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<br /> � ot wk,ond Ibe sole,locludin�tbe pwyment of the 7lrustee's fee��ctuAliy incurred,nM o eaceed ''•� 96 of
<br /> �� t6e prlaclpd aneount ot ihe note ot the lime o�the declpratbn ot def�ull.and re�sonabk attorneys'kea aupermitled
<br /> -__ by law;(b)w aU wau pecured by this 3ecurily iaurua�ent=�nd lcl aay excea�W Ihe penson or perso�w Ie�,aMy eeutitkd
<br /> ,b,• to if.
<br /> _ 22. RecoAVeyAace. Upon payment of all sums sccured by this Secu�ity Insuumen[, l.cnder shall m.yuest 7tustcc tu
<br /> - ---- reconvey the Properry and shall aurrender this Secur�ty Instrument a�d oll notes evidencing debt.cecured by thla Sccu�ity
<br /> In�strument to'[tustee. 'Iivstee shall reconvey the Property withaut warrunty and wilhout chiu'gc to the person or pen�ons
<br /> �. le�ully entiUed to it. Such person or persons shali pay uny recordntion costs�. '"
<br /> •i' 23. S�rbsNtute 7Fustee. Lender,at its option.may f�om time to time remove'Itustec and uppaint u successor trudtcc to
<br /> any 7tustee appointed hereunder by an inswment recorded ln the caunty in which this Seeurity Instrument is recorded.
<br /> Without conveyance of the Propeny, the successor duatee ahall succeed to all the title,power and duties conferred upon
<br /> 1?�t'��v���:"�'� 7lustee herein and by aPpliceble Inw.
<br /> -s ;�=��_�;`�:�=��� 24. Request for Notk�es. Borrower requests that copies of the notkes of dofault and s�lc be sent to Borrower's address
<br /> �"�"++�.� which is the PropeRy Address.
<br /> � -�'��_��il� 2S. Riders to thls Securlty lastrumen� (f onc or more ridcrs are cxecuted by Borrower und recorded togetl�er wllh
<br /> lhis Security insuument. the covenants and agreements of each auch �ider shall be incarpornted into nnd shall amend and
<br /> �"�`��`�� su lement the covenunts ond a �eements of this Security Insuument as if the�ider(s)were a part of this Securiiy Insuument.
<br /> �s�s�ca�c�u� PP B
<br /> - -� r. ,�. [Check applicablu box(es)]
<br /> u �Adjusteble Rate Rider �Condominium Rider � 1-4 Fnmily Rider
<br /> .� ��
<br /> -- �-.;;,�� - ---_� Ciraduwted Payment Rider �Plenned Unit Devclopment Ridcr �8iweekly Payment Rider
<br /> -„�---.�---�'_ i.. ❑
<br /> ,,;
<br /> `"�•,.�;. �r•,..:r..�..,:v-�w
<br /> �;.
<br /> _�:.:�.,���.:�. ;,;;�_y,,,,,.;'�s �Balloon Rider �Rute Improvement Rider Second Hame Rider
<br /> °_-s�: :• .�,:.�. . .;k:-
<br /> °�L,�� 8 � ryYj��.-�••� �Other(s)�specify) Acknawledgment/Assignment-of Rents Rider '
<br /> �-y�� , '°..� .J�
<br /> • . . BY SIGNING BELOW, tiorrower accepts nnd agrees to the tertns and covenanls contained in this Secur�ry Insuument
<br /> ' °� .'�r�=� •• ''��� ` � end in iuny rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> - ::ti , .. .
<br /> _'�� :,.�;�;; ; �'`� Witnesses:
<br /> -— :;l+►via�.t'��r.�.� _ �' L (Srui)
<br /> - ° � .^ �; ,:.''. .�'� arry W oltz -eorn�wcr
<br /> .'���"'�-,.. Sociul Security Number.�na_�n_Rq�7
<br />_.� .e.� 6J
<br /> q. `M"►'' �SC'a�) —
<br /> L - � . . ' •Bomnwcr _
<br /> h..• ' o n...� SoCial SeCUtity Numbef -
<br /> . '�'�'�'.�' ��� �+
<br /> ,:;.,,' ---- •� ��- -
<br /> �� r� � A ., :�* . STATE OF NEBRASKA, Hell County ss:
<br /> I x:� L .•.di.���
<br /> ��'-�
<br /> 1 On this 3rd day of August. 1992 .before mc,the undersigned,a Notary Public
<br /> ��"''��~� dul commissionednnd unlifiedforxatdcount rconall �ame Larr W Holt2,
<br /> '�i•.�: • Y 4 Y�Pe• Y ' Y
<br /> `; o�•- � ��... a single person .to me known to be the •_
<br />�� � �r�,,.nw�r�..s.,�• identical pereons(s) whose name(s)are rubscribed to ihe foregoing ingtrument and ucknowledged the execution thereof to "'
<br /> i "h °�^� u ��• be his volunlury act and Jeed.
<br /> ' . �,.," Witness my hand•rnd notarinl seul ul GTand Island br a . �d county,the
<br /> � ° . date aforesaid. q������ � � --
<br /> .� ° ° • My Commission ex ires ���QOODNKiNT � '` -
<br /> �,;„ .: •, Notary Wblic
<br /> '�•"' • S FOR RECONVEYANCE
<br /> •� . ` TO TRUSTBE:
<br /> Thc undersigned is thc holder of the notc or notes secured by thix Dced of'livst. Said note or notes,together with ull _
<br /> � - '.•n'%.��€+i,n• • other indebtedness secured by�his Deed of 71�uxt, huve been puid in full. You ure hercby directcd lo cancel said note or notes
<br /> . � nnd this Deed of 7ivst,which s�rc delivereci hereby,und to reconvey,without warramy,all the estute now held by you under
<br /> , �� - � , thic Dee{i of'I►vct to the per�on or persons Iegully enti�leJ th.�r�w. -
<br /> r • —
<br /> � Date: -• -
<br /> ' . ` �' Form J02J1 9l9D (Iwge a.�jn�x�xe.rl -
<br />. �F '
<br /> ' � __---______ . ...:..�..�n+,+i.�.,�. r., . • . .. . .-.-. .. .,.:w: ,a>.;;,�
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