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<br /> " condemna�iao a�aher tokin�ut any part of�he PrapeAy.ar for conveyance In lieu of condemns�lon,ure hcreby usaiQned und
<br /> '-; rhall be pald to Leodcr.
<br /> In the event of n taul taking of Ihe Properly,the proceeds Khall be applicd to thc suma secured by thix Security
<br /> 5•'`a Instnimem, whelher�r nat then Jue, wilh uny excegx puiJ to Bortower. In the event of u partinl taking uf the Property in `
<br /> which Iho fair mtuket vnluc af thc Property immediutely before thc taking is cyuul ta ur greutcr than thc amount of the sum.c
<br /> �� xccured by thix Security Instrument immediately before Ihe�aking,unlesx Bc�rrowcr nnd l.ender olherwisc agrea In wdting,
<br /> _ ` the sums secutrd hy thi4 Secur�ty Instrument cihull be reduced by the amount of the praceeds multiplied by the following
<br /> frnctinn: la)the total umount of thc xumx secured immediately before the laking,divided by(b)the fair markct vAlue af the
<br /> ��: Praperty immediu�ely before the toking. Any bulunce shull bc paid �o Horruwer. In the event ot'u panial taking of the
<br /> Pro in which the fuir market vulue of�hc Property(mmediutcly befare the tuking is less than the amount af tho suma
<br /> P�nY
<br /> securcd immediutely before Ihe teking, unlesw Borrower nnd Lender othcrwlse agree in writing ar unless applicable law
<br /> ��,�"'•� othcrwir:e providas,the proceeds shall be applied to thc wums r�ecured by this Security lnsttument whether or not the sums arc
<br /> �as:�� then due.
<br /> -- -- —___-_ __ = - If the PropeAy is nbandoned by Borrower,or if,ufter notice by lxnder to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make .
<br /> � ����� un uwurd or settle a claim far damogeti,Borrawer fAils to respond to Lender wi�hin 30 dnys ufler the date the notice is given,
<br /> - -- Lender is uuthorized to collect nnd upply the praceeda, nt its optian.either to restaration or repuir of the Property ar to tha
<br /> --- sumA secured by this Security Inxtrumcnt,whether or not Ihen due.
<br /> � �� Unlesc Lender and Borrower otherwise u�tree in writing. uny applicution of proceeda to principal shnll not extend or
<br /> ---=���. poatpone�he due dnte of the monthly puymentss reFerred to in parngmphx I end 2 or change the nmount af such payments. ;
<br /> ,.���" ll. Borrower Not Relewsed; Forbearanoe By I.ender �ot a WAiver. Extension of the time for payment or
<br /> �!�i'0-�g�' modificatbn of amortizadon of the sums secured by this Secu�ity Instmment granted by Lender to any successor in interest
<br /> -_ �� .;S-J�":�..-:.;,.�,A of Horrower chull not operu�e w rel�usc the liability of the original Borrower or Bormwer's succe44on m interest. L.ender _
<br /> , ro• •y�,, ,h -.:•..�r,1 eholl not be required to commence praceedingx ngAmst uny auccesgor in interest or refuse to ex�end time for puyment or
<br /> '�'' "' `�.c Y���;'��, othenvia:e modify umarti7ation of the�uma recured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand mude by the ariginal
<br /> _ '�- - � �•- _� Borrower ar Bom►wer's xucces+u�,in interest. Any forbcurance by I.ender in exercising any ri�ht or remedy ahull not be a G
<br /> �°"':�� . .:�....�:w�. waiver of or pneclude the exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> . � lZ. Sucressors and Asslgns Bound;Jolnt and Several Liabilily:Caslgnere. '1'he covenams und ngreements of this
<br /> ��• '•�d:�; ,,` Security InRtrument shall bind s�nd benefit the su�cessors und ussigns of Lender and Borrower,aubject ro the provisians of
<br /> f�rd,xrw. ' purugmph 17. Borrower',s covenunGc and ugreementh shall be joinl unJ several. Any BoROwer who co-signw this Security
<br /> 1nstNment bul does not execute the Note: (a> is co-xigning this Security Instrument only to mortgage,grant and convey tha[ �
<br /> Borrawer!s interext in the Property under the tern►s of this Serurity Instrument: (b)is not oersonally obligated to pay the sums -
<br /> " �� " ' ' secured by thi�:Security Instrumem:s�nd(c)aFrees that Lender und uny other Borcower mny ugree�o extend,modify,forbear
<br /> or make any uccommodations with regard to the tertns of�his Security Instniment or the Note withaut that Borrower's
<br /> �.'• ;��.�-r.:;.. a�.� coneent.
<br /> ° . ' � " 13. LoAn Charges. If the loun secured by this Secunty InKtrument is xubject to u iuw wllicll�ei� �UtiF{DiUiii ID8i1
<br /> •;T, T' charges.und thut law is finally imerpreted so thm the interest or rnher loan churges collected or to be collected in connection
<br /> . with the loun exceed Ihe pertnitted limi�ti,then: (u)uny..•uch loan charge xhall be reduced by the umount neces�ury to reduce
<br /> �� � � , the churge to�he pennitted limir und(b)uny sums nlreAdy collected Prom Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be -
<br /> . mfunded to Borrower. Lender muy choose lo moke�hi�refund by reducing the principnl awed under the Note or by muking a
<br /> ' �"" • direct payment to Banower. If u refund reduces principal,the reduction will he treated os a purtiul prep�yment without uny
<br /> , ' � a=� prepuyrnent charge underthe Note.
<br /> _�,_,..-�_� : 14, Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in thiti Security Instrument tihull be given by dclivering it or by
<br /> • �� � �� � muilinF i�by firyt clurs muil unless upp6cublc law reyuires u+e ol'anulhrr u�ell�uJ.The noticc,hall be dirccted tn the Propeny --
<br /> ` a�-_ . Addrecti or any other address Bortowcr dc�ignutes by noticc to Lcndcr. Any notice to Lender shull be given by first da�x
<br /> - .' mail to Lender's uddress stuted hemin or uny othcr uddre,s Lendcr Jcxignutes by notirc to Borrnwer. Any notice provided for
<br /> ,�Y•�' , . in this Security Instrument chull lx Jecmed to hAVe heen Fivcn so Borrower or Lender when given os providcd in thi4
<br /> �� •. ara ru h
<br /> ,•, �:��, o ' � P g15 C:overning Law; SeverabiUty. This Securirv Ins�rument shall l� guvcmed by feclerol luw und the luw of the _
<br /> � ., •�° jurisdiction in which the Property is locuted. ln Ih�event�hat any provixion or cluusc of thiti Securiry Insuvment or the Note
<br /> � .• . conFlictc with applicuble luw,such conflict tihall nc�t aftect other pmvisiuns of�his Security Ins�rument or the Nwe which cun
<br /> ! u be given effect without �he conFlicting provision. To thix end the �vitiionx of this Securi�y Instrument und the Note arc
<br />;.', � ��� declared io lx,cveruble.
<br /> � -• • 16. Bnrrower's Copy. I3om�wer shull tx givcn one cunformed copy nf the Note and of thiti Serurity Instrument.
<br />� ' . � �� l7. 'IYunsFer uf the Properly nr a Beneiicial Interest fn Ror�ower. I f rll or any pan of thc Pivperty or uny intcrest in
<br /> � " it is sold or tranxfcm:d (or if u Ixn�licial imcre.t in Bormwcr iti.oIJ or tr.►n.fcrmd anJ Borr��wer iti not u nuwrrl personl �.
<br /> ��1�: „`�.��, �.a�. . d wilhout l.ender�prior written c��nxcm,Lender muy.+n il,��ption,royuire immediute paymem in full of ull sums sccurcd by _
<br /> '0. . -•- this Security Instrument. Howrver, this��►tion+hull nw bc cxercised hy l.endcr if exercixe ix prohi6ited by federal luw us of •
<br /> • • , }�� �� the d�tc of'this Sccuriry In.trumcnt. _
<br /> If LenJer exer�ixes thi,option,Lender shall givr Borcowcr noticr��f accrlrrution. The noticc.hall provide u period of
<br /> : •�r���° nut Ie.r•s�hun 3Q d�ayx f'rom 1he da�e thr nutirr is d�livered i�r m�iled wilhin which Borrower mu�l pay all xums recurttd by thiti _
<br /> Security Inxtrumcnl. If Borr<�wcr fuils to puy lhrsc sums prior to Ihr cxpirutiun uf thi� �xriud. Lcndrr may invoke uny _
<br /> -^ �. ^ � . remedic,�xrmiucd by thi.Sc�uriiy In.::::tncnt tieithout furtt:cr ttol;�r or dent:nt�!nr.li��rrrwer.
<br /> . � � 18. Burruwer's Ri�;ht to Reinstate. If Bcxruwcr nmet� rcrtain conJilionx, Burrower �hull havr the right to huvc �
<br /> . �� . , enforcement ot'thiti Sccurily M.irument di.c�,minueJ.0:my timc priur to Ihr rarli�r af: I:U 5 day�l��r.urh other periixl as
<br /> +� , Sinplr Famil��••Funnie�fuc/t7eddle 11uc l'fY1FI1R11 ItitiTRI'�1M:\7'•-l�nitnnn t'uvcnrw. YJ9U qw¢r�l nJ n���e.0 �-
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