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<br /> . . ,.�MlIl1�i 1 - Mas�M'�'...� . • - .. �A. . ---_—
<br /> L'. ..IS'��y�f{ .R�d.� _—_---_.
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<br /> 17.Tranafer a�the Piroperty or o Beae�ici�t Inlc�est in Borrower.If sli or any pert of the Property o�any interest yn it
<br /> - ie soid or transferted(ar if n Ucneticial interect in Borrowcr ir sold or tronsfencd and Burrower ia ncu a naiural persun)without ---
<br /> �. : Lender's priar wrftten canseni, Lender may, at iis option, require immediate payment in full of all �;um� secured by this
<br /> Securlty Instrument. Huwever,thi�option ahull na beexerei�ui by I.ender if cxercise ia prohibited by federnl Iww ac of the date
<br /> of IhiR Sccurlty Instrumcnt.
<br /> '� ' ' '" If[.ender exercincs this opQ�m,lsnder stwll give Bc�rrc�wcr nutirc uf a�ecicrutinn. 1'hc not ice shaU prov iJe u periad of nat
<br /> �� ;Y^-+. Icss thun 3Q duyx from thc dole the notice t� Jclivercd or nwiled withfn whfch &�rrawcr mu��pay all surnz �ecureJ My Ihig
<br /> .,r:,.�.__..-„'':_•:_..__..W Scrurily In�trurtxnt. It Rorr��wer tails to pAy these sumti prfor to the expirulion�d'Ihis peri�xl, L.ender muy invoke uny rcmedies �
<br /> - i�+•�; ` permittcd by�hiti Sccurity Inst�ument withuut fuhher nnticc c,r dcmund un W►rrowcr.
<br /> 18. Ibrrv�wer'x Rlght to Iteinatpte. If Barrawer meetR cenuin conditiuns. &�rruwer nhull havc Ihe right t�� huvc
<br /> ; ��e�,���� . cnfurccmcnt of thin Saurity Instn�mcnt dir�ominued ut any time prior�u �hc carlier nL• (ul S duy� I��r �uch othcr peri��d os
<br /> , , upplir�ble luw muy specify Pnr reinslutemcnl) beforc rulc uf' �he Pmpeny purwuunt �o uny pnwer of �ule c�mwinctil in this
<br /> �''''''�^'�E""�''" Securl�y lnztrununt;�x(b►entry uf u judgment enforch�g this Securiry Instrument.Thuse ri�nditinns ure thW Burtower.lu)puys
<br /> _ "{�T-'.r.,.c... y�.Ty.
<br /> �5 •� � L.end�r ull sums which tben would I+e due undcr this Secudry Instnrment uncl the Nute ati if nu accelerutian hud �KCUrreJ; (b)
<br /> �.i:�'.u=s...� �?�.� cure.r uny defuult of any uther covenuntr or uRreemen�s; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enfurefng thi�Security instrument, �
<br /> ' including, but nM limited to, rea�nable uttarne�+s' fccs; und (d1 ts►ker tiuch action w l.endcr may rcar�mably require to ussurc _
<br /> � �-.•_5, ...,.;.pi thAt the lian of this Security Inslrument, l.ender g rigMx in the Pn�perty und Borrower's obligation ta puy ihe sums secured by
<br /> � this Security Instrument shall amtinue unrhanged. Upan reinxlatement by Borrower. �hiti Sccurity Instrument end the
<br /> =•�,.�: . ,,;'_ ., obligutiona tiecured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no accclernlian had �xcurred. Hawever, thic dgh�to reinstute shall
<br /> � not apply in the case of uccelerution under parAgraph 17.
<br /> w J�:�+:�.;a:,'...:::' .".
<br /> �`�' • 19. Sale ot Nde; Ciu�nge of I.oan Servicer.Thc Nate or a panial interest in[he Notc (tagethe� with �hi� Secu�ity
<br /> - � '�.`• '�'� InstrumenU me be sdd ane ar more times without prior nutice lo Borrowcr.A sale may result in u change in�hc entiry(known
<br /> - ��` �-r •=°-' us the "Loun Servicer") that collects monthly pAymentc due under the Note und this Secu�ity Instrument. There ulso may be one �_
<br /> , � � ar murc chungcs oP the Loan Scrvicer unrelated to a tiale of the Note. If there is a change of thc l.oan Serviccr,Barrower will be
<br /> ' . °' � � . ' given written notice of the change in accordunce with parr��gruph 14 abave and applicuble luw.The notice will titate the nwne nnd
<br /> address of the new I.aan Servicer und the uddress to which payments should be made.The nc��ice will also cuntuin uny cNher
<br /> � . � � � " " inf'ormutian required by applica6le law. � -
<br /> ° '° • °� ' � 20. Hazardous Substances. Borrower shull na ruuse or permit the presencc, usc. dispowl, stors�gc, or release of any
<br /> � Hnzurdous Substances on or in the Pr�peny. Borrower shall not Jo, nor ulluw anyone else to do, uny ehing uffecting �he
<br />' ~�' Property thut is in violation uf any Environmental [.uw. The preculing twa sentences shall not upply to ihe presence, use, or --
<br /> � • storage on thc Propeny af small quuntilies of Harardaus Substances that�re generally rewgni�ed to bc appropriate to narmal
<br /> � residentiul uses�nd ta muintenunce nf the Property.
<br /> Sorrower sh�ll prc�mptly give Ixnder written naiicc of any investigution, cluim, demnnd, luw.r•uit or uther uctiun by uny
<br /> • , governmental o�regulatary ugenry or privatc party iovolving thc Propeny und any Nuzurdous Substurnc or Environmentul Luw
<br /> :� of which Borrower he.v actuul knowleJgc. If Borrower leums,or is notificd by uny govcrnmernal or regulutory uuthority, that �=�
<br /> ., - �.•,= --° . =` sn,remova!ur uther rernediation of any Hazardous Suhetan!•�:df�riin;,•the Propeny�s nccessary.Borniwcr slwll p�ompUy take
<br /> - all necessary remcdial actions in accordunce with Environmcntul Luw. ---.
<br /> . � •� . As uxai in this puragraph 20, "Hw•rrJou+ Subslances" urc thusc suh�tunees derneJ ati tc�xic or huzarduuti wbstunces by —
<br /> Environmentul l.uw and the following substunees: gutiolinr, kcrosene, uther tlummuble or taxic petrc►kwn producls, toxic
<br /> ", ` pestirides und hcrbicidc�,volutile xolvents,mutcriuls rnnt:�ining ushc.tus nr IirrmulJehyJe, arnl rudioactive maicriAls. As uscd in _
<br /> " this parugrnph 20, "Environnxntul Law" means federal laws und luws ul'thc juriuiictiun whcrc the Pruperty is lixatcd thut
<br /> ° � relate to hcalth,sufety ur environmcntul prMCCtion.
<br /> � . . NQN-UNIFORM COV6NANTS.Bnrtnwcr und l.r�xlcr funhcr ruvcnunt und agrcc a�foUuwti:
<br /> 21, Acceleretiop; Remedles. Lender 5hull give nntfce to Borrower priur to acceleration tollowing Hnrrower's breach
<br /> ', oP any covenunt or a�reement in thi� tiecuriq• Inctrument (but nut prior to acceleratiun under par�raph 17 unlexv �' a
<br /> i ` applicable law provldes otherwise). The notice shall tipecify: Iu1 Ihe defuult: Ib1 the action requlretl Io cure Ihe default; --=
<br /> (r)a date.nut Itws than 30 days from the dale the nntice is�iven tu Korrower,by which the defuult must be cured;und � -"
<br /> �+' (d1 thal failure to cure the dei'ault on or i�Piire the dnte specified in the noNce may r�hult in ucceleratiun of the sums
<br /> � ' secured by this Se�ror[ty Instrument and ssilc oP thc Propert��. Th��noticc shall tbrthcr lufurm Burmwcr of thc riRht to
<br /> reinstate uUer acceler�Unn and the riRht to bring u court nctlon to ussert the non-existence oP a default ur any other – �
<br /> defense of Borrowcr to acccicrotion und sule. IP Ihc dcPuult iti not cured on nr FmPorc thc datc specified in the naticr�
<br /> �' �.•.L' I.endcr. at its optian. muy rcquire immediate payment in full oP ull xwnx s�tiur��d b�•this tiecurity Inctrument withoW `�"
<br />� • ' " � further demund and may invuke the po�rer nP sale und uny other rem��di�� permiucd b� applicuble lu�v. Lender shall be �m=-
<br /> entitled to collect s�ll expensiw incurred fn pursuin�;lhe rcm��dirr pruvfd��d in this paru�;reph 21.includinR.but not Hmited �=-'�
<br /> •� to,rensonablc uttorneys'faa�and costs oi'title e�•idencc. --
<br /> If the p��wer oi sale ix invnked, Trustee hhall r�rord u nnlicc uf defuult in cuch county in whlcli eny part uf the
<br /> �,, ' � Property is locuted und shull mail copi�w of such nulice in she munner prexrlhed b}• upplicuble lu���tu Borrowrr and tn ��•
<br /> the uther per.w►tr.�pr�xribrd by upplicuble laa•.AIYcr the time nquircd M•uppllcuhle lue�. Trust�r sho11 give public nntice
<br /> � • nf wle to the penons und in the munner prcuribed 1���upplicahlc Ia��•.7'ru�t�r, ��(thout demund on Bor��wer.shull�cll
<br />