�il yon demand ell expenses Inartod hy tha Trustee and Lerts�r In eonnoctlon wft;�sald pubi}cntion. . ..'.;,•v;. <br /> . y Indudng reasona6lo 2romcrys'fees tolhe anomeya fa�rathe Trustee and tor the Lender,and a roasonable too to the Trust:v,and thls Dead ot Trust shell be ,.._,:- <br /> " � socudry for ell sud�e:cponses end feea. �_ <br /> ,'t;�.�. <br /> • � ��.p::-..�.. <br /> ?A. !',PPtFCP.Ft�4 qF PAVIAFNTS,The Trustne ahall eDply the praaeeds ot ihe iruelee's sete,first,to the a»ts ande�enses ot exerGs!ng tha power of ;t ;;',.. <br /> .,. �,..�- <br /> � �.! ` sale and of the sa1Q,tncluding thepa ymenl ol ihe Tmstee's ioes Actuaty� Inwrred not to excead the amnunt which n�sy Ge p�oNded for in tho 0-°d o}Trust, ,_ <br /> x second,tu paymem a1 the odipatlon sewred by the Deed of Tru�t,thfrd,to the payment of pnior daeds ot irust,malgages or other I�enholdors,end Ihe - . ._- <br /> � �,.1`(�,: balance,if eny,!o{3:o porson orper:ans Iegaliy emilledthereto. "r��-- <br /> '�{��d� <br /> 25. POY�El3�F AT7�J'ANEY.Grantor horoby appofnts Lender as its ariomoy-In•fazt to ondorse Orantor's name on�Insirumente and other documenta o.�•. <br /> � perta(ning to tho 4b'dgatlons or Deed of Tmst. In additlon,Lend+ar shall be entitled,but not requirad,toperform erry aetlon or oxocute any documem �•_=�f�Y' <br /> � `� � requfrr,d to he taki3n or executed my Grantor�nder this Deed o}Tmst. Lendorepe dom�ence o1 such ac9on or exeaitlon ol such documenta shall not `" _; <br /> relteva Grarrtor fror¢►any Ohalgatlon orcure sn dotuull under ihis D:.�d of Trust. Alf'ovrers of attomey dosalbed In iNe Deed of Trust are couplod wBh an ���4;�- <br /> Interest end aro irrsroqbis. - <br /> 2E. 8UBROQATtON OF LENDER. Lender shall be eubrogated to the righis of�he holdor uf any prevlous lien,secudry interost or encurtixanoe �,��"F'� <br /> dischargedwith(unds eduenced by Lendor regardiess of whother these Ilena,secudty Intoresis or other oncumbrenceshave boen released of reoord. �-� <br /> 7J. CO�LECTION COSTS. To the externpem�ftted by Inw.�rantor agrees top�y Lendere reasonable fees artd cosls,Induding,hut not Ilmited to,tees <br /> •�� Anr3 costa of anomeya end other oger►ts(InUuding without Ilmtt�tion paralegeis,ctorks end eonsuflenis),whether u nol euch aT.omey or agent Is an <br /> or�loyeo of Lender,which are Incurted by Lenderin eollecting any pmount due or enlacing eny d�ht or rert�edy underthis Dead of Trusl,whether or not <br /> - �� _�,� � Bllll IS C�W�11,inauang��7Ut II01�iliti"w'i�.�ai}"�'vb m'i�Cvoiv iT7w�^.5..'�.O:.^. 'f�"':.�.�.^.�.`.�°O-4n��7'.anrl�r mat-j�idarnent ro1lQCtlon actlons. _ <br /> .'3i!�� ` <br /> �• ��""i;�. 29. PARTIAL REIEASE. Lander may releasa fts interest In aportion of tho Frope�y by exowling and roaar6ng one or more PaRial Deecls ot <br /> Reconveyance withos�atlec:ting Its Interest In tfia ronralning porUan of the Property. Ndhing hereN ahall ba dearrori to oWiyate Lender to release any of ita <br /> � Nterest In ihe Property(exeept as requlred under Para�38 er as rrey be otherwty�se requlred by IAw),nor ehatl Lender be obiigated ta release any patt <br /> • � that portio�n of inef properry8ae defl en d In tI18 D69d 0�TN6l,that is n t tho sub}ee�t of thls w any P�ar�t�iai�Uoed of R�e on�yan��n In eftect w(th respoet to �- <br /> � 29. AWOIFlCAT10lJ AND WAIVER. The modifkation or welver of eny of tirentor'e ObYgatbna or Lenders rip�ta under this Deed of Trust rtust be ` <br /> oontelned In a wrfting sipned by Lender. Lender may perlorm eny of Bortowe�'e a Cirentors Obllpatlons,delay or Fail�o exerdce any of Ra rlgMs or a�ccopt <br /> � paymams hom Orantor or anyone other ihan C3rantor wHhout causing a walver of thoae Oblipatlana or ripMs. A waNeron one oocaabn shall not constituie <br /> ' � � ��" � a waivar on any other oxaslon. Cirente►'e Obl tbne under ihls Oeed af Truat ehall not be atteeted iflender emande,co promises,exchanges,fells to <br /> •°'-• ••�• � exerdsa,irr{�alrs or releaces eny at 1he Obllgat��helonging to eny C+renter,8orrower or Ihlyd paety or eny of Its ridits agalnst any Orantor Bortowor a <br />--� � ••• �° third party or eny ot the Prcperry. LendeYe faliure to Insist upon ctrlct perlomience of eny oi Ihe ONigationn sheli notbe deerned a waNer an�I Lendor shail <br /> ' � !-, havo tha dght at any time thereafter to Insist upon atdct perfom�enee. <br /> --=-=a:>�:.��..� 90.8tJ88TITUYE TRUSTEEt TRUBTEE LIABIUTY;CONIPENSATION. In caso ot Ihe death,Inablliry,rofusnl to ed or absenee of the Trustee bom the <br /> `�""_'�-�=' ' state where the ro�l property Is bcated or In caae the holder of the Obllgationa shNl dealra ta any roason to remove the Trustee or tuiy substituto tnistee ae <br /> �_'�;:;,���;.�;,K '����" trust�e herounder and to appolnt a new tmateo In hls place end stead,the holdor ol�he ObUpatlons Is heroby graNed Euli power to appoint In writing e <br /> �-:5"' s` cubslitufe ttustee for seld Trustee.end tha substitme trustee eheli,whoneppoIrrted,beoome sucoes.or to all rigMs of Tmstee hereunder and the samo afieil <br /> ;�"%`'r bocorns Yested In hlm tor the purpoxs end objocts of thla Deed of Trusi wtth eil iha pave►,dutbe and obl{gatlons here4i oonferted on tha Trusiee. Truatee -� <br /> .,�,"��V shall nnt bs Ilaf9a tu eny arra ef_judarr�ent or ect done by Trustee,or be otherwta resportslb�a or eccoumat�le under eny dreum6taneoa whataoever. <br /> ..,r�,�:',a �r� <br /> Tn�ctee ehall not be peraonalty��ao�e m case ot entry by it or enyone e�ting by ufrtue of ihe powers hereln ented 11 upon the Deed of Truat fa debts <br /> -�:�•:, comracted a IIebllity or s IncuRed In th�me�iapemenl or operatbn ol aald premis�s. Truelee eh have 1he tip�t to rely on eny InatrumenL <br /> �_;:;�,,�;.,�:.. document or s ature a�ethaliln a supportin eny action taken orp�oposed to be taken by ft hereunder a beikred bylt In good faNh to b�penuino. <br /> _- =�.r�.. Truetoo shall Le�entltied to reMribu9 brnent lor ex�nsea Incurted by It In the perforrr�vica o1 Re dulles herounder end»reaaonabie compansatbn for suth <br /> of its seMces herounder as shaif be rendered. i�sntor wlil,from time to time,pF►y campemsatbn duo Trualae heramder nnd relmburea Trusieo lor and <br /> �';:=�'�', ; eave and hoW it harrtieas hom end egalnat eny end all{o�s,coct.Ilability,demago and exponse whffisoever Inwmad b/h In the pertom�ence af its dullos. <br /> �K��TM'�?� Alt monoya receNad by Trustee shail,until usad orapplled ao herelnprovlded,be held N truet for fiepurpoeee for whkh they wero raceived,but noed no! <br /> --=;;::�:+� be cegregated In any mannsr from any olher mor.eys(exr,ept to the axterrt rxqulrod by law)end Trusteo shall be under no i1a6111h�for Irrtereal on any <br /> �.�.,• •c•i•w . rnoneya rocelved by ft hereunder. <br /> r:srutr.•:.•�,v <br /> r�tin'.�'i•.,-•_. :��;,� g <br /> ' � �,� .�r�` 6�sas es�s,t�ees,ssecehrere.edminstroloreTpersonal rep�reaerrtativea logaiooe end tdovlae�s nefli ot Grantor anJ Londer end ihelr rospt�ative <br /> . ., .: �. <br /> , �'',1�;, <br /> 92 NO?fCEB.Except as otherwise requ!red by lew,eny notice or othar cor►munica�lan to bo providtid under this Dead oi Trust ehali be In wrlling end aent <br /> d <br /> - ' to the petUes et tho eddre�sysea dasalbed In 1hls Oaed ot Tnist or such othe�address aa the perllea may deslgnate N wriling(rom tlrt�to Umo. My euch --_____ <br /> :_„`�," by the r on to whomnsuc�h notic,�e Is�b�nl g g�von���d,ahall be daemed glvon Iho earllar of three(3)days after such notioe is som or whe�recalved - -_ _ <br /> � 93.SEVERABILITY. Whenever possEble,eadi provtslon of this Qeed ot Tru�t ah�l be Intorpreted so as to tre efledive and valld undor app'leable state ���r:.____ <br /> . , : � law. It any provlslon of thls Dced ol Trust vlolnteslhe Iaw or la unenforceable,the rost of the Dood of Trust ohnll conWue to he valid end enforceabie. �,Y,�_- <br /> 34.APpLICABLE IAW. 'Thls Deed of Trust shail be govemed by the laws of ihe ot�le wharo ihe real proporry Is laated. Unless appliqblo law providea �,`�',:„_=" <br /> � � otheiwlse,Grentor consents to tho jixisdiction and venue of eny court selectad by Londor,In fts sde discrotion,locatod In that etate. �' <br /> �f�r�__ <br /> ,•�:�: <br /> � . "� i 38,IIAISCELLANHOliB. Ciremor aid Lender egee that tima Is of the essence. Grentor weives preaontmem,derr�erid tor payrnenL notloe ot dishonor and -- :"'� <br /> �� protest ox�pl es rec�uulred by law. M retereneoa to Cirentor In thls Deed of Trust sha0lndude�ersons signing bebw. If ihore Is more than ono Orantor, <br /> - �._.� ,,.��.�r...N ._..,....,,.�w�e�.,�d,�.a ��ndorcsnndna bowenn[arantor and Lender nertelNna ta <br /> _ . . ...•. <br /> .__..--_-__--__.--:�.��- IlIRI/OII�SItV11DOf1GY�VO rnwtrw.�m .....v��v.....�. .� <br /> r.��...__��..r._._....-P-'--- - - --- <br /> � , the temn end conditions e�ereot. <br /> 96.NO THIRII PARTY RNiHI'9.No person Is or shNl bo a third party benelidary of enyprovislon of thla Doed ol T►ust. All provislons of thls Doed of <br /> � TNSt In favor af Lendor are Intended colely for ti�o beneSt of Lender,and no thlyd pany shall be entitied ta eesume a oxpoct that Londer wfll not wt�ivo or <br /> ' consont to tho modi(icatlon ol any provislon of thls Qeed of Trust,In Londar's sole disaotion. <br /> 37,PRE8ERVA170N OF UA�tILITY AND PR�ORiTY. Without nNeeting tho Ilablilty ot Barower drontor,or eny guarantor ot the Obitgations.or any othor <br /> � . porson(oxeept a poreon o�rossty released in wdting)tor the payment nndpertom�enca al the bb11�g�tlons,ond wlVaut aflecting tha rlghte oi Londor with <br /> � rospocM to eny Propony not exprossty reioased In�xrtting,end withoN Impalrfng In any way tho prfortry ot thla Deed d Trust ovor tho imerest of any person <br /> • a {rod or first ovidona►d by rocordng cubsequont to the r000rding of this Deed of 7rust,Lender may,elther botore or afler Iho maturity ot tho Obligattona, <br /> oqu � <br /> and without notico or consem:release any porson Ilabla to�rpaymem or porfomgnce of dl or eny part of the OWlgauons;moko nny agroomont nitering tho <br /> tom►s ol payrrbnt orportortrence ot all or eny parl of tho Obllgatfons:ox.ordse or rotroln trom oxon�sing or walvo atrydaht or remody that Londor may havo <br /> unchr tho Doed of Trust;aocopt eddit[o�al socurlty ot any klnd for eny of the OMigallons;or roloaso or othorwiso deal wifh any real or personalpropeAy <br /> ' sawring the Oblipatlons. My petaon aa�ulring or recording ovldonce of eny Intorest of eny naturo In the Properry shall bo dttortwd,by acqulring sucfi <br /> � interest or recording eny evidsnco thoreol,to have consemed to ell nr eny such actiona by lender. <br /> -+ NEUOTD PqpadB --_- <br />