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' <br /> : .. . . . _. . . � <br /> .. . ....y,yxr�$"•.�.•,�a;�.`+MII'.eRe70r�ID}M1�.- <br /> ,. - . ,• .... .... .. .. . . -'-." y <br /> • .• _"' .. .-__........_.... .._..-. . . ... .. ..'.'_,._.. ...._...._- . . ... <br /> . .... .._. _......�......_.._..... _...."__""."'_' '.. ."'_""""'_' . .. •' ' <br /> - �� �VYV�VV • t � .+ -trt� . <br /> 7.fmincnt Domaln.Londer is horoby usalpned ell compeneation,nwords,damopes nnd othor puymonte or rellot(horoinaftor"Proceedn') _ <br /> Irv connactlon with condemnatlon or othor toklnp ot tho Propflrty or part theroaf,or tor convnyonca in Ilou of condomnntlon,Landor ohnll <br /> taken or demapod,4onder ahall hovo the optlon In ite eolo and absolute dlscretlon, to opply all auch Froceado,oftor dcdur,tlnp thorotrom <br /> Iall coats and oxponsea incurrod by It In connoction with auch Proceade,upon Q�y Indebtodnosa oocured horoby and In euch ordor ns <br /> � Lendcr meq doterminn, or to appty cll such f'rocecsde,after euch deductlons,to the restoretion of the Property upon such condltlone as , <br /> Lender may determine. Any nppllamlan ot Freceeds to indebtedness ehell not oxtend or poatpone the duo dotd ol u��y paymcnta under <br /> Ithe��ote,or curo nny datauit thereundor ar hereundor.Any unoppilod}unde shon be peld to Truetor. ^ �� <br /> 1 8. Petorm�nc�by L�nde. Upon the occurrenca of en Event of befeult hereunder, or if any act is taken or legal p�oceeding a <br /> 1 commanced whlch materlally affocts Lender's Interost In tho Property,Lender may in ite own dlacretlon,but without obligetlon to do eo, <br /> and without notice to or demand upon Trueior end wlthout rotoastng 7ruator irom eny obligation,do�ny act whlch Trustar has r.prend _ <br /> but foiln to do end mey eloo do any other ect It deeme neceseary to protect the security here�t.Truetor ehell,Immedlately upon demand � ..,, , <br /> • therofar by Lander, pey to Lendor ell coete end expenses Incurred and euma expended by Lender in connectian with the exerclae by <br /> ' , :��:• : Lender uf tho foregoing rlghte,together with Intereet thereon et the default rate provldod In the Nota, whlch ehell be added to tho <br /> " ,� Indebtedneus aecurod heroby.Lender ehali not lnc�ar eny Ilebllity beceuae of enYlhlnp It may do or omit to do hareunder. <br /> 8. H�s�rdnu�Met�rlM�. 7ruetor ehell koep tfie Property In compllence with all eppllaeble law�,ordlnancee end repulatlone relatlnp to <br /> Induatrial hyglene or environmentel protectlo�Icollectively ra}erred to heroin�s "Environmentel Lews"1.Trueror�hall keep the Property � <br /> iree from atl aubatencea deemad to be hoxarduue or taxlc undor any Envtrunmentel I.ewe Icollectively refarred to hereln�f ^H�iudoue ` • <br /> Matarlate'1. Trueto:hbreby warrente end repreeent�to Lender th�¢thnra are no He=erdou�Meterl�l on nr under th�Propa►ty, Tru�tar . . ` <br /> hereby egreee to IndemnNy end hold hermlen Lendet, it�direaron, ofHcere,employee� end epent�. �nd eny wcce�wie ta Lenda'� � '• --'�'''`��,��_ <br /> ,:_ � ;�•_^=-..�. <br /> Int�reit,Irom and epelmt any end ell clNm�,d�m�pai,l�ue�end Il�bllitle�erislnp In conneatlon wlth the pre�rnc�, ua, dbpa�al or • _�;.,��;,,� <br /> ` AND TRU6TOR'8 OBLIOAT ONBriPURBUANT TprTHE FOREOOINO IMOEMNTYE BHAL�I 8'U V VERflECONVC•YA C6 OFE7/18 DEEDN F �.�`.✓" <br /> . � TRUBT. �.�-e` <br /> ;`_,.:�� <br /> 8 1 O.As�lpnm�►►t of R�nt��Tru�tor hereby�s�lpn�to Lender, �nd prent�Lender e tecurlty Internt In, dl pro�ent,luw�e�nd efror . ,5�-�-- <br /> � � �ialnp renu,I�suea and proilte o4 the Propsrty;ptovldcd that i ruetor ehell,untif the occurrence of en Evont of Defeult hereunder,h�ve �`�•':'��r _ <br /> �,',. _ <br /> ., ,� the ripht to collect end retaln such rent�, iotues�nd proflts ei they beaome due end peyeble. Upon the occurrence of an Evont of ,� <br /> < � De(�uit,Lender may, either in pereon or by �yent,with or wtthnut bringln0 eny ectlon or proceedinp,o► by�recelver eppolnted by e _-;:-�__ <br /> � court end wlthout repard to the edequecy of Ite security, enter upon end teke posaeaalon of the Property,or any pert theraof,In Ite awn "�, <br /> ���.,� neme ar In the name of the Truatee, end do sny ecte which It deema neeesaery or dealreble to preaerve the value, marketebility or �.a���•�y-� <br /> " rentabfllty of the Proporty,or uny pert thereof or interost thereln,or to inereese tho Incame therofrom or protect tha eecurity hereof end, S�' bb <br /> with or without teking pooseaslon of the Property,eue for or otherwlae collett the rante,issuea end profite thereof,Inciuding thoae peat �v#y�� <br /> `�• due end unpaid,by notifyinp tenente to meke paymente to Lender. Lend6r may apply rente,Isauea and profite,less coet�end expen�oe <br /> of operatlon snd collection including ettomeys'teea,to any Indehtedness secured hereby,ell In such order ee Lender may determine.The �.�� <br /> �� ;� antering upon and teking passesslon of the Roperty, the collection of such rente, Issues end proflta, and tha eppllcetioR thereof�s �-� � � <br /> aToresaid, r�fiell not eure or vraiva any default or notiee of default hereunder or invalidate eny act done in r�aponse to eueh defnult or .,,�--- <br /> pursuant to euch notice of dnfault and,notwithstanding the continuance In possession of the Property or the coltectlon, raceipt end <br /> �� application of vonte, issues or profits,Trustee end Lender ahall ba entitled to exerciae avery right providad for in eny af the Laen <br /> !n°tn!R!?n*e or hy iew upon occurrence of any Event of Defeult, inciudinp wttliout Iimitatlon the right to exerclae the power of eale. <br /> ' Further,Lender's rlghte end remedlea unde►thls paragreph shall be cumulatNe with,ann�n no wey a iimiiaiion v��,i.o���a�o�y.�o��s! ,. <br /> �emadles undet uny assignment of leases end rente �ecorded against the Property. Lendar, Truateo end tha receiver sheli be Ilable to <br /> account only for those rents actuelly recelved. , <br /> 11.Events of D�fauft.The following ehell constftute en�vont of Defeult under this Deed ot Truet: . <br /> (a1 Failuro to pey any Inatallment of prinalpAl or interest of any other aum aecured hereby when due; �•� <br /> � � Ib) A breach of or deteult under eny provislon contalned in the Note,thia Deod of Truot,any af the Loan Instrumente,or any <br />-° . � other lion o�encumbrance upon the Proparty; ,�;; <br />"�- • � �� � (c) A writ of executlon o� ettachment or any slmiler process ehell be e�tered against 7rustor whiah ehall become o Ilen on the _. <br /> •• . P►operty o�any partion theraof or Intereat thereln; <br /> =w.+ Id!7here sliell be fliad by or ngainst Trustor or Borrower en action under any pres�+tt or futuro federel,atete or other etatue,Iaw <br />� + or regulation releting to bankruptoy, Insoivency or other re{let for debtors;or there Ehall be appolntod eny t�uatee, receiver or <br /> Iiquldator of Truator o�6orrower or of ail or eny psrt of the Property,or the rente,issues or profite thereof,or Tn+etor or Borrower <br />�'�^�,., ;.�n , shan make any ganerel aaafgnment for the benetit of creditors; _ <br /> r�,r�C� ;,.�; le)The sale,tranafor,lease,eselynment, conveyence or further encumbrance of eli or any part af or eny intereat in the Properry. �� <br /> y.z�j�:�. either voluntarlly or Invalunterily,without the expreaa wr(tten consent of lender;provldod that Trastor shall be permltted to exocute — <br /> �'' - - --�-�� a leeee of the Properly �ha[t;i,os r�ot cant�.r. an o�tl�n to purchase end cne torm of which daes not exceed one year; <br />�����F� (ff Abandonment o4 tha PropArty;or <br /> j��ti���!=4.,� <br />-..�w�t;.,, ^.t Ip1 If Truator la not en indivldual, the iesuance, sele,tranafer, essignment, conveyance or encumbronce of moro then 11 e <br /> = •�='� corporetlonl e totol of percent of ita lasuod end outetanding stock, or(if a pennerehip) o totel of percent of <br />�,'-;_,... <br />_���_„_ __ " partnerohip tntereate, or e mited IIabllity compenyl o totat of N p percent of tha limked Ilabliity company ntereste or voting <br />_' "" dphte durinp the pertod thfa Deed of Tmet remaina e lien on the Prope y. <br /> °'.�`' � 12.R�m�dl�s;AccN�►ation Upon D�tauh.In the avent of eny Event of Default Lender moy,wlthout noiice excapt+�a requlred by law, <br />����"'�•�, � dectere all Indebtednesa aecured horeby to ba due and payabla end the same ahall thereupon became due end peyable w(thout eny <br /> -;;;�,;;;,;,-,,; preaentment,demand,protest or notice of any kind.Thereaftor Lender may. <br />_��.� (a)Demend that T►ustee exorclse the POWER OF SALE granted herein, and Trostee ehell thereafter cause Trustor'e interost _ <br /> �n the PropuRy to be Bold end the proaeeds to be dlstributod,ell in th�manner provlded In the Nebreske Truat Deeds Act; <br />_��%�!�°!�• '' ib)Exerciso eny and all dghte provided fo� In any of tho Loan Inatrumente or by law upon occurrence of eny Event ot <br /> -- -�.:.^ � • Defauit;and =_ _�_.. <br />- � �` �� •-• (c)Commonco en actlon to foreclose thls Doed ot Truet as a mongac�o, appotnt e rocetver,or specifically enforca ony of the _ __` <br /> � covenante heroof. =�'�==-- <br /> = � No remody hereln confarred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is Intended to be oxclusivo ot any other remedy hereln,In the IAan �c-���-=_ <br />� �� Instruments or by law providod or permlttad,but each ehail be cumutative,shali bo In eddltlon to overy other rumedy given herou►+da,in ��rs��Rx.-- <br />.-T . .' � the Loen Inetruments or now or heroaftar exlating et Inw or in aqulry or bystatute,and may bo exerclsed cancurrently,tndependentry or ��°�'�_ <br /> . auccessivaly. zu�r�P�:=?, <br />- � i 3.TrwtN.The 7ru�tee may reslgn at any time wlthout causo,and Lcnder moy ut nny time and without cause�ppolnt e euccessor ..�._.:.. - <br /> _ S ar subnttute Trustco.Trustoo shell not bo Iiable to eny Nerty.Includtng wfthout Ilmlt�tlun Londer, Borrower,Trustor or eny purchaset of Rf.� ~T`''�'. <br />�� � ti the Property, for any loss or damage unlosa dua to reckteas ar wlllful mlecanduct, end ehall not bo roquired to take any a�Klon In ::s•p*::;b r <br /> �...'...u.q�. <br /> cannectlon wixh the enforcement of thle Deed of Truat unlosa Indemnifled,N writing,for all costs,compensation or expenseo which may ,:-�:��.--; rr�; <br /> , } be esaociated thorewlth. In edditlon,Truatee may bacomo a purchaser nt any sele of tho Property Qudiciel or under the power of sele � �*r ��'S y,"., ' <br /> '� ' - � grnntod herefnl;postpone the sale of nll or any portion of the PropoRy,a�provided by law;or sell the Property es e whole, or in seperet9 "' �'�':'���fV'�y"' <br /> .,•.:� <br /> . . . - <br />- . _, : . .:,�. <br /> --_. _ _.--._- _-.' =_ ......�1.n�Inm uf Truet�a•a AIIIC�AtIOfI. ____--_L•__`_�_____ . <br /> � _._..�__ .__ - <br /> ._ _ ,_ /�'��. .�.__. .._""' _ ___•_,• --, -� <br /> ' ' �„ 1 94,Fe�s�nd Exp�niss.In tho ovont Truatea eolls the Property by exerclso oi power of aule,Truotee ahail bo onttttotl to app�y eny oa o ; , . <br /> i proceeda tiret to�ayment of ell coete end oxpenses of exercising power of oale,Including ull Ttustoo'o foes,and Lendor's and Trustee's <br /> ettorney'e fees,ectualiy Incurred to extnnt permitted by applicablo law. In the evant Dorrower or Trustor exercfsas eny right provldad by <br /> • lev� to cure an Event oi DoFeuit,Lender shall be entitled to rocovor trorn Trustor all coste ond vxponses nctualiy incurred oo a result ot <br /> � Truetor's default,Inciuding without Iim(totion all Trustoo's and attorney's faes, to the oxtent pormitted by eppllcable few. <br /> - 16.Futun ddvaneaa. Upon raquast of Borrower,Lender may,et Ito option,meke edditfonel end future edvances and roadvences to <br /> „ 6orrowor.Such advancos ond roadvances,with Interest thernon,sholl be eocurod by thls Deed of Truet. At no timo aheli tho principal • ;, <br /> - amount of tho tndobtedness ctecurnd by this Dood of Trust,not Inatuding eums ndvanced to pmtoct the aecurity of this Dood of Trust, !;:; <br /> _ oxceod the original princlpni amount etutod horeln,or 8 gia o7e oo ,whichevor is yraator. <br /> ^, I NOC94670 (NOneO��cNmrN ne�dl Rev.0/93 — — — �- <br /> 1 1 DOB Natlonel Onnk ol Commerco Tmst en0 6¢vinp7 Aesonttbn.Wuotn.NeGeeke <br />