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<br /> � �pplicAble I�w mwy �pocify for rcinrtatemeM) beforc eak oi the Propeny pur�uant i'o any power oi�iwle c- an��ined in�hic
<br /> ! Socurity Instrumcnt;ur(b)enpy af e jud�mcttt cnforcing Ihia Sc�:urity Inshumcnt. 7'Fu�c cundilions are that Hortower: (a)
<br /> � I p�ys l.cn�er dl cum9 which ihen would be due under Ihir Secu�ity In�lniment wnd the Noto as if no occcicratlon had
<br /> :l;� � . accurred;(b)curcs any defwult of any wher covenarns ur�grcemen�s;(c)puya aU eapense�Incurred in enfiircing Ihix Secu�ity
<br /> lnstrument, including,but not limited to, reasonrble ultomeys'fees; and (d) takes such ac�iun ac Lender may rea�nobly
<br /> - requlro to assurc Ihai the lien of thls 3ecurfty Incwmem,Lcndcr K righ�x in�hc Pmpcny and Bmm�werk obligatian to pwy the
<br /> �` sums r,cc�rcd by thls Sccudty lnstrumcnt shall continue unchangcd. Upon rclnatmc mcnt by Hormwer, Ihiv Secnrlty
<br /> . . --- _ __ _
<br /> Inatrument and the obligAtions�ecured tuneby slul l rcmvin fully effective as if no acceler�Unn hwd occurred. Nowever.�his
<br /> d�ht to reinstute ehall not apply in tlte cASe of accelemlion under paragraph 17.
<br /> - 19. 3pk oi Note; ChAa�e ot I.oaa Skrvker. The Nde ar u purtiul interext in the Note(togcther with thix 5ecudty
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one or moro times wlUbut priur r.otice ta Borrower. A sale may re�ult in u change in the enilty
<br /> --- (luwwn as the"Loan Servlcer")that collata mauhly puymema due under the Noto and ihis Security Instrument. There alr,o
<br /> mAy be one or morc changea of the Loan Servica unreluted to u sule of the Note. If there is u chAnge of Ihe Loan Scrvicer,
<br />—�`� i Borrowcr will bc givcn writtcn noticc of thc chnngc in uccorduncc with pur�grnph 14 Abovc und Applicn6lc law. The naice -
<br /> will atale the name and address of the new Loen Servicer and�h�i+ddreas to which paymenta should be mude. The no�ice will
<br /> '"�"=="���� also contsin any other fnformAtian requlred by applivuble Isw.
<br /> �.��+�`�`;:�7' 20. Hau�rdoua 3ubstancea. Borrower ahnll nat causc o�permit the presence,usc, dMp�sul,swruge,or releasc of Any
<br /> Hazardous Subatances on or in tho Property. Borrawer shall not do.nor aliow anyone clse to do,unything affecUng the
<br /> ���,�;;�,� Property that is in vlolatian of any Bnvironmrntal Law. The preceding two sentences shall not upply lo�he presence,use,or =
<br /> ��,;�...� storage on the Property of small quiu►titios af Ha�ardous 3ubsu�nce:lUat are generally recognized to be uppropriate to normel
<br /> ��^�;�:.�;, residendal uscs and to maintenAnce of tl�e Properry.
<br /> �-- -,�-Y;�� � Borrower shall promptly give Le�der wrinen notice of any invegtigation.claim.demand, luwsuit or other actian by any �
<br /> � governmental or regulatory agency or pdvAte party invalving the Property ar�d uny HAZUrdous Subsance or Bnvironmentnl
<br /> �? �j'n �_'' :s�� Law of which Borrower has actual k�wwledge. If Barower learns,or is notified by nny govemmentul or regula�ory
<br /> ;,:..,,; �:,,-. , � uuthurity.Qiat+uiy remuval or other remediation of uny Haziudous Subsu►nce uffecting the!'roperty is necessary,Bcrcower �-
<br />.. _ �.• : ,;, ,.�..
<br /> __ ._.,,.::. .��� sheli prornpdy teke ull necessary nemedial acdons in uccordance with EnvironmentAl L.aw.
<br /> — � " �,w� As used in this paragreph 20,"Hnzurdous Subs�unces"are�hose subswnces deilned as toxic or hazurdous sub.r•tanees by
<br /> u
<br /> �� > Environmental [aw and ihe following substances: gatioline,kerosene,other flwnmable ar toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> _°'.�d.�.r i � pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents.materials contnining asbes�os or formaldehyde,and radiouctive materluls. As
<br /> '�'��}•�'�µ��'��� used in this parsigraph 20,"Environmental Law"m�ans federnl laws und lawa of the Ju�isdiNion where the Property is located
<br />-�+ �'� `:�.�;t.::r.:::��y that�elate ta heal�h.safety or envlronmental protation.
<br /> e
<br /> _�� :.`�,i�:t;� ' �'•6'�,` "` NON-UNIFURM COVENANTS. Borrower s�nd Lender funher covenant and ugree a4 follows:
<br /> .e��••��+�b� 21. Accelerallon; Remedles. Lender slwll give aotice to Rorrower prlor to AccelerAUon following Borrower'a
<br /> .�'.:1r���'�`� breacb of aay covenont or agreement la this Securitv Instrument lbut not prior to acceleration under paraRraph 17
<br /> _--- --- .-.=..�
<br /> ._ � �' uoless applicable law provldes otherwise). The nodce shall spectfy: (a)the defaulh,(bl the Action required to cure fhe
<br /> ' ' . detault;(c)a dAte,not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower,by which the default must be
<br /> ` cured;nnd(d1 that Pwilure to cure the default en ur before the date apecified in lhe notke m++y result in acceleration of
<br /> . �h , .' . . .P+:,r.
<br /> -�.,� tae sums secnred by this Security Inslrurnent ond sale oP lhe Property. The notice sholl fuMher inform Borrower oF
<br /> - , the rigbt to reinstate at�er acceleration And the right to bring a court action to assert Ihe non-exiatence oP A defaull or
<br /> -� any other defense of Borrower to acceleration nnd sale. IP the default is not cured on ur before the date specfiied in
<br /> ��� , '�� •' the notice,Lender at its option may require immediate payment in full of all sums�ecured by this Security Iostrurnent
<br /> "�_ •`'>- : ,,tf�,ri:�. without further demand and may invoke the pnwer of sale and any other remedies permftted by applica6le law. -
<br /> — , ;�.• Lender shall be enlitled to collect all expenses incurred In pursuing the remedle4 provided in fhis parAg�Aph 21. '
<br /> - including,but nM Umlted to�reasonable attoraeys'fecw and cost9 of title evidence. -
<br /> ;' " If lhe power of sale is invoked.7Yu!�tee shall record a notice of dePaull in each county in which any part of the
<br /> � �' Property is lacated and shAll mafl copies ut such notice in the manner pre�cribed by applkable IAw to Borrower und to
<br />-=� +'''�8�"" . the other persons prescrfbed by applicabk law. APter Ihe time required by�pplkable law,7lrustee shall give puMic
<br />-��'� '`' notice of sale to the pet�sons and in the manner prescribed by applicable luw. 71�u�lee,without demand on Borrower.
<br /> �"'-�• •+ ' ' ahall sell the PropeMy at public auctioe to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designvted in
<br /> z�,.� ;;:;p; ' ^ ;.;� the notke of sale(n one or more parceb and in any order'1}ustee determines. Trustee may postpone sale of all or any �
<br /> x `""�' � arcel oP the Pro rt b ublic announcement s�t the time�nd lace oP an reviousl,v scheduled!wle. Lender or its
<br />__� .; 3�=Fo:.. P Pe 9 Y p P J p
<br /> - • �,��r�,�;i,,,�;,:;,.,'�,� designee may purchase the Property al any cak.
<br /> • Upon receipt of payment of the prlce bid� 71�ustee shall deliver to the purchetier Trustee's deed conveying ihe -
<br />-��i '"'" �• Property. The recitals in the 7lrustee's deed sholl be prima facie evidence oP the truth o�'the statements made therein. -
<br />_'- . 7Yustee sAall appiy the praceeds oP the sule lo tke Pollawing order: tal to all costati and exprnses oP exercising the power �
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