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<br /> applicable law may cpeeify for teinruuement)beforc sale of the Propert�pursuent to pny power oP sale contoinod in thir
<br /> - � Socurity Inabument;or(b)entry of o judgment enforcing this Security InRtrumenl. Tho�c conditions are that Borrower: (a)
<br /> ;,, p4ys Lcnder all cums which then would be due under this Secu�lty Inatrument and the Nwe a� if nu acceleradon hod
<br /> ' accurned:(b)cures any deiault oP uny other covenants or agrcementy;(c)puya uU expenxes incurred In enforcing this Secudty
<br /> initrument, including.but not Umited to,reasonebla attomeys'feea; and (d) wkea Ruch action ns Lender muy rcaconably
<br /> �,' "' " require to asqure thut the lien of�his Sccuriry Instrument,Lender'x dghts in the Pmpeny und Borrowcrl�obligotion to pay 1he
<br /> : .:
<br /> _-- - - -
<br /> __ sums secut�ed by thia Secudty Insaument rhall continue unchangcJ. Upon reinstutement by Borrower, th s eru ly �_
<br /> � �, Instrument and the obligutions secured he►cby shall rcmain fully cffective ua if no accelemtion had occurred. However.this
<br /> right to�+einstute shall nat a y i�tMe ase of accelerntion under pumgroph 17.
<br /> - � 19. 3wle ot Note;� �e��eOt The Note or a paAial interest in thc Note(together with this Secudty
<br /> ,�,r„��,..;r�:.;, Insqument)may 6e so1�o q��� lthobt prior notice to BoROwer. A snle muy resuN In A change In the enlity
<br /> � ' '" (know�as the"Loan Servicqc")•tbalC011actd a�onthly p�+yments due unJer the I�Iot�and this Security[nswment. There also _
<br /> ,-,,..:�_r-=�,= may be one or mae changee ofthe Loatf Servicer unr�elated ta a sulc uf the Note. If there is a change oi thc Loan Scrvicer,
<br /> .��:�.L�p>�'cF� Borrower wfll be glven written notice of the chwnge in accordnnce with puragraph 14 ubove and applicable luw. Tho nudce ---
<br /> --,__.�;.�. will state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer und the address to which payments should be mode. The nodce wfll
<br /> _ -:��._,, ���� also contain any other inforn�etian required by npplicabla law.
<br /> �����Y.�=-+_�� 20. Ht�zwrdous 3ub�tanceu. Borrower shali nat cause or pertnit the presence.use,disposal.alorage.or releu.ge of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in Ihe Pmperty. Borrower shall not do,nor allow nnyone else to do, nnything affecting ihe
<br /> ��,�;��,; Property that ts in vlolation of any Enviranmental Law. The preceding two sentencea si�all not apply to the presence,ur,e,or
<br /> - - �, �.::�`-:�' storage on the Property of small quanU�ies of Hazardous Su6stances that are generally recognjzed to be appropriate to normal
<br /> "'°���'�Y�'_�'' nwidentisl uses nnd to maimenance of the Properry. �_
<br /> ---�`��`��'w^,;�' Borrower shall promptly give Lender wdtten natice of any imestigation,claim.demand.lawsuit orother aclion by uny =
<br /> � ���`"� � �`� governmental or regulutory agency or private pany involving the Property and any Huzardous Subslr+nce or Enviranmental
<br /> �,�,� °Fti�.�'`_;:�.ti..:;�
<br /> �.__ Law of which Borrower has actual knowledqe. If Borrower leams,or is nai�ed by uny governmental or regulatory
<br /> -T.��,� authodty,that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Subswnce affecting the 1'ropeny is necessary, Horrower �;;,
<br /> � "" '�� V shall promptly take all necessary remediul actions in accordance with Environmenlal Law. �"
<br /> t? T As used in this pnragraph 10. "Hezardous Substances"are those substances defined as tuxic or hazardous substances by �__
<br /> -.—.�.�,S�.l..a�.�....�:.q:�..;'�
<br /> a.�i %:, :4 '��
<br /> Environmental Law end the foliowing �ubstances: gasoline. kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic �=
<br /> _ ,.;S;o.,.. , pesticides and herbicides, volatik: solvents. mAterials containing nsbes�os or formaldehyde, and radioactive materials. As �•�.
<br /> -"� ' '' • �; used in this paragraph 20."Environmental Law"means federal laws und laws of the judsdiction where the Property is located
<br /> ..: �..,
<br /> -=.,`_ ' " A "'r�'.,��• lhat relate to heulth,safety orenvircximenlnl protection.
<br /> •` � �" ��"•�.�•«�' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant sind agree as folbws; �L.
<br /> -�'!� .'Q�i�; :.::'` �� Z l. A c c e l e r A t i a n; R e n e d(�. L e n d e r s h e l l g i v e n o t i c e t o Borrower prior to accelerption fdlowing Borrower's --
<br /> -' �' in.r�i�of�ny toienAni aragrcc�cai ia tltt�Secssrlty laslramtn!(but not pr#or to ecceleratton uader paragraph 17
<br /> --_-:-=:— -
<br /> ..�. �i,;-- -�-.:
<br /> . r,.. ,
<br /> , uniess applica�ble law provides otfierwise). The notice ahall specii'y: (a)the default;(b1 the Action required to cure the
<br /> F�:�•�.
<br /> � � defeulh(c)w dAte,not lesv thon 30 dAys i'rom the date the notice is given to Borrower,by which the defaalt must be
<br /> ' cured;and(d)that fAilure to cure the default on or before the date specifled in the notice mwy result in acceleration of =_-
<br /> • �� � .:"..< the sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall furlher Inform Borrower uf —�
<br /> ��• `�'� � the right to reinstate af�terwcceleration and the right to brfng a courl action to assert the aon�exislence of a deiault or N-
<br /> - _;'�• • ., any other defense of Borrower to acceleration und sale. If the dePault i�not cured on or beiore Ihe date specified in Y
<br /> � , ti;,�� �• the notice,l,ender at its option may require immediate paymenl in iull oP all sums secured by this Security Insirument �
<br /> - � - • � � without further demand und may iuvukr the power oP sale and any othcr remedies perrnitted by appltcable law. ��,•
<br /> --�� �.+ Lender shall be entilled lo collect all expenses fncurred in pursuin�the remedles provided in this parAgraph 21, _
<br />"�� '`'`�'.``�• •."��'�"` ' including,but not limited to. reasonable attorneys'fees and cosls of title evidence. —
<br /> a__.>. , .
<br /> - � If the power oP gale b invoked.'I�uslee shall record a notice of dePault in each county in w61rb any part of Ihe ___
<br /> -y:, - ���� � Property is Iceated and shall mail copies of such noNce in the manner prescribed by upplkable law to Borrower and to �
<br /> the other persons prescribed by applicpble law After the time required by applicable lew.'I�uslee shs�ll give public _
<br /> �'!,,;; � notice of sale to the persore and in the munner prescribed by applicable law 'IYustee.without demand on Borrower. �
<br /> '`' � " ' shall sell the Property at pebNc auction to the highest bidder a1 the time and place and under the terms designated in �F
<br /> �" • � a the notice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order 7lrustee determines. 'll�ustee may postpone snle oP all or pny '
<br /> �?� •�``'' � a�c e l o f t h e P r o e r t b u b l i c a n n u u n c e m e n t A t t h e l i m e a n d p l a c e o f e n y p r e v i o u s l y s cheduled w�le. l.ender or its �:�
<br /> �.�-. . „.. � i� p p 9 Y p ---
<br /> . desienee may purchase the Property at eny sale.
<br /> • _. , h�" Upon receipt of payrt�nt of the price bid,'ll�ustee shall deliver to the purchaser 'I�uRlee's deed conveying the
<br /> Property. The recitals in the'IFustee's deed shall be prima facte evidence of the trulh uf Ihe slatements m�de iherein. �
<br /> � � " ' 7lrustee s6oll apply the praceeds of the sale in the Pollowing order: la)to all cosls and expens�es of exercLsinQ the power �
<br /> ":+e� r"�',. ,
<br /> . �
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