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<br /> 107424
<br /> - payments may no longer be required,at the optlon of[.ender.if mortgagc insurance cov��lllf the amount and for the periad
<br /> � that Lender requires)provided by an insurer approved by L,ender again becomes available und is nbtalned. Borrower shall pay
<br /> the premiums required to maimain mc�rigage insurance in effect,or to provide e loss reserve,until the requirement for moK�a�{e
<br /> = insuranee ends in accordance with any wrinen agrecment between Borrower uM Lender ar upplicable Iaw.
<br /> ,���":�� 9.Inspectlon.L,enJer or its agent may make rcasonublc eniries upan and inspections of the Property.l.ender shall gfve
<br /> '.:�, �� � Borrower notice at the time of or pr�or to an inspection specifying reasonable cwuse for the inspection.
<br /> �' � '� 10. Condemnadon.The proceeds of any award or clAim far dwneges,direct ar cunsequentiul, in connecdan with any
<br /> ,�b - - _ �
<br /> condemnntian or other te�Cing uf eny pun of the Property,or for conveyem�in licu uf��umlemna�iun.ure f�reby ussiQneJ wx1
<br /> � stwll be paid to Lender.
<br /> • �K,,,.��li���d,� In the event of u rotal wking of the Propeny,the proceeds sh�ll t�e appl icd to the sumx Fecur�by this Securlry Instrument.
<br /> ---- whether ur not thcn duc.with uny excess paid to Barrower. In the evem of u purtiul taking��f thc Propeny in which thc fair
<br /> `�•':�'� mArket value of the Propeny Immedin�ely before the�alcing is oquul to or grea�er thun�he um�wnt of the sums secured by thia
<br /> v..,..L_____ Security Instrument immedfu[ely heforc thc tuking,unlesx&�ROwer atid L.ender�itherwise ugrce in writing, thc sums secured by
<br /> �T^- thia Security Instrument shall ix: r�lucat by the umuunt of�he prcxeeds multiplied hy �ho follnwing Fructian: (u) the tu1a1
<br /> �.��� umount of Ihe cums�urcd immediutcl befi�rc the tukin Jividal b (b) 1he foir mnrket vulue of the Prc rt immediatel
<br /> .�.�r.-r�,;.� y 8• Y ►Pe Y Y
<br /> �:'�?.�'_!'.:
<br /> before the tuking. Any balance shull hc puid t��&�rrower. In th�event of u purtiul tuking of the Propeny in which tiu fair
<br /> �.__—._,:_,�rew�r
<br /> - v- miuket value of!he Prupeny immediutcly befo�e the tuking is less ths�n thc umount uf thc sums�ured immediotcly ore t e
<br /> - 'A1.;.�1:: ": �,,.a�';?�
<br /> � �.. � taking,unle�s Horrowcr and Lender�nherwise agree in writing or u�less upplicuble luw aherwise pravides,the proceeda shall
<br /> R bc wpplied to the sums sccured by thia Security Instrument whether or not�he wms arc theo due.
<br /> k�..•� :.:,, ,.;`:.z�
<br /> T �`.��-"�'_•�. Tf the Property is ubandoned by Borrawer,or if.nfter notke by Lender lo Bormwer that the rnndemnor offe�s to make an _
<br /> --� �''!'`�""'"�"""'� awurd or setde o clnim for damages, Borrower fuils to respond to l.ender within 30 duys after the dete the notice is given.
<br /> — �':U , " ' Lender is authorized to callect end apply the praceeds,At its optian,either to restora�ion or repair of the Property or to the rums
<br /> -°-°° " ` �._:_. ,�_ secured by this Secudty Instrument,whether ar not then due. _
<br /> '"`� •-••�•��: •. Unless Lender end Bonower otherwise agree in writing, any application of procecds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> ., �u postpone the duc date of the rm►nthly paymen�s refcrred to in pamgruphs 1 und 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> ��� ��:,�r;«-�•:y;#. ` Il. Borrower Not Rel�used; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for puyment or madi6callon
<br /> -_� ,�ti�,,;;;,�,...�.�,,,,; of amoni;eation of the sums securai by this Secudty Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in inrerest of Borrower ah�ll
<br /> _'_, ' f not operatc to rclease the Ifnhility of thc ariginal Borrower or Borrower's successorc in intcrest. Lendcr shall nat be required to
<br /> __ •'• `' d'""`'� '�' commence proceeclings against uny successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization
<br /> �r�;ii;d;.:�.eai�►..•' of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reasan of nny demund made by the original Barrower or Borrower's
<br /> ..,,.��,:�y r.—.--._ successorr,in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising uny rlght or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> — ': � ,�;;,;_�_ exercisc of any dght or remedy.
<br /> � � '' � �� , 12. Successors and Assigns Bound;Joint and Several Llablllty; Co-signers. The covenunts and ngreements of this
<br /> �`c �� Security instrument shall binJ and lxnefit the sucecsson und usxigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisians of
<br /> -�;�._ � , purn�raph 17. Borrower's covenants und agreements shull t►c juint und severul. Any Borrower who co-signs this Sccurity
<br /> -- � Instrument but does not cxecu�c the Natc: (n) i,co-signing this Sccuriry Instrument only to mongc�ge, grant und convey that
<br /> ..�� o.. ,� .. Borrower's interest in tF�e Propeny undcr thc tcrms of thiti Security Instrumcnt; (b)i, not perumally ubliguted to pay the sums _
<br /> ;�_ � � • •��,.�••�- secured by this Securi�y Instrwnent;und(c)agrees that Lenderund uny otlx:r Bnrrower may ugrce ta ex�end,modify,forbeur or -
<br /> = � ���5` �" make any actommodatiuns with rcgard to thc tcrms of thiti Sccurity Instrument or the Nolc without that&irrower's rnn.r•ent. _
<br /> •° n'A" 13. l.oan Charg�.If the lonn secured by this Securiry Instrumem is subject �o u law which xets maximum loan charges,
<br />_'�; ••.�- . . nnd thn[ luw is finally intcrpre��Ki xo that thc intcrest ur uthcr I�>un�hurgez coll��ctc�l �ir ro be collecteJ in connection with the
<br /> .. � :.
<br /> �"� - � loun exceed the penniued lirnits, �hen: l:�)any ,uch I�►un churge.hul l hc revuceJ by the umount necessury to reduce the churge
<br /> �� � . to thc permittcJ limit;u�xl(h)uny .rums ulready cullcctrJ 1'ram Bnrruwcr whirh exr�edcd permitted limits will be refundcd to �
<br /> -�. _
<br />-:�., �� � Borcnwcr. Lender muy chcx�sc to makc thi� rcfunJ by reJurin�,thc prin�ip•rl aweJ unJer Ihe Note ur by making u Jin�ct
<br />—;�. p�ymem ta Borrowcr. If u refund reduces prinripul, thc raluctic�n will bc treuted ux u purtiul prcpuyment without any
<br /> � � �� prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> ���� ...,,, � 14. NotEces. Any notirc to Bnrrowrr prmideci ti�r in�hi,Security Instrument tiBull he given by Jelivering it or by mailing
<br /> , . it by fint cluss mail unlc�+upplicablc luw reyuireti usc ol'anuthcr mctlxxi.The noticc �hull hc dirrxteJ to the Property Address
<br />- ,�,_,,,.. Q or uny other address Burtower designates by notice t�� Lendcr. Any nutice to l.cnd�r +hall he given by first cluss m;�il to _
<br /> .:�;�" „ . Lender'+ •rddre,x stated herein or un���nhcr uddre+s l.cnder de�ignates hy nolicc to Borcow•er. Any nnticc provided for in this
<br /> � , • Security Instrumenl shull be almmcd to huve bren given to e��rruwcr ur LcnJcr wNcn�ivcn a,pruviJcJ in thi,purugroph.
<br /> �`� . ��, � I5. Governing Lax; 5everubility. Thiti Srcurity In.�rununt �hull Ix �!uv�rncJ hy fcdcral luw and thc law of thc =
<br /> . ; �. "n�.:.,} " . jurixdiction in which�he Prc�pcny is lix:�tcd. In thc evcnt thut uny provisiun or rlausr ol'�hi,Srcuriry Intitnimcnt or�he Note �
<br />"'_..•, � � . r�mflicts with applirahl�luw.,unc��mllicl+hall iwt al'fcct nthcr pruv i�i�mti�il'�his Sccurity Imtrunxnt or thc Nutc which can Ix: �
<br />-1..�. �1.-
<br /> . .. . . . givcn cl'fcct wilhoul th� canllicting pr�►visi�m. Tu thi�enJ thc prcn•itiiuns��t'Il�i�Securily Imlrunknt wxl the Nixc ure Jeclarcd _
<br /> ! i. to be Kverahle. -
<br /> - � 16. Bnrmwer's Cc�pv. &�rmwer xhull he given one cunti�micJ copy of ihr yulc und of this Security Instrumcnt.
<br /> �, - Form 3028 8190 �--
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