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<br /> ot r�ir,�ad tha a�le,lacludina t6e p�yraent ot the 7lrustee'a ka actually incurred,nd w excaed 3�� 9b o�
<br /> - the principal amount of Ilie aMe at the Nme ot the declocalbn of defAUlt,Aod reasonable wtterneya'�eFS as parmitted
<br /> - by law;(b)to All waw�ecured by thl�3ecuHty Imtr�menti�nd Ic)Any exces�w Ihe peraon or pen9ons kWily enlitled
<br /> - __ to it.
<br /> - 2J,. Reconveywnce. Upon payment of all aums secured by this Securlty InswmeM. l.ender xhall reques►7tustec to
<br /> - _ recanvey the Property and xhall Rurrender thie Securlty Inswment und all notes evidencing debt r.ecured by this Security
<br /> -�-__�"_�""'_ _"=� Inauument to 7Yuatee. 'Itustee shall recomey the i'roperly wlthout wu�runty wtd wllhout charge to the persoa or persans
<br /> � IegeUy entided to it. Such person or persons ahall pay any recordution casts.
<br /> ' �' ?3. Sn6atltote 7Fustee. Lender,at its option.muy from dme to time remove 7ivstee And appaint a successor truatee ta
<br /> - -- uny'Ii�ustee appointed hereunder by an inswment�ecarded in the county in which this Securiiy Instrument fx recorded.
<br /> __ __—_ Without conveyance of the Property.the successor uuatee ahell succecd co all 1he ti11e,puwer and duties conferred upon
<br /> 7tuatee herein and by appliceble Inw.
<br /> -- - --- 24. Request Por Notices. Horrower requests that coples of the notices of defuult and sak be aent to Borrower a address
<br /> ��°— -�:�c:� which is the Property Address.
<br /> - -- 2S. Riders to tbls Seeu�ity Inslrumen� If one or mare riders are eaecuted by BoROwer and recorded together with
<br /> __��� thia Secu�ity Inadument,the covenunts and agreements of each such rlder shall be Incorpornted into and shpll amend and
<br /> _.____.�__ supplement ihe covenants and egreement�of thla Secudty l�suument as if the ddarls)werc a part of this Security Inalrument.
<br /> [Chxk applicable box(esj]
<br /> -W�.�.� �Adjustable Rate Rider �Condominium Rider � I�l Family Rider
<br /> —''�`-•r�~�'~;�'�,,,'�'! ��radualed Payment Ridcr �Planned Unit Development Rider �Biweekly Pnyment Rider
<br /> ._.�s�i��,� L .
<br /> t 4 {.�':k'1.'�^.'�7.�.
<br /> ��t:t`�..na�
<br /> ,;�,�,...��,:�;�,. �Bnlloon Rider �Rate[mpmvement R i d cr �Secuu J Hume R i der -
<br /> - .e��.�_::''��,:,, . .
<br /> -'� - �� � . x❑p�}i��s�($p�ify] Acknowledgment/Ass ignment o f Ren ts R ider
<br /> c tu, �..o.: .•„'
<br /> _ v:`. �rs ���:
<br /> �' ' • '�•.�''..
<br /> _�r�v �'.,w r� .
<br /> � �;.tx,y;,,;,�;: BY SIGNING BELOW,Botrower accepts and agrees to the[erms and covenants contained in this Security Inauument
<br /> �'�°� ��'�''s""-� and in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded wi�h it.
<br /> .--"..� � y'-T .
<br /> _� .�i�Y�M':a5��7'����
<br /> ,, . e. Wimesses:
<br /> .,�.`�:,:.cu���
<br /> - -.--v:��-�
<br /> _:��.i�,y<�R,,� ,�; (Senl)
<br /> y��t � • Robert D Kutz •Bortower
<br /> � 3, Social Securlty Nurnber - �
<br /> _ . `�-�.�F_^:�:�,
<br /> ::t�
<br /> - -'�^.: - G �' - (Seaq
<br /> � ;,...;,.�: : .
<br /> marle m Kutz -�W«
<br />___ _:�,eT.Y_ti�LS � Socia!Security Number 505-'3R_aiRS
<br /> - .. �iafi�t . r'�'L t
<br />- "a.S�ru�.''�C"m..-
<br />- ��� STATE OF NEBRASKA, Hal l County ss:
<br /> __ ' ''y.r� 'y�'
<br />���: '""""`�� ' On this 16th duy of July, 1992 ,before me, the uixlersigned,a Notary Public
<br />-:;,� '�'�'�+-�" dulycommissionednndqualifiedforsaidcounty,personallycame Robert D Kutz and Mlarla I� Kutz,
<br /> "� "'w'`""`'" �` �: � husband and wife ,tome known ro be the
<br />•�� �•'�* identieal persons(s)whose name(s) are subscribed to the foregoing instniment and acknowledged the executfon thereof to
<br /> ' �f�'�`�;.,� be their vduntary act und deed.
<br /> _ ?'µ ' '`"' • �y.' Wimess my hAi�d s�nd notaribl scAl ut Grand Island, Nebres i a' county,the
<br />- i �.''Y.:�. �; dute aforesaid. / .
<br />= ' . ,..,. �. _ Y �. My Commissio xp �I�j000M01ir No wb�k
<br /> -�.r�r-�.:�. ,:.
<br /> � =�,,_�:.�;. ,.: wo..e..a '°'''
<br /> �_::,� � : r STFORRECONVEYANCE
<br /> - ��'`� �`� TO TRUS7'EE:
<br />-- ;�,.•'� The undersigned is the holder af the note or notcs secured by this Decd of 7ivs1, Said notc or notes,togclher with s+ll -
<br /> v� ��:;��•�•v�-•^ ott�er indebtedness secured by this Deed of 7tust,huve been paid in full. You uro hcreby directed to rancel said note or notes
<br />=�.•=;.,'' .�'�..�._�_�.;.._ . and this Deed uf'IYust,which are delivered hereby,unJ lo reconvey,without warramy, all the estute now held 6y yau under
<br /> - � ' � -�� � - this Deed of 7Yust to the person or persons legally entiUed thereto. �
<br /> _ . .� .. o._
<br /> ., .,.. • ' . Date: — :
<br /> ��,' Fbr e J0]B f190 fpu�n ajb pugesl '
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<br /> �. .
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