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��`.�*!r . . ,.,;�•�.. <br /> Ir�'. �L►�. .� •.Y_�,�tlYi'i_..�.i.._ .. <br /> ' _ _�_..�ii—P'::_�__"_�. <br /> F ' --___��.__ _'__ <br /> �.�. -- —___--_ _ ' "....._.- � --�--__, — <br /> .� �f . . .�r�iA " ". ._ . . �-_ <br /> ��• <br /> , ' J �I' �h��f' � �:�.�1 �`a _ �_ <br /> : - � � ,7�I I I �L �'��i�(�..`. <br /> 1 ��. <br /> - � �� , ' -�'r I - . .._- �_' — _. <br /> _. ' .:- — <br /> � 9�— �o7ox4 <br /> : - :�.,�..�.;. �. <br /> � <br /> S. Hpsard or Property Iasurance. 8orrower sholl keep ihe improvementx now exieting or hereafter erected on the <br /> � Property insured ageinst los.g by fire, ho•r.erds included within the term "extended coverege" and any other hazanl�, including <br /> flaads or flooding. for which l.ender rcquires insurnnce.Thia insurance shall be n�afntained in thc amaunts and for the perioda <br /> -.. that Lender requires.The insurance carrier providing the insur•rnce shall be chasen by surrowcr subJcc�to Lender'F upprovel <br /> ��'���'�''� ' which shall not be unreasonebly withheld. If Borrower fails to mointuin coveruge dcscrihecl alxwe, L.ender muy. ut Lender's <br /> •-'� option,obtain coverage to protoct I.ender's rights in the Pniperty in accardance with purugrnph 7. <br /> =-'"-' ' All insurru►ce policies und renewals shnll tx nceeptable to Ixnder and vhell include a standnrd mortgage rlausa. L.ender _ <br /> ��� � shall have the�-ight to hold the policiea und renewals. If l.ender requires, Borrower shall promptly give to Lender all receipts of <br /> ° ""''°"''� pald premiums and mnewal nodces.In the event af Ic►ss,Bnrrower shdl give prompt notice to the insurnnce carrfer and l.ender. <br /> • � y ���f� L.ender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Horrower. <br /> ��'+'•'��i. <br /> ;�:�y,� '- Unless Lender and Bc�rrower atherwise agree in wridng, insurance praceeds shall be upplied to restorution or repair of the <br /> - _---�;n��- ::� L Property damaged.if the restoration or repair is cconomically fcu.sible and l.ender's�ecuriry is not Iescened.!f the restoration or <br /> — '��'°��'? ''�� repair is not economlcally feasible ur Lender's security would he lesgened, the in�.urnnre pr�xeeJF shall be upplieci to the sums <br /> � �_:��_,�,.<,. <br /> '�''�`� secured by lhis Security Instrument, whcther ar nat then due, with uny exress puld tc►&►rruwcr. If&�R�wcr abandons the <br /> ,�,�., <br /> — .t:+"�w PropeRy, or dces na nnawer within 30 days u notice from Lender that the insurunce carrlcr hn.r•uifere{!�o Ketde a rluim,then <br /> w..:;� . <br /> �"'-'-"�"�,~ � L.ender may c�llect Ihe in�urnnce proceeds. Lender muy use the pr�xcedb t�rcpalr ur �estore Ihc Pruperty ur to puy sumw <br /> `'`� � R� '•� secured by�hla Security lnstrument,whether ar ncx then duc.The 30-duy pericxl will t►egin wben Ihe nndce ix given. <br /> '.�..a.,• : <br /> Unless l.ender unJ &►rn►wer���hervvi+� ugroe in wriling. any applicuti�►n of pnxcalti tci princfpul tihall tu�t eatend or <br /> �+,�� poaq,cmc tl�e duc date of thc monlhly pAymenls rcferred to in pu�agraphs 1 un�l 2 ur chungc thc unK►unt of the psiyrnent�. If <br /> - - ��'���`� under arn ro h 21 the Pro n iy ac wrecl b L.cnJcr, &rrruwer'.�•i hl lu ru i��tiurun« ►11cic.r und a►cu�ts resultin fram - <br /> — ' � "..� . P 8 P P� Y 9 � Y 8 Y Ix P 8 <br /> `;,�r•��._1�.,�Y Jamuge ta the Property prlur tu thc ucyuieitiun sholl puxs lu L.ender to�hc exlcm nt'�he.rwnr xecunxl by tldx Security InetrumeM <br /> ���;'.�.�:..,. .:� immaliutely prior to ihc acquiaitiun. <br /> ;:,��..�;' w ���� b.Occupancy,1'reservatlon.Maintenpnce and Protectian oi the Pmperly; &►rrower's Luan Applir�tiun;I.�sehui�Lr. <br /> �—'�•�� �'"� •"" 8arcower shull accupy. establish,and uxe the Property us Bonower's pdncipul residence within sixty duys ufter the execution af <br /> `""�= -�� "�'` this Security Instrument und ahall continue ro cxcupy the Praperty nx Borrower's principul rexidence for at least one year after <br /> -- � �..�r;�'.".r <br /> __�•�,��:=• � the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise ugrees in writing,which consent�hall not be unrea.sonably withheld,or unless <br /> ui�`:< .:•: �.'::.: <�t extenuating circumstances exist which ure beyond Borrower's rnntrol. Borrower shell not destroy, damage or impair the <br /> t Propeny, allow the Prc�perty lo deteriorAte, or commit wacte on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if uny forfeiture <br /> �=s;��,, .: �� � � � ' action or praceeding,whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's gc�d fui�h judgment could result in fort'eiwre of the <br /> '-'� ,�=� '•:�'-<�"',;�: , Propeny orwherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or I.ender's security interest.Borrower may <br /> __`-•�.�K��,.��._,.,,.-� <br /> -- — ° curc aucii a defauit u��l id{ubieir, an provid�i in paragraph iS, by cau�ing ihc aaion or pracccdiog io bc dismisscd with a rul3ng <br /> -- � " � that, in Lender's good fAith detern►ination, precludes fnrfeiwre af the Borrowcr's intcrest in the Prc►perty or other mater�al <br /> ,: + impairment of the lien creuted by this Security instrument or Lender's security interest. Barrower shull also be in defuult if <br /> - 'Y`'"'`� � '' l,'` Borrawer, duri ng the loan appliration process,guve mnteriully false ar inuccurnte i nformation nr stutements to l.ender(or failed <br /> ,;�,}... '" •�`` �� to provide l.ender with any materinl informution)in connection with the loun evidenced by the N�te, including,but not limited <br />-- :;:r�,.' , to,represen�a�ians canccrning Borcower's occupancy of the Propeny s�s a princip�l residence. If this Security Instrument is on a <br /> � . � leusehold, Borrower shall comply wi�h ull the pri►visions of the lease. If Barrowcr acquires fee title to the Property, thc <br /> -_ leasehold and the fee tide shull not mcrgc unless Lcnder ugrccs to the mergcr in writing. <br /> - � ;�,.i 7.Protection oi i.ender's Rights in the PropeMy.lf&�rrower fails to pedorm the c�venunts und�greements contained in <br /> _ �:t�aA • this Security Instrument, or there is n Icgul prcxceding thut muy significantly affect LenJer's rights in the Property(such us a <br /> -_- pr�ceeding in bnnkruptcy, probate, ti�r condemnution or forfeiture i�r to enti�rce luwx or regulution�), then I.enJer muy do and <br /> � �'� •- .. pay for whatever is necestiury to pmtect the vulue of the Propeny 3nd L..enJcr's rights in the Property. Lender's uctions may = <br />.,]'``' • 'tif >� . , include pAying any tiumti secured by u licn which ha+ priari�y nver thiti Sc�uriry Instrument, uppearing in court, puying <br />"' ' .. rcuxonable �ttorneys'fces anJ enterin}�un�hc Propeny to mnke repuin.Althuugh LenJcr may tuke action under this paragraph <br /> '�' '�; A ,... 7.Lendcr dacs nat havc to Jo so. <br /> �. � ., �'` Any mnuunls disburscYi by IxnJer under thix purugraph 7 .hutl t�ecome u�kiitionnl debt uf Borrower secured by this <br /> _;,;�;_•�„;.. ,,. Sewrity Instn�rnent. Unlexs Borrowcr anJ I.enJcr agree tu other Iernis of payment,thc�c umount.tihall tx:ar intcrest from the <br /> .., �: , date of disbursement at thc Notc ratc and shall bc payublc, with interest, upon nntice fram l.cnder to Borrower requesting = <br />= ° payment. <br /> '�"! � ` , S.MortRaQe Insurance.If Lcnder rcyuired mortgagc insur•rncr us a rondition ol'm•rking tlk lo•rn sccured by this Security <br /> " .. � . s Ins�n�ment, Borrower shall p•ry tlx� premiwm reyuired ai muintain thc mcirtEuge inwrnnrc in effect. If, f�r uny reusan, the <br /> � , y„� mongage insurancc covcragc rcyuireJ by I.cndcr lapseti or reuscs w tx in effcct. Borruwcr shull pa�• thc premiums rcquircd Io <br /> ' ,,;,., ., obtoin covcruge substanliully cquivulcnt to thc monga,�.c insurance prcviou�ly in rff'cct, at a cost tiub�tuntiully cquivulent to the <br /> ' `�'�`�0�' � rost 1n Borrower of the nxin a�e intiurunce r�viirosl m effect, from an altemate nu�n�a�c insurer u ri►vcd b l.ender. If <br /> . Eb P ' Y � bb pp Y <br /> suhstantiul ly equiv�lent mungugc in�uruncc coverugr i� nnt uvuiluhle. Barmwrr�hall puy t�� l.rndcr cach m�mth u tium cqual to <br /> � + one-twclfth of tlx yeurly m�xtgugc in�urunrc pn:mium hcing puiJ hy �arruwer whrn thc in.uranrr rav�rugc luptied„r rcaxd tn <br /> • :�� be in effcct,Lendcr will uccepl, utie aixl retain these payment,us a luti. rc+crvr in licu ul morlgagc inwrunce. I.o�s reserve � <br /> • �' � Form 3028 8/90 <br /> � � Payu 3 u�6 , <br /> Y -. <br /> 1 ' <br /> -�•. o.. '—' :' ' ' .. ' .. ...aC•:1 a . � -' .. �_- '.. ' .. . ., � <br /> ...s. �[i..L ... <br /> { .. <br /> �o ., . . � . <br /> 4 , : <br /> � , . <br /> �� y .�1 <br /> , , _ _--- _ _- <br />