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-.,� . � . '�:' .''.:i; •'."{ .., ',. <br /> t:. <br /> . . ,';i., '.�4��it;+t . .,v�-_ <br /> ;=`�,'S` .. ... ' . , . .. . � '��•.'��,.¢:.����, ., �` a7- <br /> ) A <br /> .. <br /> . .._. . . �.r .. .. .. .. ..._"_._." _ .. . . '_.. - .". . .'.' _ ._'. . . ._ . . .. .._ ..._'_.____�... -__--_-_ _-_ -_- <br /> ..�.-' . � 1� _. �_.._ .._ ._ <br /> . . �� .:..__��..� . ".:_�....-,...__ <br />. � r ..i�r.._ r .�� . �.. ' ' 1 i . . ` - '�'__��_ �. .,. � <br /> . . / . . 1� � . ..�..- __- <br /> � . . . . - . rr .Lu.i.�.u_=__"-_ . <br /> � _ .. . - .. • �i . <br /> , ,��. .. .. .. ' F <br /> • . �a �Iir��� i �,� <br /> payniente may no langer be tequired.nt the optian of Lender,if►nortga�;e iasurxncc:coverase(in dic cunount Euid for tl�e pCriod :a � <br /> thaR Lender eequlres)provided by an it�surer Npproved by Lender a8aln becomes a��aileiblc �ud i�;ohu�incd. Bnrrower sh�ll pay � <br /> the premiums required to maintain martgage insurance in effect,or to provide u loss reserve.undl tlie requirem�ut far suongege � „ <br /> insurance ends in accordanca:wid►a�iy rrriteen a�reement F►etween Bcnower unJ Lender ur appliea6le I��w. <br /> 9,In9�on. Lender or its agent niay make reasonuble euutes upon aixl inspecdoriti of the Propeny. I.cnder sliaU give t <br /> ��, Bonower uottce at the dme of or prlor to an laspc�don specifying reasonable cause for die inspectian. <br /> ., 10. Condemnntlon. The proce�°f�e Property,or�farf couveyance�ia lieu of condecQraiu�don, ure hereby assign d and . . , <br /> �� condemnadon or ether tnldng of any p <br /> � shall bB paid to Lender. _ . ...'.�. <br /> In the event of a totnl taking of thc Progerty,the proceeds shall be applied to the sums e,�ured by this Securiry Insmimeac. - <br /> whether or not then due, with aay excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a patdal tnking oF the Property in which the faie ;i,�=;. <br /> .��=;w�- <br /> market value of the Properry immediately befor;�the taldng is equal to or�reacer than the amount of the suins secured by thls ._, r.,�„ <br /> :�ti� <br /> Security Insavment immedtately befon the taking,unless Bortower and I.epder od�erwise:egrce in wri�ng,the sums secured by �`,l . <br /> tlus Security Insavment shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds muldpUed Uy tlie following fracdon: (a; dte tr(ai. -,:u•�;_.__ <br /> amount of the sums secured inune�iately before the taldng, divlded by (b) the fuir ranrlcetv�lue of the Pro�►erty in�niediHtr:1J r, ` �t_"_� <br /> before tlte talang. Any balance shall be paid to Borcower. Ia the event of a pattinl teldns of d�c Properry ia �ic�tl�e f�ir. •-_;� <br /> _.��� warket value of the Pmperty immediately before the talw�Is less than the:wiouut af the sums secured immediately befnre die ;:.':.,:_w�_ <br /> taking,unless Bomower and I.ender otherwise agree in writin�or unlebs ap�ilicaUle law o:berw:se provides,the pre:ceds s1mlf' , ��,�-,_ <br /> •.«- <br /> be applied to the sums securet��y this Security Insuumeat whether or uat the sums are then due. ;,:YF�:�;_. <br /> � If the Property is abandPrw�c12ny aorrawer,or if, aftea e�ndce by Lender to Ban��•�7 aa�At the condenwor offers to mr�[cc an ,;�.,,.._.�_ <br /> award or settle a c��im for�larn.��;ES,Bon�Wer fails ta r�sgand to Lender wIthin 3a dnys after the date the nodce is�rcvee, ��f�;;_.�_ <br /> .. " Lender ls authm�a�ecl to collect aixi apply the�aoceeds,at its apdon,eitteer to reswration or npair of the Property or to Hie su�s ,� :_w=_ <br /> �. secured by this Secc�riry Instrument,whetl�er�T r.ot then due. �a���on of r��ceeds to rinci ai shatt not estend Rr _ <br /> • Unle°s L=nder and Borrower otherwise ngree in «��ang, aIIy hs 1 and 2 ur c�hnnge the un�uuut of s¢c1i�Sayn�ertts. -_--__--— _ <br /> � postpone¢he due date of the monthly paymenGc refemed to fiii pArab'rap - <br /> � 11.BorrDwer Not Released; Forbearan,.e 13y 1.endu'Nat e Waiver. Bxtension of the time for payment or imodificadan <br /> ' '!�.: of amortizadon of the sums secured bY thls S�curiry Insmiment grauuced by Lender to any suaessor in interest of Barm�ver s6a'_1 =— <br /> ra <br /> , not opeiate to release the IlabiUry o2 the origi��ui&G�aacv�r oi Eazzo::�ez's st!rrPgr.nTc in interest. L.endet shxll uot be tequited i�� <br /> co�mmence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for pay�ent or othenvise modify amurti�adon __ <br /> ��'''� � of itie sums secured by this �ecu�iry Insuvment by r��ison of any demand made by tb.e od�inal Bonower or �orrower's — <br />_��;�..:., ,,. , successors in inter�est. Any forl�e�ance bq d.$nder in exercising any rigLt or remeciy sha11 not be a waiver of oY�teclade the <br /> � ' exera l s e o f a m y r i g h t o r r e med y. <br /> ;, . : 12. Suai�rssurs and Assi�as Bound; Jatnt and Several Uobit12y3 C�i�ners.T1�e coveaants a n d agreeaxen ts o f�f i is <br /> �;�:--::-��•;" �` Secmrity Instrumens shaU bind a�nd beneSt the successors and assigns of Leader and Boirower, subject to the provisions d�:f _ <br />�r%�:+�:r��, � �S17A$TAj1$ 1'I. Bona�wer's covenant� and agreements sliul] be joint and several. Any Boaower who co-signs this Secur's2y - <br /> "r�=""'"a • Lusuwnent but doe�not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing tlris Securiry Insuument only to mortgage, grant ancl convey that <br />-I�?�,�``5::�;� Borrower's intemst in tlie Propect�r ander the terms af this Securlry Insuument; (b)is not p�rsonallY obligated to pay the siun� <br /> ""`'�''�-���, secured by this Security Iastiument;and(c)agrees that I.ender and any other Borrower may agroe to eztend,modify.forbeu or <br /> ---"��"� ��ny�ccommod�donv with regaid to the temis of this Security Iastcument or the Note without t1�nt Borrower's consent. � <br /> "'°y" �'°`� 13. Iaan Charges.If the loau secured bY this Security Insmiment is subject to a Law which sets maximum loan chargrs, _ <br />::—;.v.-r.�•3�r,� _'. <br /> ^t� and that law is finally incerpreced so that the interest or other loan charges collected or ta be collected in cona�c2ion with the _--- <br /> ---- loan excee�l tha pemutted limits, t3�en: (a)any such loan charga shall be c�educed by the amount necessarp to reducc the charge _ <br /> --x'�::��� — <br /> — :�stt�'�`�b• to the permitted]imit;and(b)a�►Y svms already collected from Borrower which eaceeded permitt�limi�s will be nfundtd xA <br /> -_=';z,�'��-, — <br /> _ .,_ Borrower. Lender may choose to wakt this refund by reducing the principal owed u�ler the:�Note ar by maldng a direcz <br /> � �;���,� .� payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, t?le reducdon will be treated asa partial pnpayment wfthout any __ <br /> —_��.��. <br /> - � g,tc,pa y ment char ge under the Note. <br /> _'=�.�=:�'r�; 14.Noticxs.Any nodce to Borrower provided for in this Security Instiumen t s h a l l b e g i v e n b y d e li v e r i n g i t o r b y m a ilin g _ <br /> "''�'"�'� it by�rst class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. 7'he nodce shall be directecl to the Froperry Address =_--- <br /> �..:,.s;�,�=��,'y '; _ <br /> - '�+=-•--:. , naace to Lender. Any nodce to Lender sl�ll be given by first class mail to �--- <br />����� �� or any other address Borrnwer designates bY ='� <br /> ����,��^'� - Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by nndce to Dorrower. Any uoti�:e provided for in this _ <br />::��,_�%`�'� •'+`' "aecurity Iustrumeut sha11 be a�eettned to have been given to Borrower or Lender when givenas pmvided iu thls parngraph• �=� <br /> 15.Govat►tn8 Law� �v�rebtlity. This Security Insuument shall be governed by federal law and the law of the �,;'.-_ <br /> � , � jnrisdiction in which the Propercy is lacatecl. In the event tt�at any provisiou or clavse of t6is Security Instcumont ot the Nate t.,.-,-- —. <br /> ,e,� conflicts witii applicable law.sucb cc�n�lict shall not affece other provisions of this Secutaty Insttument or the Note wldch can b� ��,'`v�—__— <br /> given effect without the confiictcng�rovision.To this end the pmvisions of this SecuciCy lastivment and tlie Note are declared Y.4�� �_� <br /> � as�severable. :' -_�;__ <br /> ��, 16.Borrower's Copy.Bu�vua•ev shall be given one conformed copy of the t3ote assJ of t�is Securi�ty Insstrt,.�ent. _._;,,;,;�_ <br /> „� ,:p„�:.,_.. <br /> �1,� Form 5028 9/510 ,�r�.r�'- <br /> �+cbc�3,� <br /> � ���I (�m 6R(NE)iox�2�.ot Ppe to18 IntiY���/� . =:;;?:'z3_�%k'• <br /> .....;� �C�T .��..:L'r`-'_v._ <br /> . f �;kYF�.: <br /> --} ' - = -'---- <br /> __ _ _'1 __—.-,.,�---�-•--,+ � - —_ � ..,t..�� -- _ - -.--. <br /> � <br /> ._.._r-..�- .r::..:+a. <br /> --,F- <br /> ��.�.:-��.�.�_.--�.r----,_�—r <br /> , <br /> „ , . <br /> � , <br /> , �,,. <br /> � _ , <br /> • � _ <br />