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<br /> -- I condemnutian or ather wlcing of any puA of tice Property,or for conveyancc In Iku of condemnation.�t�e hereby as�i�ned wul
<br /> eholl be pnid la Lende�.
<br /> .'��i�qX In the event of a total tuking of the PrapeAy, the praceeds xhall be ppplied to the KumA �+ccured by �hix Secu�iry
<br /> Instrumcnt.whcther ur nut Ihen duc,with any excesx paid�o Borrawer. In the event of u pnniul tnking of�ha Property in
<br /> _. ' which Ihe fuir murket valuc of the Praperty immediatcly beforc thc tuking is equal to or grearer than the amaunt of the suma
<br /> " ,:��e . secured by Ihis Secu�ily I�slnnment immcdiutely before Ihe tuking, unless Borrower und Lender otherwise agree in writing,
<br /> the .ruma xecuned by Ihix Secudty Instrument xhall be reduced by the umount of the praceedx mulliplied by the followfng �
<br /> � fraction: (n)the tatal amount of the sume secured immedfutely befare the taking,divided by(b)�he fair morket value of the
<br /> � , Property immediutely befare the tuking. Any balance shall be paid to Ho�rawer. 1� �he event of A pnrtial taking of the
<br /> �----�— Propeny in whicb the fair morket vnlue of the Praperty immedin�ely befae the taking ia less than the nmount of the sums
<br /> �;'�-:„��T��! r,ecured immedintcly befarc the tuking, unlesx Borrower end Lendcr othcrvvisc agree in wr�ting or unless applicable law
<br /> _-��:.-,_„�::_:�•--,�"���; otherwi�se providex,the p�aeeds shall be applied to�he sums secured by thi+Security Inauument whether or not Iha sums are
<br /> � then duc.
<br /> ,�„b;;�:'�t:` i� If Ihe Prapeny is ubondoned by Borrower,or if,afler notice by Lendcr to Borrower that the condemnor offcra to makc
<br /> �+��"=:.-'`_;- •� an award or settle u claim far dumages,Borrower foils to respond ro Lender within 30 duys after the date �he notice is given,
<br /> ��♦�-•,-b�R',- Lender is authorized to collcct and upply the procceds,ut its option,cither to restoration or repnir of the Property or ta ihe
<br /> �Y��c:, sums secured by ihis Security Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> ti1ti��
<br /> _ � ,��" , x;�;�, Unless Lendcr and Borrower otherwl�e ugree in writing,any npplicuilon of proceeda to principul shull not extend or
<br />��������� �� postpone the due dute af the monthly puyments referred lo in puragruphs 1 ond 2 or change Ihe c►mount of such nayments.
<br /> � ."���. 11. Borrawer Nut Relersed= Forbearance By I.ender Not a Wnive� Extensian of the timo for payment ar
<br /> - ��`�� modificution of umoRizntion of the aums secured by this Securiry Inaln�ment gmnted by Lender lo any succes�or in interest
<br /> 1 � 'r`� w���'����'' of Borrower shnll not aperute ta relentie the liabill�y of the originul Borrower or Borrower's successorc in interest. Lender
<br /> -,� :
<br /> �_
<br /> ��';��,��a, �" � ' ;'N� shall nat be required to commence praceedings ugainst uny succexsor in in[erest or rcfuse to extend time far payment or
<br /> - -�''"- �--_.___ � �thP►wi�mrxiify nmrxti�nti�n of the sums secumd hy this Security Inxlrument by reuson of uny demund made by the original ___
<br /> -'y,s;��-�� ,. , Borrower or Borrower's succexsors in interest. Any forbeurance by Lender in exercising any right or rernedy xhall not be a
<br /> —':''�''_�•^= ' •� waiver of or preclude thc exercisc of uny right or remedy.
<br /> "���'" ' . ''� 12. Successnrs and Asslgns Bound;Joint and Several LiabiUty;Casigners. The covennnts und a�reements of this =
<br /> _ = - � Sccurity Instniment shall bind und benefi�the succesr;on und ussign�of Lender and Sorrower,subject to the provisiom of
<br /> ''�� pnragrnph 17. Barrower�covenants und ugreements shall be joint and tieverul. Any Borrower who co-signs this Securiry �`
<br /> ;� ^ ' „ -.� I Instrument but doex nat execute ihe Note: (a)is ca-signin�this Security Instrument only to mortguge,grunt und co�vey thut --
<br /> _ ° �• ' °� `s'��' I Boirower's interest in Ihe F�uperty under the term�of this Securiry Intitrument; (b)is not personally obliguted to pay the sums
<br /> __. _ '; d :iecured by thix Securiry Inti�rumcnt;und(c)ugrees Ihut Lender nnd s�ny othcr Borrower muy ugree to extend,modify,forbear ����
<br /> ��:. or make uny uccnmmodationx with reg+ud to the termx of this Security Instrument or the Note without Ihut Borrower:� ��
<br /> .::.,���cx.,;._ .ti�.�y�' �
<br /> -— _--;w�`:-�°-5;;� coneent. __
<br /> ' . . 13. Loan Charges. If the lonn sccured by Ihis Security Ins�rumem is �ut�ject to u luw which se�s mnximum loun
<br /> _ charges,And�hnt luw is tinully interpreted so�hu[the interest or other loan chs�rgeti collected or to br:collected in connection
<br /> '� ; with the lonn exceed the permitted limits,tben: (u)uny such loan churge shall be reduced by the umount necessnry ro reducc
<br /> "��: •r '�, the charge to Ihe permitted limil;und(b)uny tiums ulreudy callected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be --
<br />� • refunded to Borrower. Lender muy choose to make�his rcfund by reduring lhc principul owed under the Note or by making u �r :
<br /> , �;�1; _ � •• dircct payment to Borrower. If u rcfund rcduccs principal, �he rcduc�ion will tm�reuted ati u purtiul prepuyment without uny
<br /> � • prepayment churge unJ�r the Nae. ���
<br /> -� - J`'�� 14. Notiees. Any notice lo Borrower provided kx� in this Sccurity Instn�ment shull be given by delivering it or by �-==
<br /> � ` ° mailing it by first clnss muil unless upplicublr luw rcquirc+u+c oF uno�her mcihai.Thc notice shAll be dirccted lo the Property
<br /> - � "��� `'• Addmss or uny Whcr uddress Borcowcr dcsiRnutes by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lrnder shull bc�iven by fint clatis ---
<br /> _ . _ mail lo Lenderk uddrexz stnled hercin or any rnhcr vddre+s LcnJcr JesiFnutey by nuticc to Borrower. Any notice provided for �;.F.
<br />�, ' °� •, in this Securily lnstrument shall Ix dcrmed to huvc heen �iven tu Borrower or Lender when given us pravided in this �_
<br /> � �:�::,., . , : ,... .. Psuagruph. -�-
<br />=:,.• IS. Governln� Law;Severability. This Security In,�rument shull he guvcmed by 1'cderul luw �►nd the luw of the --"
<br /> .or#4 : ry r, jurisdiction in which the Pr�cny is Icxutcd. In the cvcnt that uny provision�,r cl•ruse of thi.Securiry Inxtrurnent or the Note "F�
<br /> _ ;�T �, contlicts with upplicablc luw,wch rontlirl shull nut aftecl other provisions of thix Securily In+trunxm�ir thc Note which can —
<br />-_ . • ,. � ;,� , be�iven cfket withuul the conflicting provision. To �hiti end �he provisi��nx of thic Security Inx�rument und the Note ure —
<br />- ' ' • �� , decltved to be severuble.
<br /> . � ' ' ' 16. Borrower's Copy. Burrowcr shull Ne given oik c�mliimird copy of the NcHe und of�hi.Security Instrument. —
<br /> 17. 'IYansfer oP Ihe Properly ur a Beneficial Interest in Burruwer. I!'all or•rny part of thc Pro�xrty or uny interetit in �°
<br /> ' '' ' it is sold or trunsfcrrcd (or if u bcncticial intcrcst in Borruwcr i�sold or trurnfcrrcd und Borrower i,nut u nawral p�:non)
<br />�'Y, ��.,,�,.;.:• „ � i without Lender's prior wriuen consent.Lendrr n�a��.ut i�.uption,reyuirc immediute puyment in full of ull sumx secured by
<br /> this Security Inslrumenl. Howcvcr,this option xhull n�x Ix exerciuJ by Lcndcr il'excrcise is prohibiteJ by tcden►I luw us of �``
<br /> �T�
<br /> • the dute of this Security Inx�n�ment.
<br />- - m�rti , If Lrnder exrrcises thix uplion.Lcndcr ahull givr Burr��wrr nutice ul'�relcrutiun. 'I'hr noticc xhall pruvidc u pericxl of
<br /> , ,i�i.'+:;;`r � not Ics.lhun 30 Juys tiom the dutc thr notice i�dclivereJ�ir mailed within whirh Burrnwer muxt pay aU.um,,ccured by this
<br /> .-• ._'°"�`=""' -- . Sccurity lnstrun:�nt. (f� [3ana�t�r Cait, tu pay th.s� tiwn. pri��r h� 1h� .rpii-.�Goct o;' thi, periuJ. L�ndcr nia� inwl.c: any "
<br /> • r+emrdic+permittcd hy thiti Scrurity Ins�rumrnt withuut funhrr n��tirr ur dcn�nd on Borrow•rr.
<br /> ' � , IS. Borrower's Ri�ht to Reinstufe. If Bi�rrowcr nxr1. crr�ain cundiliuns, Burrowcr .hull huvc thc right to havc
<br /> ., . enforcement oP�his Sccurity Instrumrm di�runtinurd u�:oiy�imr priur tu tlx rarlicr ul': �a►S day, (ur wch othcr Ex:riad us
<br /> �
<br /> '�. . Sin�lr family--Fynnle lfueiF'rcddlc�fin•t'\IP'OR11 I�tiTNI'\1F.�'P•-t�nd��mi t'o�cnum. 9/91 �p,�.�,��1„I n�W.�,�..i
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