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, . . . ,. , <br /> . . . .. . . �(;;;1� �'�S'it �:�i.,•r. . . <br /> " • ' ' '.`in°,.i�t`` • '1.' <br /> y�� � . -'' � ''��'.�}.. --. <br /> •;�' . - .• � . . ' _ - . . <br /> � . .� ' . ' ' . ...�� . . r.. <br /> ;,, <br /> ,..fiM3HM•�. ., �.., .. ,....,^..+svrv.+,c..,ti.t.vr+r._ . . . ,� :�4*+✓M�k�u�TJ� • `-- <br /> . . _ . ...____.. . . .. . . .... , . ._'_ , . . . ...., . _ <br /> • .f-'n - :r.:1����i1++;1�^_:.. - .._.._._.. ' . . . � . _... .... . .... . .. .. .. .. .. ...... ..,/.y�p�g_� _. <br /> ... _ ,_. � ..._,_._. .._..""'....... . . .... . • ■ii.s .!Y,.i,`' <br /> .rW�Fi4..:.-.. <br /> • • �� �VV��� f`' . <br /> � 18.Mlacottanaouo Provl�lon� <br /> . (n)Bonower Nof R�1��i1d.E�rtenalon of tho tlme for paymont or modiilcotlon of tha eums eocurod by thin Dead of Truet prented <br /> by Londer to any aucceaoor in Intoreat of Borrowar ehall not operuto to releesa,In ony mannar,the Ilebliity of the orlpinnl 8orrower <br /> and Borrovlcr'�sur.ccsror�in Interc�t.LenAer ehall not be requlrad to cammence proceedlnpa againet auch succea�ar or refuae to � - <br /> _ e�ctend tlme for paymant or otherwlso modi}y amortlxetlon af the aum�eecured by thla Deed of 7ruat by roeson of any demende <br /> mede by the orlginal Borrawet end Borrower's�ucceasore In intereet. � <br /> • ib)Mnda'�Fbwei.Without affectlnp the Ilahllity of eny other pereon Iiabte:ur the payrnent of eny obllpatlon herol�i mentlaned, <br /> . and without�iftoctinp the Ilnn or chnrpn o}thle Deed of Truet upon eny portlon o}th� Praperty not then or thereto}ore releneed ee <br /> eecurity for the full�mount of ell unp�ld obllp�tlom,lender m�y, trom tlme to tfine and without notice 111 rel���e my penon �o <br /> Neble,1111 extend the meturlty or oiter�ny of the terme of eny euch obllpotlonn,IIIII prant other Indulgenca�,lfvl relene or reconvey, • <br /> ' . or cau�e to be relea�ad or reconvayod at eny tlmo et Lender's optlon any percel,portlore or eil o}the Property, (v)take or ratea�e eny <br /> �,;,;_�i other additlonal security }or eny obllpatlon hereln mantianed,o► (vU meke compositlont or other erranpement� with debtore In <br /> � �,.� retetlan thereto. <br /> �� (o)Forb��ranca by L�nd�r Wnt�WMvn. Any forbeerence by Lender In exercloing any rlght or romedy hereunder,or otherwlte <br /> elfotded by eppllceble lew, ehail not be n walver o}or proclude the axercl�e of eny euch rlght or r�medy.The prqcurement of �•���" <br /> ; Inaurence or the payment of texee or other Ilnne or cherpea hy Lender ehell not be e welver of Lender'e rlght to accelerete the ' •''r� <br /> meturity of the IndebroCneas sacurad by thia Dued of Trust. �`,�'�����:� <br /> (d)6ucc�ifor� �nd As�lyns Bound;J�Int and BwaN U�4IHty: C�ptlon�.The covenente and epreamente heratn conteined ahail ,?;,`a=.�,- <br /> bind, end the rlphta hereunder thell Inure to, the roepective aucceeaoro end eaelpns of Lender end Truetar. All covenante end "��-;;,,,- <br /> agreemente of Trustor eheil be Jolnt end saverel. The ceptlone end headtnpa of the perapropha ot thle Dend of Tru9t ero fot - <br /> ,t. convenlence only and ere not to be used to interprot or define the provlslona hereof. — -- <br /> ;. (e)R�qu�K for Nodc��.The pertiea hereby requeat that e copy o}eny notice of deteult here�nder and s copy of any notice of <br /> sele herounder lie mt+lled to aach perty to thla Ueed ot Trus4 at the addrnso set forth a�ove In the rnonner prescribad 6y applicable --_- <br /> " � law.Except for eny other notice rnqutred undar applicable lew to be given in enother manner, eny notice provided for in thia Deed of ���` <br /> �, Trust ehall be given by meiling euch notice by certified meil addroa:ed to the other pertler�,at the sddrosa sat forth above. Any fy_ <br /> notice provided for In thia need of Truat shall be effective upon maiiinp in the menner doalpnated hereln. I}TruMOr ta more than one <br /> person,notice sent ta the addresa set fonh nUove aheil be notice to all such peraona. �-�'�T��� <br /> � (f)Insp�ction. Lender mey meke or cauae to be maae reaaonable entrlea upon and Inapectiona of the Property,provlded that <br /> ,� Lender sheil g(ve Truator notice prior to any such inspectlon spec(fying reasonebla cause iharefor releted to Lender's intorest In the �rc- <br /> Property. <br /> _ (g)R�conwy�nc�. Upon payment of ali eume sacurod by this Deed oi Truet, Lender shail requeat Truatea to roconvey the =___ <br /> Roperty end shall surtender thla Qeed of Truat and ell notos evidencing indebtadness eec�red by thts Deed of Truat to Truetee. e_-- <br /> � Tntatee ehall reconvey the Property without warrenty end without cherpe to tha person or�ersona Iepaliy entitled thereto.Truutor � _ <br /> . � shell pay eil costs of re�ordatlan,If any. —• <br /> • . (h)Peson�Propxty;S�curity AyrNm�nt.Ae eddkion�i sacuriry for the payment of tha Note,7rusto►hereby grants Lender under <br /> •: the Nebraaka Uniform Commerciel Code e aecurity Interesl in all fixturos,equlpment,end other peraonel property used in connectlon If'- <br /> . • wfth the real estate or fmprovemente located thereon,and not otherwtse declarea or deemed to be e peR ot the reat estate eacureq <br /> hereby.Thie Inatrument sheil be conatrued as e Secudty Agroement under eaid Cade, end the Lender shall have ell the righU end — <br /> � , remedlea of e secured perty under eaid Code In eddittan ta the righte end remediea creatad under and accorded the Lender pureuent <br /> to thfa Deed o4 Truat;provided thet Lsnder's rlghte end remediea under thia paregraph shell be cumulative with, end in no way a <br /> Iimitetion on,Lendore dghte�nd remedles undor any other aecudry agreement signed by Borrower ar Trustor. - <br />-��•`�,'' _� � " (p U�ns �nd Encumbnnce�. Truetar haroby werronta and representa thot there le no default under the provlsian:� of eny ����- — <br /> r' <br />.�°•. mnrtgage, deed ot trust, teasa ar purchase contract doscribing all or eny part of the Property, or other cflntraat, (nstrument or <br /> t:�,x�: � epreement constttutinp a Ilon or encumbrance epainet eli or eny pnrt of the Property (collective, °Liens"),exiating ea of the date of <br /> 3.�._y}, ,'�. thle Oeed of Trust, end that eny end ell extetinp Llene remain unmodlfied except sa discloaad to Lender in i'ruatar's writtan <br /> ditctoaure of Ilens end encumbrenco� provtded for herein. Truator shell timely perform all of Truatvr'e obl(gationa, covenante, <br />_��vJ�, ;• repreaentetione end werrontiea under eny and ell existing and future Uene,ehell promptlyforward to Lender coplos ot elI notice�of �- <br /> s�`��� '"�' dofauft sent In connoctfon with eny end ell exieting or tuture llena, end shell not without Lender'e priur written consent In any — <br /> -��"''� . manner modify the provieione of or ellow any futuro advancea under eny exiattng or tuturo Llena. <br /> -;;�s;:"� U1 APPMwNon oi P�yme►t�. Unless otherwi:e roqulred by lew, sums pald to Lender herounder, including wlihout Itmk�tion — <br /> —-----.f,,.. <br />�_ - paymonte o}princtpal end Intereat,insurance proceede,condemnation proceede end rente end profite,shep 6e applied by Lender ta <br /> .�L_,. . <br /> *��i°��'�'�'•9� the emounte due and owlnp from Truator end borrower In Euch eMot ea I.endor In ke so:e diacrotlon deoms dentrehle, � <br /> ---_�.':::.,...: •--_. _ _ <br /> _�,m,,-,�„�,� (K► 8w�r�bWty. It eny proviaivn of thta Deed of Trust conflicte wlth epplicabte law or le declerod invalid or otherwiae _ <br />�_ - unenforcea6te,Ruah confli�t or invalidity ehell nat after.t tho other provlalone of thls Deed of Truat or the Note which can be given <br /> ��`�"�� eNeat wkhout the wnfllctinp provislon, and to thia end the provlafone of thie Deod ot Truat end the Note ere daelared to be <br />-���.�,� eevero6lo. <br /> -���'-`':_-° (t)Term�.The terma"Tmstor'end"Borrowor'shell tnclude both einguler end plurei,end when tho Truator end Borrower ero tho <br /> � '�'�Y-� name pereon(eb thoae terme ee uaed in thla Deed of Truat shell be 1�4erchenpeable. <br /> � <br />�'�' .� (m)QovenMp L.�w.Thia Deed of Truat shelt be goverr+ed by the lawe of the State of Nebreska. <br />- _Kr,��h <br />�-�~�=� Trustor haa executed thla boed of Truat ns of tho date writton a6ove. — <br /> ,��'x'� � �. <br /> �i..!.:.c:.. V�./ / il.. �'s- <br />_'_ • MI L W. REA�� Truator Trustor <.,n- <br /> `_ � .�'� � <br /> J� DICICI L. RBA — ���a� <br /> , Truetor Trustor - <br /> - • .c--�=---- <br />- , . Truator Truetor • — <br /> , ,,�;yT-,- <br /> .,,:;_= <br /> . . �-.r .s'�:.._._�:. <br /> •�:`..,i. <br /> ��` ,. <br />_ .=-.-...-___- -- -;'t,,,`_. <br /> ` , . <br /> i �; <br /> '�1�' <br />� , . <n° <br /> � NBC 3467C ENonagNculturel Doedl Rev.8/96 � , <br /> 1888 Net�onal Bank of Commerce Truat end Savinps Asaoclatlon,Llncoln,Nebreake <br />