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� �ri�:` . ' ,.i,t;:. ' . <br /> � <br /> ��_-�m..t�..,,.. . . ' .. .... ...:.i• ... . . . .. _ _ . .�.... . <br /> .... .. .« " _ ' "___....... '. ."" • ._....._...._.._._____..._—/"_'_'.._.. __ . _...".r_.'..._...._�_. .. ... . . . . . . . ... .....�... ... <br /> ^�mrr-- <br /> .. . �.v �I, I, , ' :1 � .. <br /> � \ 1 tl � <br /> (`� �\� � 'II <br /> V YV � << � '� �' . <br /> c,;���. nT � � '' ' � <br /> �4 ��� � �~ <br /> �� • � n �n S <br /> � (1 a cn � 1 � (._' n �Q. <br /> � � \ � � � � d � m � w - <br /> �� ., � -< c� - <br /> �. � � � � <br /> . �� � c� r a "^ � � . <br /> o � � y m Q �' -, <br /> � � ' � w � <br /> ' c� C•_�(`,_ o � � r- � cs <br /> ' . `�� ! � � � r � ~ � <br /> . � N ,` � yv � • <br /> � Q <br /> �"��;�';:_��,�� DEED b� TRUST 1NITH FUTURE Am4�Q��ICE � �' � <br /> � � THIS DEED OF 7RUST, is made es of the 13th day of December ,�g 96 ,by end emong � <br /> .� tha Trumor, MICHAEL iV. REA end DICKI L. RCA, HLJBBAND AND WIBE �� <br /> ., \.;, <br /> . �� who�e melllnp addroes I� 934 8A6T 8UN8ET aRAND IBI.AtJD Nk� 6890�ereln"Truato►,"whether one or morel, <br /> t � the Tru�t�e, gAI�11f OP DONIPHAN <br /> � whoee m�lllnp eddroes I� F'.0. HOX 270 DONIPHAN, IJE 68(�3a lhereln"Truatee'1,end <br /> � the Beneflclery, �ANIC OF DONIPHAN <br /> `s who�e mNiing�ddross li �O SUX B DONIPHAN, NE 68832 (hereln"Lender"1. <br /> � � FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATlON,Inciudlnp Londer'e extenalon of cradit ldentitled heretn to MICIiAF,L W. REA <br /> • + <br />. '�, DICKI L. REA <br /> ' (heroin'Borrower",whether one or more)and the truet herein created,the <br /> rt�ce(pt of which Is hereby ecknowledged,Trustor hereby irrevocebly grente,tranafe�s,conveya and asalgne to Trustee,IN TRUST,WITH <br /> • PoWER OF SALE,for the benoHt end security of Lender,undor and subJeet to the terms and condttlona herelnafter oet forth, the real <br /> :;;:��;, praperty,described as 1olows: <br /> � LOT 12, BLOCK 1, PLEASANT VIBW 7TH SUBnIVISIQN, ORAND I8L�1ND <br />�=.r�.��:: �iALL COUNTY, NEBRABKA. <br />'�;;::.�>...•.- . - <br />:�'r'•.�� _ <br /> ;�,. <br /> • PROPBRTY ADDRE33: 934 �SAST 3UNSET ORAND ISLEIND, NE 68801- <br /> 3��:...-.....-•i?„ . <br /> � Togother with ell bWdinga,improvemente,fixtures, etreete, alleye, pessegowaye,aesements,rl8hto,privllegea end eppurtenenaes <br /> s����- . • located thoraon oT(n enywise perteining thereto,end the rente,Issues end profits,reveralons end romainders thereof,end euch peraonel <br />:�::�'}"��;' �• property thet ia ettachedto the improvementa eo as to conatituta e fixturo,Inctudlny,but not Ifmited to,heatinp end coolinp equfpment; <br />�'`�^�'`� . end topather with the iwmostoad or madtel Intereats, If eny,whlch interesta ere hereby releaaed and watvad; ell of which, Includinp <br />�I`�"=-�-� replscement�and additione:hereto,fa heroby declarod to be e parc of tha rool �satste eecured by tha�len ef thia Dne�i of Trust aod Ni of <br />''�`��w°'�'i�'� the rorepoing being reierted so harein es the"Property'. <br /> ��i:� <br />-.ii�,o:.�i+, <br />_c4. -�-; Thls Deed of Trost aheli secure ta)tAe payment of the princlpal eum and interest evidenced by a promiasory note or credit <br />_��_�<:''�,�„A:,, <br /> �_:,�.:.,•�.� egteement dnted December 13, 199G ,heving a maEudty deto ot December 20, �000 , <br />`""r""��' �� 14,076.00 <br /> tn the originel princlpaf mount of 0 , ond eny end ell moditiaations,eMensiona end renaw�l� <br />��-+.°;,,.,.. � thereof or tharato and any and all future edvences end roadvancea to Borrowor lor any of tham If moro thnn one)herounder pursu�nt to <br /> s+.+����, one or more promissory notos or credlt egreemente(horeln celled"Note"1;16►the payment ot other sums edvanced by Lendar to proteat <br /> 3«. <br />:,����' the oecurity of the Nota;Ic) the performance of eli covenents end egreements of Truetor set forth herein;end(d)ell preaent end future <br /> indebtedneaa end obliga;bns ol Barrower(or eny of them If more than one) to Lendar whether dlrect,Indirect, ebaolute or contlnpnnt <br />�',�°���,,, ; and whether arlefng by nore, pueranty,overdreh or otherwiae.The Note,thle Deed of Truat end eny end all other document�that eacure <br /> - a' the Note or otherwlse extcuted in connectlon therewith,Includinp without Iimftetion guaranteea,security epreements end esalpnmento <br />- ����t:�; ' ot leases and rente,ehall be referred to heroin ee the'Leen Instrumenta". <br />�• ' :" Truetar covenents end agroes wtth Lender es followa: <br />���•��"'.. � 9.Paym�nt of Ind�Etednso�. All Indebtedneaa nccured hereby sheil be pafd when due. <br />''� 2.Titl�.Trustor is �he owner ot the Propeny,hes the right end eutPsority to convoy thd Property,end werrenta thnt the Ilen created <br /> h6reby Is e first end priorllen on the Proporty,excopt for ilena end encumbreneee set fonh by Truator In writing snd delivered to Lender <br />= betoro exacution of tt�ie Oeed of Trust, and the execution and delivery o1 thla Deed of truat do:s not vlolate eny contrect or other -. <br /> � oblipatlon to whiCh Truata is subject. - <br />- � �� 3.Tuca,Ata»rn�nu.To pay before delinquency ail taxea,speclal assessmente end oit other charpes agelnat the Property now or = <br /> • ' hereafter Ievled. <br />- �; 4. In�unr�c�.To fceep the Property Insured egelnst demage by fire,hezerde, inctudad withln the term "extended coverage",and <br />_ � nuch other hezards ee l.ender mey requlre,ln emounte nnd with companlea occeptsble to Lender,neming Lender as en edditionel nemed <br /> �,��" innured,with tosa peyabkto the Lender.In case of loaa under euch poltctes,the Lendor Is authori:ad to edJuet,collect end compromlae, <br /> _��_�_�_.�_ <br /> -;�.�- a��...o��..�...a a::��uci'ai�u oire°u n6vd ii�o opiivn oi appiying aii vr pari oi ino i�sumnc4 procooda iq io eny indaoiodnaas sacurao�ereoy <br />� �" ' end tn euch order os Lmndor mey determino, (IA to the Truotor to be used tor the repatr or restoratlon of the Property or(1111 for Any other <br />_ , purpoae or obJoct autlsfactory to Londor wlt�out affacting tho Ilen of thls Dond of Truat for tha full omount aecurad heroby bofore such = <br /> : payment ever took place.Any appllcetton of procoede to Indebtedneas sholl not oxtend or postpone tho due doto ot eny poymente undcr - <br />- ' the Note,or curo any do(ault thereunder or hereundor. <br /> - „ 6.Escrow.Upon wtlttt�n demand by Londer,Trustor shall pay to L�nder, !n such manner ea Lender mny deslgnate,sufilctent aum� - <br /> to enabla Lendor to pey ee thoy bocomo duo ono or more of tho follov��ing: (i)eIl taxes, aseesemente und other chargea egainat tho <br /> ` . Property,(iq tho promfums on tho proporty Inaurence roqulrad hereundor,end (ili)tAo premlums on any mortgage Insurance requlrad by - <br /> Lender. _• <br /> _- 8. MalnUnanct R�pelra ond Compllenc�wkh Lsws.Truetor shall kaop the Paoperty in good conditfon and ropnlr;ahatl promptty � <br /> repalr,ur reptaco any irnprovamont which may be damaged or doatroyed;ehall not commit or permit ony waste or dotorloretlon ot tho <br />= Property;shell not ren�ave,domolish or aubstantlalty niter any of the Improvemonts on tho Proporty;ehetl not commit,suffer or permlt - <br /> ` any ect to bo dono In ar upon tho Proporty In vlolatlon oi eny law,ordinanco,or ragulntlon;and ahall pay and promptly dfscherge at - <br /> � Trustor's coat end expon�e oll uons,oncumbrancos and chargea Iovtod,fmposod ar asseesad egalnet the Property or eny part thereo}. <br /> NBC94ti7A(NOnaprlc�tturel OeMI Rov.OIBG <br /> � 1886 NeUon�i o�nk o�Cormvice Tmtt enC 6ownp�nenocieion,uncoin.N�braaka <br /> .. .. __.... . _ .— - --._ __.... .. ._._..----- <br /> ., .. .. ,� ---w—___._._Z..------------ --°-- <br />