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<br /> perloda th�t L.ender�quirca. Tha insurance caaier providing the insurana Rlull be chosen by Bc�m►we�cubJect w Lender'r
<br /> -- „ approval which�hall not be unreagonubly wf�hheld. lf Borrowcr feils ta main�in coveroge deccrybed above,I..ende�may,At
<br /> �!. Lender's aption,obtain coverage to protect Lender'�righta in the PropeAy in accordance with parograph 7.
<br /> '•'' All insurnnce palicies end renewals shall be acceptable�o Lender und shull fnclude a s�endard martg,+ge cluuKC. Lender _
<br /> '` , shall have�he dght ta hold tho policies and renewnls. If Lender reyuirea,Borrower shc�ll pramply give to Lender all ieceipte
<br /> - of paid pnmiums and ncnewal notice�. In the event of loas,B�rmwcr Rhull givc prompt notice to thc insuranco c�urier and
<br /> ��-���--�LL--� l.ender. Lcndcr muy muke praof of loss if aot ntsidc prumptly by Borrower.
<br /> ��"� Unlesa Lender and Barrower othenyiao agra in w�lting,insurance praceede shall be applied to restoratian ar repair of �
<br /> '- the property damuged, if the reatarntion or repair ia ecanomicully kaxible and l.enderk securi�y Ix no� lecsened. !f the
<br /> restorat i on or�epair ia not economically feasible ar Lender�securiry would be Ie9xeneJ.the insurance proceedx shall be
<br /> _ applied to the sums secuned by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due,with any excess pAid to Borrower. If
<br /> -- Hortower ubandons the Property,or doea not nnswer wlthin 3Q dayx a notice from Lender �hat the insurnnce currier has
<br /> — '-- --�°-�•-_--s._�
<br /> offercd to settk a claim,then Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender muy use ihe proceedx to repnir or restorc
<br /> - _ the Propeny ar to pay suma cecured by this Sexu�ity Inatrument.whether or n�t lhen dua 7'hc 30•doy period will beg w en -�•-
<br /> — the notice is given.
<br /> = Unless Lender and Borrower otherwlse ngrce in writing,any applicntion of proceeds to principal shall no1 extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of tMe monthiy payments neferred to in paragrephs 1 and 2 or change the tunount of the paymenta. !f
<br /> under paragraph 2l the Propetty is acquircd by Lendar, Borrawer g right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting
<br /> from damage to the Property prior to tl►e acquisition shall pass to Lender to thc eztent of the aums xecur+ed by this Security
<br /> �.•�;- Incqvment immedintely prior to the acquisition.
<br /> ���-. 6, Accupancy, Preservvtion. Maintenpnce and ProtecUon oP the Property; Borrower's I.onn Applicwtbn=
<br /> r:.T::^
<br />,.- ' 8*.�;ti�_�:,: .:•.:-�.� LeASeholda Borrower shall occupy.es�ablish.and use the Property os Borrower s principul rc�fdCiwe witl�in sixty dayb after _�_-
<br /> n�:.,,�� �� •� �`' the executbn of this Securiry Instrument and ahall continue to occupy the 1'roperty as Borrower R principal residence for at —
<br /> �.
<br /> r�"�'�� �• leust one year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender othernise agrces in w�iling. which consent shall not be
<br /> -- �---,-_: �--�-=•-,- -
<br /> � unreasonnbly withheld.or unless ea[enuunng circumatonces exis�which urr beyunJ Bu.iuwr�s cunuol. Qorrower sbal not
<br /> ����x`,`� ��� destroy,damuge or impuir the Property,allow the Property to deteriorate.or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall -
<br /> � ''`'" �`���«• be in defuult if uny forfeiture action or proceeding,whether civil or criminul.is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment __
<br /> o :•�:; —•
<br /> ,��j�:� `.l,,� could t+esult in forfeiture of the Property or othenvise materially impair the lien cr�a�ed by this Security Instrument or
<br /> - ` "' Lender's securiry interest. Borrower may cure such n default and reins�ate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action
<br /> ad�p't�+fi ..r��.,, ��`
<br /> . • � or pracceding to be dismixsed wlth e ruling that,in Lender's good faith determinatian,precludes forfeiture of�he Borrower's
<br /> interest tn the Property or other materiat impairment af the lien created by this Security Inswmant or Lender's security �^�
<br /> � •'°-'� ::.1 „y;r�;�,;'°,� interest. Borrower shnll also be in default if Borrower, dur�ng tne loan applicution process. gave materiolly false or _
<br /> ��+� ;a inaccurate information or stetementx to Lender(or failed to providc Lender with any material information}in connecti�n with --_
<br /> - ;�'�`�'-"�"-'�""t`" ' thc laan cvidcnccd by the lVote. !ncludtng, M![ riot Iltl1ltPd f�,re�re�entations conceming Borrowerc occupancy of the �
<br /> _. `•r.vu.3�•::;����.:: -��.=�ss
<br /> .. . ., Property as a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a lessehold,8orrower shall comply with all the provisions �.
<br /> ., � of thc lease. If Borrower acquires fee tiUe to the Property,the leaschold and the fee�itle shall nd merge unless Lender agrees �.
<br /> �?'''^�=' �' a to thc merger in writing. _..
<br /> ° I..°� „' �'. 7. Protection ot l.ender's Rights in the Property. If Bortower fuils ta perforrn the covenunts and agreements �
<br /> '�r1�• contained in this Security Instrument,or there is a Iegnl pracecding that rnay signi�cantly affect L.ender's rights in the
<br /> ;,�: �: , .'A•• Property(such us a proceeding in bunkruptcy,probate.for condemnu�ion or fodeiture or to enfarce luws or regulations).then =
<br /> ;.,y ,• ��� L.ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lxnder�s rights in the Property. __
<br />_ . __ _ . .1.>___ .�. Lender's sctions msy include paying Any sums,ecnrr�i hy n licn which has priority over this Security Instrument,uppearing
<br /> �Y+ V. in court,paying rcnwnnble uttorneys'fecs and entcring on the Property �o make repnirs.Although Lender may tnke nction ��
<br /> t ' �=«�"'�" �' '�'`� under this purngrnph 7.Lender dces not huve to do so.
<br /> ��, Any amounts disbursed by Lender under 1hi+ paragrnph 7 shull become uddltionAl debt of Borrowcr secut+ed by this
<br /> � . �� .. , .` �� Security lnstrument. Unless Borrower und Lender ugree to other tcrrns of payment,�hexe arnounts shall bear interest from the ___
<br /> •',�: , . �.� ~�;;� date of disbursement ut the Note rute und shnll be payuble,with intere5t,upon natice frorn Lender to Borrower requcsting __
<br /> �.'� ,.,..o �. pnyment.
<br /> �..., ' .�;,� � ° 8. Mort�age Insurance. If Lender requined mortguge insurunce us A condi�ion of miilcing the loun securcd by this �:
<br /> � �.�:,
<br /> � � . � Securiry Instrument, Borrower shull pay the premiums required to maintoin ihe mohsage inwrance in effect. If,for any _ _
<br /> � . �`� reason, the martgage inaurunce coverngc reyuired by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shull pay ttte
<br /> ' • � :s �. premiums required to obtuin c�verage substuntiully eyuivulent u� the mortgage imurance previously in effect, ut n cast __.
<br />,. ° ,,,;;,y�.- . substt►ntially equivalent to the cosl to Borrowcr of the mortguge insurunce previously in effect, fram un nitemate mortguge _ .
<br /> ` : ��� a� insurer upproved by Lender. If substuntially equivulent monguge incuruncr caverage is not availAble,Borrower shull pay to �-
<br />�� Lender each month n sum equal to one-twelRh of the yearly monguge insurunce premium being paid by Borrower when the
<br /> �. .,:�.`° . insurance coverage Iapsed or ceused to be in effect. Lrnder will uccept,use und retain the+e paymentx as u loss rcserve in lieu
<br /> ' . �.� ,- of mortgage insu�ance. Lors reserve puymentx muy no longer be required. �1�he option of Lender, if mortgage insurunce _
<br /> .�' covernge(in the umount nnd for the period lhut Lcndcr reyuires)provided by un in,urer upproved by Lender ngain becomes
<br /> ;u�;��; �� avnilable und is obtained.Borrower shull pay the prcmiums rcyuircd to muintain m�irtgu�e in�urance in effect,or to provide u __:
<br /> , a. loss reserve,until the reyuirement for monguge inwr�nce ends in uccardancc with uny wriuen ugrcrment between Burrower
<br /> � ��_ _. : . undLenderorapplicubleluw. �J•,
<br /> ° 9. Inspection. Lcnder ur it.�gent muy mukc rcu,unabk cntrfc�upon und mz�clionti of thc Propeny. Lender shalt k=---
<br /> � • � � givc Borrowcr noticc at thc timc of or prior to un in+Fxrtiun specifying rru+�mablc c�m�r fnr�hc inspertion. ?'
<br /> ° � W. CondemnAtion. The prckecJ�of any awurJ ur claim fur J�uui�c�,Jirrrt��r consequentiul, in connection with any - �
<br /> �� . _ .
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