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-,•.��:�� . . '. ,.._.,1 <br /> � . . ,,:f` ° .ry�'�Y;•`_— <br /> ,...._ . ,.,.,y,��..�.. <br /> •- : <br /> '.'.'�Cr , .. . .� . ...<.,,:, . 1.. .�sw.'� <br /> . <br /> . ..a _.._._ . _ ... -- � —• <br /> -- �; ,. . . ,+.r+r-• . ..a�a�:.�yK►i.�. <br /> .i} ��-�-�. , ' <br /> �. . '� ' . . .. - - .. . 4 �.�n.rAN..__�!-�'- _ <br /> ri ., �� !;1 � .. ,{�� •�... �..J1.�.af._. <br /> , ,. .. . ' . .. . - � ..��..-'�r�•.`GW�__-.w��o� <br /> . ' . . . - ' ,. .. ' . . :1I.11If'. <br /> .- A.-�; <br /> .. � <br /> � � 96� 14�7'2 - <br /> 17. Transfer oP thc Prop¢�ty or a Ber�eflclal lntcres!In Borrower. [f xll ur any part of the Pruperty or iiny interest in it - <br /> iti sald��r tmnsfened(or if.►benefi�:ial intcre�t fn B��nower is sold or tnutsfeered imd�orrawer is not a iu►tural penon)without � �-_ <br /> LxnJer's priur w+itteu cuttreut, l.�ndcr n��►y, at its npiion. require immecliate p�yment in full of�Il sums secured hy d�is �� <br /> " Security lastnunent. Huwever.this optiou FhaQ not be exerctsed by Lender if exercise is prahibited by federal law as of the date <br /> _Y of this Securley Instn►ment. , <br /> --� If Lc:i�der exenises diia opdon,Lender sl�all give Bormwer notice of accel�ratiun.Ttie uodce shall provide a period af not <br /> � '� tess tlisu� 30 days from the date the not�ce is delivered or mailed widiin which Bonower mast pay ull �ums secured by tl�is <br /> � Securlty Insuument. If Bnnower fails to pay tl�ese swus prior to the eapiration of tlus period, Ixnder may invoke iwy remedies <br /> �' pemiitted by dds Secudry Iast�unient without further ac�tice or demand oa Barrawer. . <br /> 18. Borrower s Right to Relnstate. Tf Bonower meets certain condidons, Bonower shall have the ri�t to have <br /> � er.iforcement of thls Security Insuument discandnued at auy qme prior to thc earlier of: (a) 5 days(or such other pedod xs - : ° <br /> applicable law may spa:lfy for reinstatenient) beFare sale af the Prope�ty pursuant to any power of sale contained in thls •-"���R,- <br /> " ,i Secudty Instcunieut;or(b)entry of a judgcueat enforcing this Securtty l�uuument.Those canditions ate that Harrower. (a)pays - }S_`--_— <br /> Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Insm�ment and the Note ns iF no acceleratiou had occurred; (b) <br /> i'-`°�z-�-- <br /> • � cures a+�y default of any other covenanu or agreewents; (c)pays aU expenses incuraed ia er�forcing this Security.Instrument, �. ��,�4;_=_- <br /> .a iacluding,but nat 1'uaited to, reasonable attorneys' fees;and(d)takes such acdon as Lender may reasonably reqwre to assure , ,,,,�;��'���-�= <br /> that tUe lIen of dus Security Inctrumeat. I.ender's rights iu the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by ' ' �����'_.�,,__ <br /> ' �'�is Sgcurir t�utrument shall conanue unchangecl. Upon reiustatement by IIorrower, this Secunty Insuumeni and the � • :_•,.,:::___- --- <br /> k.; obligauons sc�ured hsnby shall remain fully effective as tt no acceleration had occurred. However, U�is �ght to rein5tate shal! ,;+�_,- - <br /> � • ' not apply In the case of accelerndon under paragraph 17. ="���;:,�- <br /> ''? 19. Snle oF Note= Change of Lvan Sersfcer. 'I'he Notc: or a partial interest in the Note (together wlth tlus Security � 's'��-- <br /> �,_.�.n.; <br /> ° Instrument)may be sold one ot more times without prlor aodce to Borrower.A sale may result in a cl�ange In die entity(lmown :•�c{ <br /> � as the"Loan Servicer")tl�at collects monthly payments due under the Note and ttus Security Insmuneut. 'iUem also may be one � ''��:y; �_ <br /> �* r.�. <br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unr�lated to a sale of tl�e Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer. Borrower will be � r'.'�.,� <br /> �� ; r siven written nodce of the change in accordance with paragraph l4 above and appBcable law.The noUce wil!state the name and �;�' -- <br /> address of the new Loan Servi�r aud the address to wluch pa}rmants should be made. 'i'he nodce will alsc�wntain any other j B <br /> � � ; infomoation roquired by applieabie Iaw. <br /> Zp, Hnzardous Substances. Bonower shall not cause or pemut the presence, use, d i s p osal, sroxage. ar releas�e of any •.�� <br /> � Hazarclous Substances on or In the Property. Bonower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, aaything affectin8 the = <br /> property that is ia violadon of any Bnvironweutal preceding cwu sentencea shall not apply to thE presence. use, or '.,' <br /> t� stornge on the Property of smalt quanaaes of Hazardous Sub�iancc�iLai iva beae�dtty:�;�,gr.ix,.°c! tc�.aYpragz�»te iQ ne� - � <br /> residential uses and w maintenance of the Property. ' _ <br /> � , � Bonower shall promptly give Lender wrltten nodce of any invesdgation, claim,demand,lawsuit or other acdon Uy any <br /> govemmental or regulatory ageucy or private party involving the Property and any I�arardous Substance or Hnvironme.a*al Law � � � <br /> � af whIch Bonrower has actual Imowledge. If Borrower learns, or ts nodfied Uy any goverumental or regulatory authority, tl�at <br />-�,. any remrnal or other�mediadon of any Hazardous Substance affecdng the Propeny is necessary,Burrov�•er sl�all promptly take .�: <br /> � all necessacy remedial actions inaccordance with Bnvlmnmental Law. �a-:� <br /> ..., . . � Aa usr,d in this paragrapu 20, 'Ha7ardous Substances" are those substances defiued as coxic or hazardous substances by 'f;i: <br /> Envlromnental Law and the follo�wns s�ubsances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or Waic petroleum products, toxic - <br /> . : pesdcides and herbicides.volaule solvents,materials containing asbestos or fornialdehyde,and radioacdve materlals As used in -- <br />•'• , this paragraph Z0, "Bnvixomnental Law' meaas federal Zaws and laws of the jurisdicdon where the Property is located that <br />'�� � relate to health,safety or envimnmental protecpon. <br /> � ., e_ <br /> :. ;..._, f. ; NON=(JNIFORM COV�NANTS. Borrower aud I.ender further wvenant and agree as follows: �'.�++� <br /> ri'.r,�,:.-��, 21.Acceleratlon;Ren�lles.Lender shall give no![ce to Borrowar prior to acceleratton following Borrower's breach � <br /> "-��;.'';�;� o�P eny wv�enant or a�ee�ne�t ia thLv Security Instrument (but �xut prlor to acce�eration under paragraph 17 unless _- <br />-=---��_:_�� appllcal�le law rorides o4t�wi�se).The notice shall s(fec[fy: (a) t6e defaulti(b)the action reqolred to cure the dei'ault; <br />��: .�:..., <br /> �=- (c)a da4e,not ess than 30 dtys from the date We aotice Is�iven to Borrower,by wlilch the deFAUlt must 6e cured;and = <br />=�`��- .� � '� (cn that fa�liu�e to cure the default on or befon the date specified in tl�e notice may result Fn occderxdon of the su� _— <br />-���.�. ...�; atxured by thfs Securlty Imlmmmt and sale of the Property.Tbe notice shall furtt�er inform Borro�er uB the ci�t to <br /> „�,..,:� <br />-- reia�tate after acceleratEon and tlK right to bring a court action to assert the non�e�dstence of a degaWt or any other _ <br /> - -,.,`.�:..;" <br />�;5.;�_, ,:: . defense of Borrower to acctleration and sule. IP the defauYt�s not cured on or before ti�e date s�ecitied in 4he nottce, R <br />� - - Lender,at its option, may requ5m i1��late payment in Etiil!of all swns secarecl by thtv Security�nst�vme�►t wittwut � <br /> -'-M`�� � further danand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permttted by appltcsbRe Isw.Lender st�aU be =.-;,_ <br />='''"�'� incurred[n ursuing the rcmedies rovided[n this aragraph 21,incjuding,bi►t not IfmEted � = <br /> -����r entttied to call�t all expenses p P P . <br />=•-:=",:,�.` ' to�reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of title evidence. - - - _ <br />_=.��-:-. ,�_ If the power of sale is inv m f ce d, T r�n tee s h a f! recor d a na t tce o f d e f a u l t in e sch count y in w6Ich an y part of the <br />_, ,;r, Pro�erty is located and shall Ra�91 rJopte9 of such notice tn the manner prescribed by appticable law to Borrower and to ___ _ <br /> the ot�Er peisons prescribed by appltcnble law.After the Hme requlred by applicnbte Iavv,lY�iutee shaU give pubtk notice __ <br />- � of sale to the persons and fn the manrier prescribed by applicable law.'IY�stee,without demrand on Borrower, s9.�a11 sell —__ _____ <br /> !be Property ut publ[c audlon to the highest bidder nt the time and placr and under the tenns designated[n tlie notice of �¢� <br /> � �� snle[n one or n�ore parcels and(n nny order'fr.�tee deternilne.v.T�vstee may postpone sale of all or any parcrl of the , -��_ <br /> ' "� Pro�erty by publtc ennauncement at tlie dme tu►d place of a�ey previously scheduled sale. Lend�r or Its designde may ; ;.,���-•.----��a:: <br /> � purchase the Pmperty at i►ny safe. +������ <br /> s.; �:..:T <br /> : .,::,: �.v' _ <br />_ �` ,;•;� nr�.,;�,�:� <br /> • •:� .. , • <br /> � . ...'''. " <br /> .,.<...�....r..-. � <br />_ � Form 302 9�0 , '. . <br /> .._.. <br />' ��BA(IN�liezi2i.o� v,e•�oro w�ia��: �a1 <br /> ___ -1 �:— - -- <br /> ,- — -_ — -- --- — --_ <br />__ i �� <br /> � ' -- ,._-� _--_�-- - .-- } ._ _._ ... _ ,;._. .,....-.- _ . . . ---- ----- - „ <br /> " -i,---•. --. ^s-.: . .. ., . , .. �� u.. , . . . . , . :.,p!dc^�'�'_'�`.�i . 'rw " --c---. <br /> .. .. �.1 . � .. � <br /> �.1 „ 1 ., . .. ' .. � <br /> _ , ' <br /> _ �...ri. . . . . .. ._ _.. . _.___—� <br />