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<br /> �{c) All eppllcablo Inws nnd rogulatlons, Induding,without limittfdon,tho Om�ricans e�ilh Dlstibllitioc Act, 42 U.3.C. Sodlon �2101 ot soq. (and all
<br /> ropulatione pronnulpaied ihcround�r)nnd all zoning and bulld!np Inwn end rr,�ulr_tions r�lming to iho Proporty by vlAuo of nny Icdoral,slnto or muNclp�l
<br /> . � euthodty with jurlsdlctlon ovor iho Proporty,proceNly aro and shnll bo chMq�rvs>d end comp!ied wilh In NI rrninrial rospecta,end t+ll dghta,Ileonec:s,
<br /> . ___� �un'iiib.6i�3 iw�ltf���s o}aau�rtCy(fndud�ttp�1 no111m't�to ZOn.r.o .__�aR,eM,�JRI Axcc�ntlona for nonCOnforr���im�a,and find In�potllon _ ...�; ,
<br /> ' approvals),whothar IAmpornry or pem�anem,whlch ero matorlal to tho ucs and occu�ancy ot tha Pro�rty, �o�.r»ly:.t�and shait Le obtained,
<br /> proserved and,v�hero nacocanry,ronowed;
<br /> . (d) Grentor has iho dght end le duly euthodzed to exocuto end parform Ils Obllgationo undor Ihle Dood af Truat and Iheso actlons do not and oha!not� .
<br /> .. conflict v�fth iho provislons ot any statute,regulatlon,ordinance,rule o1 Iflw,contract or other ageement whleh may be hlndinfl on�rantor bt any tima:
<br /> � (o) No action or pfoceedinfl Is or shall bo pandlnp or lhtoatoned whlch mlght mntodelly nMoct Iho P�oporty;ond
<br /> (f) Qrontor hae not vlolated ond ehall not vlolats any si4tute,repulation,ordinence,rulo oi Iaw,contract or othor egreoment(InGuding,but not urrlied to,�
<br /> those goveming H�erdous Materlale)whlch mlght rronorlally etfect the Property or L�nder'e dghis or Intere�t In the Properly puraunnt to thle Oead ol Q .
<br /> Trust. �Q "
<br /> _,„.�..,:rr 9. PR�OR bEEDS OF TilU9Y. Grantor repnwnts end warrent�that th�n are na prior deads ollrut�t attocling eny pan ot tho Proparty except ns aet forlhQ� „
<br /> ,,�, on Schedule B attached to thle D�ed of Tru�t,whtch Qrnntor epreea to pay end portarm In a Ilmely rronnor. If thero are any prlor deede of truat thor�
<br /> -• C3rentar egroea to pay W arraunt�owod,and p�rform all odlpatlona requlred,und�r euch de�dt ot tru�t end ihe Indodlodne3n secured thereby and Nrtheq.h ,
<br /> agrees that e deiaull under eny prlar d�ed o}lrust shsll b�a dstault undor ihle O�od o}TN�t and chall emille Londor to all rghte end romadies comainod+� . . . .
<br /> hereln or In lhe Obllgcttlons to whlch Lendar would bo cnttticd In tha ovont ol nny other detauh. � . -
<br /> �, }"�;���,ti
<br /> 4. TFiANSFERB� TNE PROPERTY OR BEPIEFICIAL INTERESTB IN aRANTORB OR BORiiOWERB. In ihe evem t9 r�saJe,conveyance,lease, . ;;.•%�.,:,,.,�.i��
<br /> eonuect for deed or t►anster to an porson o1 all or eny ptut o1 tha real property desaibed In�chedule A,or uny Intorest thcr�io,or of ell or eny bonefidel •1'.'•+�•�:,�,;�r_.
<br /> y ����.'r.�,,�-:�
<br /> Irneresl In Borrowar or Orantor(It Borrower or(3rantor Is not a natural rson or persons bui la e corparetlo�,Ifrttted Ilabiltty mrrqany,partnershlp,�rus4,or ,.�_,;�•.-_—..---_�
<br /> other legal ornity�,I.endor may,at its optlon dedare the outetanding prPnd{�1 balence of the 0�71gallona plus accrued Irnerest ihoreon ImmeQa°e!y due and �-:�-
<br /> payeblo. At Londor's requost,�ramor or Borrowor,aa ihe caso may t�e,shall(umish e cortplete etatomom eetting tanh ell ot Its stocidiolders,mombors,or ;.____ �
<br /> partnera,es appropriato,end the extent oi thelr renpecllve ownershlp imerasts. �.�:'��;_°
<br /> 6. ASSIfiNM@NT OF HENT3. In eonsidernllon of tho Obligatlons,which are secured by thia Deed of Trust,Grantor aUsolutely assians to Lender ell ..s,4,-
<br /> � Cirantor's ostate,ds�hl,tiqe, Intarost,Galm end demand now owned a hereafter ecquired in eli exisling anJ f�turQ loas�s of tho Rroperry (indudtng �„�a�
<br /> � extenslons,renewaTs and subioaces�,all agreemems for uce and oxupancy of the Proporry(all such lea�as end agroortvjnts whothor v�dttan or oral,aro ,y_•
<br /> - hereafter referred to as the'Lesees),end allguarantles of lessoes'pertom►3nce under the Leasas,together with tho Irrrmdiate and continuing dght to �;`,�A
<br /> " co6ect and recoive al)of the renta,Incorro,reeeipts,revenues,Issues,profits end other Income of eny nature now or horoaRor duo Qnduding any incomo of � ;�. -
<br /> sny nature coming duo during eny redompllon poriod)unchr tho Leasos or from or erising out of the Proporty InGuding minlmum ront�,addittonal rants. ,.'ti�s'" —°
<br /> • � paroentage rents,parldng or common aroa maintonnnco corArlbullona,tex end Insurence oomAbutlons,defidency rentr,Ilquldated dame,qe� fdlasr,"r.� =_'�' __
<br /> - detautt in any Leasp,all procoeds payahlo undor any policy of Insurence covedng bss of rQrns resulting from untonantabllfry causedby destr��iac�sr " *{ ,�;.
<br /> damago to the Proporry,�ll procQSds payable ea a rosuB ot a lossea's oxordsa ot an option to purchase the Proparty,all proor►ods dorived fra�ra;f;e z1•-�+=_°-
<br /> �� termination or roJectlon of ony Lease In a b3nlauptcy or othar InsoNencyprooeeding,end eNp�ooeods hom eny rigMs and clalms of eny Wnd which(irsr.ic+ ���T-v
<br /> rray have apainst eny lessee under ihe Leases or eny oocupatits of the Propnrty(all of the above ate heroafter collecthroly roforred to as tho'Rurto1. Ti�fs
<br /> assi�;r+rnam�is subJeet to the right,poNer and authority g�ven to the Lendor to collect end apply the Renta. This asslgnment Is recordod In accardanoe with •;.�
<br /> appica�ta state law;the Ilen aeated by this assignmem le Intonded to be spedflc,perfecled,end choata upon ihe rocording ot this Deed of Trusl,atl as ..,,;�-..,._�
<br /> provlded by applicabie atate law es amended Irom time to time. As long as there fs no default under tha Obligatlons or thls Oeed of Truat,1-0nder prame r. ,
<br /> • . �� Grentor a revocable Iicense to coliect ell Rerrts from tho ZaASOS when dua and to usa suth praeeds In Orontors businoss oparatlons. Howeier.Lendsr ,, �,
<br /> ��.i ir�ay at eny timo requ!re Qrantor to doposit aIl Rants Into An aocourrt melnteined by Qrar►tor or Lendor at Londer's instilution. Upon detauit In the paymsnt i 5,�. ;r:
<br /> ' •i:ll:':'t ot or In the pnrfomusnce of.eny ot ths Ohliaatlons.Land�,r may at Rs optlon take possesslon of the Proparty end have,hold,manag9.leaso and cperato the , ,:.�;�,_
<br /> � ` ',i�`�:�� Property on terms ard tor a perlod of time ihat Lender doerm proper. Lender rrey prooeeG to cdloct entl rxeNe all Nents trom me properry,ana Landar —
<br />_-:,�,�,�,�t,;!,�f.�.:,� ;,. shall have tull power to make alteratlona,ranovationa,repalrs ot replacemarrte to the Proper1y as Lendor may desm propor. l.ender may epply afl Rents in
<br /> :,,�� ,,.��� .,�.�, ' Lender'e sole disaetion to payrt�ent of the Obligationa w ta the payment of ihe eost of such elterations,renovationF,repaire and replacertwrrts end ary 3 y,.:•
<br /> ;:;;i�.�:•?.'�:;+ J4� expnnsea Inddem ro teldng ond retalning possesslon of the Proporry pedodically and ihe managertient and oporatlort of ihe Ptoperty. Londor may kee;��1-0 �"','
<br /> .' ;t,. Property properly Insured end may discharye any texes,chergos,daims,sasessmenls and other Uons whbh may acauo. The exponse and cost of thasce `�
<br /> _ " ,��• ?�;�•, adlona may be paid hcm the Rems recehred,and ony unpaid ertaunte shall be added to ihe prindpal of the Obligatlona. 'rhese amounta,togethe.vri!h fif, •,
<br /> • ' . �;�; other wsts,shall Yecomo;�art of tho Ohligatlons aecured by ihis Ueed of Truyt. :���
<br /> �;, .
<br /> �- - E,i.EASES AND O'iHER AaREEMENT9. Qrentor ahell nct teke a fall to tace any aatton which may cause or pemit the temdnat(on or ri►�witi�holdng of -
<br />; _ ,r I eny payment In connec�bn wlth any Lease or otheregreement('Agreement')portaining to Ihe Properry. In edditlon,arantor,whhout LAndo�s Ftiorwritton
<br />- - , ; ,:;i conserrt,sh�ll not:(a)coltoct eny rtuniea payeble under eny Agreement more ihan one momh in advanoe;(b)modity any/igoement;(c)aealgn orellouv a
<br /> - �, ;�.� I l en, secu r ity i meres t er o t her encu m b r a nce t o b e p l a c o d u p o n G r e n t o r's r l g h t s,1 1 t 1 e e n d I n t e r e&t I n e n d t o a n y A g r o o m o r n o r i h e a rt w u n t s�e y a b l e `�"
<br />- � � ihoreunder;or(d)terminate or cancel eny Agreemem excopt for ihe nonpayment of eny sum or other materlel hreach by the other paAy thereto. If Orantor .�
<br />__ '" ;" raetvea at eny tfrr� any wr(flen oommunication osaorting a detauB by Orentor under an A�eemertt or purporting to terminato or eancel eny Agreernem, =
<br />"' " Cirarrtor shallpr�rrptly lorv�ard a copy ot such cwmunlcallon(ond eny subsequem cormualcatbna relating thereto)to Lendor. All such Agreernentc and
<br /> ��,''
<br />=r..��,t-.`.:�4�, ' ihe artwunts due to Cirentor thereunder are hereby asslgnod to Lendar as edd�tional cewrfty for ihe Oblipatbns. -
<br />_�r�Y �� `�, 7.COLLECTlON OP INDEBTE�NESS FROIW THIRD PARTY. Lender shall be enAlted to notity or rr,qulre Ciremor to notify any thlyd party pndudng,but --
<br />-;.�;?="'�`�' ���� not Ilmited to,lessees,Ilcensees,govemmentai authorities and Inaurancocom�n Ies)to pay Lender eny Indoblc�uss or obllgatlon owing to Gre►nor wrih
<br /> • i�; operry (cumuiatival Indebtedneas') whether or not e detauft existe under this Deed ot Trust. Grantor shell dlligently coNect t,.•
<br /> .."';T�r:,_ rospect to the Pr y -- _
<br /> a`''`",'�`�' " 1`; Indebtedness owing to Grantor hom these thlyd partioa untll the piving ot such notiflcatbn.In 4ha eve�ri that Grentor possessos a receNea possseslon of __ -
<br /> ,r_-,....._.c,. - — _
<br /> - '° "� a�Instrumants or other remittences wfth respecl to the Indebtedness(d{awing the giving oi such notifleation or If the instrurne�te a other remilieneee -
<br /> ��- , oonstNute the prepeyment ot eny Indebtodnese w the payment of eny Inwrence or oondermation prorr.�eds,Grentor shall hdd a�e*.t�airuments end other
<br /> -- •��%��� remittences In trust for Lsnder apaA irom Its other property,endorse the In�trumertts and other romfttancas to Lsnder,nnd imn�cce'y provide Lendx wflh -
<br /> _-� ��;,:;;.;, posser,slon ot lhe fnsUumeMs end other remittances. Lerxiar ahall be emitled,but not requlred,to cdlect(by kyal proceacin�s oi cttsnr�lse),exNnd lhe _-
<br /> =�.��. • E tlme ta payment,compromise,exchango or releaso eny o411gor or or�liateral,or otharwiaa eettle eny ot ihe Indebtedness whbther or noA�n event oldefautl _..
<br /> W �r a1:, exists under thla Agreement. lender shell not be Ilahle ta�renta for eny actlon,error,mistake,omisslon or detay pertalning to the actlons dosaihed In thls �
<br />-� }:i.4�=- ;+-��; paregraph or eny demeges resu8ing therefrom Notw{thstending the toreqoing, nothinA herein sliall causo lender to be deerrod r. ����.
<br />�C.�w:.;;";:; " rrpn9a9ee-In-possesabn. __- --_.
<br /> ---?i!;;`;..�� ''•' a IlSE AtlD IIAAINTENANCE OF PFlOPERTY. (irsntor shall teke all ectl�ns and meke any ro��aire neoded to maintein tho Proporty fn good canditlon. _
<br /> � ;����'�r'� ' � Grentor sheil not cortmit or pertNt any wasto to bo cortmitted wlth respact to the Property. C�rantor aheit use the Property salely In oompliance with ' --
<br /> j' �'��°','d,),0+",;• epp�Icabie law and ins��^.nce policiea �rantor shell not mafce eny alterations,addtlona or Irtpro vementc to tho Pro�erty witho�t L,�+nnder'6 priorwrftten �
<br />- '`% �f'•;���`�}`.� oonaent. Without Ilmiting iho tor ing,all altorations,ackfitlons end(rtp►ovements made to the Property ohall be subjed to the benefidal Interest be��na�a
<br /> - . �;i�,,:!":�,`'��� to Lcinder,¢hall not be romoved w thout Lendera prlor wriflen consent,end sheli be m3de al Cirentors sole expense. _�__ __
<br /> �� ��
<br /> ��'��'`'1� 8. LOSS OR DANIAffE. Grantor shall boar the entiro dsk of any loss,iho(t,desUudion or dar►gpe(cumulalively'lass or Oarn��e"1 ta ths�roperry or eny _ __
<br />- ': �i s portion thoreof trom any eauso whatsoovor. In tho ovont of any Loss or Damagu,Qremor shall,at the option o�Lender,repair mo a(to�ed Propeny to Its -------�--••°-•-�_
<br />-, ` '��r evioua condition or or causo to 6e d to Londer the decrease tn the falr markot valuo ot the aNected Pro -
<br /> ,.,;� [x PaY Pal PortY. =_-�—_--___---
<br /> ,,'r "-tcw`::.A...:Y;�.,:��,,,,_
<br /> 10. INBURANCE. Tho Properry wlll be kept Insured for Ns tull Inaureble vaiue(r aeemom cost)against all hazards lrtctu�n��osa or damago causod by •���„�y,<.•_»•.:
<br /> �by Lon�. f3rentor rre peny „,u�.�.,.���;..__._---
<br /> �` Ilood,eanhquake,tomacio and 8re,theft or other easualty to the extem requl y obtein insurance on iho Pro ham such ;$.�,,;,,a�.
<br />- • 'r;;` ':.�L,
<br /> oanpen ¢as ere acooptahle to Lender in fto solo disaotlon. The Insuranco polldes ahall raqulre the Insure�es corry�tiy to provide Lend9r with at least ;,;. ••�.,:
<br /> �1 �U days'written notico befae such polides are eltered or cancelled in en rtnnnor. Tho Insurence poiicles shall name lender e�a loas T �t, , «:--
<br /> ` „ payee a�provldo that no act or omission of Grantor or any other peraon shall aifect Iho dg�it af Lender to be pald the InsuranCe proceeAs pertalnlnp to ihe •
<br />- • loss or dannge of the Property. In the ovent ansnta folls to acqulre or matnisln Insurenoa,Lender(eftor providng notice as rtwy be requlred by law) mey r, =^� . .. ���
<br /> T �'� In Ita discretlon procureepproprIate Inaurance coverage upon the Aroperty and the Insurenoe cost shall be an advanoe payablo end beariny Intxeat as ,: :.:,�y.�.:,:;�`.•.;°'"
<br /> __. described In Peragraph?3 end iea�red heroby. Cirentor shall fumish Lenderwith w1clenoe of Insurenee Indicating tho requlred coverege. Lcmdermrsy nct .�.�;,;;�„_.,` .,
<br /> -- -•-�--��-�--�--��-------°-�-- ----°�----••--°-•--��.�.�w�__��_�..�._..� ------- =
<br /> -__._-. :- _:___i as attomey-m•tact tvr urarnor�n�cewng ana oo�umy�aanw unwr awman.vµnMe�.��n mq pvno .n v��v+non.H.a�m��v�o nm�o v.�m.J va,.... — ,:.. -
<br /> . _ _____�„-_.,-.-.-:_-:.._,-._.
<br />_ , S negotiable inatrumor»draw�i by any insurer. All eueh Insuranee polidee ahail be Immedintely aes gned,�I end daliveral to Lender es funhmr secuA1y • ��° . � •� � �
<br />- � �a the Oblipatlons. In the event of loss, Qmntor shall ImmecYatoty glve Lsnder writton notlao and Lender Is autho�iza�i to meke proof of lae�. Each
<br /> Insurenco cnmpany is directod to make payitients cArectly to Lc�ndor instead ot to Lendor and Orc�ntor. Lsnder shall havo tho�Ipht,at Its soto oqlon,to �.
<br /> `� app!y such monlos toward ihe Obligatlona or toward thu mst of rebullding and reatodng the Proporty. My ettwunis may at LendeYs option bo appllod In �� „ �
<br /> • � ihe Invorso nrdor ot the duo datos thor�af. ,
<br /> � ..•,
<br /> - 11. ZONIN0IWD PHIVAT�COVENANT3. Grantor shtill nol Initiato or consent to cu►y change In the zo:dng provlslons or prlvato covonants atfading tho �
<br /> = use of tho Property without Londor's prlor wdtten consent. If Oremor'e use of thn Por�perty 6ecomea a noncenfomiing use under any zoning ovislon, '
<br /> - � (3rantor 5hall not cause or p�rmit such use to bo discontinuc+d or abandonod withan iho qlor wditon consent of Lender. Orantor wrill Immediato�provide .
<br />�.,, , ;'�;'.;.;` Londor with wdtton nollce of any proposod changos to tho zoning provlslons or privato covenanta attocting thn Proporty. • „
<br />�A:•.� � ,
<br /> t�" • ;;?:jt 12 CONDEA�INATION. orantor shali Immo�iatoly provido Lcndor with �vdnon notico ot any aetual or threatenod cbndermation or ottinorn domaln
<br /> '_; • � �, prucaading partelning to iho Propurty. All monies payablo to Grentar Irom such oondermatlon a taking are horeby ctsalgnod to Londor ond shall boo.ppIlod ,
<br /> -' .,f�;• first to tho paymont ot Lendor's attomoy�'fees.Iepal oxpcnsos end othar eosts(Induding epprelsal foos)In connection wNh tho condartnation or om(nont
<br /> ' ,;`'-� domaln proceedings end ihon,at Ihe optlon of Lendsr,to tho payrtiont of Iho ObllAatlons oriho restoretlon or ropalr ot ihu Properry.
<br /> .'. �.
<br /> '� NEDOTB Rw.1196 p4,`p<�l o _---_ - ----- .
<br />