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a r .p:t�.�L._;� <br /> * /`�.. _ � -"•;,:�� _ .� _ -- <br /> .• <br /> - .�-_ -- •`-- <br /> =� - . ^-___-�-_-._. --_- �:aa- <br /> - - � �n<==-- <br /> =ry + ,r;i �~ T-_ � - .__ <br /> . •��' .°.U.1 '-�'. J. � .✓�.�' , <br /> � 1 _ __.��r�r __.u_r" "_. <br /> �n �� 107046 . <br /> 7.. � <br /> -.��....� <br /> ---_--- � periodi that L.endcr requircx. 7bc insutw�co catrfer pravidfn�the inxurancc ahull ho cha��Bartnwcr subJect ta l.enderb <br /> approval which rhnll not be unrousoiwbly wi�hheld. If Harrawar iails to mwintpin covc�age dexcribed wbove,t.�oder may,�t <br /> LmderY�optiou,otuain coverage ta pracet Lender a�righta in the Propeny in uccordwice with paropr�ph 7. <br /> ' �• � • • All insurunce policies w�d renewnlR Khall he ncceptable to Lender und xhall include u atonda�d mungase ci+�u�e. 4enJer <br /> '"' shall have the right to hold the policies and renewulw. If Lenclur rcyuircs,Borrower xhull pmmpNy give to I..endar all rcceipts _ <br /> of paid prcmiums and renewal nwicea. In�he event of lo�s. 8orrower xhnll�{ive prompt ndice w the in�urance carrler�a�d <br /> Lender. Lender muy m:ike�m�+f of lavs if not mude promp�ly by Borrowcr. _ <br /> r�• Unless Lender end Borrower othenvir�e ugrce in writing,inxu�nce pra:eedK shvll t�e upplied to rcatoraUon ar Rpair of <br /> the Propeny damaged, if the reslomtion or repair is economically feswfble ond l.ender R secudty le nat levaened. If Ihe <br /> restotutian or tepuir is aat economicully feasible ar l.ender K securily would he leaxened.�he insurnnce proceedx »hull bo <br /> �-a applied to the sums securcd by this Secudty Instrument,whelher ar not then due, wfth any excass paid ta 8orrower. If <br /> _ �'`:;>:�?�� 1 <br /> -- ,-.� r `x� � Borrower abandona the Property,ar dces not unswer within 30 duy�+ a natice from L.cnder that the ins�urancc currier as <br /> �;:�:' ° <br /> ����_ offercA to rxttle a clAlm,then Lender muy collect the inxurunce pracecds. Lender mAy use Ihe proceeds to repa r ar restone <br /> � -•„� the PirapcAy or to pay sums xaured by ihi�Secudty Ingtniment,whether ar not then due. The 30�day ne�ial will begin when _ <br /> the notice is given. <br /> �_�' Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agres in wri�ing,uny upplku�ion of procce�s ta principal ahall not extend or <br /> ����._.:.�.�• . <br /> _ —;,;���� postpone ihe due dntc of the monthly paymenta referred ro in parugrnphs I and 2 or change the amuunt of the payments. I <br /> i�"�°' under parograph 21 the Property is ucquimd by Lender, Borrower's�ight to uny fnsurunce policfes and praceeds rcxulting <br /> �������-''°.� from damage to the Property prior ta the ucquisi�ion sholl pa.cs to Lendcr�o the extent of tMe sums xecurcd by this Sxudty <br /> �t.� . Inotrument immediately prior to the acquisi�ion. <br /> �:-=�'�:-; 's�,�;;;� 6. Occupw�cy, Preservatlon. MAintenpnce and Protection of the Property; Borrower'e Loan Appllcation; ` <br /> . :�}7'"•-�� ;�1'a"."�'?:, I.ewseholde. Borrower sha0 occupy.eatabliRh.und uu:the Pruperty as Iiarcowcr's principal residence within sia�y days after <br /> , . ;�-� .�•"" I the execution of this Secu�ty[natn�ment and ahail continue m occupy the Property a.s Barrowerk principal residence for nt <br /> . l�;e�"+'.` � least one year after ti�e dute of accupnncy, unless Lender othenvir,e agrees in writing, which conxent shall oot be <br /> • • � unreasonably withheld. or unle4s extenuating circumstances exist which arc 6cyond Borro�ver s control. Borrower xhell not � <br />�' �.,;. •r�:: .;,: -� destroy.demage or impair[he Praperty,allow�he PropertY to deteriorute,or commi[ wnste on the Propeny. Borrower shnll <br /> �. ° � " �� be in default if any fort'eiture action or praeeding,whedier civil or criminal,is begun that in Lenderk good faith judgment <br /> •• • :' ,: . could result in forf'eiture of the Propeny or othenviise materially impair thc lien created by �his Security Instrument or —.. <br /> ' . � - '° Lender's securiry interest. Borrower mny cure such a default und reinstate,ns provlded in paragraph 18,by causing the action _ <br />. . a•.:�•�' •� or proceeding to be dismisscd with a ruling thut,in Lender'�good fnith determination,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's <br /> a . ' � interest in the Property or ather maceria! impuirtnent of the lien creuted by this Security InstNment or Lender's security <br /> ' • interest. Borrower shull also be in defuult if Borrower, during the loun applicatian proceas, gave materlally fulse or _ <br /> '• '" " inaccurate infarmution or statementa to Lender(or failed to provide I,ender wi�h any materiAl informution)in connection with <br /> N�� —:� ,�� �he loan evidenced bv the Note, including, but not limi�ed to, representatians conceming Barower's occupancy ot the <br /> ' ' '� Property ns a principal residence. If this Security[nstrument is on u teasehold,Bortower�hall comply with aii ihC pruvi�iu��s <br /> �%" of the lease. If Borrower acquires fec�ide�o the Property,the Icasehold und thc fee title shall not mergc unless Lender ugrees <br /> • . to the merger in writing. <br /> .. 7. Protection of Lender's Righta in the Property. If BoRnwer fails to perform the covenants und ugreements <br /> ' � � contained in this Security Inqtrument,or there is u legal proceeding that mny sigm�camly uffect Lender'.s rights in the <br /> s�: , f�;; , Property(such as u proceeding in bunkruptcy,probute,for condemna�ion ar forfeiture or to enforce lawx or regulutionx).then <br /> • Lender muy do and pay for whatever is necexsary to protect the vulue of the Property und Lender's righ�s in the Pmpetty. _ <br /> �=���!s�� , Lender g actionc mey include paying nny sums secured by a lien which hue priority over this Security Instrument,oppesuing <br /> n,�° • in caurt,paying rensonable atorneys'fees und entaring on the Propeny to muke repuirs. Although Lender may take action �••- <br /> .. '' � I under thia parograph 7.l.ender doe�na have to da so. _ <br /> � r t Any utnounts disbursed by Lender under ihis purugruph 7 shnll become udditional debt of Borrower secured by this <br /> �'°•�' _, , . Security Instrumem. Unless Borruwer und l.ender ugree ro other�crms of puyment,these umounts shall bear interest from the — <br /> • date of disbursement ut Ihe Note ratc und xhull be�puyablc, with interest,upon notice from Lender to Borruwer reyuesting —. <br /> '�.,. "� �� payment. —_ <br /> '"" � -'r � " $. Mortgage InRUrance. If Lcnder reyuired mongugc insurur+ce ax u condition of mnking the loan secured by this ��; <br /> �. �=.' " � Security Instn�ment,Borrower shell pay the premiums reyuired to muintuin the mongage insurance in effect. If,for any —' <br /> ,, • reasun, the mort�uge insurunce coveruge reyuired by Lender lupses or ceuscs to l►e in effect, Aorrower shnll puy the — <br /> ` � • �• premiums requfred lo obtain coveruge subxtuntiully cyuivulent to the mortguge inxurance previously in effect, nt u co�t <br /> • � subsluntiully equivnlent to the cost to Bortower of the mungagr insurwue previ��usly in �ffcct.(rorn un alternate moRguge �,, <br /> ' insurer upproved by Lender. (f substantially eyuivulenl mortguge in.ursirkc roveragc ix not available.Borrower shall puy to �"' <br /> �;, . �„�; � Lender each manth u�um eyual to one-twelfth��f the ycurly monFuge insurnnce premium being paid by Borrower when the <br /> " �� insumnce coverage lapsed arceused[o bc in effcct. LenJcr will uccept,use and re�uin these puymrnts n�u loxs rexerve in lieu <br /> .. ' •� • of mortgage insurw�ce. Loss reserve puyments nwy no longcr bc reyuired,ut the option of Lender,if mortguge insurAnce <br /> •• , .,. ., coveruge lin the amount und for ih�: period that Lender nyuires)provicled by un inxurcr i�ppmved by Lendcr aguin becomes _ <br /> t ` uvniluble und is obtuined.Borrower shull p•ry the premium�rcyuircd to muintuin monguge insurance in eff'ect,or to provide a --- <br /> • , �Y=�.� � � bss rcserve,until the reyuirement for mongage insurunce enJx in uccordunce with uny wriuen agreement belween Borrower <br /> and Lender or opplicable law. <br /> ��''°'" - '`" 9. Inspectlon. Lcnder or ils agcnt may mukc rcusonuble cmrir,upun unJ in.�xctiuu� uf Ihc Propcny. Lcndcr shall ' , <br /> � ' � give Borrawer notice at�hr timc uf ur prior io un ins�ctinn��xciFyin�reusonablc cuuse iiir Ihe insper�ion. i� <br /> , „ . • 10. Condemnation. 'll�c pnxccJti uf uny;�warJ or rlaim tor Jum:�gc+,dircct ur connection with uny E� <br /> . �' . . Singlr F�mily•-bi�nnle N1�e/Fteddk�1qc UNIFOR1f INti'1'NU�'IF:�'1'..Unuomi c'arenum. 9/90 rpdxe?„fn p,�kcsl �.�• <br /> . orx wn Buww�e Fam�.�n�■ <br /> � to UrdR�aM� IdOP33O93i3 0 PAX 61&791•1131 <br /> � � �. <br /> I � <br /> (-� ' .c----- . � � • _ . .... " � . . i . . . .. ----------- <br /> _. _. ��_ '___"-_____---_-,-___._,_ __ ..... . . . _ ... <br /> . { . <br /> ' .. <br />. . � L, <br /> , �. . <br /> �� . . t <br /> ` • . , . <br />. 'r • � <br /> . � <br /> � ' � i <br /> •� ,' 1 <br /> .• ..__-_ �.J__ <br />